ITM847302 Colonial Secretary's Inwards Correspondence - 1889 No.1353-1700



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{Reformatories Colonial Secretary's Stamp 01353 11 FEB .89}

"Reformatory for Boys" Lyttow(underlined red), 7th February 1889 -

{no suitable boy for Mr Alder} {Application Herewith (unclear) approve of Sir k.(?) H. Palmers his (unclear) B. D. M. 12/21/89}


In reply to your memorandum of the 5th instant forwarding for my report Mr A Alder's application for a lad from this Institution, I have the honor to inform you that there is none here at present whom I would recommend for the purpose -

I may also mention that Sir Arthur Palmer, when Colonial Secretary, gave me implied instructions not to send any lad to a hotel from the Reformatory -

{Inform Mr Alder in (unclear) of (unclear) (unclear) (unclear) 13.2.89}

I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servant James W Wassell Superintendent

{A. Alder - 14.2.89 578}

The Under Colonial Secretary Brisbane

Last edit about 1 month ago by hazzard_r
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{A Alder Colonial Secretary's Stamp 01139 5.FEB.89 Applying for a Ref boy}

{Sapt. Lytton/B.C 5/2/89}

(unclear) (unclear) Caloundra Jan Feb 1 1889

R. Gray. Esq.

dear Sir,

{Reformatory stamp 6 Feb 89 ho171 James W Wareck (unclear)}

When in Caloundra you mentioned my procuring a lad from the (unclear). if you will kindly assist me in so doing. I shall be extre(unclear) (unclear). The lad shall have a good home and be well looked after should he be allowed to me.

I should like a good lad. one

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Copy Wardens Office Gladstone 5th January 1889


In obedience to the instructions contained in your Memo of the 29th January last I have the honor to report relative to the Pacific Islander employed at the furnaces of the Conran Gold Mining Coy Ltd on the Norton Gold Field

Since first the Kanakas were employed at the furnaces of the Company I have been particular that all of them should have Exemption papers and during the management of Mr Conran this was carried out but soon after the appointment of the new manager I found on one of my visits to the Norton Gold Field no less than eighteen out of 23 twenty three Kanakas without Exemption papers. I at once ordered them to be dismissed which the manager did the following Saturday

I pointed out to him that he would be fined heavily on each of them. He stated that he had known several of them (the Kanakas) for many years and that they had been in Queensland from ten to twenty years and they stated they had lost or worn out their papers

I found their agreements were from periods of none and twenty months as firemen at the Roasting furnace of the Conran G.M Coy Ltd

I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient servant Alexander Macarthur Gold Fields Warden

The Under Secretary Mines and Works Dept Brisbane

Last edit 22 days ago by Bruce Laidlaw
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