


Status: Complete

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 6 527 Sullivan Henry S.P.W Launway P 6 June S Brisbane Larceny Remand To Police 13 June 90
6 28 Thompson George Do 6 June Do Larceny Remand To Police 13 "
6 29 Bell Arthur Do 6 June Do Larceny Remand " 13 "
6 30 Cocking Isaac Do 6 June Do Larceny Remand " 13 "
6 31 James John Do 6 June Do Larceny Remand " 13 "
9 32 Bowman John P. Pinnock PM 9 June Brisbane Larceny Remand To Police 10 June 90
9 33 Hughes Edward A Do 9 June Do Disorderly Conduct Remand 12 "
9 34 O'Leary George Do 9 June Do Larceny Remand 13 "
9 35 Plotz Auton The Sheriff 9 June Do Debtor By Order 10 June 90
10 36 Brown John P.M Murray PM 10 June S Do Want of Levy 3 months H.L or £5.50 Fine Paid 12
10 37 Bentle Miles P. Pinnock 10 June Brisbane Wife desertion Remand To Police 11 June 90
11 38 Plotz Auton The Sheriff 11 June Do Debtor By Order 12 "
12 39 Martin William I.V Williams PM 10 June Wombye Forging & Uttering For sentence Dist Ct Brisbane 16 June 90 D.C Court 16 "
12 40 Leading George G.P.M Murray PM 12 June S. Brisbane Loitering Remand To Police 13 June 90
12 41 Wyers William Do 12 June Do Loitering Remand " 13 "
12 42 Doherty John P. Pinnock PM 12 June Brisbane Larceny & Baclee Remand " 14
12 43 McDonnell Henry Do 12 June Do Vagrancy Remand To Police 13 June 90

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