gcls_citycode_1898_ 0051
privileges and liabilities, as are provided for school dis-
tricts by the school law of South Carolina, approved
March 22d, 1878.
(Act 1885, pag 382.)
SEC. 3. That in addition to the rights and privileges
hereinbefore granted, the said school district shall have
power to levy, on all real and personal property returned
in said district, a tax not exceeding three mills on the
dollar, subject to the following provisions: The tax of
two mills on the dollar which was voted by the citizens
of said school district returning real and personal proper-
ty therein, at a meeting called by the Trustees of said
district in the month of June 1893, shall remain unchang-
ed and be levied by said Trustees during the month of
June each year, of which levy they shall give the Auditor
of said county written notice on or before the 15th day
of the next July, and shall be assessed and collected
each year without further notice, as now provided in this
Act, and appropriated for the support and maintenance
of the public schools of said school district, unless twenty
or more citizens of said school district returning real or
personal property herein for taxation shall, on or before
the first day of June of any year, sign and present a peti-
tion addressed to the Trustees of said school district ask-
ing that a meeting of the citizens returning real or per-
sonal property therein for taxation be called for the
purpose of reducing or increasing said tax. In case such
petition shall be presented said trustees shall issue a call
for a public meeting, to be held in the month of June, on
or before the 30th day of said month, of all those citizens
of said school district returning real or personal property
therein for taxation. Such notice shall be published in
at least one newspaper and be posted in two public places
in said district for at least two weeks before such meet-
ing, and shall specify the place and object of such meet-
ing. When the persons answering the above description
shall have assembled in public meeting they shall have
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