05281912 4


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Harpwench at Apr 14, 2024 05:10 PM

05281912 4

[across all columns] SIX THE GREENVILLE DAILY PIEDMONT, TUESDAY, MAY 28 1912 A CORNER FOR MEN [headline spans top section of cols. 1-3] A Few Helpful Moments With the "Get There" Club Memorial Day. You may not care & snap about the Civil War, Horace, and you may even be indifferent to the picture of the Old Veterans marching along on May 30th to the cemeteries to decorate the graves of their dead—but just because you feel that way, because you're young and lusty and climbing up the ladder of business success is just the reason why you should stop and think a minute. We young ones are very prone indeed to minimize the value of any and everything that isn't of our own day and generation. Now, cutting out all "fireworks" and patriotic oratory, Horace, let's get down to hard brass tacks and take a look at this Memorial Day business. Its [externals?] are a few [dot-] tering feeble old men in blue strug- gling along the [line?] of march on their great day with flowers in their hands and memories in their hearts of stirring days when the whole land ran blood and men's souls were tried in a [illegible] that none of us will ever have to be looked at. The bugles are playing, the flags flying and the entire country paying tribute to them and their brothers [who?] long since passed to the land where memories are no more. That's the external side of it, Horace—beautiful, just and in- spiring But underneath is a lesson that we —especially we young chaps with our minds intent upon financial troubles and battles of existence—should take home to ourselves not property as a [illegible] but as [blurry] of real im- portance. There where whole graves are decorated on Memorial Day are accorded that slight token of esteem because they gave their lives for a principle; because they set out to ac- [article continues on column 2, top section] complish, a certain [finding?] and did so. Moreover, they [blurry] through" with their hands clean! They proved them- selves heroes, not weaklings, suc- cessess, not failures. Had their repu- tations better been [sullied?] or their achievements of doubtful character, we of today would not be holding them in blessed memory. They "came clean." Horace, they "came clean." Why, a few weeks ago, when the Titanic disaster held the entire coun- try horror-stricken and crushed by it terrible death toll, why did a movement spring up from the hearts of thousands to honor the heroic dead with memorial services and monuments of more lasting charac- ter? Because, Horace, the men and women over whom the sea closed its icy waters died upholding the sacred principle of heroism. Because they "came clean" in the awful test to which they were subjected. Because they performed a grim task that set the whole world reverently applaud- ing their noble conduct. Right now—even though no me- morial of stone ever be erected to them—they have their memorial in the hearts of the millions who knew their story—and in the hearts of thousands still unborn who, in the fut- ure, will read the grim tale and mar- vel at their heroics. Today isn't everything in life, Hor- ace. There's a tomorrow, right on this earth, that will last as long as the world does. It isn't true that nothing counts after you're dead. These old fellows of the Grand Army of the Republic still live, don't they? And the Titanic's victims are right this minute an inspiration to many troubled hearts. There are other generations coming after us and they will look back to see what heritage of honor, of heroism, of manhood we [article continues on column 3, top paragraph] have handed down to them. The making of our memorial is in our own hands. Each of us has his part to enact in it too. Our respective children and their children will look to us for [article continues on column 4, top paragraph] inspiration. Shall we disappoint them? There are many heroes in the battle of peace of the busi- ness world of [illegible]. Twentieth Century life as there were in the days of fire and sword. Are we—we young chaps—proving equal to [illegible] lead—are we "coming clean" in every- thing we do? [return to column 1, middle section] Nobleman An Inventor COUNT BELA FORGACH, with a summer palace near Vienna, has invented a real "[illegible]" which he says will take the place of the ordinary umbrella and parasol. The nobleman's invention consists of a frame and cover so made that the latter is instantly detachable, while another cover can be put on in a few seconds without any [illegible[ [article continues on column 2, middle section] ing necessary. It is expected by the inventor that each frame shall have several covers, one black for rain and others white or colored to suit the fancy of [blurry] The Count claims that one of the parasols will be sufficient for a whole summer at the seaside, but as yet not many ex- periments have been made. [return to column 1, bottom section] [advertisement for land for sale by Cleveland & Williams] __________________________________________ For Sale. ----------o---------- In what is rapidly becoming the wholesale district of Green- ville, in our judgment, and by far the most public and acces- sible property to be had for this purpose, we have had placed in our hands, for a limi- ted time, at only $210 per front foot, 85 feet on South Main street, opposite Chicora College. This property will have a railroad track in rear. See us quick if interested in this. Cleveland & Williams PHONE 916. __________________________________________ [advertisement for W. A. Wallace Insurance] Swift punishment often leaps out of the jury-box. The employer figur- ing as the defendent in a damage suit [initiated?] by an injured employee must not be surprised to find the sympathy of the jury with the plaintiff. This is a frequent occurrence; and the employer, in many instances, is called upon in pay heavy damages. The only effectual means of escaping the burden imposed by an adverse verdict is to secure the protection of an Ocean Employers' Liability Policy. The Cor- poration then assumes all of the expense and [responsibility?] incident to the defense and settlement of the case. You can equip yourself with this safe- guard at a nominal cost. An opportunity to call and explain to you this policy will be appreciated. W. A. WALLACE, ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. Phone 824. Masonic Temple. __________________________________________ [advertisement for William Goldsmith, spans bottom of cols. 1-2] Wm. GOLDSMITH General Insurance. [column 2, bottom section] [advertisement for D. H. Attaway, Architect] D. H. ATTAWAY, Architect and Builder. Offices: corner Main and Washington So. over Traction Co. Front rooms 2nd floor. Phone 1468. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Traxler Real Estate] For Sale. We have a number of mill track farms in from 3 to [10?] acre tracts, ranging in price from $20.00 per acre to $[100.00] per acre. All these are close in. Apply to [image of rr crossing sign] Traxler Real Estate Co. PHONE 863. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Thackson & Son rental offices] FOR RENT We have for rent two offices on the Second Floor of Dill Building, 213 West Washington Street THACKSTON & SON Phone [129?] 211 W. Washington St. __________________________________________ [C. &. W. C. schedule] C. & W. C. SCHEDULE. ----------o---------- The attention of the public is called to the present through servie of the C. & W. C. [roads?] No. 5t—Leaves Greenville 2 o'clock a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11:15 a.m. Returning: Leaves Columbia at 5:00 o'clock. Reaches Greenville 9:30 p.m. No. 5s—Leaves Greenville at 12:20 reaching Columbia 4:55 p. m., arrives at Chelston 10:00 p.m. Returning: Leaves Charleston 6:10 [column 3, 2nd article] A COMFORTABLE HOME. DESIGNED BY CHAS. S. SEDGWICK, ARCHITECT. [photo of large house, spans cols. 3-5] THIS pretty house is [37?] ft. wide by [21?] ft. deep with a kitchen [blurry] that is 14 ft. deep by 15 ft. one story in height. The rooms are conveniently arranged and of medium size with one central fire- place and [illegible] for heating apparatus. The [residence?] is centrally heated and [blurry] a reception hall with a [blurry] at the right and a [blurry] extended around the same and stair- case leading to the second story. At the left a coluned area opening into [continues on next column] the living room with dining room and library back, and throws together with wide opening. The first story is finished throughout in oak with oak floors. The second floor has four good chambers and bath room and is fi- nished in pine and painted birch floor- ing. A [illegible line] to the [blurry] which has one room fur- nished. It is estimated that this house can be fuilt completed for $2,000 ex- clusive of heating and plumbing. [continues on next column] It is a thoroughly well built house, with full basement. Outside walls back plastered and everything done to make a warm, comfortable home. The exterior is covered with narrow siding and painted in light [tans?] to [blurry] the taste of the [blurry] and the shingles stained green. The cornice has a wide projection with the raft- ers showing on the under side. The wide [piazza across the front with balcony above is an important feature in the house. [floor plan on next column] [return to columns 3-4, bottom section] AROUND THE MILLS Items for this department may be left at the following places [Harris-?] son—Mfg. Company's office; Monaghan—Y. M. C. A. building. Mills— Mfg. Company's office; [illegible] Mills store; Brandon—Mfg. Company's of- fice; [Westside?]—Mutual [illegible] Co; [illegible line] SAMPSON. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES SAMPSON SCHOOL THURSDAY ----------o---------- The Exercises will be Held in the Auditorium of the School on Thursday Evening at 8:30 O'Clock —Hon. Jno. M. Daniel will Deliver the Address. ----------o---------- The Sampson mill school will close Thursday. On Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock the commencement ex- ercises will be held in the school au- ditorium, to which the public is cor- dially invited to attend. Hon. Jno. M. Daniel of Greenville has accepted the invitation to deliver the literary address [blotted]. Mr. Daniel is an eloquent [speaker?] and the Sampson mill school is indeed fortunate in se- curing him to deliver the address on this occasion. The Sampson mill band has been secured to furnish music during the evening. Program. Following is the program Music. Prayer Rev. T. E. [Singer?]. Music. Salutory—Subject "Education." [Broadess Seage?] Class History, Al Burdette. Classs Will—Claudia Harris Class Prophecy—Luke Poole. Valedictory—The Beauties of Life. Luella Baff. Music. Address by Hon. J. M. Daniel. Finis. ----------o---------- Successful School Year. This school is now closing a most successful year's work, the different grades having accomplished good work during the past season. There are seven grades and four teachers. Mrs. George W. [Gridie?], who is prin- cipal of the school, is assisted by Misses Sadie [Trodier?], Mary Rich- ardson and Lee [Bargest?]. ----------o---------- MONAGHAN BAPTIST REVIVAL. Much interest is being manifested in the revival meeting that is being conducted in the church at this place by the Rev. B. J. Woodward, pastor of the Baptist church at Greer. The meeting was begun on Sunday and will continue for a week or more. Services are held every night. The public is cordially invited to attend all services. [article continues on column 4, bottom section] [advertisement for Hilton's Life] NO APPETITE BAD TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH HILTON'S LIFE IS WHAT YOU NEED. [column 4, bottom section] MILLS MILL Council of J. O. U. A. M. BE INSTITUTED HERE ----------o---------- Junior Order United American Me- chanics will Initiate Council in Mills Mill Saturday Night—State Organizer S. F. Parrott will in- stitute Order. ----------o---------- A council of the Junior Order United American Mechanics will be instituted in this village on Saturday night. The place of the meeting will be announced later, though in all probability it will be held in the hall here. Deputy State Organizer S. Frank Parrott, of Gaffney, will institute the order. State Councillor T. B. Eut- ler, of Gaffney, will likely be here for the installation of the council. ----------o---------- MILLS MILL CLASS WILL GIVE RECITAL ----------o---------- The interest is increasing in the singing school, that is being con- ducted here for Mr. Snow, who re- sides at Cherokee Park. Mr. Snow is a skilled musician as well as a singer of merit and under his in- struction the vocal class is making great headway. The members of the class are [illegible] practicing for the musical entertainment to be given at the Mills mill church on Thrusday night, May 30. The program for the entertain- ment have already been issued. The Mills mill vocal class will be assisted by the Simpsonville [Mak?] Quartet, consisting of First Tenor, S. M. Snow; second tenor, J. G. Hoft; first bass, W. G. Stewart and second bass, A. B. Gilgore. Mr. [Mel?] Wraims will be the soloist. The doors will open at 7:00 o'clock and the entertainment will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. ----------o---------- PREACHED TO RED MEN. Rev. C. King [illegible] to the Red Men of Mills mill at the mill church on Sunday afternoon. The members of the Pocahontas lodge were invit- ed to hear Mr. King and a goodly number of the members of this lodge were present. The sermon was a powerful lone and was enjoyed by the large congregation. ----------o---------- BAPTIST REVIVAL NEXT WEEK On next Monday night at the Mills mill church the Baptists of the place will begin a revival. Rev. J. E. Brock, pastor of the church will con- duct the services. Mr. Brock has not announced who will assist him in conducting the service. --------------------o-------------------- [advertisement for Greenville Grocery] We can save you money on fruit jars, wholesale or retail. Greenville Grocery Co. [column 5, bottom section] A POPULAR GOLFER. [photo of Oswald Kirkby] OSWALD KIRKBY Oswald Kirkby is one of the best [illegible] popular golfers in the United States and he's featured in sev- eral special [illegible] --------------------o-------------------- Waterloo Bay. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Allen & Cruikshank] For Sale ----------o---------- Lot on East North street, facing William street, 76 x 250. This lot is well located and our price is right. ----------o---------- Lot on East North street next to residence of Mrs. Arthur Woodside. This lot is 60 x [180?] and lies well. If you want to buy in a locality where values are increasing rapidly. This is your opportunity. ----------o---------- ALLEN & CRUIKSHANK, Telephone 1966 Palmetto Bldg. __________________________________________ [advertisement for William & Lebby] For Rent. Elegant nine-room house with al modern conveniences on W. Washington Street. $40 per month. Six-room house on Westfield Street, conveniently arranged and located. WILLIAM & LEBBY Mills Building. Phone 1986. [columns 6 & 7] CORNERS IN CONS IN various countries there have occurred from time to time all sorts of "corners" to in [illegible] [illegible] to all manner of good ori- gins. Superstition has frequently been the [basis?] of a corner in coins of a particular denomination. A re- markable case of this kind occurred to South [Nambia?] in [illegible]. There op- peared at [blurry] on the Sea of [Apev?], a person proclaiming himself a prophet, and as such he announced his intention of redeeming the world. Among the [illegible] doctrine ad- vanced by this individual was included the decree that all of his followers must retain all five-kopek pieces is- sued in the 1861, the year of the emancipation of the serfs. They were by reason of that [illegible] held to be holy. It was not long before the ig- norant peasants of the community preserved the coins. For an area of three hundred miles the peasants collected the "holy" [article continued on column 7] coins and turned them over to the prophet. When he gathered a goodly number of the coins he de- camped. In a way the Russion gov- ernment may be [made?] to save a number of its own coins in a certain comb- ination. Each year it mints a [illegible] tied number of bronze coins of the [nominal?] value of one-fourth of a ko- pek, about one-eighth of a cent. As these coins are practically not in circulation, only a few are issued. The remainder are sold by the [illegible] au- thorities at almost double their value for the one of [illegible]. At one time there was an [illegible] at- tempt made to corner Maria Theresa dollars used in all parts of Northern Africa. --------------------o-------------------- That [illegible number] soap bubbles can be produced from a pound of soap has been figured out by a mathemat- ical genius. [skip to columns 6-7, bottom section] [advertisement for Gilfillin & Houston real estate] . . . . WE OFFER A LOT . . . . 60 x 175, corner Stone Avenue and Bennett Street for $1,000.00 This will prove a good investment or make you a nice home. Gilfillin & Houston. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 562. Davenport Bldg. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Alester Furman real estate] A lot on West Earle street is a bargain at the price 65 ft. x 200 ft. $1199.00 Cash. The active demand for property on Earle street is resulting in purchasers making good [prods.?] at this time. See what other lots immediately adjoining have recently sold for. The reason—my client needs the real money right now. Telephone No. 593. Alester G. Furman __________________________________________ [advertisement for Dave Burns Roofing] DAV BURNS, ROOFING AND HOT AIR FURNACES, 219 Pendleton Street. Phone 301 __________________________________________ [advertisement for Parrish & Gower real estate] REAL ESTATE. If it's a nice house you are looking for, see us, we have several listed at a bargain. We also have some bargains in vacant lots. PARRISH & GOWER. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Hoke-Hill real estate] We Have a Nice Block ----------o---------- Of Six Negro Houses now paying 10 per cent, on the investment. Two more houses can be built on the property, same can bought at a bargain. ----------o---------- Hoke-Hill Real Estate & Investment Co. J. W. MASTERS, Manager

[across all columns]

[headline spans top section of cols. 1-3]
A Few Helpful Moments With the "Get There" Club
Memorial Day.

You may not care & snap about
the Civil War, Horace, and you
may even be indifferent to the
picture of the Old Veterans
marching along on May 30th to the
cemeteries to decorate the graves of
their dead—but just because you feel
that way, because you're young and
lusty and climbing up the ladder of
business success is just the reason
why you should stop and think a
minute. We young ones are very
prone indeed to minimize the value
of any and everything that isn't of
our own day and generation.

Now, cutting out all "fireworks"
and patriotic oratory, Horace, let's
get down to hard brass tacks and
take a look at this Memorial Day
business. Its [externals?] are a few [dot-]
tering feeble old men in blue strug-
gling along the [line?] of march on their
great day with flowers in their hands
and memories in their hearts of
stirring days when the whole land
ran blood and men's souls were tried
in a [illegible] that none of us will
ever have to be looked at. The bugles
are playing, the flags flying and the
entire country paying tribute to them
and their brothers [who?] long since
passed to the land where memories
are no more. That's the external side
of it, Horace—beautiful, just and in-

But underneath is a lesson that we
—especially we young chaps with our
minds intent upon financial troubles
and battles of existence—should take
home to ourselves not property as a
[illegible] but as [blurry] of real im-
portance. There where whole graves
are decorated on Memorial Day are
accorded that slight token of esteem
because they gave their lives for a
principle; because they set out to ac-

[article continues on column 2, top section]

complish, a certain [finding?] and did so.
Moreover, they [blurry] through" with
their hands clean! They proved them-
selves heroes, not weaklings, suc-
cessess, not failures. Had their repu-
tations better been [sullied?] or their
achievements of doubtful character,
we of today would not be holding them
in blessed memory. They "came
clean." Horace, they "came clean."

Why, a few weeks ago, when the
Titanic disaster held the entire coun-
try horror-stricken and crushed by
it terrible death toll, why did a
movement spring up from the hearts
of thousands to honor the heroic
dead with memorial services and
monuments of more lasting charac-
ter? Because, Horace, the men and
women over whom the sea closed its
icy waters died upholding the sacred
principle of heroism. Because they
"came clean" in the awful test to
which they were subjected. Because
they performed a grim task that set
the whole world reverently applaud-
ing their noble conduct.

Right now—even though no me-
morial of stone ever be erected to
them—they have their memorial in
the hearts of the millions who knew
their story—and in the hearts of
thousands still unborn who, in the fut-
ure, will read the grim tale and mar-
vel at their heroics.

Today isn't everything in life, Hor-
ace. There's a tomorrow, right on
this earth, that will last as long as
the world does. It isn't true that
nothing counts after you're dead.
These old fellows of the Grand Army
of the Republic still live, don't they?
And the Titanic's victims are right
this minute an inspiration to many
troubled hearts. There are other
generations coming after us and they
will look back to see what heritage
of honor, of heroism, of manhood we

[article continues on column 3, top paragraph]

have handed down to them. The
making of our memorial is in our
own hands.

Each of us has his part to enact
in it too. Our respective children
and their children will look to us for

[article continues on column 4, top paragraph]

inspiration. Shall we disappoint
them? There are many heroes
in the battle of peace of the busi-
ness world of [illegible]. Twentieth
Century life as there were in the
days of fire and sword. Are we—we
young chaps—proving equal to [illegible]
lead—are we "coming clean" in every-
thing we do?

[return to column 1, middle section]

Nobleman An Inventor

summer palace near Vienna, has
invented a real "[illegible]"
which he says will take the place of
the ordinary umbrella and parasol.
The nobleman's invention consists
of a frame and cover so made that
the latter is instantly detachable,
while another cover can be put on in
a few seconds without any [illegible[

[article continues on column 2, middle section]

ing necessary. It is expected by the
inventor that each frame shall have
several covers, one black for rain
and others white or colored to
suit the fancy of [blurry] The Count
claims that one of the parasols will
be sufficient for a whole summer at
the seaside, but as yet not many ex-
periments have been made.

[return to column 1, bottom section]

[advertisement for land for sale by Cleveland & Williams]

For Sale.
In what is rapidly becoming
the wholesale district of Green-
ville, in our judgment, and by
far the most public and acces-
sible property to be had for
this purpose, we have had
placed in our hands, for a limi-
ted time, at only $210 per
front foot, 85 feet on South
Main street, opposite Chicora
College. This property will
have a railroad track in rear.

See us quick if interested in

Cleveland & Williams
PHONE 916.

[advertisement for W. A. Wallace Insurance]

Swift punishment
often leaps out of
the jury-box.

The employer figur-
ing as the defendent in
a damage suit [initiated?]
by an injured employee
must not be surprised to
find the sympathy of the
jury with the plaintiff.

This is a frequent occurrence; and the
employer, in many instances, is called
upon in pay heavy damages.

The only effectual means of escaping
the burden imposed by an adverse verdict
is to secure the protection of an Ocean
Employers' Liability Policy. The Cor-
poration then assumes all of the expense
and [responsibility?] incident to the defense
and settlement of the case.

You can equip yourself with this safe-
guard at a nominal cost.

An opportunity to call and explain
to you this policy will be appreciated.

Phone 824. Masonic Temple.
[advertisement for William Goldsmith, spans bottom of cols. 1-2]

General Insurance.

[column 2, bottom section]

[advertisement for D. H. Attaway, Architect]

Architect and Builder.

Offices: corner Main and Washington
So. over Traction Co. Front
rooms 2nd floor. Phone 1468.
[advertisement for Traxler Real Estate]

For Sale.

We have a number of mill track
farms in from 3 to [10?] acre tracts,
ranging in price from $20.00 per
acre to $[100.00] per acre. All these
are close in. Apply to

[image of rr crossing sign]
Traxler Real Estate Co.
PHONE 863.

[advertisement for Thackson & Son rental offices]


We have for rent two
offices on the Second
Floor of Dill Building,
213 West Washington

Phone [129?] 211 W. Washington St.

[C. &. W. C. schedule]

The attention of the public is called
to the present through servie of the
C. & W. C. [roads?]

No. 5t—Leaves Greenville 2 o'clock
a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11:15 a.m.
Returning: Leaves Columbia at 5:00
o'clock. Reaches Greenville 9:30 p.m.

No. 5s—Leaves Greenville at 12:20
reaching Columbia 4:55 p. m., arrives
at Chelston 10:00 p.m.
Returning: Leaves Charleston 6:10

[column 3, 2nd article]


[photo of large house, spans cols. 3-5]
THIS pretty house is [37?] ft. wide
by [21?] ft. deep with a kitchen
[blurry] that is 14 ft. deep by
15 ft. one story in height. The
rooms are conveniently arranged and
of medium size with one central fire-
place and [illegible] for heating apparatus.
The [residence?] is centrally heated and
[blurry] a reception hall with a
[blurry] at the right and a [blurry]
extended around the same and stair-
case leading to the second story. At
the left a coluned area opening into

[continues on next column]

the living room with dining room and
library back, and throws together
with wide opening. The first story
is finished throughout in oak with
oak floors.

The second floor has four good
chambers and bath room and is fi-
nished in pine and painted birch floor-
ing. A [illegible line]
to the [blurry] which has one room fur-
nished. It is estimated that this house
can be fuilt completed for $2,000 ex-
clusive of heating and plumbing.

[continues on next column]

It is a thoroughly well built house,
with full basement. Outside walls
back plastered and everything done
to make a warm, comfortable home.
The exterior is covered with narrow
siding and painted in light [tans?] to
[blurry] the taste of the [blurry] and the
shingles stained green. The cornice
has a wide projection with the raft-
ers showing on the under side. The
wide [piazza across the front with
balcony above is an important feature
in the house.

[floor plan on next column]

[return to columns 3-4, bottom section]


Items for this department may be left at the following places [Harris-?]
son—Mfg. Company's office; Monaghan—Y. M. C. A. building. Mills—
Mfg. Company's office; [illegible] Mills store; Brandon—Mfg. Company's of-
fice; [Westside?]—Mutual [illegible] Co; [illegible line]



The Exercises will be Held in the
Auditorium of the School on
Thursday Evening at 8:30 O'Clock
—Hon. Jno. M. Daniel will Deliver
the Address.

The Sampson mill school will close
Thursday. On Thursday evening at
8:30 o'clock the commencement ex-
ercises will be held in the school au-
ditorium, to which the public is cor-
dially invited to attend. Hon. Jno.
M. Daniel of Greenville has accepted
the invitation to deliver the literary
address [blotted]. Mr. Daniel is an
eloquent [speaker?] and the Sampson
mill school is indeed fortunate in se-
curing him to deliver the address on
this occasion.

The Sampson mill band has been
secured to furnish music during the


Following is the program
Prayer Rev. T. E. [Singer?].
Salutory—Subject "Education."
[Broadess Seage?]
Class History, Al Burdette.
Classs Will—Claudia Harris
Class Prophecy—Luke Poole.
Valedictory—The Beauties of Life.
Luella Baff.
Address by Hon. J. M. Daniel.
Successful School Year.

This school is now closing a most
successful year's work, the different
grades having accomplished good
work during the past season. There
are seven grades and four teachers.
Mrs. George W. [Gridie?], who is prin-
cipal of the school, is assisted by
Misses Sadie [Trodier?], Mary Rich-
ardson and Lee [Bargest?].


Much interest is being manifested
in the revival meeting that is being
conducted in the church at this place
by the Rev. B. J. Woodward, pastor
of the Baptist church at Greer. The
meeting was begun on Sunday and
will continue for a week or more.
Services are held every night. The
public is cordially invited to attend
all services.

[article continues on column 4, bottom section]

[advertisement for Hilton's Life]


[column 4, bottom section]


Council of J. O. U. A. M.

Junior Order United American Me-
chanics will Initiate Council in
Mills Mill Saturday Night—State
Organizer S. F. Parrott will in-
stitute Order.

A council of the Junior Order
United American Mechanics will be
instituted in this village on Saturday
night. The place of the meeting
will be announced later, though in
all probability it will be held in the
hall here.

Deputy State Organizer S. Frank
Parrott, of Gaffney, will institute the
order. State Councillor T. B. Eut-
ler, of Gaffney, will likely be here for
the installation of the council.

The interest is increasing in the
singing school, that is being con-
ducted here for Mr. Snow, who re-
sides at Cherokee Park. Mr. Snow
is a skilled musician as well as a
singer of merit and under his in-
struction the vocal class is making
great headway. The members of the
class are [illegible] practicing for the
musical entertainment to be given at
the Mills mill church on Thrusday
night, May 30.

The program for the entertain-
ment have already been issued.

The Mills mill vocal class will be
assisted by the Simpsonville [Mak?]
Quartet, consisting of First Tenor, S.
M. Snow; second tenor, J. G. Hoft;
first bass, W. G. Stewart and second
bass, A. B. Gilgore. Mr. [Mel?]
Wraims will be the soloist.

The doors will open at 7:00 o'clock
and the entertainment will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock.

Rev. C. King [illegible] to the Red
Men of Mills mill at the mill church
on Sunday afternoon. The members
of the Pocahontas lodge were invit-
ed to hear Mr. King and a goodly
number of the members of this lodge
were present. The sermon was a
powerful lone and was enjoyed by
the large congregation.

On next Monday night at the Mills
mill church the Baptists of the place
will begin a revival. Rev. J. E.
Brock, pastor of the church will con-
duct the services. Mr. Brock has
not announced who will assist him in
conducting the service.
[advertisement for Greenville Grocery]

We can save you money
on fruit jars, wholesale or
retail. Greenville Grocery

[column 5, bottom section]


[photo of Oswald Kirkby]

Oswald Kirkby is one of the best
[illegible] popular golfers in the
United States and he's featured in sev-
eral special [illegible]
Waterloo Bay.
[advertisement for Allen & Cruikshank]

For Sale
Lot on East North street, facing
William street, 76 x 250. This lot is
well located and our price is right.
Lot on East North street next to
residence of Mrs. Arthur Woodside.
This lot is 60 x [180?] and lies well. If
you want to buy in a locality where
values are increasing rapidly. This
is your opportunity.
Telephone 1966 Palmetto Bldg.

[advertisement for William & Lebby]

For Rent.

Elegant nine-room house with
al modern conveniences on W.
Washington Street. $40 per

Six-room house on Westfield
Street, conveniently arranged
and located.

Mills Building. Phone 1986.

[columns 6 & 7]


IN various countries there have
occurred from time to time all
sorts of "corners" to in [illegible]
[illegible] to all manner of good ori-
gins. Superstition has frequently
been the [basis?] of a corner in coins
of a particular denomination. A re-
markable case of this kind occurred
to South [Nambia?] in [illegible]. There op-
peared at [blurry] on the Sea of
[Apev?], a person proclaiming himself
a prophet, and as such he announced
his intention of redeeming the world.

Among the [illegible] doctrine ad-
vanced by this individual was included
the decree that all of his followers
must retain all five-kopek pieces is-
sued in the 1861, the year of the
emancipation of the serfs. They were
by reason of that [illegible] held to be
holy. It was not long before the ig-
norant peasants of the community
preserved the coins.

For an area of three hundred miles
the peasants collected the "holy"

[article continued on column 7]

coins and turned them over to the
prophet. When he gathered a
goodly number of the coins he de-
camped. In a way the Russion gov-
ernment may be [made?] to save a number
of its own coins in a certain comb-
ination. Each year it mints a [illegible]
tied number of bronze coins of the
[nominal?] value of one-fourth of a ko-
pek, about one-eighth of a cent.

As these coins are practically not in
circulation, only a few are issued. The
remainder are sold by the [illegible] au-
thorities at almost double their value
for the one of [illegible]. At one
time there was an [illegible] at-
tempt made to corner Maria Theresa
dollars used in all parts of Northern
That [illegible number] soap bubbles can
be produced from a pound of soap
has been figured out by a mathemat-
ical genius.

[skip to columns 6-7, bottom section]

[advertisement for Gilfillin & Houston real estate]

. . . . WE OFFER A LOT . . . .
60 x 175, corner Stone Avenue and Bennett Street for $1,000.00
This will prove a good investment or make you a nice home.

Gilfillin & Houston.
Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 562. Davenport Bldg.

[advertisement for Alester Furman real estate]

A lot on West Earle street
is a bargain at the price

65 ft. x 200 ft.
$1199.00 Cash.

The active demand for property on Earle street is resulting in
purchasers making good [prods.?] at this time.

See what other lots immediately adjoining have recently sold

The reason—my client needs the real money right now.
Telephone No. 593.

Alester G. Furman
[advertisement for Dave Burns Roofing]

219 Pendleton Street. Phone 301

[advertisement for Parrish & Gower real estate]


If it's a nice house you are looking for, see
us, we have several listed at a bargain.

We also have some bargains in vacant lots.

[advertisement for Hoke-Hill real estate]

We Have a Nice Block
Of Six Negro Houses now paying 10 per cent,
on the investment. Two more houses can be
built on the property, same can bought at a
Hoke-Hill Real Estate & Investment Co.
J. W. MASTERS, Manager

05281912 4

[across all columns] SIX THE GREENVILLE DAILY PIEDMONT, TUESDAT, MAY 28 1912 A CORNER FOR MEN [headline spans top section of cols. 1-3] A Few Helpful Moments With the "Get There" Club Memorial Day. You may not care & snap about the Civil War, Horace, and you may even be indifferent to the picture of the Old Veterans marching along on May 30th to the cemeteries to decorate the graves of their dead—but just because you feel that way, because you're young and lusty and climbing up the ladder of business success is just the reason why you should stop and think a minute. We young ones are very prone indeed to minimize the value of any and everything that isn't of our own day and generation. Now, cutting out all "fireworks" and patriotic oratory, Horace, let's get down to hard brass tacks and take a look at this Memorial Day business. Its [externals?] are a few [dot-] tering feeble old men in blue strug- gling along the [line?] of march on their great day with flowers in their hands and memories in their hearts of stirring days when the whole land ran blood and men's souls were tried in a [illegible] that none of us will ever have to be looked at. The bugles are playing, the flags flying and the entire country paying tribute to them and their brothers [who?] long since passed to the land where memories are no more. That's the external side of it, Horace—beautiful, just and in- spiring But underneath is a lesson that we —especially we young chaps with our minds intent upon financial troubles and battles of existence—should take home to ourselves not property as a [illegible] but as [blurry] of real im- portance. There where whole graves are decorated on Memorial Day are accorded that slight token of esteem because they gave their lives for a principle; because they set out to ac- [article continues on column 2, top section] complish, a certain [finding?] and did so. Moreover, they [blurry] through" with their hands clean! They proved them- selves heroes, not weaklings, suc- cessess, not failures. Had their repu- tations better been [sullied?] or their achievements of doubtful character, we of today would not be holding them in blessed memory. They "came clean." Horace, they "came clean." Why, a few weeks ago, when the Titanic disaster held the entire coun- try horror-stricken and crushed by it terrible death toll, why did a movement spring up from the hearts of thousands to honor the heroic dead with memorial services and monuments of more lasting charac- ter? Because, Horace, the men and women over whom the sea closed its icy waters died upholding the sacred principle of heroism. Because they "came clean" in the awful test to which they were subjected. Because they performed a grim task that set the whole world reverently applaud- ing their noble conduct. Right now—even though no me- morial of stone ever be erected to them—they have their memorial in the hearts of the millions who knew their story—and in the hearts of thousands still unborn who, in the fut- ure, will read the grim tale and mar- vel at their heroics. Today isn't everything in life, Hor- ace. There's a tomorrow, right on this earth, that will last as long as the world does. It isn't true that nothing counts after you're dead. These old fellows of the Grand Army of the Republic still live, don't they? And the Titanic's victims are right this minute an inspiration to many troubled hearts. There are other generations coming after us and they will look back to see what heritage of honor, of heroism, of manhood we [article continues on column 3, top paragraph] have handed down to them. The making of our memorial is in our own hands. Each of us has his part to enact in it too. Our respective children and their children will look to us for [article continues on column 4, top paragraph] inspiration. Shall we disappoint them? There are many heroes in the battle of peace of the busi- ness world of [illegible]. Twentieth Century life as there were in the days of fire and sword. Are we—we young chaps—proving equal to [illegible] lead—are we "coming clean" in every- thing we do? [return to column 1, middle section] Nobleman An Inventor COUNT BELA FORGACH, with a summer palace near Vienna, has invented a real "[illegible]" which he says will take the place of the ordinary umbrella and parasol. The nobleman's invention consists of a frame and cover so made that the latter is instantly detachable, while another cover can be put on in a few seconds without any [illegible[ [article continues on column 2, middle section] ing necessary. It is expected by the inventor that each frame shall have several covers, one black for rain and others white or colored to suit the fancy of [blurry] The Count claims that one of the parasols will be sufficient for a whole summer at the seaside, but as yet not many ex- periments have been made. [return to column 1, bottom section] [advertisement for land for sale by Cleveland & Williams] __________________________________________ For Sale. ----------o---------- In what is rapidly becoming the wholesale district of Green- ville, in our judgment, and by far the most public and acces- sible property to be had for this purpose, we have had placed in our hands, for a limi- ted time, at only $210 per front foot, 85 feet on South Main street, opposite Chicora College. This property will have a railroad track in rear. See us quick if interested in this. Cleveland & Williams PHONE 916. __________________________________________ [advertisement for W. A. Wallace Insurance] Swift punishment often leaps out of the jury-box. The employer figur- ing as the defendent in a damage suit [initiated?] by an injured employee must not be surprised to find the sympathy of the jury with the plaintiff. This is a frequent occurrence; and the employer, in many instances, is called upon in pay heavy damages. The only effectual means of escaping the burden imposed by an adverse verdict is to secure the protection of an Ocean Employers' Liability Policy. The Cor- poration then assumes all of the expense and [responsibility?] incident to the defense and settlement of the case. You can equip yourself with this safe- guard at a nominal cost. An opportunity to call and explain to you this policy will be appreciated. W. A. WALLACE, ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. Phone 824. Masonic Temple. __________________________________________ [advertisement for William Goldsmith, spans bottom of cols. 1-2] Wm. GOLDSMITH General Insurance. [column 2, bottom section] [advertisement for D. H. Attaway, Architect] D. H. ATTAWAY, Architect and Builder. Offices: corner Main and Washington So. over Traction Co. Front rooms 2nd floor. Phone 1468. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Traxler Real Estate] For Sale. We have a number of mill track farms in from 3 to [10?] acre tracts, ranging in price from $20.00 per acre to $[100.00] per acre. All these are close in. Apply to [image of rr crossing sign] Traxler Real Estate Co. PHONE 863. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Thackson & Son rental offices] FOR RENT We have for rent two offices on the Second Floor of Dill Building, 213 West Washington Street THACKSTON & SON Phone [129?] 211 W. Washington St. __________________________________________ [C. &. W. C. schedule] C. & W. C. SCHEDULE. ----------o---------- The attention of the public is called to the present through servie of the C. & W. C. [roads?] No. 5t—Leaves Greenville 2 o'clock a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11:15 a.m. Returning: Leaves Columbia at 5:00 o'clock. Reaches Greenville 9:30 p.m. No. 5s—Leaves Greenville at 12:20 reaching Columbia 4:55 p. m., arrives at Chelston 10:00 p.m. Returning: Leaves Charleston 6:10 [column 3, 2nd article] A COMFORTABLE HOME. DESIGNED BY CHAS. S. SEDGWICK, ARCHITECT. [photo of large house, spans cols. 3-5] THIS pretty house is [37?] ft. wide by [21?] ft. deep with a kitchen [blurry] that is 14 ft. deep by 15 ft. one story in height. The rooms are conveniently arranged and of medium size with one central fire- place and [illegible] for heating apparatus. The [residence?] is centrally heated and [blurry] a reception hall with a [blurry] at the right and a [blurry] extended around the same and stair- case leading to the second story. At the left a coluned area opening into [continues on next column] the living room with dining room and library back, and throws together with wide opening. The first story is finished throughout in oak with oak floors. The second floor has four good chambers and bath room and is fi- nished in pine and painted birch floor- ing. A [illegible line] to the [blurry] which has one room fur- nished. It is estimated that this house can be fuilt completed for $2,000 ex- clusive of heating and plumbing. [continues on next column] It is a thoroughly well built house, with full basement. Outside walls back plastered and everything done to make a warm, comfortable home. The exterior is covered with narrow siding and painted in light [tans?] to [blurry] the taste of the [blurry] and the shingles stained green. The cornice has a wide projection with the raft- ers showing on the under side. The wide [piazza across the front with balcony above is an important feature in the house. [floor plan on next column] [return to columns 3-4, bottom section] AROUND THE MILLS Items for this department may be left at the following places [Harris-?] son—Mfg. Company's office; Monaghan—Y. M. C. A. building. Mills— Mfg. Company's office; [illegible] Mills store; Brandon—Mfg. Company's of- fice; [Westside?]—Mutual [illegible] Co; [illegible line] SAMPSON. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES SAMPSON SCHOOL THURSDAY ----------o---------- The Exercises will be Held in the Auditorium of the School on Thursday Evening at 8:30 O'Clock —Hon. Jno. M. Daniel will Deliver the Address. ----------o---------- The Sampson mill school will close Thursday. On Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock the commencement ex- ercises will be held in the school au- ditorium, to which the public is cor- dially invited to attend. Hon. Jno. M. Daniel of Greenville has accepted the invitation to deliver the literary address [blotted]. Mr. Daniel is an eloquent [speaker?] and the Sampson mill school is indeed fortunate in se- curing him to deliver the address on this occasion. The Sampson mill band has been secured to furnish music during the evening. Program. Following is the program Music. Prayer Rev. T. E. [Singer?]. Music. Salutory—Subject "Education." [Broadess Seage?] Class History, Al Burdette. Classs Will—Claudia Harris Class Prophecy—Luke Poole. Valedictory—The Beauties of Life. Luella Baff. Music. Address by Hon. J. M. Daniel. Finis. ----------o---------- Successful School Year. This school is now closing a most successful year's work, the different grades having accomplished good work during the past season. There are seven grades and four teachers. Mrs. George W. [Gridie?], who is prin- cipal of the school, is assisted by Misses Sadie [Trodier?], Mary Rich- ardson and Lee [Bargest?]. ----------o---------- MONAGHAN BAPTIST REVIVAL. Much interest is being manifested in the revival meeting that is being conducted in the church at this place by the Rev. B. J. Woodward, pastor of the Baptist church at Greer. The meeting was begun on Sunday and will continue for a week or more. Services are held every night. The public is cordially invited to attend all services. [article continues on column 4, bottom section] [advertisement for Hilton's Life] NO APPETITE BAD TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH HILTON'S LIFE IS WHAT YOU NEED. [column 4, bottom section] MILLS MILL Council of J. O. U. A. M. BE INSTITUTED HERE ----------o---------- Junior Order United American Me- chanics will Initiate Council in Mills Mill Saturday Night—State Organizer S. F. Parrott will in- stitute Order. ----------o---------- A council of the Junior Order United American Mechanics will be instituted in this village on Saturday night. The place of the meeting will be announced later, though in all probability it will be held in the hall here. Deputy State Organizer S. Frank Parrott, of Gaffney, will institute the order. State Councillor T. B. Eut- ler, of Gaffney, will likely be here for the installation of the council. ----------o---------- MILLS MILL CLASS WILL GIVE RECITAL ----------o---------- The interest is increasing in the singing school, that is being con- ducted here for Mr. Snow, who re- sides at Cherokee Park. Mr. Snow is a skilled musician as well as a singer of merit and under his in- struction the vocal class is making great headway. The members of the class are [illegible] practicing for the musical entertainment to be given at the Mills mill church on Thrusday night, May 30. The program for the entertain- ment have already been issued. The Mills mill vocal class will be assisted by the Simpsonville [Mak?] Quartet, consisting of First Tenor, S. M. Snow; second tenor, J. G. Hoft; first bass, W. G. Stewart and second bass, A. B. Gilgore. Mr. [Mel?] Wraims will be the soloist. The doors will open at 7:00 o'clock and the entertainment will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. ----------o---------- PREACHED TO RED MEN. Rev. C. King [illegible] to the Red Men of Mills mill at the mill church on Sunday afternoon. The members of the Pocahontas lodge were invit- ed to hear Mr. King and a goodly number of the members of this lodge were present. The sermon was a powerful lone and was enjoyed by the large congregation. ----------o---------- BAPTIST REVIVAL NEXT WEEK On next Monday night at the Mills mill church the Baptists of the place will begin a revival. Rev. J. E. Brock, pastor of the church will con- duct the services. Mr. Brock has not announced who will assist him in conducting the service. --------------------o-------------------- [advertisement for Greenville Grocery] We can save you money on fruit jars, wholesale or retail. Greenville Grocery Co. [column 5, bottom section] A POPULAR GOLFER. [photo of Oswald Kirkby] OSWALD KIRKBY Oswald Kirkby is one of the best [illegible] popular golfers in the United States and he's featured in sev- eral special [illegible] --------------------o-------------------- Waterloo Bay. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Allen & Cruikshank] For Sale ----------o---------- Lot on East North street, facing William street, 76 x 250. This lot is well located and our price is right. ----------o---------- Lot on East North street next to residence of Mrs. Arthur Woodside. This lot is 60 x [180?] and lies well. If you want to buy in a locality where values are increasing rapidly. This is your opportunity. ----------o---------- ALLEN & CRUIKSHANK, Telephone 1966 Palmetto Bldg. __________________________________________ [advertisement for William & Lebby] For Rent. Elegant nine-room house with al modern conveniences on W. Washington Street. $40 per month. Six-room house on Westfield Street, conveniently arranged and located. WILLIAM & LEBBY Mills Building. Phone 1986. [columns 6 & 7] CORNERS IN CONS IN various countries there have occurred from time to time all sorts of "corners" to in [illegible] [illegible] to all manner of good ori- gins. Superstition has frequently been the [basis?] of a corner in coins of a particular denomination. A re- markable case of this kind occurred to South [Nambia?] in [illegible]. There op- peared at [blurry] on the Sea of [Apev?], a person proclaiming himself a prophet, and as such he announced his intention of redeeming the world. Among the [illegible] doctrine ad- vanced by this individual was included the decree that all of his followers must retain all five-kopek pieces is- sued in the 1861, the year of the emancipation of the serfs. They were by reason of that [illegible] held to be holy. It was not long before the ig- norant peasants of the community preserved the coins. For an area of three hundred miles the peasants collected the "holy" [article continued on column 7] coins and turned them over to the prophet. When he gathered a goodly number of the coins he de- camped. In a way the Russion gov- ernment may be [made?] to save a number of its own coins in a certain comb- ination. Each year it mints a [illegible] tied number of bronze coins of the [nominal?] value of one-fourth of a ko- pek, about one-eighth of a cent. As these coins are practically not in circulation, only a few are issued. The remainder are sold by the [illegible] au- thorities at almost double their value for the one of [illegible]. At one time there was an [illegible] at- tempt made to corner Maria Theresa dollars used in all parts of Northern Africa. --------------------o-------------------- That [illegible number] soap bubbles can be produced from a pound of soap has been figured out by a mathemat- ical genius. [skip to columns 6-7, bottom section] [advertisement for Gilfillin & Houston real estate] . . . . WE OFFER A LOT . . . . 60 x 175, corner Stone Avenue and Bennett Street for $1,000.00 This will prove a good investment or make you a nice home. Gilfillin & Houston. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 562. Davenport Bldg. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Alester Furman real estate] A lot on West Earle street is a bargain at the price 65 ft. x 200 ft. $1199.00 Cash. The active demand for property on Earle street is resulting in purchasers making good [prods.?] at this time. See what other lots immediately adjoining have recently sold for. The reason—my client needs the real money right now. Telephone No. 593. Alester G. Furman __________________________________________ [advertisement for Dave Burns Roofing] DAV BURNS, ROOFING AND HOT AIR FURNACES, 219 Pendleton Street. Phone 301 __________________________________________ [advertisement for Parrish & Gower real estate] REAL ESTATE. If it's a nice house you are looking for, see us, we have several listed at a bargain. We also have some bargains in vacant lots. PARRISH & GOWER. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Hoke-Hill real estate] We Have a Nice Block ----------o---------- Of Six Negro Houses now paying 10 per cent, on the investment. Two more houses can be built on the property, same can bought at a bargain. ----------o---------- Hoke-Hill Real Estate & Investment Co. J. W. MASTERS, Manager

[across all columns]

[headline spans top section of cols. 1-3]
A Few Helpful Moments With the "Get There" Club
Memorial Day.

You may not care & snap about
the Civil War, Horace, and you
may even be indifferent to the
picture of the Old Veterans
marching along on May 30th to the
cemeteries to decorate the graves of
their dead—but just because you feel
that way, because you're young and
lusty and climbing up the ladder of
business success is just the reason
why you should stop and think a
minute. We young ones are very
prone indeed to minimize the value
of any and everything that isn't of
our own day and generation.

Now, cutting out all "fireworks"
and patriotic oratory, Horace, let's
get down to hard brass tacks and
take a look at this Memorial Day
business. Its [externals?] are a few [dot-]
tering feeble old men in blue strug-
gling along the [line?] of march on their
great day with flowers in their hands
and memories in their hearts of
stirring days when the whole land
ran blood and men's souls were tried
in a [illegible] that none of us will
ever have to be looked at. The bugles
are playing, the flags flying and the
entire country paying tribute to them
and their brothers [who?] long since
passed to the land where memories
are no more. That's the external side
of it, Horace—beautiful, just and in-

But underneath is a lesson that we
—especially we young chaps with our
minds intent upon financial troubles
and battles of existence—should take
home to ourselves not property as a
[illegible] but as [blurry] of real im-
portance. There where whole graves
are decorated on Memorial Day are
accorded that slight token of esteem
because they gave their lives for a
principle; because they set out to ac-

[article continues on column 2, top section]

complish, a certain [finding?] and did so.
Moreover, they [blurry] through" with
their hands clean! They proved them-
selves heroes, not weaklings, suc-
cessess, not failures. Had their repu-
tations better been [sullied?] or their
achievements of doubtful character,
we of today would not be holding them
in blessed memory. They "came
clean." Horace, they "came clean."

Why, a few weeks ago, when the
Titanic disaster held the entire coun-
try horror-stricken and crushed by
it terrible death toll, why did a
movement spring up from the hearts
of thousands to honor the heroic
dead with memorial services and
monuments of more lasting charac-
ter? Because, Horace, the men and
women over whom the sea closed its
icy waters died upholding the sacred
principle of heroism. Because they
"came clean" in the awful test to
which they were subjected. Because
they performed a grim task that set
the whole world reverently applaud-
ing their noble conduct.

Right now—even though no me-
morial of stone ever be erected to
them—they have their memorial in
the hearts of the millions who knew
their story—and in the hearts of
thousands still unborn who, in the fut-
ure, will read the grim tale and mar-
vel at their heroics.

Today isn't everything in life, Hor-
ace. There's a tomorrow, right on
this earth, that will last as long as
the world does. It isn't true that
nothing counts after you're dead.
These old fellows of the Grand Army
of the Republic still live, don't they?
And the Titanic's victims are right
this minute an inspiration to many
troubled hearts. There are other
generations coming after us and they
will look back to see what heritage
of honor, of heroism, of manhood we

[article continues on column 3, top paragraph]

have handed down to them. The
making of our memorial is in our
own hands.

Each of us has his part to enact
in it too. Our respective children
and their children will look to us for

[article continues on column 4, top paragraph]

inspiration. Shall we disappoint
them? There are many heroes
in the battle of peace of the busi-
ness world of [illegible]. Twentieth
Century life as there were in the
days of fire and sword. Are we—we
young chaps—proving equal to [illegible]
lead—are we "coming clean" in every-
thing we do?

[return to column 1, middle section]

Nobleman An Inventor

summer palace near Vienna, has
invented a real "[illegible]"
which he says will take the place of
the ordinary umbrella and parasol.
The nobleman's invention consists
of a frame and cover so made that
the latter is instantly detachable,
while another cover can be put on in
a few seconds without any [illegible[

[article continues on column 2, middle section]

ing necessary. It is expected by the
inventor that each frame shall have
several covers, one black for rain
and others white or colored to
suit the fancy of [blurry] The Count
claims that one of the parasols will
be sufficient for a whole summer at
the seaside, but as yet not many ex-
periments have been made.

[return to column 1, bottom section]

[advertisement for land for sale by Cleveland & Williams]

For Sale.
In what is rapidly becoming
the wholesale district of Green-
ville, in our judgment, and by
far the most public and acces-
sible property to be had for
this purpose, we have had
placed in our hands, for a limi-
ted time, at only $210 per
front foot, 85 feet on South
Main street, opposite Chicora
College. This property will
have a railroad track in rear.

See us quick if interested in

Cleveland & Williams
PHONE 916.

[advertisement for W. A. Wallace Insurance]

Swift punishment
often leaps out of
the jury-box.

The employer figur-
ing as the defendent in
a damage suit [initiated?]
by an injured employee
must not be surprised to
find the sympathy of the
jury with the plaintiff.

This is a frequent occurrence; and the
employer, in many instances, is called
upon in pay heavy damages.

The only effectual means of escaping
the burden imposed by an adverse verdict
is to secure the protection of an Ocean
Employers' Liability Policy. The Cor-
poration then assumes all of the expense
and [responsibility?] incident to the defense
and settlement of the case.

You can equip yourself with this safe-
guard at a nominal cost.

An opportunity to call and explain
to you this policy will be appreciated.

Phone 824. Masonic Temple.
[advertisement for William Goldsmith, spans bottom of cols. 1-2]

General Insurance.

[column 2, bottom section]

[advertisement for D. H. Attaway, Architect]

Architect and Builder.

Offices: corner Main and Washington
So. over Traction Co. Front
rooms 2nd floor. Phone 1468.
[advertisement for Traxler Real Estate]

For Sale.

We have a number of mill track
farms in from 3 to [10?] acre tracts,
ranging in price from $20.00 per
acre to $[100.00] per acre. All these
are close in. Apply to

[image of rr crossing sign]
Traxler Real Estate Co.
PHONE 863.

[advertisement for Thackson & Son rental offices]


We have for rent two
offices on the Second
Floor of Dill Building,
213 West Washington

Phone [129?] 211 W. Washington St.

[C. &. W. C. schedule]

The attention of the public is called
to the present through servie of the
C. & W. C. [roads?]

No. 5t—Leaves Greenville 2 o'clock
a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11:15 a.m.
Returning: Leaves Columbia at 5:00
o'clock. Reaches Greenville 9:30 p.m.

No. 5s—Leaves Greenville at 12:20
reaching Columbia 4:55 p. m., arrives
at Chelston 10:00 p.m.
Returning: Leaves Charleston 6:10

[column 3, 2nd article]


[photo of large house, spans cols. 3-5]
THIS pretty house is [37?] ft. wide
by [21?] ft. deep with a kitchen
[blurry] that is 14 ft. deep by
15 ft. one story in height. The
rooms are conveniently arranged and
of medium size with one central fire-
place and [illegible] for heating apparatus.
The [residence?] is centrally heated and
[blurry] a reception hall with a
[blurry] at the right and a [blurry]
extended around the same and stair-
case leading to the second story. At
the left a coluned area opening into

[continues on next column]

the living room with dining room and
library back, and throws together
with wide opening. The first story
is finished throughout in oak with
oak floors.

The second floor has four good
chambers and bath room and is fi-
nished in pine and painted birch floor-
ing. A [illegible line]
to the [blurry] which has one room fur-
nished. It is estimated that this house
can be fuilt completed for $2,000 ex-
clusive of heating and plumbing.

[continues on next column]

It is a thoroughly well built house,
with full basement. Outside walls
back plastered and everything done
to make a warm, comfortable home.
The exterior is covered with narrow
siding and painted in light [tans?] to
[blurry] the taste of the [blurry] and the
shingles stained green. The cornice
has a wide projection with the raft-
ers showing on the under side. The
wide [piazza across the front with
balcony above is an important feature
in the house.

[floor plan on next column]

[return to columns 3-4, bottom section]


Items for this department may be left at the following places [Harris-?]
son—Mfg. Company's office; Monaghan—Y. M. C. A. building. Mills—
Mfg. Company's office; [illegible] Mills store; Brandon—Mfg. Company's of-
fice; [Westside?]—Mutual [illegible] Co; [illegible line]



The Exercises will be Held in the
Auditorium of the School on
Thursday Evening at 8:30 O'Clock
—Hon. Jno. M. Daniel will Deliver
the Address.

The Sampson mill school will close
Thursday. On Thursday evening at
8:30 o'clock the commencement ex-
ercises will be held in the school au-
ditorium, to which the public is cor-
dially invited to attend. Hon. Jno.
M. Daniel of Greenville has accepted
the invitation to deliver the literary
address [blotted]. Mr. Daniel is an
eloquent [speaker?] and the Sampson
mill school is indeed fortunate in se-
curing him to deliver the address on
this occasion.

The Sampson mill band has been
secured to furnish music during the


Following is the program
Prayer Rev. T. E. [Singer?].
Salutory—Subject "Education."
[Broadess Seage?]
Class History, Al Burdette.
Classs Will—Claudia Harris
Class Prophecy—Luke Poole.
Valedictory—The Beauties of Life.
Luella Baff.
Address by Hon. J. M. Daniel.
Successful School Year.

This school is now closing a most
successful year's work, the different
grades having accomplished good
work during the past season. There
are seven grades and four teachers.
Mrs. George W. [Gridie?], who is prin-
cipal of the school, is assisted by
Misses Sadie [Trodier?], Mary Rich-
ardson and Lee [Bargest?].


Much interest is being manifested
in the revival meeting that is being
conducted in the church at this place
by the Rev. B. J. Woodward, pastor
of the Baptist church at Greer. The
meeting was begun on Sunday and
will continue for a week or more.
Services are held every night. The
public is cordially invited to attend
all services.

[article continues on column 4, bottom section]

[advertisement for Hilton's Life]


[column 4, bottom section]


Council of J. O. U. A. M.

Junior Order United American Me-
chanics will Initiate Council in
Mills Mill Saturday Night—State
Organizer S. F. Parrott will in-
stitute Order.

A council of the Junior Order
United American Mechanics will be
instituted in this village on Saturday
night. The place of the meeting
will be announced later, though in
all probability it will be held in the
hall here.

Deputy State Organizer S. Frank
Parrott, of Gaffney, will institute the
order. State Councillor T. B. Eut-
ler, of Gaffney, will likely be here for
the installation of the council.

The interest is increasing in the
singing school, that is being con-
ducted here for Mr. Snow, who re-
sides at Cherokee Park. Mr. Snow
is a skilled musician as well as a
singer of merit and under his in-
struction the vocal class is making
great headway. The members of the
class are [illegible] practicing for the
musical entertainment to be given at
the Mills mill church on Thrusday
night, May 30.

The program for the entertain-
ment have already been issued.

The Mills mill vocal class will be
assisted by the Simpsonville [Mak?]
Quartet, consisting of First Tenor, S.
M. Snow; second tenor, J. G. Hoft;
first bass, W. G. Stewart and second
bass, A. B. Gilgore. Mr. [Mel?]
Wraims will be the soloist.

The doors will open at 7:00 o'clock
and the entertainment will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock.

Rev. C. King [illegible] to the Red
Men of Mills mill at the mill church
on Sunday afternoon. The members
of the Pocahontas lodge were invit-
ed to hear Mr. King and a goodly
number of the members of this lodge
were present. The sermon was a
powerful lone and was enjoyed by
the large congregation.

On next Monday night at the Mills
mill church the Baptists of the place
will begin a revival. Rev. J. E.
Brock, pastor of the church will con-
duct the services. Mr. Brock has
not announced who will assist him in
conducting the service.
[advertisement for Greenville Grocery]

We can save you money
on fruit jars, wholesale or
retail. Greenville Grocery

[column 5, bottom section]


[photo of Oswald Kirkby]

Oswald Kirkby is one of the best
[illegible] popular golfers in the
United States and he's featured in sev-
eral special [illegible]
Waterloo Bay.
[advertisement for Allen & Cruikshank]

For Sale
Lot on East North street, facing
William street, 76 x 250. This lot is
well located and our price is right.
Lot on East North street next to
residence of Mrs. Arthur Woodside.
This lot is 60 x [180?] and lies well. If
you want to buy in a locality where
values are increasing rapidly. This
is your opportunity.
Telephone 1966 Palmetto Bldg.

[advertisement for William & Lebby]

For Rent.

Elegant nine-room house with
al modern conveniences on W.
Washington Street. $40 per

Six-room house on Westfield
Street, conveniently arranged
and located.

Mills Building. Phone 1986.

[columns 6 & 7]


IN various countries there have
occurred from time to time all
sorts of "corners" to in [illegible]
[illegible] to all manner of good ori-
gins. Superstition has frequently
been the [basis?] of a corner in coins
of a particular denomination. A re-
markable case of this kind occurred
to South [Nambia?] in [illegible]. There op-
peared at [blurry] on the Sea of
[Apev?], a person proclaiming himself
a prophet, and as such he announced
his intention of redeeming the world.

Among the [illegible] doctrine ad-
vanced by this individual was included
the decree that all of his followers
must retain all five-kopek pieces is-
sued in the 1861, the year of the
emancipation of the serfs. They were
by reason of that [illegible] held to be
holy. It was not long before the ig-
norant peasants of the community
preserved the coins.

For an area of three hundred miles
the peasants collected the "holy"

[article continued on column 7]

coins and turned them over to the
prophet. When he gathered a
goodly number of the coins he de-
camped. In a way the Russion gov-
ernment may be [made?] to save a number
of its own coins in a certain comb-
ination. Each year it mints a [illegible]
tied number of bronze coins of the
[nominal?] value of one-fourth of a ko-
pek, about one-eighth of a cent.

As these coins are practically not in
circulation, only a few are issued. The
remainder are sold by the [illegible] au-
thorities at almost double their value
for the one of [illegible]. At one
time there was an [illegible] at-
tempt made to corner Maria Theresa
dollars used in all parts of Northern
That [illegible number] soap bubbles can
be produced from a pound of soap
has been figured out by a mathemat-
ical genius.

[skip to columns 6-7, bottom section]

[advertisement for Gilfillin & Houston real estate]

. . . . WE OFFER A LOT . . . .
60 x 175, corner Stone Avenue and Bennett Street for $1,000.00
This will prove a good investment or make you a nice home.

Gilfillin & Houston.
Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 562. Davenport Bldg.

[advertisement for Alester Furman real estate]

A lot on West Earle street
is a bargain at the price

65 ft. x 200 ft.
$1199.00 Cash.

The active demand for property on Earle street is resulting in
purchasers making good [prods.?] at this time.

See what other lots immediately adjoining have recently sold

The reason—my client needs the real money right now.
Telephone No. 593.

Alester G. Furman
[advertisement for Dave Burns Roofing]

219 Pendleton Street. Phone 301

[advertisement for Parrish & Gower real estate]


If it's a nice house you are looking for, see
us, we have several listed at a bargain.

We also have some bargains in vacant lots.

[advertisement for Hoke-Hill real estate]

We Have a Nice Block
Of Six Negro Houses now paying 10 per cent,
on the investment. Two more houses can be
built on the property, same can bought at a
Hoke-Hill Real Estate & Investment Co.
J. W. MASTERS, Manager