Register of male prisoners admitted - HM Prison, Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1890-1894 (ITM2941)





Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 12 544 Woods Frank P. Pinnock PM 12 June Brisbane Assaulting Police Remanded On Bail 13 June 90
"12 45 Hughes Edward F Do 12 June Do Creating a disturbery; Resisting the Police; Damaging property 48 hours conf or £2;1 month conf or £5;1 month conf or £1.18.6 cumulative Sent back 13 Aug 90
"12 46 Maurice Charles A Do 12 June Do Larceny 2 months conf Sent back 11 Aug 90
"13 47 Gavin Frank A Do 13 June Do Vagrancy 6 months H.L To Looana 13 June 90
"14 48 Soloman Henry alias Sullivan P W Pears S.P 14 June Do Suspicion of Larceny Remand To Police 14 June 90
"14 49 Thompson George Do 14 June Do Suspicion of Larceny Remand " 14"
"14 50 Cocking Isaac Do 14 June Do Suspicion of Larceny Remand " 14"
"14 51 Bell Arthur Do 14 June Do Suspicion of Larceny Remand " 14"
"14 52 Mason George William Do 14 June Do Embezzlement Remand " 16 June 90
"14 53 McDonnell Thomas Do 14 June Do Vagrancy Remand To police 14 June 90
"14 54 Alford alias Halford James John Do 16 June Do Suspicion of Larceny Remand " 14 Aug
"16 55 Gordon alias Humprey John alias William Judge Paul 16 June Do False Pretences 2 years H.L St Helena 14 Aug 90
"16 56 Martin William Do 16 June Do Forging & Uttering 12 months H.L To St Helena 15 July
"17 57 Thornhall George B.D P. Pinnock 16 June Do Vagrancy Remand To police 29 June 90
"17 58 Lawton Joseph G.P.M Murray P.M 16 June S Do Damaging property; Resisting Police 14 days conf or £1.16.0; 1 months con or £1.00 cumulative Sent back 21 July 90
"18 59 Howell Robert P. Pinnock 18 June Brisbane Breaking & Entering Remand To police 30 June 90
"19 60 White Frederick Do 19 June Do Larceny Remand " 30 "
Last edit over 2 years ago by logiebear


Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 20 561 South Frank Charles P. Pinnock 20 June Brisbane Drunkeness Remand To Police 27 June 90
"20 62 White Fred Do 20 June Do Larceny 6 months H.L Sent Back 19 Aug 90
"20 63 Howard Georg Do 20 June Do Obscene Language; Assault 1 month conf or £2; 2 months conf Sent Back 19 Aug 90
"21 64 Oldham Thomas C Judge Miller 16 June Rockhampton Forging & Uttering 3 year P.S St Helena 12 Aug 90
"21 65 Thompson Thomas Do 16 June Do Horse Stealing 12 months H.L To St Helena 15 July 90
"21 66 Gibson Stewart Do 16 June Do Bigamy 2 years H.L " 15
"23 67 Coylan James P. Pinnock 23 June Brisbane Indecent Exposure 1 month Conf or £3 Sent Back 22 July 90
"23 68 Templeton August Do 23 June Do Indecent Exposure 1 month Conf or £2 " "
"23 69 Schafer George Do 23 June Do Larceny Remand To Police 1 July 90
"24 70 Scott George Grant Do 24 June Do Obscene Language 7 Days conf or £2 Sent back 30 June 90
"24 71 Shulock Edward W. Yaldwyu P.M 24 May Ipswich Indecent Exposure 14 Days conf or £2 " 5 July 90
"24 72 Campbell Frank A form St Helena S.L Luften P.M 4 Febry Hampborough Larceny 6 months H.L " 2 Aug 90
"24 73 Billy alias Johnny S.S.I from St Helena Judge Cooper 18 May 1889 Mackay Rape Death Con to P.S for life St Helena 12 Aug 90
"25 74 Blake Harry P. Pinnock P.M 25 May 1890 Brisbane Damaging Property 1 month Conf or £2.15.0 Sent Back 14 July 90
"26 75 Crawford James R.M Boyle I.P 25 June Harrisville Rape Trial C.C Imprest 15 July 90 No Bill 3 July 90
"66 76 Manson George [??] P. Pinnock P.M 26 June Brisbane Embezzlement 3 Charges Trial Dist Ct Brisbane 18 August 90 D.C Court 18 Aug 90
"26 77 Hawson Charles G.P.M Murray PM 26 June Sdo Larceny 1 month H.L Sent Back 13 June 90
Last edit over 2 years ago by logiebear
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Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 26 578 Billy Lillis abn P. F Selhain P.M 31 May Gympie Assault 2 months HL Sent Back 30 July 90
"26 79 Tom alias Ab Sam I. P Pugh P.M 4 June Bundaberg Breach of Liquor act; Breach of Liquor act 1 month Conf or £5;1 month Conf or £5.19.9 cumulative " 2 Aug 90
"26 80 Montara Alfred. M Do 23 June Do Assaulting his wife 3 months H.L " 22 Feb 90
"26 81 Diancona John Judge Miller 13 June Do Larceny 2 months H.L Sent Back 12 Aug 90
"27 82 George Dwayne P. Pinnock P.M 27 June Brisbane Larceny Remand To police 30 June 90
"27 83 Rook Robert G.P.M Murray PM 27 June S do Obscene Language 3 months Conf or £5 Sent back 26 Sep 90
"28 84 Anderson Mack Charles McLeod I.P 26 June Brisbane Want of Levy 3 months Conf or £3.34 Do 30 Sept 90
"28 85 McCann Henry John W Hill I.P 28 June S Do Creating a disturbance 3 days Conf or £2 Do 30 Jul 90
"28 86 Lamb alias O Connor Joseph Judge Hern 15 Nov 1887 Brisbane Indecent Assault 5 years P.S To St Helena 15 July 90
"28 87 Bloode John P. Pinnock P.M 28 June 1890 Do Assault; Resisting Police 1 month Conf; 1 month Conf or £2 cumulative Fine paid 28 July 90
"28 88 Kennedy Michael Do 28 June Do Indecent Assault 6 months in default of sureties Sent Back 27 Aug 90
"28 89 Owen George Bourne Do 28 June Do Larceny Remand To Police 15 July 90
"30 90 Sinclair Edgar Robert Judge Miller 23 June Clermont Attempt to commit sodomy 3 years P.S To St Helena 15 July 90
"30 91 Moffat Charles G.P.M Muarray 30 June So Rusban Illegally obtaining a passage 14 Days conf £1.7.0 Sent Back 17 July 90
"30 92 Hauseu Robert Do 30 June Do Creating a disturbance 7 days Conf or £0.10.0 Fine paid 4 July 90
"30 93 Dowie Alexander P. Pinnock P.M 30 June Brisbane Drunkeness Remand To Police 7 July 90
"30 94 Goodfellow Fredk Judge Chubb 13 June Townsville Embezzlement 2 years H.L St Helena 15 July 90
Last edit 9 months ago by M Burgess
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Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
June 30 595 Napier Robert Judge Chubb 17 June Townsville Bigamy 5 Years P.S St Helena 15 July 90
"30 96 Pritchard John Do 18 June Do Robbery with Violence 5 years P.S " 12 Aug 90
"30 97 Murray William Do 18 June Do Robbery with Violence 2 years H.L St Helena 15 July 90
July 1 98 Bell James P. Pinnock P.M 1 July Do Attempted horse stealing Remand To Police 23 July 90
"1 99 Schafer George Do 1 July Do Larceny ; Larceny 6 months H.L; 6 months H.L concurrent Sent Back 31 Dec 90
"1 600 Stead Joshua Do 1 July Do Larceny 6 months H.L Do 31 Dec 90
"1 1 Jewris Robert D Do 1 July Do Assault 7 Days conf or £2 Sent Back 14 July 90
"1 2 Ivers Frederick A.W Coupagam PM 30 June Raleight Larceny 2 months HL Do 29 Aug 90
"2 3 Wallace Richard P. Pinnock PM 2 July Brisbane Housebreaking Remand To Police 24 July 90
"2 4 Knox Thomas G.P.M Murray PM 2 July S do ?? Premises 7 Days conf or £2 Sent Back 8 July 90
"2 5 Burke alias Carello James W Galdwyn P.M 28 June Woombye Larceny 2 Months HL to ? 21 July 90
"3 6 Murray George P. Pinnock P.M 3 July Brisbane Possession of Property Remand To Police 14"
"5 7 Somerset Fitzroy Do 5 July Do Vagrancy 6 Months HL Sent Back 3 Jany 91
"7 8 Talfer John Do 7 July Do Obscene Language 1 month conf or £3 Sent Back 6 Aug 90
"9 9 Bruhn James Peter A.M Francis P.M 7 July South Port Non payment of wages 2 months Conf or £6.18.3 Fine paid 12 July 90
"9 10 Hall Thomas P.W Pears I.P 9 May Brisbane Obscene Language 14 Days conf or £2.3.6 Fine paid 10 July 90
"9 11 Thompson William Do 9 May Do Destruction of property Remand D C Court 19 Aug 90
Last edit 9 months ago by M Burgess


Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
July 10 612 Thompson William P W Pears I.P 10 July Brisbane Wilful destruction of property Trial Dist ct Brisbane 18 Aug 1890 To Police 10 July 90
"10 13 Scott Thomas Do 10 July Do Breaking & Entering Remand " 15"
"10 14 McMahon John Acting Judge Mansfield 8 July Toowoomba Horse Stealing 15 months H.L St Helena 9 Sept 90
"11 15 Bruce William P. Pinnock P.M 11 July Brisbane Assault & Robbery Remand Bail 12 July 90
"11 16 Reave Patrick Do 11 May Do Assault &Robbery Remand Bail 18"
"11 17 Callen Charles Do 11 July Do Threatening Language Remand To Police 18"
"12 18 Barry William Do 12 July Do Vagrancy Remand Do 17"
"12 19 Burke Miles Do 12 July Do Disobeying an order Remand Do 18"
"12 20 Galloway William Do 12 July Do Vagrancy Remand To Police 14 July 90
"12 21 Bell Thomas Do 12 July Do Larceny Remand " 21
"13 22 Relly alias Brook alias Book John Judge Miller 27 June Barcaldin Larceny 2 years H.L St Helena 12 Aug
"13 23 Spinga William Do 27 June Do Cattle Stealing 12 months H.L Sent exp 19 June
"14 24 Harding Frederick John W Hill I.P 14 July S Brisbane Obscene Language 14 Day conf or £1 Sent Back 26 Aug 90
"14 25 Haywood Joey alias Jay S.L Luffen P.M 10 July Maryborough Horse Stealing 2 Charges Trial Dist Ct Maybourough 4 September 90 To Police 29 Aug 90
"14 26 Reid alias Stanfield Charles H. Do 11 July Do Forgery Trial Dist Maryborough 4 Sept 90 " 29"
"14 27 Jones Edward Do 10 July Do Horse Stealing 2 Charges Trial Dist Ct Maryborough 4 Sept 90 " 29"
"14 28 Owent George. B P. Pinnock 14 July Brisbane Larceny 3 Charges Trial Dist Brisbane 18 Aug 90 18 Aug 90
Last edit over 2 years ago by logiebear
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