gcls_citycode_1898_ 0034
of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company,
which bonds fall due in 1891, the said City Council of
the City of Greenville be, and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to issue coupon bonds to an amount not
exceeding twelve thousand five hundred dollars, said
bonds to bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven per
cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day
of January and July of each year, and to be made payable
in from five to twenty-five years from the date of the
same, at the discretion of the said City Council.
(Act of 1889, page 531.)
AN ACT to authorize the City Council of the City Greenville
to Issue Coupon Bonds for the Purpose of Refunding
Ten Thousand (10,000) Dollars of the Indebtedness
of said city falling due in July 1887, upon bonds issued
in aid of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway
SEC. 1. That for the purpose of refunding the indebtedness
of the City of Greenville upon bonds issued in aid
of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company,
which bonds fall due in July 1887, the City Council of the
City of Greenville be, and they are hereby, authorized
and empowered to issue coupon bonds to an amount not
exceeding ten thousand dollars; said bonds to bear inter-
est at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-
annually, on the first day of July and of January of each
and every year, and to bear date from the first day of
July 1887, and to be made payable twenty-five years
from the date of the same.
(Acts 1886, page 625.)
AN ACT to empower the municipal authorities of the
cities and towns of this State of not less than ten
thousand inhabitants to Require the Weighing of all
Coal sold within the limits of such cities and towns
and to Impose a Charge therefor.
SEC. 1. That the municipal authorities of the cities and
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