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3 revisions
NickiW at Feb 28, 2024 10:15 PM


DateNo.Surname/Last NameFirst Name/Given NameCommitted by WhomCommitted WhenCommitted WhereOffenceSentenceDisposed of HowDisposed of When
May 23476MurrayEdwardA Johnston QP16 MayTiaroAssault2 Months H LSent Back15 July
"77CachmanAngelauQ P Pugh Oh16 MayBundabergVagrancy2 Months H L"15 June
"78BoocooS. S. JDo12 MayDoAssault2 Months H LSent Back11 July 90
"79M TraynorPeterDo16 MayDoMaintenance12 Month Conf Default of penaltiesTo Toodua10 June 90
"80RossDavidP Pinnock Pho23 MayBrisbaneSmugglingRemandTo police24 March 90
"81HartDresdenDo23 MayDoLarcenyRemand"27 March
"82LeaderWilliamP P Marray23 MayS BrisbaneAttempted SuicideRemand"30 May 90
2483FairleyWilliamDo24 MayDoAssaulting Police7 days Conf or £1Fine paid26 May 90
2784HuntHarryP Pinnock PM27 MayBrisbaneLarcenyTrial Dist Ct Brisbane 16 June 90D. C Court16 June 90
2785HartDresdenDo27 MayDoLarceny2 Months ConfSent back26 July 90
2486MurrayA JJudge Kein24"Bigamy3 years PS
2484EugeneAlexanderDo24Larceny from person9 Months H LSent exps26 Feb 91
2788SheitonR MDo24Larceny6 Months H LSent back24 11 E
2789JamesH EDo24Damage property4 Months HL o.p.a if fund sureties in pay £2 pr week for damageDo Do26 Sep 90
2890RyderLouisMdge Mein28 MayBrisbaneBreach of Insolvency ActTrial sup ct Brisbane 29 May 90To Sun Court30 March
2891WhalerAlfredDo28Larceny5 months H LSent backOct 90
2892O’ConnorCharles JohnP Pinnock PM28 MayBrisbaneEmbezzlementRemandTo Police5 June 90

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
May 23 476 Murray Edward A Johnston QP 16 May Tiaro Assault 2 Months H L Sent Back 15 July
" 77 Cachman Angelau Q P Pugh Oh 16 May Bundaberg Vagrancy 2 Months H L " 15 June
" 78 Boocoo S. S. J Do 12 May Do Assault 2 Months H L Sent Back 11 July 90
" 79 M Traynor Peter Do 16 May Do Maintenance 12 Month Conf Default of penalties To Toodua 10 June 90
" 80 Ross David P Pinnock Pho 23 May Brisbane Smuggling Remand To police 24 March 90
" 81 Hart Dresden Do 23 May Do Larceny Remand " 27 March
" 82 Leader William P P Marray 23 May S Brisbane Attempted Suicide Remand " 30 May 90
24 83 Fairley William Do 24 May Do Assaulting Police 7 days Conf or £1 Fine paid 26 May 90
27 84 Hunt Harry P Pinnock PM 27 May Brisbane Larceny Trial Dist Ct Brisbane 16 June 90 D. C Court 16 June 90
27 85 Hart Dresden Do 27 May Do Larceny 2 Months Conf Sent back 26 July 90
24 86 Murray A J Judge Kein 24 " Bigamy 3 years PS
24 84 Eugene Alexander Do 24 Larceny from person 9 Months H L Sent exps 26 Feb 91
27 88 Sheiton R M Do 24 Larceny 6 Months H L Sent back 24 11 E
27 89 James H E Do 24 Damage property 4 Months HL o.p.a if fund sureties in pay £2 pr week for damage Do Do 26 Sep 90
28 90 Ryder Louis Mdge Mein 28 May Brisbane Breach of Insolvency Act Trial sup ct Brisbane 29 May 90 To Sun Court 30 March
28 91 Whaler Alfred Do 28 Larceny 5 months H L Sent back Oct 90
28 92 O’Connor Charles John P Pinnock PM 28 May Brisbane Embezzlement Remand To Police 5 June 90


DateNo.Surname/Last NameFirst Name/Given NameCommitted by WhomCommitted WhenCommitted WhereOffenceSentenceDisposed of HowDisposed of When
May 23476MurrayEdwardA Johnston QP16 MayTiaroAssault2 Months H LSent Back15 July
"77CachmanAngelauQ P Pugh Oh16 MayBundabergVagrancy2 Months H L"15 June
"78BoocooS. S. JDo12 MayDoAssault2 Months H LSent Back11 July 90
"79M TraynorPeterDo16 MayDoMaintenance12 Month Conf Default of penaltiesTo Toodua10 June 90
"80RossDavidP Pinnock Pho23 MayBrisbaneSmugglingRemandTo police24 March 90
"81HartDresdenDo23 MayDoLarcenyRemand"27 March
"82LeaderWilliamP P Marray23 MayS BrisbaneAttempted SuicideRemand"30 May 90
2483FairleyWilliamDo24 MayDoAssaulting Police7 days Conf or £1Fine paid26 May 90
2784HuntHarryP Pinnock PM27 MayBrisbaneLarcenyTrial Dist Ct Brisbane 16 June 90D. C Court16 June 90
2785HartDresdenDo27 MayDoLarceny2 Months ConfSent back26 July 90
2486MurrayA JJudge Kein24"Bigamy3 years PS
2484EugeneAlexanderDo24Larceny from person9 Months H LSent exps26 Feb 91
2788SheitonR MDo24Larceny6 Months H LSent back24 11 E
2789JamesH EDo24Damage property4 Months HL o.p.a if fund sureties in pay £2 pr week for damageDo Do26 Sep 90
2890RyderLouisMdge Mein28 MayBrisbaneBreach of Insolvency ActTrial sup ct Brisbane 29 May 90To Sun Court30 March
2891WhalerAlfredDo28Larceny5 months H LSent backOct 90
2892O’ConnorCharles JohnP Pinnock PM28 MayBrisbaneEmbezzlementRemandTo Police5 June 90

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
May 23 476 Murray Edward A Johnston QP 16 May Tiaro Assault 2 Months H L Sent Back 15 July
" 77 Cachman Angelau Q P Pugh Oh 16 May Bundaberg Vagrancy 2 Months H L " 15 June
" 78 Boocoo S. S. J Do 12 May Do Assault 2 Months H L Sent Back 11 July 90
" 79 M Traynor Peter Do 16 May Do Maintenance 12 Month Conf Default of penalties To Toodua 10 June 90
" 80 Ross David P Pinnock Pho 23 May Brisbane Smuggling Remand To police 24 March 90
" 81 Hart Dresden Do 23 May Do Larceny Remand " 27 March
" 82 Leader William P P Marray 23 May S Brisbane Attempted Suicide Remand " 30 May 90
24 83 Fairley William Do 24 May Do Assaulting Police 7 days Conf or £1 Fine paid 26 May 90
27 84 Hunt Harry P Pinnock PM 27 May Brisbane Larceny Trial Dist Ct Brisbane 16 June 90 D. C Court 16 June 90
27 85 Hart Dresden Do 27 May Do Larceny 2 Months Conf Sent back 26 July 90
24 86 Murray A J Judge Kein 24 " Bigamy 3 years PS
24 84 Eugene Alexander Do 24 Larceny from person 9 Months H L Sent exps 26 Feb 91
27 88 Sheiton R M Do 24 Larceny 6 Months H L Sent back 24 11 E
27 89 James H E Do 24 Damage property 4 Months HL o.p.a if fund sureties in pay £2 pr week for damage Do Do 26 Sep 90
28 90 Ryder Louis Mdge Mein 28 May Brisbane Breach of Insolvency Act Trial sup ct Brisbane 29 May 90 To Sun Court 30 March
28 91 Whaler Alfred Do 28 Larceny 5 months H L Sent back Oct 90
28 92 O’Connor Charles John P Pinnock PM 28 May Brisbane Embezzlement Remand To Police 5 June 90