The Domesday Book Of Queen's University (Volume 1) 1839-1900 p.249-1193

The Domesday Book of Queen's University was established by Queen's Trustees in 1887, at the suggestion of Chancellor Sanford Fleming, to record the names of the university's benefactors and the main events in its history, which were to be written into the book every year. The book was kept up to date by Professor James Williamson and his successors, Librarian Lois Saunders and Professor Malcolm MacGillivray, until 1924, by which time the innovation of annual Principal's Reports (begun in 1916) rendered it unnecessary. The book takes its name from the original Domesday Book, a survey of England taken by William the Conqueror in 1086. The items to be described are the two handwritten volumes of the Book.


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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

A great impetus was given to the School of Mining during this year through the aid extended by the Ontario Government and by private benefactors. As a result substantial improvements were made in the Mining Building and additions to its equipment greatly extending the facilities for work of Professor DeCalb and the practical efficacy of the instruction given to his students.

Reviewing the advances made and the prospects of extension it may be said that the century closed with a bright outlook for Queen's.

While changes have been made with care and deliberation her friends and advisers have shrunk from making such concessions as progressive growth required. The effort to reform her constitution, and thus meet the demands of the new century has met with unanimous approval. The appointment of an additional Professor in Theology another in the School of Mining, and additions to the Staff in Arts and Medicine are external signs of growth: the spirits of the Graduates, the students, the Council and the Trustees are more certain signs of the life within: and both entitle her friends to enter on the new century with the energy and hopefulness which guarantee success. Quod felix faustumque sit.

[image: morrocan lamp] 1900


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]


Two events, both of deep and painful interest to Queen's University, must be here recorded, although belonging to the next century.

On the first day of the New Year Mrs Grant, the wife of the beloved Principal of Queen's, passed away after a long illness. Her gentle and steady influence had always been felt for good in the College, though years of ill health had prevented her from taking much active part in its life, and it was with a deep sense of personal loss that expressions of sympathy were offered to her family.

The following resolution passed by the Alma Mater and sent to the Principal, well expresses the feeling of all who had been privileged to know her.

We, the members of the Alma Mater Society, would express our deep sympathy with our beloved Principal in the bereavement he has suffered since last we met together. The many bright and beautiful qualities of mind, and heart which distinguished Mrs Grant,

[image: morrocan lamp] 1901


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

were not unknown to us or unappreciated in our midst. We knew that among the secret springs of that conspicuous and beneficient career which has contributed so much to raise our University to its present height of effectiveness and prosperity, her quiet household influence, her unfailing sympathy, her wise counsels, her large-hearted, unselfish devotion to the wider and worthier ends of life, counter for no small force. For much of what our honoured Principal has been enabled to do for us, for our college and our country, we recognize that our thanks are due to her. And through many of us were excluded by her sadly prolonged ill-health, and sufferings heroically endured for many years, from the privilege of coming into personal relations with her, the tradition of what she once was to the students of Queen's College, is faithfully preserved among us, and there are still not a few of our number who will long cherish, as a precious memory, that gracious simplicity of heart-felt motherly kindliness and generous hospitality which they could always count upon from her. For us, as well as for you, we feel that a light has gone out, and a warm hearth is quenched. It is our sincere prayer that you may be strengthened

[image: morrocan lamp] 1901


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

and supported by the Power and Sympathy which is unfailing and mightier than man's in the sad darkness and blankness of the great loss (See Q.U.J Jan 18th 1901)

The other event referred to was of national and even of world wide importance.

On January the 22nd 1901 Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victorua, died in the sixty fourth year of her reign. Among the numberless expressions of love and grief which flowed in from her sorrowing subjects it was deemed fitting that Queen's University, which bore Her Majesty's title by her special permission, and which had from time to time received other proofs of the royal favour should express the sense of her great loss. The following address was accordingly written by Professor Glover and sent in the name of the Council and Senate of Queen's to His Majesty, King Edward VII.

Eaduardo Regi Imperatori:

Conciluim et Senatus Universitatis Reginae Comadensium:

Cum nuper matrem tuam diu et ab ominibus amatan dec nutile conjugi restituerit optatissimo, chors inseruerit callestium, tibi verco nobisque

[image: morrocan lamp] 1901


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

abstulerit, pro constantia nostra fideque nos tibi significare volumus et dolorem nostrum tali orbati domina, omnibus quae vel feminae vel reginae congruerent virtutibus ornata, nec non et laetitiam quidem te regem habituri tamdiu probatum nec talibus indignum parentibus.

Beneficiorum conscios illorum, quae populo suo multiplici largiebatur dum gaudiorum communione et luctiuum senescebat, et nos inter cetero meminisse juvat benignitatis qua collegio nostro nomen suum concederet regina, quod cum semper et ubique nobis praeferimus, longam reginae nostrae memoriam propagamus, omnibus cum artibus doctrinus litteris consociatam quae generi humano pordesse possint.

Tibi, nobis non sine Deo imposito, praeidium precamur divinum, ut numini caelesti semper submissus, omnium compos quae vitam felicem efficere possint, hostium victor, patriae pater diu vivas, et gentium et tantarum te respicientium amore munitus et hilaratus matris gloriam fortunam auctoritatem filio tandem tradas exemplo tuo auctam et amplificatam.

[image: morrocan lamp] 1901


Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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