Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1894-1898 (ITM2946)





No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
117 Kelly John Duke of Westminster 1881 Ireland R Catholic Baker 22 5 Prop Fresh Brown Blue R&W 9.4 Nil
8 Tattersall Jonathan Scottish Hero 1879 England Wesleyan Miner 40 5 Stout Fresh Brown Blue R&W 10.2 Wound back R of L/shoulder, and L/shin
9 Emille John (American) Changsa 1890 Mexico R Catholic Clerk 22 5 5⅛ Prop Sallow Black Brown R&W 8.8 Wound on R jaw, 2 wounds on head.
20 Morera Marcelin (als Charlie) Charley W Morgea 1886 West Indies R Catholic Cook 34 5 Prop Dark Black Black R&W 11.8 Sign of burn L/forearm
1 Dee David Ireland R Catholic Baker 41 5 Prop Fresh Grey [Gray] Brown R&W 476/86 10.10 2 Scars on upper lip. 2nd toe R foot broken
2 Ah Lin (Chinese) Not Known 1876 China Pagan Cook 34 5 Prop Sallow Black Brown Nil 10.11 Mole under L eye from R Cheek, front teeth very irregular
3 Lacey James Queensland R Catholic Tailor 35 5 Stout Fresh Brown Blue R&W 417/87 11. Figure of man & woman "James & Emily" R/arm ballet girl L/arm
4 Thomas Samuel Not Known 1886 East Indies R Catholic Cook 32 5 4 Stout Dark Black Black Nil 10.0 Cross across & some letters tattooed on R/breast 2 old sore marks on stomach.
5 West als N.S. Warde, als Sampson West Samuel Albatross 1867 America (U.S.) [in red]England Nil Horse Breaker 45 5 Slender Fresh Brown Blue R&W 8.8 Scar L/side of forehead.
6 Adams alias Hughes Thos. Fawn 1860 England R Catholic Laborer 61 Stout Fresh Brown Hazel R&W 440/92 BCD on Stomach. Anchor & shield on L/arm
7 Croft John Scottish Hero 1883 England Protestant Seaman 43 5 Stout Pale Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10.10 Liverpool coat of arms on R/arm
8 Schweikert Johannso Eagle 1863 Germany Lutheran Boot Finisher 65 5 Prop Pale Grey [Gray] Speckled Eyes Nil 8.12 Nil
9 Byrne Patrick Queensland R Catholic Labourer 16 5 1 Slight Pale Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 6.9 Boil mark on Breast, mark on forehead, L/Leg 2 scars on anklet & one on knee. Boil mark on thigh R & mole.
30 Woodward R. G. Darling Downs England Ch England Farmer 62 5 Prop Pale Grey [Gray] Grey [Gray] Nil 8.4
1 Letchford Daniel Overland 1893 England Ch England Painter 33 5 Small Fresh Dk. Brown Blue R&W 9.4 Boil mark near navel, Birth mark R eyelid
2 Walsh als Murray Edward N.S.W. R Catholic Scene Shifter 23 R&W 105/94
3 Wilson als Thompson William N.S.W. R Catholic Trainer 23 R&W 106/94
Last edit 5 months ago by Goldy


No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
134 Fleet James Mudda 1883 England Ch England Carpenter 47 5 Small Pale Grey [Gray] Grey [Gray] R&W 9/3
135 Watson Hy THomas SS Mackey 1891 England Ch England Sailor 17 5 4 Small Ruddy Dk. Brown Blue R&W 8/2 5 Vaccination marks Lt arm.
136 Keneally als Carney James Ranleigh 1891 Ireland R Catholic Laborer 28 5 8 Prop Fair Lt. Brown Blue R&W 9/5 Broken nose. Scar over Lt eye. Scar on chin.
137 McLaughlin alias James Collins James Victoria R Catholic Bookmaker 33 R&W 350/87 Mole on loins Scar back Lt hand. Broken nose, 2 moles on Lt arm, mole on breast.
138 Gray Thomas Peregrine 1894 England Protestant Sailor 18 5 Prop Fair Black Grey [Gray] R&W 9/9 Moles on shoulder, R/arm deformed nail on Lt arm, scar back of head, scar on Lt eye
139 Steinhener Charles Germany Free Thinker Journalist 47 R&W 371/91
140 McConachie Wm. Scotland Presbyterian Cabinet Maker 37 R&W 256/92
141 Malimbong (S.S.I.) 1891 Apia (South Seas Island) Pagan Laborer 25 5 Prop Dark Black Brown Nil 9/10 Small scar on forehead, like a D on R/arm, cross like a D half moon L/arm
142 McCafferty James Samarang 1865 Ireland R Catholic Laborer 39 5 R&W 875/91
143 McIlvanney Joseph Mount Miranzi 1863 Ireland Presbyterian Cook 46 5 Prop Fair Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 10/9 Scar bridge of nose
144 Kelly Thomas Overland 1889 America R Catholic Laborer 29 5 10½ Prop R&W 934/93
145 Bickerstaff E. W. England Ch England Clerk 27 R&W 111/94
146 Stoney Charles 1874 England Protestant Labourer 31 5 5 Prop Fresh Dk. Brown Blue R&W 10/1 3 fingers deformed L/ hand, Fanny? in heart + 5 pointed star Lt arm, Boil mark R/ shoulder.
147 Bickerstaff E. W. England Ch England Clerk 27 R&W 145/94
148 Kerr James Scotland Ch England Plumber 22 R&W 561/93 Scar of L/eye, 11 moles on front of body, small burn on L/arm, 13 moles on back, Burns R shin, Scar of forehead
149 Hogan Patrick Gulf of Venice 1894 Ireland R Catholic Sailor 21 5 1 Prop Tanned Dk. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 9/5 Small scar L/eyebrow, woman, wreath & true love R/arm, clasped hands theor? KBH L/arm an love star Hand arm it.?
150 Holwarth George Queensland of German extraction Protestant Farmer 27 5 Prop Tanned Brown Hazel Nil 11/2 Scar over R/eye
Last edit 5 months ago by Goldy


No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
151 Regan Patrick Lartar 1888 Boston U.S.A. R Catholic Seasman 53 5 6 Stout Fresh Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 112/94 12.7 Bracelet star on R/ arm, Bracelet on L/arm Bird, England Coat of arms full rigged ship anchor + shield swords + shield, lose, chain WK L thistle, harlequin on both legs.
152 Masewell John J. Queensland Wesleyan Kenek Polsha 31 5 6 Prop Fair Sandy Brown R&W 9/6 Scar R/arm bend of elbow, woman + leaf in hand scar under chin, scars shin fresh L/leg.
153 Clark Edward City of Birsbane 1874 England Wesleyan Oysterman 65 5 Slender Pale Getting Grey Blue R&W 9/2 Getting bald top of 1st finger + thumb of R hand scars inside ??
155 Peck Foster Merkara 1894 England Protestant Fireman 20 5 5 Prop Pale Lt. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 9/13 Cross on L/arm, Wavy hair, mark on nose strawberry mark.
154 Bennion Edward England Protestant Laborer 27 5 4 Stout Fresh Lt. Brown Blue R&W
6 Cunnisky Patrick Ireland R Catholic Drooer 29 R&W 396/92
7 Hogan Patrick Ireland R Catholic Sailor 21 R&W 1119/94
8 Jones William Stricathro 1882 England Ch England Shearer 36 5 7 Stout Fresh Brown Hazel R&W Partly Bald small lump over R eye
9 Sinclair alias Vincent Vaworleer Julian Alexandria 1872 America Hebrew Salesman 22 5 Sandy Blue R&W 722/93
160 Crogan als Mahon, als Hutchison James Overland N.S.W. 1871 Scotland R Catholic Laborer 38 5 Turning Grey Blue R&W 205/93 Scar on chest mole on R/ cheek mole on L/ cheek
1 Heness William Overland 1879 N.S.W. Ch England Laborer 34 5 Dk. Brown Blue R&W Scar under R/eye, Swaggers when walking
2 Schmidt Charles Avelinch Germany Ch England Sailor 46 5 Tall Pale Brown turning Grey Grey [Gray] Nil 11/13 In heart anchor + B in red ink R/arm, L/arm womans bust S.B. red ink C.S. star Ring on Lt hand, joint on 1st finger gone.
3 Ah Sam alias Sam Lee (Chinese) China Ch England Cook 35 5 R&W 402/92 8.4
4 Ferguson John Ireland R Catholic Laborer 53 5 Prop Sallow Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 230/91 9.7
5 Clancy John Flamis 1880 Ireland R Catholic Coach Builder 27 5 244/89 Shot mark L/shin. Scar Lt hand, 2 fingers, shot mark on L/arm & breast. Scar R/cheek
6 Stewart Joseph Queensland Wesleyan Clerk 28 362/92
7 Mahoney als Thomas Burns Wm. Joseph Queensland R Catholic Laborer 20 R&W 94/94
Last edit 5 months ago by Goldy


No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
168 Steiner Sarnach Scottish Hero 1877 Switzerland Protestant Farmer 43 50 Prop Sallow Dark Brown R&W 11.11. Scar on 1st finger both hands. Scar on forehead Boil mark R/side. Coins
9 Duffy John Dunbar Castle 1880 Ireland R Catholic Laborer 35 5 Prop Fresh Lt. Brown Blue R&W 9.0. Scar over R. Eyebrow Freckeled on back neck & arms 2 boils above L/knee
170 Evans Louis Wales Ch England Laborer 65 R&W 204/9
1 Schmitt als Charles Turk Charles Overland 1891 Germany Lutheran Baker 36 5 5 Prop Fresh Dark Blue R&W 473/93 R. foot broken.
2 Itrly George L.B. N.S.W. Ch England Sharebroker 25 R&W 115/94
3 McKenzie Daniel South Gate 1881 Scotland Presbyterian Traveller 32 5 Prop Fresh Lt. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10.9 Scar on forehead
4 Wilson W. W. England Jewish Boot Cutter 30 R&W 893/93
5 Evans Louis Wales Ch England Laborer 65 R&W 170/94
6 Ah Moy (Chinese) China Pagan Gardener 30 5 11 Prop Sallow Black Brown Nil Scar on nose between eyes mole on upper lip
7 Pirie Alexander Duke of Argyle 1880 Scotland Presbyterian Farmer 41 5 6⅞ Stout Fresh Black Grey [Gray] R&W 10.1 2 fingers off R. hand mole centre back, 2 boil marks centre back, two toes pointing towards small ones
8 McMahon Edward Ireland R Catholic Bootmaker 24 Nil 220/91
9 Byrne James Ireland R Catholic Dragman 30 R&W 1154/91
80 Mantle Joseph N.S.W. R Catholic Laborer 18 R&W 298/93
1 Dwyer John Ireland R Catholic Carpenter 36 R&W 896/93
2 Walsh John Queensland R Catholic Couch Builder 21 5 Stout Pale Dk. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10.9 Dagger & blood dripping from it Maltese cross R/arm dagger & star L/arm several moles on back.
3 Fleet James Nudda 1883 England Ch England Carpenter 47 R&W 134/94
4 Dean Henry England Ch England Groom 54 R&W 110/94
Last edit 5 months ago by Goldy


No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
185 Griffin James N.S.W. Ch England Clerk 34 R&W 95/94
6 Williams John N.S.W. R Catholic Cook 35 R&W 109/94
7 Gayton George England Presbyterian Laborer 18 R&W 114/94
8 Skagan Patrick Ireland R Catholic Sailor 21 R&W 157/94
9 Hely Gro. L.B. N.S.W. Ch England Sharebroker 25 R&W 172/94
190 Fleet James England Ch England Carpenter 47 R&W 183/94
1 Scott Gregory Grant Q'land Ch England Laborer 36 R&W 1156/90
2 Livingstone Walter Jenny (Jennie) Parker 1894 Ireland Ch England Sailor 31 5 6 Stout Fresh Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 11.6 Birth mark on bicep R/arm. Scar anchor + snake .. Maltese cross skull across bones, star top of wrist, one tooth upper jaw R/side + one left ??
3 Ferguson John Ireland R Catholic Laborer 53 R&W 164/94
4 Kennedy Edward Queensland R Catholic Clerk 29 5 7⅛ Slender Fresh Dark Blue R&W 9.8 2 Small moles back of neck one double tooth out upper jaw.
5 Hill David England Ch England Baker 31 R&W 796/93
6 Brennan Michael Darling Downs 1874 Ireland R Catholic Fireman 28 5 Stout Pale Lt. Brown Blue R&W 172/90 9.6 Scars all over head. Scar on R hand near thumb, 2 fingers broken, scar on R eyebrow, tooth out R side upper jaw.
7 Wilson Thomas Scotland Presbyterian Sailor 60 R&W 878/93
8 Clancy John Glamis 1880 Ireland R Catholic Coach Builder 27 5 R&W 165/94
9 Miller Jaeot Queensland R Catholic Laborer 24 5 R&W 65/92
200 Howes Michael Queensland R Catholic Farmer Nil 1229/91
1 Matthews William England Ch England Cook 55 R&W 767/93
Last edit 5 months ago by Goldy
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 302 in total