

Status: Indexed

24th November, 1941.

Mr. F.J. Watson,
Union Street,

Dear Sir,

Prior to your visit on Wednesday I am
sending you the following names for your consideration: -

Coochi Mudlo; and
Tamrookum, which appears as Jinbroken in Alan
's map, 1829, and as Ginbrookin in the land
map of 1848. I have used a magnifying glass on these

If you would write out the very fine statement
you made on "Tya" and "dha", "in the place of" or "the
place of", so that I could have it on Wednesday, it would
be a great help.

Any notes that you can add regarding Pimpama and
the Laheys will also be of great value.

Yours faithfully,

Hon. Secretary.

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