The Domesday Book Of Queen's University (Volume 1) 1839-1900 p.249-1193

The Domesday Book of Queen's University was established by Queen's Trustees in 1887, at the suggestion of Chancellor Sanford Fleming, to record the names of the university's benefactors and the main events in its history, which were to be written into the book every year. The book was kept up to date by Professor James Williamson and his successors, Librarian Lois Saunders and Professor Malcolm MacGillivray, until 1924, by which time the innovation of annual Principal's Reports (begun in 1916) rendered it unnecessary. The book takes its name from the original Domesday Book, a survey of England taken by William the Conqueror in 1086. The items to be described are the two handwritten volumes of the Book.


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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

Medicine Fife Fowler, M.D., L.R.C.S, Edin. - Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, Dean of the Faculty. James Third, M.D. - Associate Professor of Practice of Medicine John Herald, M.A., M.D. - Professor of Clinical Medicine and Dermatology Secretary of the Faculty James W. Campbell, M.D. - Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Librarian

Surgery Hon Michael Sullivan, M.D. - Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery D.E. Mundell, B.A., M.D. - Assistant W.G. Anglin, M.D., M.R.C.S., F.O.S - Professor of Clinical Surgery

Anatomy Edward Ryan, B.A., M.D. - Professor of Systematic Anatomy D.E. Mundell, B.A., M.D. - Professor of Surgical Anatomy D.V. Sullivan, B.A., M.D., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P., London - Demonstrator of Anatomy

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

Obstetrics and Gynaecology R.W. Garrett, M.A., M.D. - Professor Isaac Wood, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S. Eng., F.O.S., Edin - Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Paediatrics

Sanitary Science W.T. Connell, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P

Pathology and Bacteriology W.T. Connell, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Medical Jurisprudence W.T. Connell, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Opthalmology, Otology, Laryngology and Rhinology J.C. Connell, M.A., M.D.

Mental Diseases C.K. Clarke, M.D., Med. Supt. Hospital for the Insane

Biology, Physiology and Histology James Fowler, M.A., F.R.S.C. - Professor of Botany and Vegetable Histology A.P. Knight, M.A., M.D. - Professor of Animal Biology, Physiology and Histology

Chemistry and Applied Chemistry W.L. Goodwin, B.Sc. London D.Sc. Edin., - Professor Isaac Wood, M.A., M.D., - Tutor in Chemistry

V- In Law.

Byron M. Button, M.A., Q.C - Lecturer on Criminal Law

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

R. Vashon Rogers, B.A., L.L.D., - Lecturer on Common Law G.M. Macdonnell, B.A., Q.C. - Lecturer on the Law of Real Property R.T. Walkem, LL.D., Q.C. - Lecturer on Equity John McIntyre M.A., Q.C - Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence

Other Officers

Registrar of University Council J.C. Cornell, M.A., M.D.

Observatory Board The Principal

Director of Observatory Prof. Dupuis, M.A., F.B.S. Edin

Curators of Library Professors Rose, Macnaughton, Knight and Shortt.

Librarian Lois Saunder

Postmasters J.D. Byrnes, B.A. and W. McDonald, B.A.

Curators of Museum Professors of Botany and Geology

Examiner in Medical Matriculation Professor Fowler

Examiners in Gaelic Professors Macgillivray and Mac[Naughton]

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

[Mac]naughton and Rev. M. Macgillivray, M.A.

Janitor John, V. Burton

List of Graduates for 1899-1900

Master of Arts (M.A) Anthony, James; Owen Sound Brisco, N.A., B.A.; Napanee Burrows, A.G.; Napanee Dickson, C.W.; Kingston Gould, W.H.; Kingston Lindsay, C.V.; Kingston Malone, Edith, B.A.; Kingston Macallister; Ursila; Iroquois McGaughey, G.A.; Deseronto MacKinnon, M.D., B.A.; Lake Ainslie, C.B. McNaughton, Elizabeth; Cornwall Saunders, W.J.; Kingston Tandy, H.R.; Kingston Williamson, Edward, J., B.A.; Kingston

Bacherlors of Arts (B.A.) Anderson, F.C.; Napanee Arthur; S.W.; Latimer Baker, M.B.; Stratford Barr. Janet; Seaforth

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

Bishop, C.P.; Athens Breuls, J.D.; Port Hope Campbell, J.A.; Keene Carmichael, R.F.; Strange Cleary, J.R.S.; Montreal Clothier, J.O.; Kemptville Crawford, W.F.; Brockville Deacon, Mary A.; Brockville Drennan, Ethel; Kingston Edwards, C.B.; London Edwards, J.W.; Kingston Firth, W.P.; Pickering Goodfellow, J.; Pakenham Harper, A.M.; Madoc Huffman, A.F.; Gilead Keillor, James; Ridgetown Kerfoot, H.W.; Midhurst Laidlaw, J.H.; Georgetown Lewis, L.L.; Kingston Lewis, T.N.; Smiths Falls Longwell, Alexander; Foxboro Matter, Cornelia de la; Niagara Falls Morgan, J; Stratford McCallum, H.E.; Kingston Macdonald, Norval; Kingston McJanet, John; Ottawa

[image: morrocan lamp] 1899-1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
Displaying pages 911 - 915 of 945 in total