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Name Relationship
Transcription: Page one is the cover page for William Stivers pension file. Remarks; Henrietta Hart the former widow of William Stivers. The second page is a document that was later added in the digitization process when indexing key information for this pension file. Widows Certificate file number, WC 123197. William was enlisted in Co. I. 108th Regt. USCT. Pensioners listed were, widow, Henrietta Stivers (Maiden name: Fields.) No other pensioners listed. Page three covers the declaration of proof listing William's death in: Meridian, Mississippi, September 2, 1865. Dr. Cummins reported William as healthy with good habits. Two Soldiers that served with William in the same company stated they were present at his death and the address and or whereabouts of the surgeon/officer involved is unknown. Affidavit of marriage proves Henrietta and William were married, July 15, 1858. The remarriage of Henrietta occurred on June 14th, 1866. A pension of $8.00 a month commencing September 3rd, 1865 and ending June 14th, 1866, is listed. On page four is Henriettas Widows application for army pension. Henrietta was 33 years old and residing in Jefferson County, Louisville, Kentucky in 1866. The application lists Williams cause of death from disease and states they never barred children. The marriage date listed (July,1859) is one year later than the one listed on page three. Two residents of Louisville that Henrietta considered creditable and respectable (Ann Pedergrant and R Muther) adhered to be witnesses on her behalf January 11th, 1866 and swore to be present for Henriettas declaration. Page five is additional documentation for Henrietta widows' application for army pension. The letter on page six is from the commissioner of pensions (Adjutant General's office) in Washington D.C. dated August 16th, 1866. In this letter the officer is acknowledging pension No. 120158 with information gathered from the rolls on file from that office about Bill Stivers enlisted in Co. E. 108th Regt. but holding no record of a William Stivers in Co. E. 108th Regt. Page seven is an Affidavit from the officiating minister, Richard Muther (R. Muther.) Richard states that on or about July 15th, 1858, he officiated the marriage of Bill and Henrietta Stivers and that Henriettas prior name was Henrietta Fields. He continues to say that he is not in possession of the original certificate of marriage but makes his affidavit based on only facts. Page nine is a marriage license from Hamilton County, Ohio for Henrietta Stivers and Robert Hart. This certificate of marriage is dated June 14th, 1866. Page eleven regards further information on the pension for Henrietta Hart and service details for William Stivers. The pension information on page three is identical to the information on this document stating for at a rate of $8.00 per month commencing from September 3rd, 1865 and ending June 14th, 1866, with the certificate dated January 9th, 1869, sent to Chipman Hosman and Co. On page twelve the document covers further information on the pension for Henrietta and William Stivers' service also stating William died at Meridian, Mississippi from disease September 2nd, 1865. The letter on page fourteen dated January 2nd, 1866, from Columbus, Mississippi regards further details on the enlistment and death of Bill Stivers. Page fifteen is a letter of report addressing two soldiers, Henry Smith and David Griffith, that were affiants stating they were mustards of Co. I. 108th Regt with William Stivers'. They report being present with William at the time of his death and that his disease was "gravel". The attending surgeons name and residence is unknown, but Henry and David stated William as a man of good habit concluding his disease wasn't caused by his physical fit. Page sixteen is a document providing additional evidence for Henriettas pension claim No. 120158. On page seventeen is a joint affidavit dated January 11th, 1866, providing the statements of R. Muther and Ann. Pedergrant regarding their acquaintance with William and Henrietta Stivers. The affiants state that they lived in the same city and state as William and Henrietta also witnessing them address/treat each other as husband and wife. They testify to know William before his enlistment and that he was a man of good sound physical heath. They report Williams passing as the effects of a disease he incurred while in the service. Henrietta is stated to have remained widowed since the death of William and R. Muther testifies being present at the marriage of William and Henrietta, preforming the officiation of their marriage. Page eighteen is additional guidance for Henriettas pension claim and affidavit information sent from the county clerk's office in Louisville, Kentucky in 1866. Page nineteen is a single affidavit dated November 14th, 1868, in Jefferson County, Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. Cummins states being acquainted with Bill Stivers and was a private in the same company and regiment as him further saying that he examined Bill Stivers death at enlistment and recalled him as a sane and healthy man. Page twenty-one is another single affidavit for Henrietta Hart (formerly Stivers) dated December 29th, 1868, in Jefferson County, Louisville, Kentucky. Henrietta is listed as 36 years old and a resident of Louisville, Kentucky, stating that she is the identical Henrietta Stivers widow of Bill Stivers that served in the war of 1861. Henrietta continues to say that she is unable to obtain the affidavit from the claim office and the best evidence she can offer is evidence of Mr. Cummins the examinee of the same regiment and company as Bill Stivers who examined Bills death at the time of enrollment. The letter on page twenty-three is addressing a change in Henriettas Power of Attorney. Henrietta, widow of Bill Stivers in Co. I. 108th Regt appoints Chipman Hosman and Co of Washington, D.C. as her attorney and requested that her claim for army pension No. 120158 filed by H.H. Buckholder be reissued due to H. Buckholder passing away. Henrietta states H. Buckholder was killed on board of the United States steamer in the Ohio River on December 4th, 1868. The letter is dated December 14th, 1868. Page twenty-four is a certificate of acknowledgment regarding Henriettas power of attorney. Page twenty-five is a document of additional evidence for Henriettas pension claim No. 120158. Page Twenty-six is the source documentation for William's pension file.

Summary: This document is the cover page for the pension file of William Stivers and Henrietta Hart.

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