gcls_citycode_1898_ 0039




Status: Complete


shall be authorized to issue said bonds which shall be of
such denomination and run for such length of time and
bear such rate of interest, not exceeding seven per centum
per annum, as the said municipal authorities shall pre-
(Act 1896, page 88.)


AN ACT to Provide for the Registration of all Electors
in this State Qualified to Vote in State, County, Muni-
cipal, etc.

SEC. 23. Every male citizen of this State and of the
United States of the age of twenty-one years and up-
wards having all the qualifications mentioned in the first
Section of this Act, and who has resided within the cor-
porate limits of any incorporated city or town in this
State of four months previous to any municipal election,
and has paid all taxes due and collectible for the pre-
ceding fiscal year, and who has been registered as here-
inafter required, shall be entitled to vote at all municipal
elections of his city or town after the general election in
the year 1896.

SEC. 24. Ninety days before the holding of a regular
election in any incorporated city or town in this State
after the general election of 1896 the Mayor or Intendant
thereof shall appoint one discreet individual who is a
qualified elector of such municipality as Supervisor of
Registration for such city or town, whose duty it shall
be to register all qualified electors within the limits of
the incorporated city or town. The names of all quali-
fied electors of such municipality shall be entered in a
book of registration, which at least one week before the
election and immediately after the holding of the elec-
tion shall be filed in the office of the Clerk or Recorder
of such city or town, and shall be a public record open
to the inspection of any citizen at all times. Such regis-
tration shall be used for all special elections in the

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