gcls_citycode_1898_ 0042


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3 revisions
AlexisPowell at Dec 23, 2023 04:51 PM

gcls_citycode_1898_ 0042

38 LAWS AFFECTING THE CITY OF GREENVILLE. duction and presentation to the managers of election of such precinct (in additional to his municipal registration certificate) a certificate of the Clerk or Recorder of such city or town that his name is enrolled in the registration books of his city or town, on file in the office of said Clerk or Recorder, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk or Recorder to furnish such certificate without cost or charge upon demand of any such elector whose name ap pears on the registration book of his city or town on file in the office of said Clerk or Recorder. SEC. 30. Every applicant for registration including municipal registration shall first take the following oath to be administered to him by the Board or the Supervis- or or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a male citizen of this State and of the United States ; that I have resi- ded in this State for two years, and in this County for one year, and in the polling precinct in which I apply to be registered and in which I will offer to vote if registered for four months; and that I have not been convicted of burglary, arson, obtaining goods or money under false pretences, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery, adultry, bigamy, wife beating, housebreaking, receiving stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, for- nication, sodomy, incest, assault with intent to ravish, miscegenation, larceny or crimes against the election laws. " (Acts 1896, page 45-48.) ----------------------------------- MEATS. AN ACT to amend the Charters of Cities and Towns in regard to the sale of meats. SEC. 1. That from and after the approval of this Act no City or Town Council shall charge any citizen or citi- zens of this State fees for the right to sell or offer for sale fresh beef, pork, mutton, fish, poultry or veal, produc- ed or grown by the vender, excepting butchers, who shall [END OF PAGE]


duction and presentation to the managers of election of
such precinct (in additional to his municipal registration
certificate) a certificate of the Clerk or Recorder of such
city or town that his name is enrolled in the registration
books of his city or town, on file in the office of said Clerk
or Recorder, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk or
Recorder to furnish such certificate without cost or
charge upon demand of any such elector whose name ap
pears on the registration book of his city or town on file
in the office of said Clerk or Recorder.
SEC. 30. Every applicant for registration including
municipal registration shall first take the following oath
to be administered to him by the Board or the Supervis-
or or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be :
" I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a male citizen
of this State and of the United States ; that I have resi-
ded in this State for two years, and in this County
for one year, and in the polling precinct in which
I apply to be registered and in which I will offer to vote
if registered for four months; and that I have not been
convicted of burglary, arson, obtaining goods or money
under false pretences, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery,
adultry, bigamy, wife beating, housebreaking, receiving
stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, for-
nication, sodomy, incest, assault with intent to ravish,
miscegenation, larceny or crimes against the election
laws. "
(Acts 1896, page 45-48.)

AN ACT to amend the Charters of Cities and Towns in
regard to the sale of meats.
SEC. 1. That from and after the approval of this Act
no City or Town Council shall charge any citizen or citi-
zens of this State fees for the right to sell or offer for
sale fresh beef, pork, mutton, fish, poultry or veal, produc-
ed or grown by the vender, excepting butchers, who shall


gcls_citycode_1898_ 0042

38 LAWS AFFECTING THE CITY OF GREENVILLE. duction and presentation to the managers of election of such precinct (in additional to his municipal registration certificate) a certificate of the Clerk or Recorder of such city or town that his name is enrolled in the registration books of his city or town, on file in the office of said Clerk or Recorder, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk or Recorder to furnish such certificate without cost or charge upon demand of any such elector whose name ap pears on the registration book of his city or town on file in the office of said Clerk or Recorder. SEC. 30. Every applicant for registration including municipal registration shall first take the following oath to be administered to him by the Board or the Supervis- or or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a male citizen of this State and of the United States ; that I have resi- ded in this State for two years, and in this County for one year, and in the polling precinct in which I apply to be registered and in which I will offer to vote if registered for four months; and that I have not been convicted of burglary, arson, obtaining goods or money under false pretences, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery, adultry, bigamy, wife beating, housebreaking, receiving stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, for- nication, sodomy, incest, assault with intent to ravish, miscegenation, larceny or crimes against the election laws. " (Acts 1896, page 45-48.) ----------------------------------- MEATS. AN ACT to amend the Charters of Cities and Towns in regard to the sale of meats. SEC. 1. That from and after the approval of this Act no City or Town Council shall charge any citizen or citi- zens of this State fees for the right to sell or offer for sale fresh beef, pork, mutton, fish, poultry or veal, produc- ed or grown by the vender, excepting butchers, who shall


duction and presentation to the managers of election of
such precinct (in additional to his municipal registration
certificate) a certificate of the Clerk or Recorder of such
city or town that his name is enrolled in the registration
books of his city or town, on file in the office of said Clerk
or Recorder, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk or
Recorder to furnish such certificate without cost or
charge upon demand of any such elector whose name ap
pears on the registration book of his city or town on file
in the office of said Clerk or Recorder.
SEC. 30. Every applicant for registration including
municipal registration shall first take the following oath
to be administered to him by the Board or the Supervis-
or or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be :
" I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a male citizen
of this State and of the United States ; that I have resi-
ded in this State for two years, and in this County
for one year, and in the polling precinct in which
I apply to be registered and in which I will offer to vote
if registered for four months; and that I have not been
convicted of burglary, arson, obtaining goods or money
under false pretences, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery,
adultry, bigamy, wife beating, housebreaking, receiving
stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, for-
nication, sodomy, incest, assault with intent to ravish,
miscegenation, larceny or crimes against the election
laws. "
(Acts 1896, page 45-48.)

AN ACT to amend the Charters of Cities and Towns in
regard to the sale of meats.
SEC. 1. That from and after the approval of this Act
no City or Town Council shall charge any citizen or citi-
zens of this State fees for the right to sell or offer for
sale fresh beef, pork, mutton, fish, poultry or veal, produc-
ed or grown by the vender, excepting butchers, who shall