[Graphic of Old Slater Mill] [Graphic of Slater Mill]
Old Slater Mill Slater Mill
EST. 1790 1943
Vol. 3 Slater, S.C., January 11, 1945 No. 1
[Column 1]
==H. N. Slater, Jr.
Arrives Overseas==
[Photo of Cpl. H. N. Slater, Jr.]
Cpl. H. N. Slater, Jr.
Of interest to our readers
will be the news that Com-
mander H. N. Slater's son, T/5
H. N. Slater, Jr., has arrived
safely overseas and is now sta-
tioned somewhere in Europe.
Cpl. Slater enlisted as a cadet
in the R. O. T. C. in September,
1942, while a first year student
at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. In January of
1943, he was transferred to the
Army Student Training Pro-
gram for specialized studies,
and in July, 1943, was sent to
William and Mary College, Wil-
liamsburg, Virginia, when he
was promoted to Private First
At the conclusion of his
course at William and Mary in
February, 1944, he was trans-
ferred to Virginia Military In-
stitute, at Lexington, Virginia.
In April, 1944, after several
months at Virginia Military In-
stitute, a change in the Army
Training Program was made
and he was again transferred,
this time to a Signal Service
Training Battalion at Fort
Monmouth, New Jersey.
Before sailing overseas in
late October a promotion to
Corporal was received and
shortly after arrival in Europe,
Cpl. Slater was made Techni-
cian Fifth Grade.
Special services were held
at Slater Baptist Church on Sun-
day afternoon, December 17,
for the purpose of ordaining
Mr. M. A. Martin to the gospel
The examining presbytery,
composed of visiting ministers
and deacons from Cedar Lane
Baptist Church and Slater Bap-
tist Church, met at two o'clock
to examine the candidate.
Mr. Martin will assume his
duties as full time pastor of
the Cedar Lane Baptist Church
and will move from Slater to
take up residence in Greenville.
[Column 2]
The Ninth Grade Biology
Class of Slater-Marietta High
School has recently organized
a science club. The purpose of
this new organization is to
create an interest in the minds
of the class for the study of
nature and common everyday
life about us. The club holds
weekly meetings each Friday
afternoon at 1:30 in the Science
room at our local school.
The following officers were
Frances Poole—President
Mildred Shelton — Vice-Presi-
Ruth Laws — Secretary and
The program committee is
composed of three members,
Bobbie McMullan, Inez Mc-
Grew and Lucille Young.
Charles Jones, Ray Dean and
Kathryn Sanders form the
social committee. Reporters for
the club are Fannie Mae Bur-
ton and Charles Jones. Mrs.
Mildred C. Jarrard is the spon-
sor of the club.
Methodist Have Christmas Play
The Christmas program of the Slater Methodist Church was held on December 24 at 7 o'clock P.M., before a large congregation.
The program was sponsored with devotional exercises by the pastor, the Rev. Peden Gene Curry. The play was presented by the pupils of Miss Ruth Taylor's Class. Miss Taylor is teacher of the Senior Class. Candles were used to light the church while the play was in progress. Mrs. Sam Addington and Mrs. Lucille Cunningham lighted the candles. Persons taking part in the play were Ophelia Riley, Louise Cunningham, Betty McMullan, Billy Hamilton, Carol McGill, Mrs. Lucille McMullan and Grace Penland.
Much credit is due Miss Taylor and her class for the splendid performance given.
Recitations were given by a number of the younger members of the Sunday School under the direction of Mrs. E. A. McGill. These youngsters gave perfect recitations which were all centered around the Christmas theme. Each of these children is to be commended for the dignified manner in which he or she spoke. Those taking part were as follows:
Introduction--Frankie McKinney
"I Am Much Too Young--Rose Addington
"Why We Give Gifts"--N ancy Burdette
"The Best Holiday"--Buster Hopson
"Little Children"--Shirley
(Continued on page 4, col. 2)
[Column 3]
Joseph R. Bryson Is Guest Speaker At Slater Party
"I represent the largest textile congressional district in the United States," said Congressman Joseph R. Bryson, of Greenville, in his address to the employees of S. Slater and Sons, Inc. attending the anual Christmas party given by Mr. J. A. White and the company at Dave Stancell's Eating Place near Greenville on the night of December 23.
In his excellent address, Congrtessman Bryson told how the work of the textile people ranked among the most important in the war effort and thanked those present for their efforts in this important phase of our defense, urging their continued support in the days to come.
Mr. J. A. White, Plant Manager, acted as Master of Ceremonies, and thanked the workers gathered for their fine work during the past year. He, too, asked for their continued support in the coming days.
Mr. White introduced a number of visitors from Greenville who had been invited as special guests. Among these were Congressman Bryson, Mr. T. E. Christenberry, Clerk of Court, Mr. K. B. Miles, of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. L. P. Hollis of the Parker District Schools, Mr. D. B. Leatherwood, Attorney-at-Law, Mr. J. Harvey Cleveland, Mr. J. D. Ashmore and others.
Mr. D. B. Leatherwood, Attorney of Greenville, introduced Congressman Bryson. Mr. Miles, of the Chamber of Commerce, also spoke briefly.
Popular Artist Pleases Hearers
Sings Familiar Songs
Mr. DuPre Rhame, of the Music Faculty of Furman University, was guest singer at the lecture held at Slater Hall in December. Mr. Rhame, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Rhame, sang the following numbers: "On The Road To Mandalay," "Shortenin' Bread," "Home On The Range," and "Stout Hearted Men."
Mr. Rhame has been a member of the Music Faculty of Furman Univesity for a number of years, and is also director of music at the First Baptist Church, of Greenville. He is an accomplished musician, and is well known throughout the South and East.
The people of Slater toroughly enjoyed the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Rhame, and it is hoped that they will come to Slater again soon.
[Column 4]
[Title across columns 4 and 5]
Missionary From Africa Speaks To Young Folks
A New Year's Eve watch service was held at Slater Baptist Church on Sunday, December 31, 1944. The service began with the regular evening worship service at eight o'clock and ended at midnight.
Speakers for the evening were Rev. John Tollison of North Greenville, Rev. Earl Sargent, of Southern Bleachery, Mr. B . B. Brown, Mr. R. A. McKinney and Rev. Clyde M. Johnson, of Slater.
Special music and testimonials were also a part of the evening's program.
The service was well attended and very informal, with some of the congregation staying for the entire service and others coming for only parts of it.
Christmas Tree At Slater Hall
The annual Christmas program, sponsored by S. Slater and Sons, Inc. for employees and their families, was held at Slater Hall on the morning of December 23. This yearly program is unique in that it is the one time of the year when all employees get together.
A beautifully decorated Christmas tree, brilliant with its multi-colored lights, was arranged in the center of the stage and surrounded by multiple bags of Christmas goodies. Early on the morning of the program, Christmas carols were played over the loud speaker in order that they might be heard over the entire village. These carols continued until the program began, and were also enjoyed by the people as they assembled at Slater Hall.
The program was under the supervision of J. A. White, Plant Manager, who called on the Rev. Clyde M. Johnson, Pastor of the Slater Baptist Church, to pronounce the invocation. Mr. White then thanked the people of Slater for their splendid work during the past year, and asked their continued cooperation during the New Year. He praised the many employees of Slater who are in the service of our country, reading the names of those who have made the supreme sacrifice.
The program was then turned over to L. P. Hollis, Superintendent of the Parker Schools. A group of children from the Parker District rendered several musical numbers, after which Miss Annie Porter
(Continued on page 4, col. 4)
[Column 5]
"Be faithful to the task which is yours" was the theme used by Miss Hattie Gardner, missionary to Africa, as she spoke to approximately sixty Slater children Wednesday P. M. January 3.
Miss Gardner said that although the children of Africa have little money, they are faithful in their contributing, often performing such menial tasks as pulling grass to earn money. She stressed the fact that African children are faithful in their learning, and that many of them could put some American children to shame regarding school work. The children were interested to learn that $16 will send an African child to school for a year in the section where Miss Gardner has been working; this amount includes fees, food and books. The missionary sang "Jesus Loves Me" in the language of the Africans, also teaching it to the children in the audience.
At the close of the program, Miss Gardner held an open discussion, during which the children asked questions about Africa. Most of the questions pertained to African homes, food, clothing, and customs in general.
Miss Gardner, who went to Africa nine years ago, has been in charge of a school for girls. According to Miss Gardner, most of the African children have a passion for learning, and will make almost any sacrifice to attend school.
The children who heard this missionary speak had much "food for thought" as they realized that there are many children in the world who really want to go to school, but are deprived of the opportunities offered our American children.
Local Girls Scouts and members of the Boys' Library Club attended this meeting in a group. They were accompanied by their sponsors.
Miss Gardner spoke at the Slater Baptist Church each evening during the first week in January.
The Rev. Clyde M. Johnson
(Continued on page 4, col. 5)
Mrs. M. A. Martin was the honor guest at a shower given her on Friday evening, December 15, at the home of Mrs. F. J. Brannon.
Serving with Mrs. Brannon as joint hostess for this occasion was Mrs. W. W. Stephenson. A number of lovely and useful gifts were presented Mrs. Martin at this party by her friends, who regret she is leaving our community.
Everyone who attended greatly enjoyed the party.
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