



Status: Complete

No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Ship Year Where Born Religion Trade Age Height Feet Height Inches Make Complexion Colour of Hair Colour of Eyes Education Remarks
18 Boden George Almora 1887 England Ch England Jeweller 32 5 8 Prop Sallow Black Brown R&W 9.7 290/94 Scar on side of nose, Boil mark left breast Bunion left foot, Burn mark calf left leg
19 Wright als Rose Robert Peregrine 1894 Tasmania Ch England Bootmaker 22 5 Slender Pale Brown Blue R&W 8.3 Birth mark on right loin 2 Moles on abdomen 2 Moles on R. shoulder Birth mark across chest
20 Henderson John Roddel Bay 1884 Scotland Presbyterian Laborer 19 5 0 Prop Sallow Dk. Brown Brown R&W 8.11 nil
21 Boden George Almora 1887 England Ch England Jeweller 32 5 8 Prop Sallow Black Brown R&W 9.7 18/95 Scar on side of nose, Boil mark left breast Bunion left foot Burn mark calf left leg
22 Smith Joseph South Australia 1894 N.S. Wales Ch England Shearer 27 5 Stout Fair Fair Blue R&W 12.7 Toe nails missing 3 Toes both feet 2 moles left shoulder 1 mole on neck. Mole on right cheek Birth mark left should blade Mile on left cheek, mole ankle left foot
23 O'Connor John Queen of the Colonies 1865 Ireland R Catholic Laborer 52 5 7 Prop Fair Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 9.2 Nose broken 138/87 2 moles on abdomen, Wounds on right shin Wounds on left shin
24 Murphy John Durunda 1887 Ireland R Catholic Laborer 22 5 7 Stout Fresh Black Brown Nil 12.5 Naked woman left fore arm small scar on forehead
25 Banbury Frederick Merkara 1884 Ireland Ch England Laborer 21 5 8 Prop Sallow Black Brown R&W 9.7 Scar on right fore arm Scar on nose Mole under right breast
26 Gardner Peter Linlithgowshire 1883 Scotland Presbyterian Laborer 35 5 Slender Fair Lt. Brown Blue R&W 9.0 Getting bald Mole on top of the head
27 Smith James Kincardineshire 1882 Scotland Presbyterian Seaman 34 5 Prop Sallow Black Brown R&W 9.10 Scar on left side of nose Blue spot on bridge of nose Light house right fore arm Blue spot between finger & thumb and each hand
28 Tully Martin New of Liverpool 1849 Ireland R Catholic Grazier 69 5 7 Prop Sallow Grey [Gray] Blue R&W 10. Large scar inside arm at right elbow.
29 Booth Robert Steamer from Sydney 1866 England Ch England Drayman 59 5 8 Prop Dark Grey [Gray] Grey [Gray] R&W 11.5 673/94 Upper teeth missing
30 Dunn Beny Edward Koonowarra 1892 N.S. Wales Ch England Engine driver 31 5 Prop Sallow Dk. Brown Grey [Gray] R&W 10.10 Moles all over body front & back Burn mark right fore arm Burn mark on right shoulder & 2 burn marks on right side of chest. Scar on right knee
31 Rose Alias Wright Robert Peregrine 1894 Tasmania Ch England Bootmaker 22 5 Slender Pale Brown Blue R&W 8.3 19/95 Birth mark on right loin, 2 Moles on abdomen 2 Moles on right shoulder, Birth mark across chest.
32 Steele Henry Q Queensland R Catholic Bootmaker 22 5 Prop Sallow Black Grey [Gray] R&W 8.5 796/94 Small scar on right thumb Scar between finger and thumb left hand, Mole on throat, Scar on top of head Scar on side of right leg
33 Farrell Thomas Queen of Nations 1880 Ireland Ch England Drayman 42 5 9 Prop Dark Dk. Brown Brown R&W 11.10 403/94 nil
34 Glancy Peter Duke of Argyle 1888 Ireland R Catholic Laborer 31 6 Prop Fresh Brown Hazel R&W 11.12 Birth mark Left should blade, Deformed toe next to large toe left foot. Getting bald

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