10161915 2
[Column 1] [heading] BUSINESS TOPICS
[heading: advertisement] Save Your Eyes?
Let Us Show You
[bold] Eye Comfort Lighting [bold]
Id[?]l Electric Co.,
T[address, illegible] [illegible]. Phone 1857
[heading: advertisement] WARNING!
Stop! Look! Read!
Free developing for[?] roll[?] film
with orders[?] for prints[?]
FREE [illegible] TR[EAT?]MENT
Best Kodak film negative
given away each week.
[bold] Mr. James Sloan, [bold]
Greenville, S[?]. C[?].
Gets the enlargement this
[bold] FREE 8X10 ENLARGEMENT [bold]
With [illegible number] worth of Kodak
work finished by us.
Bring us your film : we do the
[bold] Globe Optical Co. [bold]
[bold] Kodak Department [bold]
Best [illegible] laboratory in the
[heading] Why Not Join the
$1,000 CLUB?
$1.00 deposited[?] weekly in
MENT at 4 per cent In-
terest, compounded quar-
terly, will in a few years
amount to $1,000
[bold] City National Bank [bold]
[no header: advertisement]
[unclear image with white text, illegible]
You [illegible] have to carry out
bucket after bucket of ashes if you
use our coal. It burns up clean and
the ashes are scarcely perceptible.
The splendid heat giving quality of
our coal is also worthy of your con-
sideration. Burns from[?] low ash: no
Pokers[?], and is in every way superior[?]
to any coals[?] on the market.
[bold] West End Supply Co.
[header: advertisement] Co[ban?] and Harris
It Pays
[the remainder of the advert is largely illegible]
[Column 2] [heading] THE NO-TREATING
Designed Mainly in Check the [illegible]
of Providing Free Drinks to
the Soldiers From the Front - Nev..
[ertheless?] the Order to Applicable to
Everybody - Police May Close All
Night Clubs in the City of London.
London, Sept, 24. "At a meeting
[of] the privy council at Buckingham
Palace today the king signed an or-
der applying the regulations respect-
ing the sale of liquor in the districts
[of] the Metropolitan area."
This rather cryptic announcement
appearing in black-faced type in to
[illegible] papers, meant [illegible] the long or
[illegible] "non-treating" order is now in
[illegible - expected?] action throughout the greater city
and that a great change must be made
in the social habits of the people.
Though designed mainly to [check?]
he custom of providing free liquor
o soldiers from the front - especially
those who are about to depart again,
or the [illegible] - the order neverthe
[illegible] in [is?] applicable to everybody, and
[illegible] violation will bring upon the of-
fender heavy fine or imprisonmnet, or
[illegible]. Hereafter, except in the priv-
acy of the home, the Londer may not
[illegible] a bottle or h[alf?] bottle with a
[illegible] There is but one exception
and that is at meal times. Then a
host may provide liquor. But in al
[illegible], hotels and clubs the words,
"What will you have?" are taboo."
Even the exclusive army clubs are
[illegible], and members are asking
many questions. For example:
Can members water [wager?] whiskey and
[illegible] on a card game?
Can drinks be ordered to seal a
[illegible], or for a toast?
Is an officer leaving for the front
[illegible] denied a parting drink with his
Can a glass accidently upset be
Saloonkeepers are very [illegible - doleful?] over
the situation. They say that, with
treating barred, the whole atmosphere
of the saloon will be [illegible]. Few
men. It is argued, like to drink alone
and a tremendous slump in trade is
What constitutes a meal with which
one man may buy drink for his friend
will doubtless have to be defined by
the courts. Whether a meal will con-
sist of the antiquated sandwich so fa-
miliar in the United States remains to
be seen. There is of course the pa-
tent subterfuge by which one man
may give the person he wishes to
treat the amount required before they
enter the saloon; but this would be
cumbersome, commercial and hardly
Police regulations, it is said on good
authority, are about to be issueds clo[s]-
ing all night clubs in London, during
the entire period of the war. If this
reform takes place, it will come as a
result of a protest by military author-
ities that the "night club evil" has
turned what ought to be a period of
rest and recuperation for officers on
[illegible] from the front, into a prolonged
[illegible] which leaves the men in a
worse condition than when they came
[illegible] from the trenches. It is com-
monly known that in most of the
night clubs evasion of the 10 o'clock
law has been developed to a fine art
and that drinks can be easily obtained.
[illegible] of the day and night.
"I am in favor of closing down
all [night] clubs for the duration of the
war," said Lord At[illegible], provost
marshal. "Naturally enough in our
supervision, we rarely detect any-
thing. We must [illegible] them to uniform
and it is almost impossible to effect a
real surprise. As for the [illegible]
night clubs they have about an [army?]
of scouts. They watch and report on
movements and a club almost invari-
ably knows in advance when we [illegible]
[?] expected.
"They all look as [illegible] as [illegible]
[illegible] when we [illegible]. We have n[o?]
doubt in our minds that liquor is ob-
tainable at many night clubs and
that [illegible] another matter from [illegible]
ing into a [illegible] and [illegible]
to [illegible]. While we [illegible]
[illegible] supervision of these places, [illegible]
have no powers to do anything ex
cept through the courts. The only
satisfactory [illegible] is to close them
all down as long as the war lasts."
C[illegible]ter D[illegible], the popular drug-
[illegible] have been in the drug business
long enough to have their own [illegible]
[the remainder of the column is illegible]
[Column 3] [heading, spans columns 3-4] Where Church Bells Chime
[heading, spans columns 3-4] THE REASON
If any church in Greenville or its suburbs, either
white or negro, has no announcement on this page it
is simply because its pastor or officers have failed to
furnish an announcement for publication. No charge
is made for these notices and The Piedmont would
like ot have every church in Greenville and its su-
burbs properly advertised on this page each Saturday.
Publisher Piedmont.
St. Paul's Methodist church, Pen-
dleton and Anderson streets. Rev. A.
E. H[ol?]ler, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, W. N.
Hackney, superintendent.
11.30 a. m. - Regular services.
7.30 p. m. - Regular services.
The Ladies' Working Society will
meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
at the church.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30
p. m.
The public and strangers are cor-
dially invited to attend all these ser-
[B?]uncombe Street Methodist Church,
Rev. Mark L. Carlisle, D. D., pastor.
10.00 a. m. - Sunday school. Mr.
W. C. Beacham and mr. Monroe Pick-
ens[?], superintendents.
[illegible] class meets to main audi-
torium of the church. Mr. Alken
Carlisle, teacher.
Ladies' Wesley class taught by the
Preaching services at 11.30 a. m.
and 7.00 p. m. Sermonds by the pas-
Prayer meetingon Wednesday even
ing at 7.30 o'clock.
A cordial welcome is extended all
strangers and visitors attending
these services.
Hampton Ave. [Methodist] Church
Rev. E. R. Mason, pastor
Preaching services morning and
Sunday school 10.00 a. m., W R.
Harris, supt; J. [illegible] Gresham, [illegible]
Walker Wesley Bible class meets
[in] basement of Sunday school room
Rev E. R. Mason, teacher. All young
men are invited to join this class.
[McCain] Susannah Wesley Bible
class, Mrs J. W. McCain, teacher.
Wesley Adult Bible class, L.E.
Turner teacher.
Epworth League in Epworth
League room Monday evening 7.30 p.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30
p. m.
It is urged by the paster and also
the board of stewards that the mem-
bers of this church come out and take
[more?] interest in their church and try
to help build it up to the best church
in the city. Let's all pull together.
The public cordially invited to at-
tend all the services of this church.
Strangers and visitors especially wel-
First Baptist church, West McBe[a?]
avenue, George W. Quick, pastor.
10.00 a. m.—Services of Instruction,
H. J. Hayesworth, superintendent of
Sunday school.
11.00 a. m.—Service of worship.
Subject by request of the college
students' Y. M. C. A. conference now
in session, in Greenville, namely:
"The Ministry as a Life Work."
3.30 p. m. - Special deacon's meet-
4.0[0] p. m. - Junior Y. W. A. busi-
ness meeting.
5.30 p. m. - B. Y. P. U in Hoyt
philathea room.
7.30 p. m. - Service of worship
Subject: Making the world bright.
Pastor speaks both morning and
INVITATION especially to the
evening service.
Central Baptist church, [corner]
Lloyd and Pinkney streets. B. T.
Matthews, pastor.
[illegible - possibly 9.45 a. m.—Sunday school, W.E.
[illegible]man, superintendent.
11 a.m:—Morning service.
[8?].30 p.m—Junior B. Y. P. U.
4.30 p.m.—Senior B. Y. P. U.
7.30 p.m.—Evening service.
To all services if the church the
public is cordially invited.
Woodside Baptist church, [illegible]
Washington, pastor.
9.45 a. m.—Sunday school. M[?] [illegible]
[faded] Baker[?], superintendent. [illegible]
[illegible] led by John M. Washing[ton]
11.00 a.m.:—Preaching by the past-
Prayer meeting Wednesday [illegible]-
[illegible] at 7.45.
To all these services the public is
cordially invited.
Pendleton Street Baptist church,
Rev. B. D. Hahn, D. D., pastor.
10 a. m.—Sunday school, B. F. [illegible]
[illegible] superintendent. Dr. Hahn [illegible]
[illegible] men's class.
Services at 11.30 a. m. and [dark and smeared, possibly 8.00) p.
m. by the pastor.
Baptismal service at the [illegible]
Prayer meeting Wednesday at [illegible]
[p?]. m.
[illegible, dark and smeared] to be [illegible] and
[illegible, possibly strangers] cordially invited.
The Sabbath [Observation?] [markings illegible]
First Presbyterian [remainder of column is illegible]
[Column 4]
10 a. m. - S[abbath] school, W. A.
St[en]house, superintendent.
11.30 a. m. - Are there few that be
7.30 p. m. - for this cause cometh
the wrath of God.
Communion service at the morning
Prayer meeting Wedneday 7.30
p. m.
Second Presbyter[i]an church, [cor?]-
ner River and Rhett ?treets.
E. P. Davis, D. D., pastor, 205
River street.
Divine services at 11 a. m and 7. 30
p. m. Mr F. M. Pursor will speak in
the morning and the pastor at night.
Sabbath school at 9.45 a. m. sharp,
Mr. E. G. Mallard, Sr., superintendent
and Mr. E. G. Mallard Jr., assistant.
Men's Bible class, Mr. E. F. Ware,
president; Ladies' Bible class, Mrs D.
H. Sadler, president. Modern facili-
Sunbeams will meet at the church
at 3 p. m. sharp. Miss Mary Mayer,
Junior Christian Endeavor prayer
meeting in the Sunday school rooms
at 4 p. m. Master Ralph Alexander,
Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.45
p. m., Mr. Harold [B?]oyle, president.
The Ladies' Missionary Society will
meet at the church at 4 p. m., Tues-
day. Mrs. T. J. Boyle, president.
Prayer meeting Wednesday night
at 7.30 o'clock. "Come thou with [us]
and we will do thee good." Numbers
The Fourth Presbyterian church.
Broadus avenue and Washington St.,
J. Sprole Lyons Jr., pastor.
10.15 a. m.—Sunday school, Capt.
J. A[illegible] Smyth, Jr., superintendent
All classes. [illegible] Bible class, Mr. J
C. Derieux, leader.
11.00 a. m.—Public worship. Subject
of sermon by pastor, "The double
moral standard." Seats free. Stran-
gers cordially welcomed.
7.30 p. m.—Bible study class, Mr.
W. P. Anderson, leader.
Tuesday, Oct. [18?]. 4.00 p. m.—The
Ladies' Working Society will meet in
the Sunday school room.
There will be no mid-week prayer
meeting this week, the pastor attend-
ing the Synod of South Carolina in
session at Rock Hill [?], S. C.
Musical program, Sunday, Oct. 17,
11.30 a. m.
Prel[illegible - ate?] "Andante" - - Batiste.
B[illegible] solo "The Lord is my
[this line is smeared and illegible]
V[illegible] [illegible] Swing[?] Song - Ethel
Postlude, "Postlude"—Star[?]s
[Column 5]
[illegible] Reformist Presbyterian.
Central High school, Westfield[?] St.
Pastor Rev. J[?]. T. Young.
Sabbath school 10.[?]0 a. m., J. F.
Ep[illegible], superintendent.
Morning worship 11.30 a. m
Evenng workship 7.00 p. m.
Both friends and strangers are cor-
dially invited to all these services.
Turn us again, O God, and cause
thy face to shine; and we shall be
saved. Ps 80:7.
Christ church. Church and North
streets. Services for tomorrow Octo-
ber 17, 20th Sunday after Trinity
as follows, and the rector, the Rev
Alesander R. Mitchell, will officiate:
8 a. m.—Celebration holy commu-
10.00 a. m. - Sunday school
11.30 a. m. - Morning prayer and
7.30 p. m. - Evening prayer and
short address
5.00 p. m., Wednesday - Rector'
Bible class for Ladies in the chapel.
Strangers, visitors and students
welcome to all services.
Special music today at both ser-
vices under the direction of Prof
[?]eheafer, organist and director.
St. James Mission. The services for
Sunday, October 17th, will be as
11.30 a. m.—Celebration of the
holy communion and sermon by the
rector, the Rev. H. Buchanan Ryley.
4.00 p. m.—Sunday school.
The hour of Sunday school has been
changed from 5.00 p. m. to 4.00 p. m.
There will be no evening service.
St. Andrew's Episcopal church.
Pendleton and Markley streets.
Services for Sunday, October 17th,
20th Sunday after Trinity.
8.00 a. m.—Holy communion.
10.15 a. m.—Sunday school.
[8].00 p. m.—Evening prayer and
Rev. H. B. Ryley, priest-in-charge.
A cordial welcome to strangers
and [visitors].
Christian Chuch.
Christians church—10.00 a. m.—
Bible school followed by celebration
of the Lord's supper. R. [E]. Strange,
superintendent. Visitors and stran-
gers especially invited to worship
with us at the Central Y. M. C. A.
building East Coffee street.
St. Mary's Catholic church Octo-
ber 17, 21st Sunday after Pente-
First mass at 7. a. m.
Second mass and sermon at 11 a.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sermon and benediction [8] p. m.
Father Duff will preach at the
night service on "Confession."
October devotion in the church
Wednesday 5.00 p. m.
October devotion in the chapel
Friday 5.30 p. m.
Holy hour in church Friday at 8
p. m.
Visitors are cordially welcome.
North Main street, Rev C. [L?]. Mil-
le[t], pastor.
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
9:45 a. m.—Sunday school
11.00 a. m.—Morning service
7.30 p. m.—Evening service
In the morning service special
music will be offered, Mr. J. A.
[Column 6]
Stubbs of Wofford college, rendering
capecially Schuberts Serenade on the
violin as an offeratory.
At 7.30 the Young People's League
will have charge of the service. They
will study the life end work of [illegible, possibly Muh-]
[illegible, possibly lenburg], the man who planted firmly
the Luthern church in America. He
[illegible, possibly first] landed on South Carolina soil
and preached his first sermon in
America in this state. He was the
father of the preacher, soldier, patri-
ot, Gen. Peter Muhlenburg, who be-
came the first speaker of the house
of representatives when the American
people gained their independence
through the war of the Revolution.
To all our services you will always
find[?] a hearty welcome.
[illegible] and Mt. View Congregations[?]
[illegible] Washington St.[?]
[illegible] p. m. Sunday School. [faded, possibly 8.00]p. m.
preaching service by the pastor.
Subject: Why men reject Christ.'
Text: " The [illegible] of th[is] world, and
the de[illegible] of riches, and the
lust[?] of other things entering in, choke
the world, and it becometh unfruit-
[illegible, ful?]' Mark 4:19.
[illegible, possibly Saturday] night [3, possibly 8?].00 p. m. prayer-
[illegible] [illegible] meeting, Mr [illegible] r
Moore will [illegible] the future of the
young men of Greenville as he [illegible]
The Word and Fact embroidery club
will be [illegible] by [illegible]
[illegible, possibly Foster] next Tuesday night at her
home on Oscar St.
M[t., possibly r]. View - Sunday school at 10.30
You are invited to all these services.
[Bottom half of page, spanning Column 4 to Column 7]
[header: bold advertisement] WE MADE IT A
MILLION [right of text: cartoon of a sweating man raising a pickaxe, captioned: DIGGING DID IT.]
And with your continued
support will make it many more Millions. We heart-
ily thank all who made
possible this splendid suc-
cess. Speak a good word
for and take your next
[illegible] with [illegible].
[Top right-hand corner of page, spanning Column 6 to Column 7]
[header: advertisement]
Pearl Gray Hats
with Puggaree Band
[illegible] The newest arrivals a[cut off]
[header: advertisement spanning Column 6 to Column 7]
Manufacturers of Monuments, Tombstones [cut off]
Lowest Prices, Best Work. See or write us.
E. McBee Avenue. Greenville
[Column 7]
[Image: black shield with white border and text]
[Image text reads: PEOPLES
Capital and Surp[cut off, possibly Surpassing]
A Quarter Million D[cut off, possibly Dollars]
[b] How much
Do You [/b]
Get out of the habit o[cut off]
ing all you make.
Open a Savings [cut off]
with this strong ba[cut off]
learn to save.
KEEP THIS IN M[cut off]
Your money will be
will be earning so
and always at your co
when needed.
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