gcls_citycode_1898_ 0009




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city; the said books to be opened for such registration
for thrity days (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) at
least five hours per day; and at the close of such registration
the said books to remain in the custody of the Clerk,
[in margins] Books.
and shall be subject to public inspection under such
reasonable rules as the said City Concil may prescribe.

SEC. 5. The Clerk shall administer to every person
[in margins] Oath of person
[in margins] registering.
offering to register an oath that he is duly qualified to
vote at the election to be held, and that he does truly
state his name and occupation and place and residence.

SEC. 6. That the said election shall be held at some
[in margins] Conduct of election
[in margins] and declaration
[in margins] of result.
one or more convenient public places ir. said city, designated
by the City Council, from six o'clock in the morning
until six o'clock in the afternoon of same day; and
upon closing the polls the Managers of said election
shall forthwith proceed to count the votes and declare
the result of the election, giving notice in writing to the
persons elected. The Mayor and Aldermen for the time
being shall give ten days' public notice of the time and
place or places of holding such elections, and shall appoint
three members of the said corporation as managers
of said election at each of the places where it may be
[in margins] Managers.
held; and the said Managers before they open the
polls shall take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct
the said election; and said Managers, or one of them,
shall administer to every person offering to vote at the
election an oath that he is duly qualified to vote at such
[in margins] Oath of elector.
election according to the Constitution and laws of this
State and has not voted at such election.

SEC. 7. The Mayor and Aldermen are empowered to
fine any person so appointed as Manager, who refuses to
[in margins] Provisions affecting
[in margins] Managers
[in margins] and the election.
serve. in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and
said Mayor and Aldermen shall have authority to make
all necessary ordinances, rules and regulations for the
proper, fair and just management and control of said

SEC. 8. That the Mayor and Aldermen, to be elected

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