gcls_citycode_1898_ 0067




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be construed as applying to dogs of strangers passing
through the city.

SEC. 4. That any person or persons suffering or allow-
ing any dog owned or kept by them, to run at large con-
trary to this ordinance, or in any other way violate the
same or any part thereof, shall, upon conviction, be fined
not more than $5.00, or imprisoned not more than 20 days,
at the discretion of the Mayro or acting Mayor.
Done and ratified in Council assembled this 7th day of
June, 1898.


AN ORDINANCE Providing for a Special Assessment to
Pay for Street Improvements.

SEC. 1. That whenever, in the opinion of the City
Council of Greenville, any street, sidewalk, avenue,
alley, lane or other public ground will be improved by
grading, curbing, paving, graveling, ditching, macada-
mizing or otherwise, the City Council may, by reso-
lution, designate the street, avenue or alley to be
improved, directing the kind of improvement to be made
and the manner in which it shall be done, as provided for
by an Act entitled "An Act providing for the grading
and paving of streets, public ways and alleys for the
city of Greenville. " Approved Dec. 22d, A. D. 1891.

SEC. 2. After the completion of such work, or any part
thereof, and upon the completion of the work now in
progress on Main street, or any part thereof, it shall be
the duty of the City Engineer, or other person acting in
that capacity, to make a plat of the said street, or portion
thereof so improved, with the name of each abutting
property holder, together with his frontage and assess-
ment ; that is to say, the said City Engineer shall assess
one-third of the cost of such grading, paving, macada-
mizing or improving said street, public way or alley upon
the abutting property owners on each side of said street,
public way or alley, or part thereof so improved, so that
said property holders, in the aggregate, shall pay two-


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