


Status: Page Status Needs Review

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
May 15 459 Haughton alias Divelli Harry alias Alfred Judge Paul 12 May 1890 Charleville False Pretences 1 Charge; Forgery & Uttering 2 Charges 2 Years H L Sent Each 16 Sept
" 15 60 Graham Samuel P Pinnock 15 May Brisbane Assaulting Police 1 Month H L Sent Each 14 June
"15 61 Mc. Carthy Timothy Do 15 May Do Drunkeness 1 Month conf or to 2 " 14
"15 62 White alias Liverpool John alias Jack Do 15 May Do Assaulting Police 1 Month H L 14
"15 63 Hayes John Do 15 May Do Unlawfully using Cattle Remanded To police 23 May 90
"15 64 Johnston James W. H. Day pm 15 May Do Larceny Remanded To police 21 May 90
"15 65 Graham Robert Do 15 May Do Trespass 1 Month Conf or to 5 Sent Back 14 June 90
"16 66 Barkley John Alfred P. Pinnock PM 16 May Brisbane Wife disection Remand To police 31 May 90
"16 67 Murray als Taturan Alfred J Do 16 May Do Bigamy Trial Rep Ct Brisbane 26 May 90 Sum Court 28 March 90
"17 68 Byron Francis Do 17 May Do Vagrancy Remand To police 23 May 90
"17 69 Hart Dresden Do 19 May Do False Pretences Remanded So "
"19 70 Johnson John Do 19 May Do Obscene Language assault 3 Months Con or to 3; 2 months cumulative Fine paid 18 July
"19 71 Saul Robert Do 19 May Do Vagrancy Remanded To police 31 May
"19 72 Ross David Do 19 May Do Smuggling Remanded To police 23 May
"20 73 Johnston M G.P.M Dunway PM 20 May Do Cruelty to Animals 14 days Conf or fi 2.17.0 Fine paid 21 May
"22 74 Ah Chong Johnny P Pinnock PM 22 May Brisbane Assault 1 Month Conf Sent back 14 June
"22 75 Lucas alias Dangerfield William Do 22 May Do Vagrancy 6 Months H L Do 21 Nov

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