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January 11, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

GOINGS-ON - - - -
The many friends of Mrs. Myrtle Robinson and Mrs. Mae Turnbull sympathize with them in the death of their father, Mr. Keisler.

Miss Margie Friddle is pleased that her brother, Sgt. Buford Friddle, recently reveived a citation for meritorious action overseas.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. Jim Smith is ill and wish for him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Canham and sons, Alton, Harold, and John Wesley, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse of Judson.

The father of Misses Lillie and Dovie Garren has been ill for some time, but we trust he will soon be up and around again.

Mrs. John Lane recently visited Mrs. Sarah Chitwood.

Mrs. Clyde Owenby and small son Michael have moved in the house with Mrs. Mary Dunn of First Street, Slater.

Seaman Ralph Knight is spending a leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knight.

Miss Louise Waldrop is planning to enter nursing school at Mary Black Hospital, Spartanburg, S. C., this coming term.

Pvt. Virginia Knight, of the WACs has returned to New Hampshire after spending a ten-day leave at her home. After completing her travel to New Hampshire, she expects overseas duty.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Brown and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Moore of Laurens.

Miss Adith Richardson spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Horton, of Belmont, N. C.

Mr, and Mrs. S. B. Morris and family of Spartanburg, S. C. had as their guest recently Mr G. L. Morris of Slater.

Miss Sarah Phillips spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Phillips.
Mr. J. T. Waldrop and Mr. V. R. Clark went hunting last weekend and came back with six rabbits.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Griffeth spent a portion of their holidays in Greenville. During that time they visited Mr. Reeves, father of Mrs. Griffeth.

Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Arrowood and son Arnold of Travelers Rest spent the holidays with their parents in Rutherfordton, N. C.

Misses Lucille and Grace Masters spent their holidays with Mrs. Luther Masters, their grandmother, of Rosman, N. C.

Mr. Roy Tweed had as his guests during the holidays his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Tweed, of Marshall, N. C.

Mrs. Jeanette Peace had as her guest Christmas her stepson, R. D. Peace, his wife and their daughter of Sans Souci. Mrs. Suttles, of Woodside, also visited Mrs. Peace.

Carl Garren, nephew of Lillie Garren, spent Christmas with her. He has just returned from the hospital where he had a leg amputated.

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Edens of Greenville, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Cantrell.

We are glad to have Mrs. Mary Hall back with us, following an illness of several days. Among those visiting Mrs. Hall over the holidays were her daughter, Mrs. Edna Conner and son Mickey, Mrs. Ester Giffeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tweed and family.

Mrs. Cephas Cantrell and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Edens spent the holidays with Mrs. Minnie Chastain.

Mrs. Verletta Spearman, and husband, and Mr. James Edens, Jr., spent Sunday with Miss Bernice Mae Cantrell.

Mrs. Ludean Winstead visited her parents over the weekend recently. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Thornhill of Laurens.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson had as their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Birdette Johnson, of Shelby, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Pitts, Miss Barbara Moore, and Mrs. M. H. Pitts, all of Greenville.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henson were the weekend guests of Mrs. Henson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Strickland, of Luck, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Huffman had as their weekend guests recently Mr. J. M. Drye, of Johnson City, Tenn.

Misses Gladys and Rosa Lee Cox motored to Greenville on a Sunday afternoon recently.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Duncan had as their weekend guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Early Evans, of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craig, Mr. James Duncan, of Laurens, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Duncan, Sgt. and Mrs. Arthur Watson, and Pvt. and Mrs. Earnest A. Duncan. Pvt. Duncan has served sixteen months overseas.

Mrs. Cecil Stroud was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stroud recently.

Miss Beatrice Looper and a party of friends enjoyed a trip to the mountains on a recent Sunday afternoon.

Miss Hazel Buchanan was a visitor in Brevard, N. C. during the Christmas holidays.

Among the holiday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Batson were Misses Daisy and Jessie Batson, Mrs. Cecil Stroud, and Mrs. Ella Mae Owens.

Pvt. Martin Cox spent the weekend preceeding Christmas at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox.

Mrs. Doris Martin had as her Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Selmen, of Greenville.
Miss Sue Tate spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Sam Blackley.

Miss Inez Stockton plans to move to Second Street, Slater, shortly.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank White were visitors in the home of Mrs. Hix, mother of Mrs. White, of Greenville, recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox and sons were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Epps and family at their new home in Travelers Rest, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sollie Cox, mother of Mr. Cox, of Marietta

Mr. and Mrs. George Upton spent the Christmas holidays with their parents in Shelby and Cherryvill, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daniels spent Christmas Day with Mr. W. T. Daniels, of Anderson, S. C.
Mr W. T. Daniels, is the father of Mr. Roy Daniels.

We are sorry Mrs. Kate Deaton has suffered the loss of her father-in-law. We are glad to have her back on the job.

The employees of Weave Room No. 1, Job No. 3 are enjoying working for their new overseer, Mr. Joe Ward.

Mrs. Florace Hayden has received word that her husband, Sgt. Woodrow Hayden, is improving from wounds received in action in France.

Mr. J. W. Price celebrated Christmas by killing his 500 pound hog.

Pvt. Thomas Lane and Cpl. John Lane have been granted an emergency leave due to the illness of their mother, Mrs. Emma Lane, who has had a heart attack.

Kenneth Atkinson, of Greenville, S. C., visited D. L. Crowe, Jr., Christmas.

We are sorry to learn that Pvt. Roy G. Price, son of J. W. Price, has undergone an operation in Mobile, Ala. We are glad he is on the road to recovery.

Everyone is happy to see Mr. Joe Ward back on the job after being out with a foot injury.
We miss Mr. Hagan, our sweeper and loom cleaner, very much and trust he will be able to return to work shortly.

Mr. Alfred Cooper of Greenville, Miss Sarah Hannon and Mrs. Dublin spent Christmas day with Mrs. T. J. Hipps, of Tigerville.

Mrs. Sarah Chitwood and infant daughter, Dorothy Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse, of Judson, during Christmas.

Among the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ramsey were Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Henderson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper T. Henderson and daughter of Easley, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Poole, of Easley, and Mrs. Louise Moore.

Mrs. Josie Riddle and family of Greer spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lynch, of Sans Souci.

Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Garrett and family visited Mr. Garrett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Garrett, of Greenville.

Mesdames J. T. Reaves and John Reaves recently visited Mrs. Sarah Chitwood.
It's a common thing to hear someone on Job No. 1, Weave Room No. 1, talking about the way Overseer Wilbur Cole works. There's one boss man that doesn't mind pitching in and helping you get a thing done.

When you ask "Pop" Farthing how he is feeling and he answers with a "Not so good," you can be sure that something is wrong. "Pop" is always busy doing some little odd hob that most people never find time to do.

Our hats are off to the ladies who work on style 3905. This weave takes a lot of patience, but you'll find the women on this design staying right with their job.

We welcome our overseer, Mr. T. E. Waldrop, back to work after being out due to illness.
Mrs. Fannie Epps came back after the Christmas holidays with a big smile for everybody. It happens that the reason for her happiness is that she has a new daughter-in-law, her son Cedar having married during the Christmas holidays.

Mr. J. P. Sanders spent his holidays in Columbia.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Clark visited in Laurens, S. C. during the Christmas holidays.

Miss Mary Chasteen is now living with Miss Sadie Finley, of Marietta.

We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Alfred Cooper's son has been reported as missing in action in the European theatre.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark had as their weekend guests Cpl. and Mrs. J. P. Coates, of Weaverville, N. C. Cpl. Coates has served one and one-half years in the South Pacific and has received the purple heart and other citations and medals.

Happy New Year, Everybody!

Theatre Guide

January 13, 1945
Ann Corio
James Bush
John Davidson
January 15, 1945
James Lyndon
Barbara Belden
Dorothy Peterson
January 19, 1945
Rosemary Lane
Johnny Downs
Ralph Morgan

Cloth Room Chatter
Miss Lula Rice, who is home on a visit from Washington, D. C., had as her guest Sunday, Miss Marie Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Talley and family spent Christmas day in Greer with Mr. Arthur Talley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Peterson and daughters Polly and Lucy were recent visitors in Spartanburg, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wylie and family spent the holidays with relatives in Chester.
Mrs. Earl Guest had as her guest Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Link.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester and family were the weekend visitors of relatives in Dacusville.
Miss Janie McCluney and Mrs. Jessie Smith spent the holidays with their sister, Mrs. C. G. Collins, in Turnersvill, Ga.

Mrs. Essie Patterson, of Greenville, was a weekend visitor of Miss Janie McCluney
Sgt. and Mrs. Francis Gunter and small daughter, Dianne, were visitors in Slater last week. Sgt. Gunter is home on a thirty-day furlough. He has been stationed in England for the past nine months. Mrs. Gunter was a clerk in the office of the cloth room. She and Dianne are living with her parents in Wagner, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal have received word that their son, Pvt. Harold Veal, has arrived in England and is ill in a hospital there.

S 1/c Henry I. Gossett, of the Navy, was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gossett, of Travelers Rest, S. C.

Pvt. and Mrs. Tom Hawkins were recent visitors in Slater. Mrs. Hawkins is the former Miss Mildred Cook and was a clerk in the cloth room office.

Mrs. Lila Henry has received word that her husband, Pvt. Charles J. Henry, has arrived safely in the Philippine Islands.

Misses Christine and Kathleen Reynolds were the Christmas day guests of Mrs. Lila Henry.

Mr. Tom I. Hood and daughter Elizabeth were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Estelle Kelley.
Mrs. Mildred E. Fowler and Miss Hazel Campbell spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Elsie Few of Greer.

Mrs. Lillie Mae Green is glad to know that her brother, Lawrence Barton, is enjoying his boot training in the Navy at Bainbridge, Md.

Elsie Raxter had as her guest through the Christmas holidays, Miss Clara Farthing.

Religious Film Seen By Many
Capacity crowds attended the showings of the religious film, "THE KING OF KINGS." recently filmed on the 35 mm Projectors at Slater Hall. The first showing was arranged for 7:30 o'clock, Tuesdany night, January 2. The second showing was filmed at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday, January 4, for those whose working hours did not permit them to attend on Tuesday night. On Wednesday night, January 3, the picture was shown to the colored employees of Slater and their families. In all, approximately 600 white people and 160 colored people availed themselves of the opportunity to see this very famous production.

This film shows the simple Christian story of the life of Christ, and is portrayed with reverence, beauty, and great power. It is shown some 1500 times every year in the United States and numbers of times in other countries. For a number of years there has never been a week when "THE KING OF KINGS" was not played somewhere; in all, 600,000,000 persons have seen it. No other film has had half as many spectators.

The script for "THE KING OF KINGS" was written by Cecil B. DeMille from the Four Gospels and the Apocrypha. H. B. Warner played the part of Christ and wore a crown of thorns brought from the Holy Land. It is said that while the picture was being made, the producers met on a lot and began each day's work with a prayer.

The bringing of this picture to Slater presented a real opportunity to the people of Slater to see an outstanding masterpiece developed in a field that concerns us all. Favorable comments are still being made regarding this film, and we feel sure that all who saw it appreciate the work of The Slater Community Association in making such opportunities possible at no cost at all to the individual.

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