October 1956 page 4
Now that the multi-billion dollar highway building pro-
gram is getting under way authorities should be giving
consideration to locating these highways properly in relation
to rail rights-of-way so as to create attractive industrial
sites where possible.
a result, there are thousands of horrible
examples of how highways should not be
located. Thousands of miles of hte nation's
highways are located immediately adjacent
to and parallel to a rail line, thereby creat0
ing unnecessary hazards and diminishing
the value of the property which both high-
way and railway are supposed to serve.
Sites must be created
All parts of the country and especially
the South have gone to great effort and
expense to attract new industry, and the
people involved in this effort know full
well that they cannot attract new plants
to their communities unless there are some
attractive plant sites which can be de-
veloped to full advantage with highway,
rail, and utility services. If attractive sites
are not available, industry looks elsewhere
for a home, and many a community has lost
out on that score alone.
Good industrial sites can be created by
the location of new highways, but they
don't just happen. Of course, factors such
as terrain and existing structures some-
times make it necessary to build a highway
too close to a railroad to make the inter-
vening property attractive as a plant site.
But where these factors are absent, high-
way planners should make every effort to
keep the highways at least 1,000 feet from
railroads, thereby creating sites which can
be developed industrially.
Good and bad sites
The ideal industrial site has frontage on
a good highway, a sufficient depth to pro-
vide plenty of building room and parking
[Diagram captioned "The Right Way"]
OCTOBER, 1956 5
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