


Status: Complete

No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
1 Stansen Henry Almora 1883 England Ch England Painter 30 5 6 Prop Sallow Brown Brown R&W 9.13 254/92 [Two hearts pierced by arrow enclosed in wreath on left forearm ? CARITAS on same] [crossed out] Scar left eye from wreath left biceps & I LOVE FANNY
2 Loxton William Clara 1875 England Wesleyan Canvasser 53 5 Prop Fresh Dk. Brown Blue R&W 10.6 462/76 Little finger left hand crooked. Scar on right knee. Boil mark on left leg.
3 Burnett Joseph Queensland R Catholic Bootmaker 27 5 Slight Fresh Brown Blue R&W 8.2 57/94 Maltese cross Flags left arm, 2 Rings on 3 & 4 Fingers left hand.
4 Paidley William Warwick 1880 Scotland Presbyterian Carpenter 33 5 7 Prop Fresh Red Grey [Gray] R&W 12.1 323/92 Scar left cheek, right elbow been dislocated Two hearts pierced by arrow enclosed in wreath, ribbon CARITAS over E left forearm
5 Williams William H.C. Fitzroy 1892 England Ch England Painter 27 5 Prop Fair Dk. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 9.8 Anchor right forearm, Flag 3 Dots Indistinct Yacht, Bracelet left forearm, 3 Dots between thumb & finger left hand & X back of left hand, 2 Moles on back.
6 Byrnes alias Burns James Not Known 1866 Ireland R Catholic Drayman 31 5 Stout Sallow Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 11.10 619/94 (symbol) [Anchor] J.B. left arm cut on right cheek
7 Johnston James Raneleigh 1891 N.S. Wales R Catholic Wool jammer 27 5 Prop Fair Lt. Brown Blue R&W 11.4 Scar on back of head, Boil mark centre of back, Birth mark on left loin.
8 Williams Wm H.C. Fitzroy 1892 England R Catholic Painter 27 5 Prop Fair Dk. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 9.8 5/95 Anchor right forearm Flag 3 Dots, Indistinct Yacht Bracelet left fore arm, 3 Dots between thumb and finger left hand & X back left hand, 2 moles on back
9 Muirhead John City of Brisbane 1872 Scotland Baptist Engineer 63 5 6 Prop Dark Grey [Gray] Grey [Gray] R&W 9.3 540/94 Large scar on left cheek.
10 Stansen Henry Almora 1883 England Ch England Painter 30 5 6 Prop Sallow Brown Brown R&W 9.13 1/95 Scar left eyebrow Wreath left bicep with I LOVE FANNY in the centre
11 Paidley William Warwick 1880 Scotland Presbyterian Carpenter 33 5 7 Prop Fresh Red Grey [Gray] R&W 12.1 4/95 Scar left cheek, right elbow been dislocated Two hearts pierced by arrow enclosed in wreath ribbon CARITAS over E left fore arm
12 Cunningham James Telegraph 1868 Ireland R Catholic Horse Trainer 76 5 Prop Pale Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 8.10 146/48 Jaw Broken minus several teeth right arm broken at elbow
13 Lucas William Queensland Ch England Bootmake 32 5 Prop Sallow Dark Hazel R&W 10. - 381/94 Lady in walking costume with parasol on right arm Scar right rib Boil mark on chest Dancing girl on square M.A.H on ribbon Left arm, scar L/eye
14 Loxton William Clara 1875 England Wesleyan Canvasser 53 5 Prop Fresh Dk. Brown Blue R&W 10.6 2/95 Little finger left hand crooked, Scar on right knee Boil mark on left leg
15 Nolan Thomas Queenslad R Catholic Clerk 30 5 Prop Fresh Dark Grey [Gray] R&W 9.6 677/94 Scar on ball of right thumb, Mole on right & left arm, Scar on back of head
16 O'Keeffe Denis Queensland R Catholic Cab driver 26 5 Prop Fresh Lt. Brown Blue R&W 11.10 103/93 3 Fingers off left hand. Mole on back. Scar on right elbow. D & dot left forearm
17 Holmes alias James Harper John Scottish Admiral 1890 Scotland Presbyterian Sailor 23 5 Prop Fresh Brown Brown R&W 9.9 757/94 Scar ball left thumb Anchor left forearm LN between thumb and finger left hand, ring middle finger left hand, Disfigured cross, JN FN FM LM left arm, AN.FI right arm.

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