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[Graphic of Old Slater Mill] [Graphic of Slater Mill]

Old Slater Mill Slater Mill


EST. 1790 1943

Vol. 3 Slater, S.C., May 31, 1945 No. 11

[Across columns 1 and 2] Dr J. Dean Crain Delivers Address
At Slater-Marietta Commencement

[Column 1] Nineteen girls and two boys
received State High School
Diplomas at the annual com-
mencement exercise of the
Slater-Marietta High School,
Tuesday night, May 22. The
program was held at Slater
Hall, and a capacity crowd at-

The Invocation was pro-
nounced by the Rev. P. G.
Curry, Pastor of the Slater
Methodist Church, after which
Miss Imogene Tankersley of
the Senior Class gave the Salu-

Special music, ''Psalm of
Life'' and ''Bells of Saint
Mary'' was rendered by Miss
Frances Williams, faculty mem-
ber of the school, and the fol-
lowing students: Misses Gwen-
dolyn Foster, Lorraine Bowles,
Frances Miller, Shirley Scarce,
Betty Vassey, and Patricia
Summey, with Mrs. Frank A.
Cook at the piano. Miss Wil-
liams also sang a solo, "The
Old Refrain."

The address of the evening
was given by Dr. J. Dean
Crain, Pastor of Pendleton St.
Baptist Church, Greenville, S.
C. He spoke on the Biblical
phrase, "He led them as far as
Bethany." The speaker said
that one of the aims of educa-
tion is to lead people to the
best and to make the best out
of them. He continueed by say-
ing that God is the center of
intelligent thinking, and that
no man is strong until "truth"
lays hold on him. Emphasizing
his subject, Dr. Crain said to
his audience: "Everybody here
is 'as far as.' We are 'on our
way,' and must press on. We
must not quit, for difficulties
are made to overcome." The
speaker clenched his subject
when he said that a person who
is clean and pure and knows
God is "on his way;" he's "as
far as." In closing, Dr. Crain
declared that our students
must not quit now; they must
dig down deep till they "strike
rock." Speaking directly to the
graduates, he said, "You are
'as far as!"

Diplomas were awarded to
the following by Mr. J.H. Bar-
nett, Superintendent of the
school: William Bates, Lor-
raine Bowles, Josephine Bur-
dette, Clarissa Camden,
Frances Cole, Sara DeWease,
Gwendolyn Foster, Billie
Hamilton, Melvie King, Mar-
garet Lavender, Alma Led-
ford, Ralph Lybrand, Nelle
Merritt, Alma Murray, Ruby
Lee Parnell, Gaynell Puckett,
Betty Ramsey, Amber Stroud,
Jean Tankersley, Beatrice Tol-
ley, aand [sic] June Tolley.

Mr. J. F. Whatley, County
Superintendent of Education
of Greenville County, awarded
the following medals: High
School Declamation, Clelle
Buchanan; High School Ex-
pression, Imogene Tankersley;
High School English, Betty

(Con't. on page 3, col. 3)

[Column 2]

Officers for the coming year
were elected by the Slater Bap-
tist Church on Sunday Evening,
May 20, at church conference,
which preceded the evening
worship service.

These officers will assume
their duties July 1, but the elec-
tion was held early beacuse the
pastor of the church, Reverend
Clyde M. Johnson, left Slater
on Monday, May 21, to go to
Fort Worth, Texas, where he
plans to take an eight weeks'
course of theology at the South-
wastern Seminary. Reverend
Quinten Carroll, of North
Greenville, will fill the pulpit of
the Baptist Church during
Reverend Johnson's absence.
Officers elected are as fol-
lowes: Church Officers: Secre-
tary, Mr. Clyde Tilley ; Treas-
urer, Mr. Roy Whitmire ; Clerk,
Mr. H. S. Richardson ; Choiris-
ter, Mrs. Mary Ledford ; Assist-
ant Choirister, Mr. C. G. Hyer ;
Pianist, Mrs. W. W. Stephen-
son ; Ushers, Mr. H. S. Richard-
son, Mr R P Canham, Mr. L.
T. Scarce, H. S. Richardson, Jr.,
George Snipes, Jr., and Ray
Sunday School Officers:
Superintendent, Mr. N. C.
Hawkins ; General Secretary,
Mr. O. H. Burgass ; Supt. Adult
Department, Raymond John-
(Con't. ob page 3, col. 5)
Memorial Service
Held For Chandler

Memorial Services were held
for Sgt. Fred Chandler at the
Slater Baptist Church on May
6, 1945. Sgt. Chandler is the
son of Mr. T. R.
Chandler and was lilled in ac-
tion March 29, 1945, while serv-
ing with the Air Corps in
The church was decorated
with huge baskets of red,
white and blue flowers, and a
United States flag was draped
from the pulpit. During the
service, the flag wasa lifted, re-
vealing a picture of Chandler.
Reverend Roy R. Gowan and
Reverend Clyde M. Johnson
conducted the service. The
choir of the church furnished
the music, using songs which
were Fred's favorites.
Ruby Mr. B. O. Godfrey, Chand-
ler's former Sunday School
teacher. made a short talk,
speaking very highly of Fred's
character and former life. Mr.
Adger Campbell, a friend of the
family, also spoke in memory
of Fred.
The church was crowded
with relative and friends of
the Chandler family, who wish-
ed to pay their last tribute to
one who gave his life for us
and our country.

Many Magazines
Now On Hand At
Slater Library

History is being made so
rapidly during this war period
that it is impossible to keep
abreast of the times by reading
books alone. Rapid progress is
being made not only in mili-
tary, palitical, and economic
affairs, but also in the fields of
medicine, research chemistry,
welfare work, diplomacy, and
religion. Since events are tak-
ing place faster then books
can be written, the present-day
readers must rely on magazines
for the lastest information on
current affairs. In view of this
fact, the magtazines service of
the Slater Library has been
greatly improved during the
past year, in order that iour
readers might have access to
much of the best and last ma-
terial available on current
The ''Readers' Guide,'' which
indexes articles found in
twenty-five leading magazines,
has been ordered and is now in
the library. The articles are in-
dexed according to topics or
subjects, giving the title of the
article, the name and date of
the magazine in which it is pub-
lished, plus the page on which
the article appears. Since our
library did not have all of the
magazines indexed by the
''Readers Guide,'' Several ad-
ditional periodocals were sub-
scribed to. At present, the fol-
lowing magazines indexed by
our guide reach the kibrary
regularly ; American, Atlantic
Monthly, Better Homes and
Gardens, Current History,
Good Housekeeping, Harper's
Magazine, Hygeia, Industrial
Arts and Vocational Education,
Life National Geagraphic,
Newsweek, Popular Mechanics, Reader's Digest, Senior Scho-
lastic, Science News Letter,
School Arts, Time, Wilson Li-
brary Billetion, and Nature
Magazine, An order has been
placed for Scientific American,
and it sould be in the library
in the near future. These
magazines are filed and kept
for future reference, since

(Con't on page 3, col. 4)

A Vacation Bible School
will be held at Slater
Methodist Church from
June 11 through June 15.
The hours will be from 9
until 11.30 o'clock each
The Woman's Society of
Christian Service of the
Methodist Church is spon-
soring this school and ex-
tends a cordial invitation
to all children between the
ages of three and sixteen
years of age, not regular-
ly enrolled in a Vacation
Bible School, to attend.

W. Earle Reid Announces Plans For
The Summer Recreational Program


The many friends of Dr. Joe
F. Scott, popular manager and
druggist of the Community
Drug Store, will regret exceed-
ingly to know that he is leav-
ing the employ of Slater
Community Association on
June 1, and is moving to St,
George, S. C., tp go ontp busi-
ness for himself.
Since July 1942, when the
present drug store opened its
doors. Dr. Scoot has been man-
ager and druggist, and in this period of time has endeared
himself to a host of friends in
this and surrounding communi-
Dr. Scott was born at Union,
S. C., on September 4, 1904, and
is the son of M. M. Scott, of
Jonesville, S. C., and the late
Bessie Farr Scott. He was edu-
cated in the common school of
this state and in 1932 was
graduated from the Joneville
High School at Jonesville.Thw
same year he entered the South
Carolina Medical College, from
which institution he was gradu-
ated in 1926 with the degree

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