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No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
664 Reynolds Thos. - 85 Victoria Wesleyan Miner 27 5 0 1/2 Slight Sallow D Br Brn R&W 7.8 - 2 scars corner of right eye.
665 Pascoe J.J 36 R&W 601/88
666 Ah Yook 30 None 138/86
667 Duncan William 27 R&W 417/86. 10. 4
668 Sinclair John Ranelagh 83 England Ch of Engl Hatter 48 5 3 5/8 Prop Fair Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 8.10 Bald little finger right hand stiff - Ink spot behind left jaw.
669 Doyle Patrick - - Queensland R.C. Laborer 20 6 0 1/4 Slight Sllow L Br Grey [Gray] R&W 10.3 Cut on knuckles of first & 2nd finger left hand. Cut on forehead.
670 Hopping Daniel Ranelagh 86 N.S.W. R.C. Butcher 28 5 7 1/8 Prop - Br. Hazel R&W 10.12 Scar on right forearm.
671 Reid Geo 21 R&W 109/85
672 Mellville Chas Ranelagh 86 Victoria Ch of Engl Laborer 30 5 5 Slight Fair L Br Hazel R&W 8.11 Scar right wrist - Inkspot left wrist and left side of upper-lip.
673 Wright David Albatross 63 Scotland Presbyterian Miner 55 5 3 1/8 Prop Sallow Grey [Gray] Hazel R&W 8.13 Scar left wrist. Scar on left temple.
674 Ah Yoot 30 None 666/86
675 Campbell Donald Orleans 86 Scotland Presbyterian Riveter 21 5 1 3/8 Prop Sallow D Br Br. R&W 8.12 Nail middle finger left hand injured.
676 McLean Thomas 23 R&W 626/834 10.13
677 Kennedy Charles 28 R&W 730/84 11.3
668 Harris Wm J Compta 82 England Ch of Eng Draper 22 5 2 3/4 Prop Sallow Dr Br Grey [Gray] R&W 8.8 Cut on palm of left hand
669 Hallinson Henry Balmain 86 England Ch of Eng Cook & Steward 19 5 7 1/4 Prop Sallow L Br Blue R&W 10. Inkspot on left wrist
680 Smith Thos Duke of Devonshire 82 Ireland R.C Laborer 24 5 9 Prop Ruddy Light L Br R&W 10.4 ? left jaw

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