Queensland State Archives Colonial Secretary's Office Inwards Correspondence 01 Jan 1860 - 31 Dec 1860 S 5253 ITM84673 Dept No. 1502 The legibility of this item may be reduced due to the following factors: Minimal Impression Faded Ink Iron Gall ink halo and lacing Discoloured paper Torn or creased pages
Digitised at Queensland State Archives, Brisbane, Australia Queensland Government
60/1502 Colonial Secretary N.S.W. 3 September Tender for Electric Telegraph Notice 60-3277 29 Colonial Secretary's Office Sydney, New South Wales 21st August 1860.
Sir, I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the request expressed in your letter of the 7th Instant, the notice therein transmitted, calling for Tenders for the construction of a line of Electric Telegraph between Brisband and the frontier of New South Wales, has been
The Honorable The Colonial Secretary duly Queensland
* The line could be made at once to Warwick; the point on the frontier to wn.[??] it will ultimately be carried, must be settled with N.S.W.
Electric Telegraph
Memo. for Council next Monday.
As the N.S.W Govt. have not had the courtesy to take any notice for so many months of our communicating on the whole subject, I recommend that we at once invite tenders for:- 1. An Electric Telegraph from Brisbane - via Ipswich - Toowoomba - Drayton - Warwick - to the frontier.* (Drayton & Toowoomba are somewhat at y[??] the District line - but it has always been found that these Telegraphs [...] only when they connect all [text deleted]
centres of population. Moreover, Drayton & Toowoomba will [text deleted] be on the district north of the further telegraph line from Sydney to the north of Australia.) 2. From Brisbane to either [??Sythm??] or Sandgate - as maybe thought best. It is obvious that it will become necessary for the safety of Brisbane, in event of war, to have telegraphic communication with some point in Moreton Bay. And it will be highly convenient, for commercial purposes, also to have such comm. If the line goes to [??Sythm??], the Customs' Officer's house is ready for a station; so no additional expenses nd. be required regard the £1000 or thereabouts, for the line. I question whether it is necessary, for the present, to incur the great expense of an additional line to Cape Moreton; for a vessel is visible from [?Sthym??] Jetty[??] it rounds that head.