gcls_citycode_1898_ 0046
futher duty of said Mayor and Coucil to levy and col-
lect annually a tax sufficient to pay the salaries and all
expenses of the Board of Police Commissioners, Marshal
and Policemen, and all the expenses for the operation
and mentenance of said police department, and a writ of
mandamus, or proper process shall lie at the suit of the
Board of Police Commissioners against the municipal
authorities of such city to compel the levy and collection
of such annual tax and the payment of such expenses by
them. It shall be the duty of the Board of Police Com-
missioners to make general and special rules for its own
government and regulation of the police department,
and to make and promulgate proper orders to the police
force through the Marshal.
SEC. 4. The Board may, on the application of any
person or persons showing sufficient cause, therefore, in
the discretion of the Board, appoint any number of
special policemen, not exceeding in all the number of
regular policemen at one time, to do duty at designated
place or places in the city at the expense of the person
or persons by whom such application shall be made, and
the city shall not pay any special policement so ap-
pointed, and such special policemen shall not be required
to do duty at any other than the designated place, or
places, but in all other respects they shall obey all rules
and regulations of the Board and all orders from the
Marshal. The Board may also, with the consent of the
State Board of the State, appoint such number of special
policemen for general duty in the city as may be deemed
advisable, but such special policemen shall not serve
longer than two successive days without new appoint-
ments being made in like manner, and they shall not be
paid at a rate exceeding that of the regular policement.
SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Council
of any such city, to provide at its expense all necessary
accommodations for the sessions of the Board, and to
provide a police court room, station houses and prisons,
and to furnish, warm and light the same ; to furnish food
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