The Domesday Book Of Queen's University (Volume 1) 1839-1900 p.249-1193

The Domesday Book of Queen's University was established by Queen's Trustees in 1887, at the suggestion of Chancellor Sanford Fleming, to record the names of the university's benefactors and the main events in its history, which were to be written into the book every year. The book was kept up to date by Professor James Williamson and his successors, Librarian Lois Saunders and Professor Malcolm MacGillivray, until 1924, by which time the innovation of annual Principal's Reports (begun in 1916) rendered it unnecessary. The book takes its name from the original Domesday Book, a survey of England taken by William the Conqueror in 1086. The items to be described are the two handwritten volumes of the Book.


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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

received to date from this source. It was suggested that some action should be taken to link Mr Coran's name in perpetuity with the university, to which he was so warmly attached. It was resolved to attend to this when the Estate was wound up.

$1000 from the executors of the late Mr C Cameron Goderich, for the endowment of the Cameron Gaelic Scholarship established by him nearly twenty years ago. Contributions from Hugh Waddell of Peterborough, J.R. Booth of Ottawa, David M. Westland Edin, Lord Overtoun Glasgow, Hon Senator Gowan C.M.G. and others.

Valuable contributions were also received by the Museum Library and School of Mining.

Honorary Degrees were conferred at Convocation on the following persons:-

Rev. Armstrong Black, St Andrew's Church Toronto, D.D. Mr H.B. Le Sueur, Ottawa L.L.D.

University Officers

Board of Trustees

[margin] Retire April 1904 [/margin]

R. Vashon Rogers, L.L.D., Q.C. - Kingston

Michael Lavell, M.D., L.L.D.; Kingston Rev. W.L. Herridge, D.D. - Ottawa Rev. D.R. Drummond, M.A. - St Thomas

[Image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

[margin] Retire April 1903 [/margin]

Rev. J. Edgar Hill, D.D. - Montreal Sheriff MacLennan, B.A. - Lindsay Sir Sandford Fleming, K.C.M.G., LL.D. - Ottawa D.B. MacLennan, M.A., Q.C. - Cornwall

[margin] Retired April 1902 [/margin]

P.C. McGregor, B.A. - Almonte Rev. Thomas Wardrope, D.D.; - Guelph Rev. Robert Campbell, M.A., D.D. - Montreal Rev. James Barclay, M.A., D.D. - Montreal And T. Drummond, B.A., LL.D. - Kingston Hon. E.H. Bronson - Ottawa Matthew Leggat - Hamilton George Gillies, B.A. - Gananoque

[margin] Retired April 1901 [/margin]

Rev. G.M. Milligan, B.A., D.D. - Toronto Rev. Robert Campbell, D.Sc. - Perth Hon Mr Justice Maclennan, LL.D. - Toronto Francis H. Chrysler, B.A. - Ottawa J. Roberts Allan - Ottawa E.H. Rathbun - Deseronto Donald M.McIntyre, B.A. - Kingston

[margin] Retired Apil 1900 [/margin]

Rev. M. Macgillivray, M.A. - Kingston Rev. John Mackie, M.A. - Kingston Rev. M.W. Maclean, M.A. - Belleville W.C. Caldwell, B.A., M.P.P. - Lanark

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

G.M. Macdonnell, B.A., Q.C. - Kingston Hugh Waddell - Peterboro. John McIntryre, M.A., Q.C. - Kingston H.A. Calvin - Kingston

Hon Mr. Justice Maclennan, LL.D. - Chairman. J.B. McIver Esq. Kingston - Secretary Treasurer

Chancellor. Sir Sandford Fleming C.E., K.C.M.G., LL.D.

Principal and Vice Chancellor Very Reverend George Monro Grant M.A., D.D., LL.D.

Vice - Principal --------

Registrar George. T. Chown, B.A.

Officers of Instruction.

I - In Theology. The Principal - Primarius Professor of Divinity Rev. J.B. Mowat, M.A., D.D. - Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis. Rev. D. Ross, B.D., D.D. - Professor of Apologetics and New Testament Criticism Rev. W.G. Jordan, B.A., D.D. - Assistant and Successor to Professor of Hebrew and Old

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

Testament Exegesis. Rev. John Thompson, D.D. - Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. Rev. James Carruthers - ''Watkins'' Lecturer on Elocution

II - In Arts

Rev. J.B. Mowat, M.A., D.D. - Professor of Hebrew. Nathan F. Dupuis, M.A., F.B.S. Edin. - Professor of Mathematics. Rev George D. Ferguson, B.A. - Professor of History John Watson, M.A.,LL.D. - Professor of Moral Philosophy D.H. Marshall, M.A., F.R.S.E. - Professor of Physics. James Cappon, M.A. - Professor of English Language and Literature John Macgillivray, Ph.D. Leipsic. - Professor of Modern Languages. S.H. Dyde, M.A., D.Sc. - Professor of Mental Philosophy. Rev. John Macnaughton, M.A. - Professor of Greek. Rev James Fowler, M.A., F.R.S.C. - "The John Roberts Allan" - Professor of Botany. Adam Shortt, M.A. - ''The Sir John. A. Macdonald'' Professor of Political and Economic Science. A.P. Knight, M.A., M.D. - '' The John Roberts'' Professor of Animal Biology and Physiology T.R. Glover, M.A. (Cantab) - Professor of Latin

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

Rev. Alex. B. Nicholson. B.A., - Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek and Lecturer on Comparative Philology and Sanscrit. N.R. Carmicheal, M.A. - ''The William Nickle'' Tutor and Assistant To the Professor of Mathematics William. C. Baker M.A. - ''The Robert Waddell'' Tutor of Physics.

III- In Practical Science

Nathan F. Dupuis, M.A., F.B.S., FRSC. - Professor of Mathematics and Dean of Faculty. D.H. Marshall, M.A., F.R.S.E., - Professor of Physics, Rev. Jas Fowler, M.A., F.R.S.C., - Professor of Botany. A.P. Kinght, M.A., M.D., - Professor of Animal Biology and Physiology. N.R. Carmichael, M.A. - Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Assistant to the Professor of Mathematics. William C. Baker, M.A., - Demonstrator in Experimental Physics on ''The Robert Waddell'' Foundation.

For Instructors in Chemisty, Assaying, Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Geology, Petrology, Engineering, Mechanism and Drawing see Calendar of The School of Mining.

IV- In Medicine

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
Displaying pages 906 - 910 of 945 in total