


Status: Page Status Transcribed

No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
137 Fry Patrick HB 72/72
138 Meyer Edward Overland 1879 New South Wales R Catholic Stockman 17 5 Stout Fair Brown Brown R&W 8/6
139 Slater Henry Ramsay 1873 England Ch England Bushman 24 5 5 Slight Fair Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 9/5 Scar on right shin
140 Hare Thomas HB 427/79
141 Byrnes James Native Queensland R Catholic Drover 24 HB 5 11 Stout Dark Brown Brown R&W 12/4 Anchor & heart on left arm. Scar on right shin.
142 Campbell (Aboriginal) Aboriginal 24 HB 5 11 Stout R&W
143 Redpath John Eliza 1860 America Ch England Miner 32 5 Prop Dark Black Brown R&W 10/13 Scar over right eye
144 Negus William Fitz James 1863 England Ch England Labourer 34 5 10 Prop Dark Brown Brown R&W 11/- Two toes short on right foot
145 Cannon George HB 220/74
146 Hyde James HB 365/74
147 Quinn Thomas Ramsay 1875 Ireland R Catholic Grocer 26 5 11 Slight Fair Lt. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10/9
148 Thompson Benjamin W. Dunbar Castle 1874 England Ch England Stockman 34 5 8 Stout Sandy Lt. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10/12 1 front tooth out in upper jaw
149 Granger Henry Egmont 1875 France R Catholic Lagurer 32 5 6 Stout Dark Dk. Brown Dk. Brown R&W 11/2
150 Sobieski al Ouberard Ishmael Escapee N. Caledonia open boat Prince Jerome 1879 France R Catholic Actor 24 5 Prop Fair Lt. Brown Blue R&W 10/9
1 Trahey Daniel Queen of the Colonies 1863 Ireland R Catholic Cattle Breeder 22 5 Stout Fair Lt. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10/3
2 Gavin Thomas Erin go Bragh 1862 Ireland R Catholic Timber getter 30 5 9 Stout Dark Black Black R&W 12/7 Left eye cut
3 Jenkins Charles Selina 1879 America Ch England Sailor 24 5 9 Stout Fair Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 11/4 Tattoed left arm.Crossed flags shield, crown & anchor

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Re-150 Ishmael Sobieski -A Trove search to clarify his name resulted in an article which gave his full alias as Louis Reuben Ouberard


Link to the story SUPREME COURT. (1880, May 31). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 3.