gcls_citycode_1898_ 0011




Status: Complete


SEC. 11. The Mayor and Aldermen of said city are Powers of Trial
hereby, severally and respectfully, vested with all the Justices.
powers of Trial Justices in the State, within the limits
of said city, to try and punish all persons charged with
the violation of the ordinances of said city.

SEC. 12. That the Mayor of said city shall, as often as Council meet-
may be necessary, summon the Aldermen to meet in Coun- ings.
cil ; and the Mayor and any eight Aldermen, or any nine
Aldermen without the Mayor, shall constitute a quorum
to do business. The Mayor and Aldermen of said city
shall be known and designated by the name of "The
City Council of Greenville," and they and their succes- Powers.
sors shall have a common seal, which shall be affixed to
all their ordinances ; may sue and be sued, plead and
be impleaded, in any court of this State having jurisdic-
tion ; and may purchase, hold, possess, and enjoy, to
them and their successors, in perpetuity or for any term
of years, any estate, real, personal or mixed, and sell,
alien and convey the same : Provided, That the same
shall not at any time exceed the sum of one hundred Property not to
thousand dollars. And the said City Council shall have exceed $100,000.
full power and authority to make and establish all such
rules, by-laws, and ordinances respecting the roads, By-laws and or-
streets, market and police department of said city, and dinances.
the government thereof, as shall appear to them neces-
sary and requisite for the security, welfare, and con-
venience of the said city, for preserving health, life and
property therein, and securing the peace and good
governement of the same, and may fix and impose fines
and penalities for the violation thereof : Provided, never-
theless, That all such ordinances, by-laws, rules and reg-
ulations so made be duly promulgated, and that no fine Fines and im-
shall exceed the sum of fifty dollars, or imprisoment prisonment
extend for a period longer than thirty days, or either,
or both, for the same offense.

SEC. 13. That said City Council shall have full power Fire district
to prohibit the erection of any wooden building or build-
ings, or any wooden roof building or buildings, in any

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