Queensland State Archives Colonial Secretary's Office Inwards Correspondence 01 Jan 1860 - 31 Dec 1860 S 5253 ITM84673 Dept No. 1761 The legibility of this item may be reduced due to the following factors: Minimal Impression Faded Ink Iron Gall ink halo and lacing Discoloured paper Torn or creased pages
Digitised at Queensland State Archives, Brisbane, Australia Queensland Government
60/1761 5 October The Surveyor General to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary in reference to Messrs Marshall & Deuchars' application for land under pre-emptive right.
Surveyor Generals' Office Brisbane 28 Sept. 1860 Sir, With reference to your B.C of the 11th instant forwarding M[r?] St George R. Gores' letter objecting to Messrs Marshall & Deuchars' application for land under p[re]- emptive right. I have the hono[r] to inform you that the application is too indifinite to report on at present; but as soon as the Surveyor has ascertianed the exact sites required a full report shall be furnished I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient Servant
AC Gregory { Mr Gore's letter was forwarded to the Sur. Gen. and is not returned [?] brought [?] again Gore letter not returned from Sur Gen 25 Oct./[?]}
60/1488 30 August The Surveyor General to the Honorable the Colonial Secreatery forwarding Deeds of Grant to be submitted to His Excellency the Governor for Signatures -
Surveyor Generals' office Brisbane 30 Augst 1860
Sir, I have the honor to forward 144 deeds of grant to be submitted to his Excellency the Governor for his Signature - and to request that, when signed, they may be returned to me, with the Schedule in order that they may be enrolled in this office and forwarded to the Registrar to be recorded by him, and [?] delivered to the parties interested I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient Servt. AC Gregory
The Surveyor General B.C. 19 Sept [G.W.?]
Queensland State Archives Colonial Secretary's Office Inwards Correspondence 01 Jan 1860 - 31 Dec 1860 S 5253 ITM84673 Dept No. 1763 The legibility of this item may be reduced due to the following factors: Minimal Impression Faded Ink Iron Gall ink halo and lacing Discoloured paper Torn or creased pages
Digitised at Queensland State Archives, Brisbane, Australia Queensland Government