


Status: Page Status Needs Review

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
July 15 715 Palmer Frederick H.G. A.M. Francis P.M 16 July Brisbane Personating a Detective 3 months Conf or £10 sent expd 15 Oct
July 17 716 Lesbit Arthur Judge Harding 14 July Toowoomba Buggery 10 years P.S To St. Helena 11 Augt
July 17 717 Franks Albert Judge Harding 15 uly Toowoomba Receiving Stolen Property 9 months H.L sent remitted 2 Mch
July 18 718 Reddick Charles G.P.M Murray P.M 17 July S. Brisbane Resisting Police; creating a disturbance; damaging property 1 month Conf or £2; 1 month Conf or £2.5.0;48 hours or 7/6 cumulative Fine padi 22 July
July 18 719 Casstens John F. Registrar Dist Ct. Brisbane 17 July Brisbane Debtor By Order 18 Sept
July 18 720 Gaylor William P.W. Pears J.P 18 July Brisbane Creating a disturbance 7 days Conf or 10/ Fine Paid 19 July
July 18 721 Larin Owen P.W. Pears J.P 18 July Brisbane Damaging property 7 days conf or 8/ sent expd 24 July
July 20 722 Gordon George P.W. Pears J.P 18 July Brisbane Threatening Language Remand To Police 28 July
July 20 723 Don Charles P.W. Pears J.P 20 July Brisbane Larceny 3 months H.L sent expd 19 Oct
July 21 724 Hollingdale Henry P.W. Pears J.P 20 July Brisbane Obscene Language; assault 7 Days Conf or £1; 7 days Conf or £1 cumulative sent expd 1 Augt
July 21 725 Farrell Thomas P.W. Pears J.P 20 July Brisbane Drunkenness 14 Days Conf or £1 sent expd 1 Augt
July 21 726 Seabright als Smith Frederick G.P.M. Murray P.M 20 July S. Brisbane Larceny 6 months H.L or sooner if required by his Captain sent expd 19 Jan 92
July 21 727 Cunningham James G.P.M. Murray P.M 20 July S. Brisbane Larceny 6 months H.L sent expd 19 Jan
July 21 728 Maslin als Ross als Byrne als Marsden John Judge Paul 16 July Roma Larceny 3 years H.L To Blane Hospital 8 Jan 92
July 21 729 McDonald als Walters Joseph Judge Paul 16 July Roma Larceny from a dwelling 2 years H.L To St. Helena 11 Agt
July 21 730 Malone John P.W. Pears J.P 21 July Brisbane Dog Stealing Remand To Police 24 July
July 21 731 Waller James P.W. Pears J.P 21 July brisbane Obscene Language 7 days Conf or £1 sent expd 27 July

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