

Status: Page Status Needs Review

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
April 1 341 McQuinn John Judge Real 1 April Brisbane Damaging property 9 months H.L sentence to be suspended under O.P act on entering into bond in £40 & paying £15 sent expd 31 Dec
April 1 342 Flynn Thomas Judge Real 1 April Brisbane Forgery & Uttering 1 month H.L sentence to be suspended under O.P. act or pay 14/7 O.P act 4 Apl
April 1 343 Walker Thomas Judge Real 1 April Brisbane Manslaughter 2 years H.L to be suspended under O.P. act on entering into Bond in £100 to be of good behaviour O.P. act 4 Apl
April 2 344 Ah Foo P. Pinnock P.M 2 April Brisbane Illegally on premises Remand To Police 3 Apl
April 2 345 Walter Charles P. Pinnock P.M 2 April Brisbane Wife desertion Remand To Police 8 Apl
April 2 346 Corbett John F. P. Pinnock P.M 2 April Brisbane Obscene Language £2 or 7 days Conf sent expd 8 Apl
April 2 347 Connolly Constantine Judge Real 2 April Brisbane Buggery 6 years P. S To St Helena 28 Apl
April 3 348 Hackett Christopher G.P.M Murray P.M 3 April S. Brisbane Assault; Obscene Language 3 Days Conf or £1; 14 Days conf or £2 cumlative sent expd 18 Apl
April 3 349 Collins James G.P.M Murray P.M 3 April S. Brisbane Absence from Ship 10 weeks hard labor or sooner if required by Captain To Ship 11 Apl
April 3 350 Mutch William J. G.P.M Murray P.M 3 April S. Brisbane Larceny 14 Days Hard Labor or sooner if required by Captain To Ship 9 Apl
April 3 351 Kent John G.P.M Murray P.M 3 April S. Brisbane Absence from ship 10 weeks H.L or sooner if required by Captain To Ship 11 Apl
April 3 352 Osborne Thomas G.P.M Murray P.M 3 April S. Brisbane Absence from ship 10 weeks H.L or sooner if required by Captain To Ship 11 Apl
April 3 353 Hamilton James G.P.M Murray P.M 3 April S. Brisbane Absence from ship 10 weeks H.L or sooner if required by Captain To Ship 11 Apl
April 3 354 Ah Foo als Kung Foo P. Pinnock P.M 3 April Brisbane Illegally on premises 1 month H.L sent expd 2 May
April 3 355 Quinn Thomas P. Pinnock P.M 3 April Brisbane Larceny 3 months Conf or £10 sent expd 2 July
April 3 356 McDonald Thomas P. Pinnock P.M 3 April Brisbane Assault 2 months H.L sent expd 2 June
April 3 357 Callaghan James als Kerr P. Pinnock P.M 3 April Brisbane Assault 2 months Conf or £5 sent expd 2 June

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