1914-08-29 Greenville Piedmont



08291914 1

08291914 1

(upper left corner in box) Your Caction Will Be More Pleasant With The Piedmont along with You





(IN BOX ON TOP RIGHT OF PAGE) The Afternoon Newspaper the Paper Tha Gives the New That is Lastest =========================================================================== VOLUME 84 No. 230 GREENVILLE, S.C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 29,1914 PRICE 5 CENTS. =========================================================================== (first column on left of page) NO AGREEMENT IN NEWS FROM EAST PRUS --------- CONFLICT IN THE REPORTS FROM SUSSIAN AND GSUMAN SOIRCES. ---------- RUSSIANS CLAIM COMPLETE VICTORIES _______ Bertin Claims German Lines Are Now Holding While the Austrians Are Steadly Darting Across Rear of (unreadable) ------------ London, Aug, 29--- A Times dispatch from St Petersburg, says it is reported there that Konigaburg, the strongly fortified German seapoert in east Russia, has been captured. Their stubborn prolonged struggle allowed the Russian adcance in capt Rruae's. The enemy concentrated the army coro which (unreadable) and re-inforced ith with (unreadable) has been captures as Russians, Germans lost heavily at Moehlem and are now in full retreat. A general engagement occured on the Falician former Wednsday. The battle from extended two hundred miles, The Anatrimes were finally forced to assume the (unreadable) A Russian infantry regiment (unreadable) hand to hand fight with Hungarin reservee, captured the colors and lmost infilated the enemy. --------------- Austians Advancing Berlin, Aug. 29.--- The Associated Press has been informed from offical Austrian sources that the battles which have been in progress for several days are expected to be (unreadable) The Austrian troops are pursuing the Russians from Krasnik in the direction of Luelam. There is no invading army between the river Bug and the river Dnuijier. Accorfing to the same authrity the Austrians invaded Russia and occupoed the region in front of (unreadable) fortified town in Russian Poland. The Austians hold the regions east north and southeast of Lamburg in Gulicia. They have advanced towards the Imeister river, against strong invading force. ---------------- Contietiyg Accognt Loonfon, Aug 29--- Russiansa are advancing on Lembergm Austia. Their cavalry is overcoming all onpoeitior according to a St. Petersburg dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company. The distpatch adds that the Russians are marching on Nomipsburg and have alreay resolved the advanced gaurd to the arrison. The Russians now occupy important points on the river Alle. ------------------ German Flank Saved. Durkin, Aug. 29--- By wireless to Assosated Press---News od deffyy of fire Russian army corps south of Allonstain was (unreadable) here today. (unreadable) encourraging. It greatly relieves the sistuation in most Prussia. It is saisd to insure the rank of the German positions. ----------------- Hold East Front London, Aug 23--- A Coenhagen dispatch to the Evening News says the ordinary railroad traffice in Germany is suspended because the railroads are arrander in carring troops front she wasnt front to the hard (unreadable) past front ----------------- WORSE THAN BALAKLAVA --------------- London, Aug. 29--- A pricate letter from a British officer at the front tells how a British cavalry regiment suffered severe loss through a trick by the Germans. The regiment's commander stated a German battery noisly fired in the reverse direction. The thought the Germans did not know of the cavalry's precence. He ordered a charge through the valley. Their horded became entrangled in barbed wire cleberly conceled. Then [the] Germans turned their guns on the confused cavalry, initicted heavy (unreadable) -------------- BOMBARDMENT OF CATTARO -------------- London, Aug 29-- A [Fenter] dispach says British and Frencg warships, combined with Montenegrin shios returned bombardment of the Austrin (unreadable) Thurdsay night. Two fota were demolished after si hours. Note-- Despatched several days ago, sent through Italy, claimed the allies fleet had them (unreadable) destroyed and (unreadable) ---------------- LIVERPOOL COTTON Liverpool Aug 28 Cotton Sent demand coordente, Prices unchanged (unreadable)





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08291914 2

08291914 2

Two GREENVILLE DAILY PIEDMONT, SATURDAY AUGUST 29, 1914 RELIGIOUS NOTICE [REPEAT 4 TIMES] [ALOT OF DOTS FORMING A SQUARE WITH 3 COLUMN INSIDE IT] WHY ALWAYS THE CHURCH? [column one] Some Interpeted readers of [too blurry] Display Advertisements have expressed the wish that we should be there epsoide and use this joyousful

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08291914 3

08291914 3

[box top of page across column 1, 2, 3]

Motorists' Problems Are Solved Here ________________ By WILLAM H STEWART, Jr.

Who is Presadent of the Stewart Automobile Academy in New York City, is regarded as the leading authorBy in Motor Car education in this centry. -----------------------------

Let us solve your motoring problems and discuss your comments. Tell us of your experences for the benefit of the other fellow. Coorespondence invited for publication every Saturday. Copyright, 1913, by W. H. Stewart, Jr.

[column 1]

Motoring Department, The Daily Piedmont- Can you suggest the cause for a mysterious overheating of the engine? Competent repair men have searched several times without effect. The water pump is all right and the water circulates. The oil curculates. The mixtureis correct. The (unreadable) of the spark valves is right. I do not drive with a ruined (?) spark. In every respect the engine is all right, except the it overheats when the the bottle is opened for hill climbing' or other neccesity. I have had the cylinders cleaned and the compesidor wire (?) good. The overheating begun this summer and gets worse. It is a 1813 car four cylinder. There is no trouble with the radiator nor any part of the water circulating system that can be found but the water will boil almost as often as the thrittle is well opened up. Thank you fo any suggestions--H


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08291914 4

08291914 4

Greenville Daily Piedmont Established 1836 --------------------------------------------- (unreadable) afternoon (unreadable) Sunday (unreadable) St., Greenville S. C., ---------------------------------------------- ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES ----------------------------------------------- (SECTIONS UNREADABLE) ------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIOTION RATES Strictly Cash in Advance By carrier in the Citys One Year----------------------$5.00 Six Months-------------------$2.50 Three Months---------------$1.25 One Month-------------------$.45 _____________________________ By Mail: One Year-----------------------$3.00 One Month--------------------.25 ------------------------------------------------ Initeted at the Greenville Postoffice as (unreadable) of the (unreadable) class. --------------------------------------------------------------- The Greeville (unreadable) Piedmont will publich brief and national (unreadable) subjects of general interest when they are asigned by their authors and are not of a defamatory nature. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Piedmont is a member of it's Audit Burea of (unreadable) it was the first paper in South Carolina to join that organisation, which is controlled by advertiroe and whose audit of circulstiond is accurate. An advertiser should know the ciculation of a newspaper in which he buys space. ------------------------------------------------------ All checks and drafts and money orders should be made payable to Piedmont Publishing Co. J.B. AIKEN, Business Manager. --------------------------------------------------------- FOREIGN ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF JACOBS & COMPANY. CLINTON B. C. SOLICITING OFFICES. H. L. (unreadable). 118 East 28th St. New York, N. Y.

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08291914 5

08291914 5

GREENVILLE DAILY PIEDMONT, SATUURDAY AUGUST 29, 1914 Best Shoes leaves no room for improvement We think our Shoes for the price are the best you can buy Try Us and See SANFORD SHOE CO. "Sanshuco Shoes" 222 South Main [Column one]

Inequality of Sight Do you know that the same error of vision rarely ever exists in both eyes alike? It is for this reason that our sight testing parloe is equipped with every know appliance for bot objective and subjective tests. When you come to us consut an Optometrist when is so well rounded in eyesight: deficency that he is never satisfied that retina images he made practically perfect, for it is possible to do this without improving

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