


Status: Complete

60/ 9th February, 1860
163 To His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Knight
J.G.J Brushaber Commander of the Most distinguished order of St. Michael
Captain General and Governor-in-Chief of the Colony of
Queensland, and its Dependencies, and Vice
Admiral of the same &c., &c., &c.
1. - The Memorial of John George Frederick Brushaber
of Warwick, Darling Downs respectfully sheweth,
that your Memorialist is a native of* Williamstadt, Mecklenburger Scheyerin
2. - That your Memorialist is Thirty four years of age, and
†a Carpenter by trade.
3. - That your Memorialist arrived in the Colony of New South Wales, by the
ship Mapps in the year One Thousand and Eight Hundred and fifty five
and has been resident therein since that date.
4. - That your Memorialist begs to refer to your Excellency to the annexed
Certificate of character and of the correctness of the statements herin contained from
respectable persons to whom your Memorialist has been known since his arrival‡ in the
5. - That your Memorialist§ has purchased ground
in this Colony and wishes to settle in it
for the rest of this life
;and that on these grounds your Memorialist is
desirous of availing himself|| of the privileges granted to Aliens by the Acts of Council,
11 Victoria, No. 39, and 17 Victoria, No. 8.
6. - That your Memorialist therefore respectfully requests that your Excellency
may be pleased to grant to your Memorialist the privileges of a natural born British Subject,
with such restrictions as to your Excellency may seem meet.
And your Petitioner will ever pray.
Signature John George Frederick Brushaber
Date 3 February 1860

We, the undersigned, do hereby certify as to the correctness of the statements
contained in the subjoined Memorial, that we have known the Memorialist¶ since
his arrival in the colony, and believe him to be a person of
respectable character.
George Thum
Geo. Kennedy

* Insert District or Town, and Country.
† Profession, Trade, or Calling.
‡ Or her.
§ Here state the grounds on which the Certificate is desired.
|| Or herself.
¶ From his arrival in the Colony, or from the (specify date.)

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