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Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
April 15 392 Goldsmith Bernhard Judge Harding 15 April Brisbane Perjury 5 years P.S to St. Helena 25 Apl
April 15 393 Goldsmith Adolph Judge Harding 15 April Brisbane Perjury 5 years P.S to St. Helena 25 Apl
April 16 394 Keen Charles Hinder Judge Miller 13 April Rockhampton Horse stealing; Larceny One year and ten months H.L; One year and ten months H.L concurrent to St. Helena 28 Apl
April 16 395 Reardon Joseph Judge Miller 13 April Rockhampton Robbery with violence 3 years H.L to St. Helena 28 Apl
April 16 396 Layfield William John Judge Miller 13 April Rockhampton Horse stealing 12 months H.L to St. Helena 28 Apl
April 16 397 Arnold Richard P. Pinnock P.M 16 April Brisbane Threatening language Remand to Police 17 Apl
April 16 398 Walsh Charle W G.P.M. Murray P.M 16 April Brisbane Assaulting Police; creating a disturbance 1 month Conf or £2; 1 month Conf or £2 concurrent fine paid 15 May
April 17 399 Mitchell James P. Pinnock P.M 17 April Brisbane Embezzlement 2 charges 6 months H.L suspended under Offenders Prob act on payment of £136.12.0 sent expd 16 Apl
April 17 400 Robertson George P. Pinnock P.M 17 April Brisbane Larceny 1 month Conf or £1 fine paid 21 Apl
April 17 401 Arnold Richard P. Pinnock P.M 17 April Brisbane Threatening Language 6 months Conf in default of sureties sureties found 11 May
April 17 402 Tanner Richard P. Pinnock P.M 17 April Brisbane Larceny Remand Bail 20 Apl
April 18 403 Wilson Samuel Judge Paul 6 April Charleville Horse stealing 18 months H.L sentence expired 5 July
April 18 404 Henry James Robert P. Pinnock P.M 18 April Brisbane Wife desertion Remand To Police 5 May
April 18 405 Birkadike John William P. Pinnock P.M 18 April Brisbane Obscene Language 1 month Conf or £3 sent expd 16 May
April 20 406 Crankey Jimmy W.R. O'Hill P.M 13 April Gayndah Murder Trial C.C. Maryborough 14 refer 91 to Police 10 Apl
April 20 407 Mills William P. F Selheim P.M 14 April Gympie Larceny Trial Dist Ct Gympie 4 Juen 91 To Police 27 May
April 20 408 Pearce Williams Harry P.F. Selheim P.M 8 April Gympie Threatening Language 12 Months Conf in default of sureties To St Helena 28 May

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