[Across Entire Page]May 31, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three
[Across Columns 1 and 2]PREPARATION DEPARTMENT N-E-W-S
[Column 1]
Mrs. Bessie Robinson, and
children, and Miss Ruth Campbell
spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Campbell, of Shelby, N.C.
They attended memorial and
dedication services at the
Union Baptist Church while there.
Mr. Lloyd Bryant visited in
Hendersonville, N.C. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Summey
and daughter, Patricia, spent
Mother's Day with Mr. Summey's
mother, Mrs. Hendricks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terrel,
and family, visited relatives in
Georgia recently. Miss Delorese
remained for a few days
with her cousin, Miss Polly
Mrs. Clarence Brock is visiting
her mother, Mrs. E.M. Cisson,
this week.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. Bonnie McMakin continues
to be on the sick list, but
hope she will soon be back at work.
The first shift creeler hands
and warper tenders enjoyed
having Saturday off from work.
Pvt. and Mrs. Jess Hughes
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Hughes, of Belton. Pvt. Hughes
has reported back to Finney
General Hospital in Georgia,
where he is being treated for
wounds received in Belgium
last December.
Pvt. and Mrs. Hughes had as
their recent guests while he was
home his sister, Mrs. Hollis
Bishop, of Spartanburg and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hughes, of
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Vickers
and family recently visited
relatives in Chesnee, S. C.
Reverend C. M. Johnson and
Reverend Carrell were the recent
supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Tilley.
Mrs. W. H. Bruster, of Washington,
D. C., is the guest of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Exie Harris.
Louise and Francis Barton
and Lillie Mae Green, and
daughter, Carolyn, were the
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Green and family on
Mother's Day.
Mrs. Alice Barton, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Barton and son, Mrs.
Lillie Mae Green and daughter,
and Louise and Francis Barton
were the supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dewey King and
Reverend Gibbes and Reverend
Ben Rake were the dinner
guests of Mrs. Exie Harris.
Mrs. Gaynell Coleman and
daughter , Sarah, spent a
Reid Announces (Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
cause space in the Library is
too conjested for a successful
picture program during the
hot weather.
Plans are being made for entertaining
and amusing Community
parties to be held at
Slater Hall at regular intervals.
Dates for these parties will be
announced later.
Parents, this program is not
just for your children. It is for
you and your children. Plan
now to gt away from your
work as often as possible and
[Column 2]
lightful Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Coleman.
The slasher tenders, warper
tenders, fixers, size men, and
overseers enjoyed a delightful
supper at Dave Stansell's recently.
They had all the good
fried chicken and fish they
could eat, and then enjoyed
short talks from the overseers
concerning the improvement of
Mrs. Alma Capps and daughter,
Shirley Ann, were the
week-end guests of Mrs. Mary
Wallace. On Mother's Day they
enjoyed a trip to Pickens, visiting
friends, and on their return
trip home they enjoyed supper
at the home of Mrs. Hosie
Capps. Everyone had a nice
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton McWhite
and son were the week-end
guests of Mrs. H. W. Childs
of Augusta Road.
Miss Christine Woodall, of
Wilmington, Del., recently
visited Mrs. Mary Wallace.
Mr. P. A. Jamison was the
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Adams, of Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve O. Martin,
of Nashville, Tenn., were
the week-end guests of Mrs.
Grace Tate.
Mrs. Sherman Pearson and
Mrs. Ruby Shipman, of Charleston,
were the week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cisson.
The second shift welcomes
Sara Cox, as a new employee.
We are glad to learn that
Clovie Henson's father, W. L.
Henson, has returned home
from the Greenville General
S/Sgt. Wilton E. Hightower,
who is stationed at an air base
in England, spent the night
with his brother, S/Sgt. Albert
Hightower, who is in a hospital
in England recovering from
wounds received in Germany.
This was the first time the
brothers had seen each other in
four years.
Ed Shelton, A. S., is now
home on a nine-day furlough
after finishing his boot training
at Bainbridge, Md.
Little Shelby Jean Conner
was the week-end guest of Mrs.
Lillie Gilreath recently.
Miss Clara Talley and Mrs.
Lillie Gilreath spent a very delightful
week-end with their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Stillwell and family of Travelers
Rest, S. C.
Mrs. and Mrs. C. C. Talley had
as their dinner guests Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Duncan
and son, David, Mrs. R. L. Pace
and children, and Shelby Jean Conner.
take part in some of the activities
which will help you to be
a better person, a more understanding
neighbor, and a more
progressive citizen.
We wish to express our gratitude
and appreciation to our
many friends and relatives for
their kind expressions of sympathy
and for the beautiful
floral offerings sent during our
recent bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Chandler
and children.
[Column 3]
Theatre Guide
June 1, 1945
Stan Laurel
Oliver Hardy
Doris Merrick
June 2, 1945
Johnny Mack Brown
June 4, 1945
Tito Guizar
Virginia Bruce
June 8, 1945
John Carradine
J. Carrol Naish
Maris Wrixon
June 9, 1945
Roy Rogers
Dale Evans
June 11, 1945
Vera Hruba Ralston
Eugene Pallette
Vera Vague
Dr. Crain Delivers
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
Vassey; Grammar School Declamation,
Jesse White; and
Grammar School Expression,
Carolyn Marsh. The Senior
History medal, given by Hale's
Jewelry Store, was presented
to Imogene Tankersley, while
the Scholarship medal, given
by Mr. F. G. Hamblen, was
presented to Betty Ramsey.
The following medals, given
by the Slater Community Association,
were presented by Mr.
Frank A. Cook: Home Economics,
Kathleen Nelson;
Mathematics, Shirley Scarce;
Eighth Grade History, Betty
Vassey; Science Frances Cole;
Typing, June Tolley, and
Short Hand, Lorraine Bowles.
Also, Grammar School Language,
Jesse White, and Grammar
School Citizenship, Katherine
In the absence of Mr. J. A.
Lybrand, Jr., the following
Citizenship medals, given by S.
Slater and Sons, Inc., were also
awarded by Mr. Cook: Best
All-round Senior Girl, Imogene
Tankersley; Best All-round
Senior Boy, William Bates.
Mr. J. A. White awarded
college scholarships, given by
S. Slater and Sons, Inc., to the
following Seniors, who are to
attend Furman University:
Betty Ramsey, Frances Cole,
and Imogene Tankersley.
The Valedictory was given
by Betty Ramsey, after which
the Rev. B. Lester Huff, Pastor
of the Marietta Baptist Church,
pronounced the Benediction.
Ushers for the occasion were:
Fred Cashion, Frances Miller,
Dillard Veal, and Kathleen
On the day following the
graduation exercises, the Senior
Class and the High School
Faculty left for Lake Cascade,
seven miles from Cedar Mountain,
N. C., where they spent
the remainder of the week.
[Column 4]
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnett,
of Slater, announce the birth
of a son, Bennie Roy, Jr., at
the Wood Memorial Clinic on
May 4, 1945.
The proud father is employed
in our plant as a slasher
Miss Clara Barkshadt announced
the marriage of her
neice, Miss Thelma Cooper, of
Greenville, to 2nd Lt. Elmo E.
Canclini, of the Green ville
Army Air Base and Arcata,
California, the ceremony taking
place at the Lutheran Church
in Greenville on Sunday morning,
May 6, 1945. The ceremony
was performed immediately
after the morning service by
the Reverend Edgar C. Pence,
pastor of the church.
The bride and groom entered
unattended. The bridge looked
lovely in her costume of blue
crepe with white accessories
and corsage of talisman roses.
Mr. Canclini is a popular
bookkepper for S. Slater &
Sons, Inc., and has been with
this company for the past two
Members of the office force
of S. Slater & Sons, Inc., attending
the wedding were: Ruth
Taylor, Louise Baker, Jean
Cason, Elizabeth Ammons,
Martha Taylor, Kate Watson,
Frances Ridgeway, Lillie Mae
Duncan, Vera Hembree, Lucille
Cunningham, Kathryn Richardson,
Lois Bostick, Doris Anderson,
Sally Geogoulas, and Marie
The many friends of the
young couple wish them well
as they set out upon the sea of
married life.
Many Magazines
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
many articles listed in the
"Readers' Guide" are found in
periodicals two or three years
In addition to those magazines
indexed by the "Readers'
Guide," the library subscribes
for the following: American
Girl, Boys' Life, Business
Week, Calling All Girls, Charm,
Child Life, Cosmopolitan, Cotton,
Country Gentleman, Educational
Screen, Factory,
Flower Grower, Fortune,
Future, Home Garden,, Jack
and Jill.
Also, McCalls,' Outdoors, Parents'
Magazine, Photoplay,
Pic, Rayon Textile Monthly,
Saturday Evening Post, Scouting,
Southern Christian Advocate,
Textile World, The Baptist
Courier, The Christian Advocate,
The Homemaker, The
Open Road for Boys, True
Comics, United States News,
Woman's Home Campanion,
Your Life and the Lighted
Pathway (copies donated by
Church of God pastor).
The following free publications
reach us regularly: Firepower
(published by Bureau
of Ordnance, U. S. Navy),
Minute Man (field publication
of the War Finance Division),
Wings (the Army and Navy
publication for the Aircraft Industry).
Residents of Slater and surrounding
communities are per-
[Column 5]
Mrs. J. T. Reeves, of Slater,
S. C., announces the marriage
of her granddaughter, Margaret
Virginia Lavender, to
Walter V. Williams, of Dacusville,
the wedding having taken
place at Jones' Hill Church on
Sunday, March 13, at 2:30 in
the presence of a number of
Mrs. Williams is a native of
Slater, and has lived a large
part of her life here. She is a
recent graduate of Slater-Marietta
High School, having graduated
with the class of 1945, and
is employed in the Preparation
Department of S. Slater & Sons,
The bride-groom is a graduate
of Dacusville High School
and is likewise employed in the
Preparation Department of this
The many friends of the
young couple wish them a long
and happy married life in the
years to come.
Annual Elections
(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)
son; Music Director, Mr. C. G.
Hyer; and teachers in the
Adult Department are Mr. W.
Earle Reid, Mrs. Paul Foster,
Miss Elizabeth Ammons, and
Mr. B. B. Brown.
Mrs. C. G. Hyer is superintendent
of the Junior and Intermed
Departments, and those
working with her are as follows:
Mrs. N. C. Hawkins, Miss
Ruth Campbell, Mr. Claude
Sprouse, and Mr. Roy Whitmire.
Miss Elaine Foster is
pianist for this department.
Mrs. Joe Ward is superintendent
of the Primary and Beginners'
Departments, and her
assistants are: Mrs. W. Earle
Reid, Miss Shirley Scarce, Mrs.
H. S. Richardson, Mrs. Dorothy
Toby, and Mrs. Edna Barrett.
Mrs. Delia Miller is head of
the Exetension Department.
Mr. Claude Sprouse is B. T.
U. director, and Mrs. Jettie
Ledford is president of the W.
M. U.
An officer just returned from
the Philippines said recently:
"We have met less than a million
Japs so far in the Pacific
campaigns. They have three
times that many waiting for us
in their homeland and in China.
They are dug in, well equipped,
confident and determined.
To overcome strength like this,
we need more help from the
USA. Production power from
our warworkers is what gives
us striking power at the
mitted to check out back numbers
of magazines, not indexed
by the "Readers' Guide," for
a period of five days, and current
numbers for the week-end
or for overnight reading. The
librarian has found it best not
to circulate magazines that are
to be filed, since some of them
get misplaced and the files are
consequently incomplete.
The library's magazine service
has been used extensively
by the students and teachers
of the Slater-Marietta Schools,
and also by students of near-by
colleges. It is hoped that all
adults wishing to read along
special lines will take advantage
of this magazine service,
which should adequately take
care of the reading needs of
our patrons as they follow current
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