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3 revisions
NickiW at Feb 28, 2024 10:28 PM


DateNo.Surname/Last NameFirst Name/Given NameCommitted by WhomCommitted WhenCommitted WhereOffenceSentenceDisposed of HowDisposed of When
June 4510FlynnMichaelP. Murray4 JuneS. BrisbaneDisorderly Conduct7 days conf or £2Sent Back10 June 90
411PhillipsJohnDo4 JuneDoResisting Police7 days conf or £12""
412WilliamsDavidDo4 JuneDoLarceny3 days H.LSent Back6 June 90
413WalshCharlesDo4 JuneDoDamaging property1 month conf or £3.2.6"3 July 90
414NewallWilliamDo4 JuneDoDamaging property1 month conf or £3.2.0Fine paid5 June 90
515HulmeEdgarJudge Man5 JuneDoConspiring to Defraud10 months H.LSt Helena12 Aug 90
516BensonH H"5"Conspiring to Defraud10 months H.LBy order28 Mch 91
517McVeighThomasS.P.M Ramsay P.M5 JuneS BrisbaneDisobeying orders on Ship14 days H.L or if required soonerSent Back18 June
518PeeJaiP. Pinnock P.M5 JuneBrisbaneSuspicion of StealingRemandTo Police10 June 90
519O'ConnorCharles JohnDo5 JuneDoLarcenyTrial Dist Brisbane 16 June 90No Bill13 "
520EnglishDanielDo5 JuneDoVagrancy6 Months H.LSent Back4 Dec 90
621HolohanJamesDo6 JuneDoVagrancy6 Months H.L""
622McDonaldThomasDo6 JuneDoLarcenyRemandTo Police13 June 90
623HughesEdward ADo6 JuneDoResisting PoliceRemandTo Police9 June 90
624GavinTerrance ADo6 JuneDoVagrancyRemand"13 "
625Meni als MenGeorgeDo6 JuneDoAssaulting Police; Resisting Police1 month H.L; 7 days conf or £2 cumulativeSent Back12 July 90
626LynchJohnG.P.M Murray P.I6 JuneS DoLarceny7 days H.LTo Ship11 June 90

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 4 510 Flynn Michael P. Murray 4 June S. Brisbane Disorderly Conduct 7 days conf or £2 Sent Back 10 June 90
4 11 Phillips John Do 4 June Do Resisting Police 7 days conf or £12 " "
4 12 Williams David Do 4 June Do Larceny 3 days H.L Sent Back 6 June 90
4 13 Walsh Charles Do 4 June Do Damaging property 1 month conf or £3.2.6 " 3 July 90
4 14 Newall William Do 4 June Do Damaging property 1 month conf or £3.2.0 Fine paid 5 June 90
5 15 Hulme Edgar Judge Man 5 June Do Conspiring to Defraud 10 months H.L St Helena 12 Aug 90
5 16 Benson H H " 5 " Conspiring to Defraud 10 months H.L By order 28 Mch 91
5 17 McVeigh Thomas S.P.M Ramsay P.M 5 June S Brisbane Disobeying orders on Ship 14 days H.L or if required sooner Sent Back 18 June
5 18 Pee Jai P. Pinnock P.M 5 June Brisbane Suspicion of Stealing Remand To Police 10 June 90
5 19 O'Connor Charles John Do 5 June Do Larceny Trial Dist Brisbane 16 June 90 No Bill 13 "
5 20 English Daniel Do 5 June Do Vagrancy 6 Months H.L Sent Back 4 Dec 90
6 21 Holohan James Do 6 June Do Vagrancy 6 Months H.L " "
6 22 McDonald Thomas Do 6 June Do Larceny Remand To Police 13 June 90
6 23 Hughes Edward A Do 6 June Do Resisting Police Remand To Police 9 June 90
6 24 Gavin Terrance A Do 6 June Do Vagrancy Remand " 13 "
6 25 Meni als Men George Do 6 June Do Assaulting Police; Resisting Police 1 month H.L; 7 days conf or £2 cumulative Sent Back 12 July 90
6 26 Lynch John G.P.M Murray P.I 6 June S Do Larceny 7 days H.L To Ship 11 June 90


DateNo.Surname/Last NameFirst Name/Given NameCommitted by WhomCommitted WhenCommitted WhereOffenceSentenceDisposed of HowDisposed of When
June 4510FlynnMichaelP. Murray4 JuneS. BrisbaneDisorderly Conduct7 days conf or £2Sent Back10 June 90
411PhillipsJohnDo4 JuneDoResisting Police7 days conf or £12""
412WilliamsDavidDo4 JuneDoLarceny3 days H.LSent Back6 June 90
413WalshCharlesDo4 JuneDoDamaging property1 month conf or £3.2.6"3 July 90
414NewallWilliamDo4 JuneDoDamaging property1 month conf or £3.2.0Fine paid5 June 90
515HulmeEdgarJudge Man5 JuneDoConspiring to Defraud10 months H.LSt Helena12 Aug 90
516BensonH H"5"Conspiring to Defraud10 months H.LBy order28 Mch 91
517McVeighThomasS.P.M Ramsay P.M5 JuneS BrisbaneDisobeying orders on Ship14 days H.L or if required soonerSent Back18 June
518PeeJaiP. Pinnock P.M5 JuneBrisbaneSuspicion of StealingRemandTo Police10 June 90
519O'ConnorCharles JohnDo5 JuneDoLarcenyTrial Dist Brisbane 16 June 90No Bill13 "
520EnglishDanielDo5 JuneDoVagrancy6 Months H.LSent Back4 Dec 90
621HolohanJamesDo6 JuneDoVagrancy6 Months H.L""
622McDonaldThomasDo6 JuneDoLarcenyRemandTo Police13 June 90
623HughesEdward ADo6 JuneDoResisting PoliceRemandTo Police9 June 90
624GavinTerrance ADo6 JuneDoVagrancyRemand"13 "
625Meni als MenGeorgeDo6 JuneDoAssaulting Police; Resisting Police1 month H.L; 7 days conf or £2 cumulativeSent Back12 July 90
626LynchJohnG.P.M Murray P.I6 JuneS DoLarceny7 days H.LTo Ship11 June 90

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 4 510 Flynn Michael P. Murray 4 June S. Brisbane Disorderly Conduct 7 days conf or £2 Sent Back 10 June 90
4 11 Phillips John Do 4 June Do Resisting Police 7 days conf or £12 " "
4 12 Williams David Do 4 June Do Larceny 3 days H.L Sent Back 6 June 90
4 13 Walsh Charles Do 4 June Do Damaging property 1 month conf or £3.2.6 " 3 July 90
4 14 Newall William Do 4 June Do Damaging property 1 month conf or £3.2.0 Fine paid 5 June 90
5 15 Hulme Edgar Judge Man 5 June Do Conspiring to Defraud 10 months H.L St Helena 12 Aug 90
5 16 Benson H H " 5 " Conspiring to Defraud 10 months H.L By order 28 Mch 91
5 17 McVeigh Thomas S.P.M Ramsay P.M 5 June S Brisbane Disobeying orders on Ship 14 days H.L or if required sooner Sent Back 18 June
5 18 Pee Jai P. Pinnock P.M 5 June Brisbane Suspicion of Stealing Remand To Police 10 June 90
5 19 O'Connor Charles John Do 5 June Do Larceny Trial Dist Brisbane 16 June 90 No Bill 13 "
5 20 English Daniel Do 5 June Do Vagrancy 6 Months H.L Sent Back 4 Dec 90
6 21 Holohan James Do 6 June Do Vagrancy 6 Months H.L " "
6 22 McDonald Thomas Do 6 June Do Larceny Remand To Police 13 June 90
6 23 Hughes Edward A Do 6 June Do Resisting Police Remand To Police 9 June 90
6 24 Gavin Terrance A Do 6 June Do Vagrancy Remand " 13 "
6 25 Meni als Men George Do 6 June Do Assaulting Police; Resisting Police 1 month H.L; 7 days conf or £2 cumulative Sent Back 12 July 90
6 26 Lynch John G.P.M Murray P.I 6 June S Do Larceny 7 days H.L To Ship 11 June 90