V. 3 No. 14 - The Slater News






VOL. 3 Slater, S. C., July 12, 1945 No. 14

Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943

[header across column 1 and 2] The Slater Community Association Offers Many Activities In Program

[column 1] The Slater Community Association is again putting before the people a variety of summer recreational activities. Among these activities is a planned series of parties in which it is hoped everybody will participate. The children have shown their interest by being present and now the adults are being urged to come and enjoy the fun.

The first of the series of parties was held June 21st at Slatre Hall and approximately 215 adults and children were present. Misses Martin, Bishop and Pollard had planned community singing, stunts and games for the evening's entertainment. An improvised picture frame was set up on the stage and the following young people recalled memories, by appearing as a picture while various songs were played and sung: Ted Smith and Frances Hester sang "School Days" as Frances very bashfully peeped over her shoulder with the words, "I love you, Joe." Patrica Summey's dolly went to sleep calmly and without a tear as she sang "Rock A-Bye Baby." She was accompanied at the piano by Patsy Christopher. "When You and I Were Young, Maggie" was portrayed by Will Cox and Sara Jane Christopher while a quartet composed of Mrs. McGill, Mrs. Gosnell, Mr. Summey and Mr. Cook Sang the accompaning words. Just as the quartet sang "Where First the Daises Grew," Will handed "his Maggie" a bunch of daises. "As Time Goes By" was the picture of a small boy all dressed for bed sitting in his chair with a clock in hand just waiting for time. Master Garry Faulkner successfully played this part, but simply refused to yawn but one time because he just wasn't sleepy, yet.

To the tune of "The Old Oaken Bucket," the curtain was lowered, and at regular intervals, a couple walked to the old well box to get a drink of water from the old oaken bucket. Each couple decided the water was contaminated, so finally Junior Richardson and Ophelia Riley conceived the idea of pouring it out. To everyone's surprise only the dipper contained water, and from the bucket which Junior emptied upon the audience, came showers of rice instead of water. Those taking part in this scene were Bobby McMullan, Ray Johnson, Mary Dodson, Russell Hampton, Ophelia Riley and H. S. Richardson, Jr.

Miss Martin lead the group in several songs after which everyone enjoyed a series of games. The party ended with everyone standing and singing "Good Night Ladies." (Con't. on page 4, col. 1)

[column 2]


Mrs. Jere P. Bates entertained the local Woman's Society of Christian Service, of the Slater Methodist Church, at her home in Marietta on the evening of June 26. This was a regular monthly meeting of the Society, and a large number of members were present for this meeting.

Mrs. F. E. Penland was welcomed by the Society as a new member. Mrs. Penland has recently become a member of the local Methodist Church, and the members of the Society are glad to have her become affiliated with them.

Devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Robert H. Atkinson, the president, after which Mrs. Bates, the hostess, presented an interesting program.

Following the business session, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Willie Cunningham, served delicious refreshments consisting of ice cream, cookies, and Coca-Cola.

Any lady interested in the work of the local Society is cordially invited to join at any time they see fit. The regular meeting date of the Society is the Tuesday following the second Sunday of the month.

Athletics Good For Your Build

The pressure of wartime conditions has taken a large toll of civilian physical fitness. Too many of us have forsaken physical exercise in order to concentrate on the added pressure of our desk jobs or have not indulged in sufficient physical activity after a long week spent supervising the operation of a war producing piece of machinery. It is true that our jobs have tremendously aided the war effort, but think how much better we would all feel if we followed a program allowing us relaxation, physical exercise and proper rest.

Now that the summer months are here, there is no good reason why we can't get rid of that excess waistline and toughen up those flabby muscles. It can be done enjoyably, too. How? It's simple. Cut down on movies, bridge games and other activities, which were o. k. for the winter months, and get outdoors and play! If you've never played golf, now's the time to take a crack at it. You'll find that it will knock off excess poundage, take your mind off of business worries, and send you to bed (Con't. on page 3, col. 5)

[column 3] Civic Club Hears Paper Discussed At June Meeting

Robert H. Atkinson, Employment Manager of S. Slater & Sons, Inc., and Editor of The Slater News, was the principal speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Slater-Marietta Civic Club held at Slater Hall on Thursday evening, June 28.

In his address to the members of the Club, Mr. Atkinson discussed our own paper, The Slater News. He pointed out that in a modern Industrial Relations Program, it is necessary to have all employees participating in the program for it to flourish. This participation on the part of everyone must be spontaneous and each must feel that it is his or her duty to take part in all civic enterprises so that progress can be made.

Mr. Atkinson stressed the fact that about 72 hours work is required to produce each issue of the paper and called on everyone to further the interest of The Slater News by reporting all events happening, etc., coming under his or her observation so that it can be carried in the columns of The Slater News. In this way, the paper will be a more representative one and will cover all activities and events taking place in the community.

During the business session, a report on the "Womanless Wedding" was presented the club by the President, Miss Inez Graham. Minutes of the last meeting were read and plans for a play to be given the last Thursday in July were made. This play is to be produced by the Civic Club and will be presented in cooperation with the Summer Recreational Program of the Slater Community Association. The Club was given recipes for making a new four-minute layer cake. These recipes were received from the Proctor & Gamble Company by Mrs. W. Earl Reid, Secretary of the (Con't. on page 3, col. 2)


The Slater Community Association wishes to urge people to buy their winter coal as the supply is on hand. By waiting until cold weather, it will be impossible for the truck to deliver your coal as you want it so it is best to get it now while the getting is good.

Go by the Community Association Office located in the basement of the Drug Store building and place your order with either Miss Graham or Miss Baker and get this matter attended to before it is too late.

[header across column 4 and 5] Beating Japs Is Long Hard Grind Says Veteran Of Pacific Fighting


Softball games at Slater ball park each morning are one of the main attractions of our summer recreational program. These games are participated in by the junior and intermediate age boys of our community, and are supervised by Allen Suttle and W. Earle Reid.

Approximately 35 boys meet at the park at ten o'clock each morning and play until noon. Since no special teams have been chosen, the boys take turns choosing sides and acting as captains. There is usually time to play two five-inning games each day. After the first game has been finished, new teams are chosen and different captains are appointed. By carrying on the activity in this manner, it is found that more interest is manifested, more boys are given an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to manage teams, and also that no one team or special group can stay in the lead too long at a time. In order to keep all the boys occupied, it is sometimes necessary to have two games in progress at the same time. Then too, some of those who come to the park enjoy archery and darts.

Boys, if you want to increase (Con't on page 3, col. 1)

Your Mail Boosts Military Morale

Officers, serving in our armed forces, have often been quoted as saying that one of the saddest sights of the battle-fronts is the lad who gets little or no mail from home. One high ranking officer recently said: "If people at home could see the furor that mail call creates in a military establishment, they would realize how important mail is to our boys. How often have I seen young men turn away dejectedly when mail call is over and they discover that there is no mail for them. Often these lads go into combat without even the consolation of a letter from home to cheer them."

Letters from home are a little bit of home itself to our boys on the battle-fronts. Your letters tell him what he wants to know about conditions at home and gives him a deep feeling of security in the knowing that there are loved ones who care awaiting his return.

Perhaps you have been neglecting that boy in the service. Perhaps you have thought that there wasn't anything worth writing to him about. If you are guilty, think of how you (Con't. on page 4, col. 5)

[column 5] "Any Americans still believing that the Japs are second rate fighters, with inefficient weapons, poor equipment and bad leadership, did not meet them at Iwo Jima," declares Sergeant Walter Pritchard, 37 year old Marine, who was severely wounded after fighting through the first nine days of this bloodiest of battles, which has been described as the "Beachhead to Hell."

"Since returning to the States I've heard talk of Jap resistance slackening off," the Leatherneck non-com observes. "That's not the way I saw it at Iwo. The Nips we met there were tougher and more fanatic than ever. We had to kill practically every man-jack of the 23,000 on the island to make them quit. And their equipment is getting better, too. Instead of being old and makeshift, lots of it was brand new -- rifles, mortars, rockets and everything else. Why, even the big naval guns they had emplaced in concrete positions were new - made in Jap factories -- and not second-hand weapons they captured early in the war."

Sergeant Pritchard, who hit the grim volcanic beach at Iwo at the head of a reconnaissance section of 22 men, was one of the three who came out alive. The other two were also wounded.

The destruction on that beachhead the first day was terrible. There were dead men and wrecked equipment all around. Blasted hulks of landing craft, amphibian tractors, vehicles of all kinds cluttered the shore as far as you could see. Jap artillery fire from Mt. Surabachi and mortar fire from closer range seemed to score a direct hit every time. We had so much trouble bringing in the necessary weapons and fighting equipment that we didn't get chow until the third day.

As leader of a reconnaissance section, it was part of my job to set up observation posts. There was only one place from which to observe on Iwo -- right up on the front lines -- so that's where we established our posts and that's where they stayed right through the campaign.

On the fourth day the flag went up on Mt. Surabachi. We saw it from a distance and it looked more beautiful than the picture you've seen of it. Three of the six men who planted that flag never got home to tell about it. But we knew that we had the Japs licked from that point on because now we controlled the heights.

One of the best assets we had out there was rockets. Those rockets really did a job. We fired them from landing craft, we fired them from LVT's, tanks and "ducks," we fired (Con't. on page 3, col. 4)

Last edit 6 months ago by Jannyp


Page Two THE SLATER NEWS July 12, 1945

The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By S. Slater & Sons, Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees


Robert H. Atkinson Editor Cecil Speights Asst. Editor


Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Georgia Bennett, and Louise Bagwell.

Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.

Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson


We The People

Democracy is not new as a form of government, for it flourished in the ancient world and was perhaps brought nearest to perfection in the city of Athens in Greece.

It is true that democracies have risen to heights and have fallen, just as have other forms of government, but it is significant that people usually prosper the most under that form of government, known as a democracy, and also know the greatest freedom under such a form.

Apparently, the worst form of government is one man rule, whether the ruler is good or bad. If the ruler is bad, he usually becomes a dictator and no one dares to displease him. No matter how much a country or government way may need to expand in a needed direction, it cannot be accomplished unless it meets with the approval of the dictator. Germany was formerly one of the greatest countries on the globe in exploring the realms of science, but under Hitler this freedom of expression in exploring the field of science was destroyed, or nearly so, for German scientists were ordered to produce for the armed forces and for them alone. This choked off free and unhampered experimental work in this field.

If the one man ruler is a kindly and benevolent man, the country still suffers, for everyone will look to that person for leadership and if it is forthcoming it will still be along the lines pleasing to that individual. Should he die or be incapacitated, the results are chaotic, for all leadership will more than apt to be lacking on account of being suppressed by the one man in charge.

In modern times, the best know democracies are the two great English-speaking nations of the world, namely the United States and England. To our


WHEW! The sun shines down!

The hot earth sends the heat shimmering back up through the hot air.

Barefoot children walk gingerly on the hot pavement.

A radio half a block away gives forth with some hot music.

A baby whines in protest of his uncomfort.

Bees hum lazily around a lone bunch of flowers at my kitchen door.

And a mocking bird gallantly defies the heat to sit on an electric wire and sing.

Yes, you guessed it, July is here.

July with its sunshine and flowers and picnics and - (I almost said trips to the swimming pool, but we have to content ourselves with the river.)

Good old Southern July with its watermelons and peaches and ice cream and fried chicken and blackberry jam and apple cobbler.

Aren't you glad Slater is in the South?


Benches under trees on the lawn at Slater Hall, so the old folks could sit while the children play.

A dozen men to donate a couple of hours work some afternoon toward making a real picnic ground out at Slater Park, with water handy and maybe a wading pool for the children.

Everybody keep the low hanging branches of their trees trimmed, so tall people can walk along without stooping.

More people to cooperate with and fewer people to criticize the projects of the Community Association in its efforts to be of service to the people of our village. (And nobody told me to say that. I thought it up all by myself.)

way of thinking our form of democracy is the best, for the English still retain certain institutions which are repugnant to our ways and our thinking, and are contrary to a true democracy.

Every official in our government traces his or her authority back to the people themselves, for the greatest office to the lowest in our land is filled through elections by the people. When a change is desired, the people make it and progress is constantly unhampered.

No wonder we fight for this form of government so zealously for, when it is threatened, we see the glaring defects in the form our would-be conquerors would impose upon us.

Sometimes war fails to teach us all of the lessons about democracy, for we become national-minded and forget our state and local government, and many times our other interests round about us. As good citizens and good Americans, we should be cognizant of the whole and not of just a part. The unit of government in our country begins with the home and extends through our national government.

As citizens of Slater, it there-

Cloth Room Chatter

Mrs. L. T. Scarce and children recently spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Burgess in Anderson, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wylie and family were week-end visitors with Mr. Wylie's parents near Chester, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hammett, of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. John Ball, of Brevard, and Mrs. Charlotte Johnson, of Augusta, Ga.

Mrs. Fidelia Veal and son, Maynard, were recent visitors with her mother, Mrs. Tom Willis, in Shelby.

Miss Janie McCluney and Mrs. Jessie Smith have just returned from a week's vacation in Turnerville, Ga. with their sister, Mrs. C. G. Collins.

Mrs. Mildred Coleman's husband, Pfc. Clyde Coleman, is recuperating from a severe case of pneumonia in a Paris, France hospital.

Little Sara Coleman, daughter of Cpl. and Mrs. Walter Coleman, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mildred Coleman.

Cloth Room employees presented Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Pace with a lovely set of dishes at a household shower given at the home of Mrs. Sara Chitwood Tuesday night.


Miss Nawana Cooper of 10 Cleveland St., Greenville, S. C., has recently joined the staff of the Employment Office of S. Slater & Sons, Inc., as a General Office Clerk.

Miss Cooper is the daughter of the late Mr. Luther E. Cooper and Mrs. Cooper and was born at Central, S. C. She received her education at Greenville High School and was graduated from that institution in 1939. She then attended the Greenville Secretarial School of Greenville, S. C.

Before coming to Slater, Miss Cooper was connected with the Personnel Office of the Piedmont Shirt Company of Greenville. She has also had experience as a legal stenographer.

Everyone at Slater extends Miss Cooper a cordial welcome and wishes her well in her new position.

fore behooves us all to participate in all of the activities here, for when we fail to do so we weaken our democratic way of life to that extent. Leaving it to the other fellow to do always results in a universal practice and we find one man doing the job. This is filled with all of the evils and shortcomings connected therewith.

Fellow citizens, let's be on our toes and ready to advance anything for the betterment of all, for when we fail to do so we are the sufferers in the long run and have only ourselves to blame for the lack of civic betterment resulting from our folly in failing to do and act.

Let us, therefore, not fail to realize that in a democracy the things which we should and do hold near and dear find their root in "We, the People."


Mr. Leon McCall and Mr. J. B. Smith plan to visit in Tenn. soon with their cousins, Robbie Leatherwood and Joyce Hough.

Employees of No. 1 Weave Room welcome Velma Stourd to the third shift.

M. B. "Pete" Jones had as his dinner guest his father, Mr. L. E. Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Addington and family spent Sunday in Greenwood.

Employees of the second shift in No. 1 extend their deepest sympathy to Miss Polly Peterson, whose grandfather passed away recently.

Mrs. Lula Mae Smith and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ledbetter and children visited in the home of Mrs. T. L. Camden Sunday.

Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and Mrs. Nellie Barnette were week-end guests of Mrs. Ella Mae Bagwell of Spartanburg.

Second shift employees welcome Rufus Lee and Harley Garwood as newcomers. They also welcome Fred Penland, who was recently transferred from the third shift.

Mr. V. R. Clark was on vacation last week, and Ernest Sanford filled his place as overseer during his absence.

Mrs. W. S. Ward of Grenville, was a week-end visitor of her son, Joe S. Ward, of Slater.

Mr. and Mrs. Hines S. Richardson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Ward had as their Sunday guests, Rev. and Mrs. Carol and family. They enjoyed an outing and chicken fry. Rev. Carol lived up to the old tradition that preachers like fried chicken.

Mr. and Mrs. Hines Richardson and Mrs. Perry M. Rampey motored to Georgia Thursday. The trip was very enjoyable until they lost the "power plant" of their car and they didn't get home until 12 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bryant and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell and family had a delightful time on a picnic Sunday. They had a nice time playing in the river, but all suffered blistered backs later.

Mrs. Evelyn Dockery and family spent the week-end in Asheville recently.

We are sorry to learn of the misfortune Hines Richardson, Jr. had in wrecking his father's car. The new joke on Hines, Jr. is that he is hunting a shoe stamp since he is having to walk.

First shift employees are glad to have Brodus Henson join them as a cloth doffer.

Everyone on Job No. 3 misses seeing Joe S. Ward eating his pork skins. Well, folks, he's having his teeth pulled.

Mrs. Roxie Robinson and son, Norwood, were recent visitors of Mrs. Robinson's sister, Mrs. Henry Cox, of Marietta.

Misses Gladys, Rosa Lee, and Betty Cox and Margaret Johnson visited their cousin Sunday afternoon. They went horse back riding and also went in swimming. They were served delicious refreshments, and all reported having a very nice time.

Miss Gladys Banks is back on the job after being off from work several days sick. Miss Gladys Cox has also returned after being away due to sickness.

Mrs. Ruth Rice and small daughters and Miss Buchanan are spending a few days in Toccoa, Ga. with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Rice.

Mr. Woodrow Robinson is out from work to be with his brother, Sgt. Harold Robinson, who has just returned home for a furlough from overseas.

Mrs. Lois Laws and son visited Mrs. Laws' mother, Mrs. Frances Hall, on Sunday, June 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Epps and children visited Mr. Epps' mother, Mrs. Fannie Epps, Sunday.

We are glad to hear Mr. Bob Griffith is recovering from a long illness due to an operation. We hope he will soon be back on his job.

Mrs. Esther Griffith gave a stork shower at her home June 23 in honor of Mrs. Edna Conner. Mrs. Conner was before her marriage Miss Edna Hall.

In a recent letter from Pfc. Bates Cox, former employee of our Weaving Department, we learn that he is in France at Camp Philadelphia, serving with a Medical troop. Bates writes that he stayed on the front fighting lines through France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox, of Slater.

Mrs. Nora Buchanan and children were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnson.

Pfc. Richmond Buchanan has written his mother, Mrs. Nora Buchanan, that he spent June 2nd with his brother-inlaw, Pfc. William D. Rice. They are in Germany and only 25 miles apart. They also visited Boyce Poole, who is in the same division as Pfc. Rice. All are former employees of our plant.

Mrs. J. B. Austain and children, of Hillsboro, N. C., are visiting Mrs. Austain's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Avery Huffman, at the Huffman home on First St. in Slater.

If you would know the value of money, go try to borrow some; for he that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. - Franklin

Never shrink from anything which your business calls you to do. The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him.-Daniel Drew


Last edit almost 2 years ago by tarobinson


July 12, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three


Margaret, Mildred, and Jessie Nell Mull enjoyed a morning berry-picking with Alma Capps and Opal Coggins.

First shift employees are glad to have Mrs. Allie Mae Stockton working with them. She was formerly with the 2nd shift, but has recently been promoted to the first shift.

Mrs. E. S. Foyster, of Carnesville, Ga., and daughters, Mrs. Johnnie Tinsley of Greenville and Mrs. Thomas Payne of Greer, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terrel Wednesday.

Mrs. W. D. Simpson, of Toccoa, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Brown and daughters, of Greer, visited Mr. and Mrs. Billie Phillips on Sunday.

Sgt. and Mrs. Mulligan visiter her sister, Mattie Lou Gilstrap recently. Sgt. Mulligan is now stationed at Camp Blanding, Fla., after serving 2 years in the European theater of war.

Pvt. Roy G. Ogle is now in the Philippines and writes friends he is getting alone fine.

Bernice McCall recently visited her cousin, Mrs. May Mason, of Pickens, S. C.

Pfc. Bill Woods was a recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. McCall. Bill has recently returned from overseas duty and is now at a hospital in Fla.

Sgt. T. J. Robinson recently visited his brother, Sgt. Mart Robinson, in Germany. It had been a long time since the boys had met, although they are both stationed in Germany, only 40 miles apart. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of Dacusville.

Preparation Department employees wish to extend their sympathy to Mr. A. B. Childress in the illness of his mother. She is now in Coleman's Hospital, but we hope she will soon be able to be home again.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Williams are making their home near Dacusville since he received his discharge from the Navy. Walter is now employed in the Preparation Department of our plant as a slasher helper.

Mitchell Anders, friend of Margaret Mull, is now at his home near Easley after serving 34 months overseas with the 5th Army. Upon arrival in the States he was given his discharge with 105 points to his credit.

Mrs. Jim Cochran, Mr. Burn Berry and son, Mrs. Omar Simerly and daughters (Barbara, Shirley and Wanda Jay), Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tolley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Ward and daughter, all of Tennessee, were dinner guests of Mrs. David Tolley on her birthday. Also present for this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Drury and son, Reid.

Slater Boys Play

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

your fun, why not increase your crowd by bringing your buddy to the park with you?

Adults, if you want to see who your future citizens are, come to the ball park some morning and see the youth of our Community taking part in these recreational activities. You will be impressed by the fine spirit of sportsmanship which prevails.

Parents, which had you rather your son would do - play ball under competent supervision, or roam our streets leaving a path of misdemeanor behind him?

The double-header played on July 4, tallied up with Team "A" winning the first game by a score of 16 to 11, while Team "B" won the second game 6 to 2.

The line-up was as follows:

Team "A" H R

George Taylor 1 1 Bobby Compton 1 2 Bobby Cole 1 1 Bobby Cashion 2 2 Bobby Johnson 1 1 Maxie Waldrop 1 2 Bobby Waldrop 2 3 George Hopson 0 0 Thomas Cox 2 3 Bubber Payne 1 1 Total 12 16

Team "B" H R

Joe Cashion 1 1 Ralph Johnson 1 1 Ansel McMakin, Jr. 2 1 Carl Buchanan 0 0 Donald Burnett 0 0 Maynard Veal 3 3 Jimmy Taylor 1 1 Marshall Revis 2 2 Gene Addington 1 1 Elsie Bright 0 0 Total 11 11

Second Game Team "A" H R George Taylor 2 2 Bobby Compton 0 0 Bobby Cole 0 0 Bobby Cashion 1 0 Bobby Johnson 1 0 Maxie Waldrop 0 0 Bobby Waldrop 0 0 George Hoposon 0 0 Thomas Cox 0 0 Bubber Payne 0 0 Total 2 2

Team "B" H R Joe Cashion 0 0 Ralph Johnson 1 1 Ansel McMakin, Jr. 1 1 Carl Buchanan 1 1 Donald Burnett 0 1 Maynard Veal 1 1 Jimmy Taylor 1 1 Marshall Revis 1 0 Gene Addington 1 0 Elsie Bright 0 0 Total 7 6

Civic Club Hears

(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)


Miss Inez Graham presided and Mrs. Robert H. Atkinson was in charge of the program. Any and all of the ladies in this community interested in the work of the Civic Club are cordially invited to join at any time they see fit.

Following the business meeting, delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses for the occassion, Mrs. H. B. Gosnell and Mrs. B. B. Brown.

At the conclusion of the social hour, the Club adjourned to the Community party which was held in the auditorium of Slater Hall.

The only certainty is that nothing is certain.-Pliny the Elder

Theatre Guide

July 13, 1945 "HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" Starring Jack Benny Jack Carson Bette Davis

July 14, 1945 "WOMAN IN THE WINDOW" Starring Edward G. Robinson Raymond Massey Joan Bennett

July 16, 1945 "IN THE MEANTIME, DARLING" Starring Jeanne Crain Frank Latimore Mary Nash

July 20, 1945 "FOREVER YOURS" Starring Gale Storm Johnny Mack Brown C. Aubrey Smith

July 21, 1945 "BOSTON BLACKIE BOOKED ON SUSPICION" Starring Chester Morris Lynn Merrick Steve Cochran

July 23, 1945 "EADIE WAS A LADY" Starring Ann Miller Joe Besser William Wright


Mr. and Mrs. Vincen A. Morris, of Route No. 3, Pickens, are the parents of a ninepound baby boy, born on June 17th. The baby has been given the name James Robert.

Mr. Morris is employed as a filling checker in our plant.

The following births have taken place at the Wood Memorial, Slater, S. C., within the past few days:

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Johnson of Marietta, a 7 pound daughter named Sandra Ann. This young lady arrived on June 30th.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Taylor, Route 1, Marietta, S. C., a son born July 5th, who was named William Clifton. William Clifton weighed 6 pounds and 7 1/2 ounces on arrival.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Oliver of Landrum, S. C., a daughter Patricial Ann, weight 6 pounds, born July 1.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Burdett, Marietta, S. C., a son, weight 8 pounds, who was born July 6th. As yet the proud parents have not selected a name for their son.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jarrard, a 7 pound 14 ounce daughter named Terry Sue, born July 3rd. Mrs. Jarrard is the former Lee Verle Turner.

Pfc. and Mrs. Thomas Goldsmith of Dacusville, S. C., an 8 pound daughter, born July 1st. This young lady has been named Jenoka Vivian.

Matron Honored At Social Event

Among the outstanding social events of the past week was the surprise party given Mrs. H. B. Taylor on her birthday, June 27. The party was given by her daughter, Miss Ruth Taylor, at the Taylor residence on Second Street.

For the occasion, the Taylor home was beautifully and attractively decorated with summer cut flowers.

The guests assembled in the living room, where several games and contests were enjoyed. After the games, the honor guest was presented many lovely and useful gifts.

Next the guests were ushered into the beautifully arranged dining room where delicious refreshments, consisting of cake, punch, and ice cream, were served.

Enjoying this occasion were members of the local Woman's Society of Christian Service, of the Slater Methodist Church, and several special guests, as follows: Mrs. Joe Smith, the Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Curry and son, Gene, Mrs. C. A. Henson, Mrs. Myrtle K. Rogers, Mrs. Elinor Rogers, Mrs. J. A. Lybrand, Sr., Mrs. Edna Barrett, and Mrs. T. W. Huffman.

Beating Japs Is

(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

them from recon trucks, we fired them from planes, we fired them from bazookas. We sure gave them a going - over with rockets. It gave you a swell feeling, especially to see the recon trucks, their beds bristling with rockets, rush up to a sector where our boys were meeting tough resistance, hurl their load of projectiles at the Jap positions, and then shuttle back for more rockets.

But the No. 1 weapon we had was courage. There's no getting around it that the Japs have plenty of guts too. In fact, they fight like they are determined to die in action. I saw one Jap with dynamite attached to his body, throw himself under a tank and blow both sky high. But for sheer courage and determination, nothing will ever top the Marines.

On the tenth day, I slipped out between the lines to spot a Jap pillbox that had been giving us trouble. I located it all right and returned, intending to bring up some tanks to destroy it. I was entering our own lines when a Jap sniper got me. The bullet struck below my left shoulder blade, just missed my lung and my heart, broke my collar bone and arm on the way out. I lost a lot of blood, but I worked my way back 700 yards to a first-aid station before I collapsed. It took six units of blood plasma and one transfusion of whole blood to keep me alive. By nine that night I was aboard a hospital ship, had been operated on, and was on my way back home.

Of the 61,000 Marines who went in, approximately 4,000 were killed, 15,000 wounded and 900 missing. And we lost just as heavily in material and equipment. I think this battle showed that no matter how long the Japs have built up their defenses and how well they fight, we can move in and lick them. But we'll have the price to pay. We'll have to keep throwing everything at them that the home front can produce. We'll have to keep on fighting and working like hell to win.


With this issue of the Slater News, the paper passes its third birthday. The first issue appeared on July 4th, 1942, and since that date The Slater News has grown from a small sized newspaper about one-half its present size to the size as now published.

The paper is published by S. Slater & Sons, Inc., for the benefit of its employees and the men who formerly worked here and are now in the Service. It is interested in all news of a community wide nature and constantly struggles to be a clean wholesome medium of expression for the Company and its people.

F. K. Epps Of Slater Is New Greenville Copper

F. K. Epps, resident of First St., Slater, and a former Loom Fixer and Overseer in the Plant, has recently joined the Police Department of the City of Greenville.

For a number of years, Mr. Epps has been connected with this plant as well as his wife, Mrs. Eunice Epps. According to Mr. Epps, the family will continue to reside at Slater for at least some time.

Athletics Good

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

healthily tired and ready to go to work with added zest on the morrow.

Swimming is another health tonic for the stagnant worker. Get out to a lake or the seashore and let yourself go! The first two or three plunges will find you winded and weary, but it will only be a temporary condition, and you'll soon be competing with the 'teen age set. And you'll be surprised how quickly you'll regain that youthful figure.

If you can't swim, and you won't learn, you can get plenty of exercise from the noble art of fishing. Take a good swimmer along for companionship and protection, and we'll guarantee you'll regain your youthful zest in nothing flat. Better still, rent a rowboat. A few weekends of tugging on those oars will give you a healthy suntan and a pair of shoulders comparable to those of Johnny Weismuller.

And if you really want to lose weight fast, take up tennis. This game is one of the best slenderizers known. It's fast and vigorous, but if your doctor says you can play, go at it easily and you'll gradually recieve dividends in the form of improved health and well being.

Let's give those easy chairs a vacation and make this summer a sane and healthy one by toning up those weak muscles!

Last edit almost 2 years ago by tarobinson
Page Status Needs Review


Page Four THE SLATER NEWS July 12, 1945


[Image of Pfc. George M. Turner]

Pfc. George M. Turner is well-known to many employees and residents of Slater, as he was in charge of the Supply Room here for a number of years, having left our plant about five years ago.

Pfc. Turner was recently dismissed from a hospital in England, and is now working in a post office there. At the time of his induction in January, 1943, he was employed in the Technical Engineering Department at Judson Mill in Greenville, and was also attending Furman University. He plans to continue his education when he is discharged from service.

His wife, Mrs. Joyce Lee Turner, and two-year-old daughter, Nancy Ann, make their home in Slater.


Charles Buchanan, S-2/C. son of Mrs. Nora Buchanan of Marietta, is now stationed at Shoemaker, Cali. after completing his boot training at Bainbridge, Maryland.

[Image of Charles Buchanan, S-2/C]

Charles was formerly employed at this plant as a slasher helper and enlisted in the Navy on February 24, 1945.

His brother, Pfc. Richmond B. Buchanan, is serving with the U. S. Army in Czechoslovakia. Richmond is also a former employee of this company, having worked as a reed fixer helper in our Preparation Department.


Community Association

(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)

The second party was held June 28th, and the program opened with a reading, "That Mean Ol' Ink" given by Little Miss "Prissy" Wright. Miss Martin then lead group singing, followed by an impromptu quartet singing "In the Evening by the Moonlight" composed of Billy Hamilton, Lorraine Bowles, Bobby McMullan and Ophelia Riley.

The Scout Troops that have been going to Day Camp at Cleveland Park in Greenville had learned several singing games and two of them were demonstrated on the stage by a group of young people. "Mutton Chops" was played by Flossie Abernathy, Betty Phillips, Segrid Gosnell, Margaret and Martha Robertson, Carolyn Dixon, Patsy Southerlin, Frieda Thronton, Elaine Foster and Nancy Stephenson. "Bumps A-Daisy" was also played with Judy Cox, Bobby Addington, Segrid Gosnell, Ted Smith, Sara Jane Christopher, Larry Childs, L. B. Vaughan, Nancy Stephenson, Patsy Christopher, Ansel McMakin, Jr., Patricia Summey, Herbert

[Column 2]

Our Servicemen Here And There [Spans Columns 2 and 3]

Three Huffmans Now In Service

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Avery Huffman of 15 1st St., Slater, S. C., are the proud parents of three sons now serving with the U. S. Army. They are: Pfc. Calvin L. Huffman, Pfc. Charles A. Huffman, and Master Sergeant Vernon W. Huffman.

[Image of Calvin Huffman]

Calvin, the youngest of the boys, is now serving with the army in Italy. He worked as a weaver and loom fixer in our plant from 1938 until February, 1944, at which time he was inducted into service. His wife, Mrs. Gladys Lane Huffman of Slater, is employed at present as a weaver here.

[Image of Charles Huffman]

Charles who is 27 years of age, is with the American forces in Germany, where he is serving with an infantry outfit. He also worked as a loom fixer at this plant before entering service.

[Image of Vernon Huffman]

Vernon, the eldest of the three brothers, is serving with the Air Corps in the Philippines, and has been in service for 15 years. Vernon has never worked at this plant, but has visited his family here while on furlough.

The Huffman family has resided in Slater for a number of years, having moved here from Alta Vista, Virginia in 1938. Mr. Charles A. Huffman, the father, has been employed in our Weaving Department as a loom fixer for the past seven years.


Farthing, Flossie Abernathy, George Hopson, Carolyn Dixon and Gene Addington as partners.

Betty Vassey, Mildred Farthing and Frances Miller sang "Bell Bottom Trousers," accompanied by Miss Martin.

The program was followed by outside games for the children, under the supervision of Misses Bishop, Martin and Mrs. Reid. The adults and young people participated in games in the building lead by Miss Pollard. The highlight of the evening was the game, "Going To Jerusalem" in which only adults took part. Mrs. Bill Stephenson was the winner and for her endurance, she was given a devils food cake.

Despite the heat everyone seemed to have a good time and following this game, everyone said a pleasant good night.

It is hoped that for the parties of July 12th and 26th more adults will be present.

[Column 3]


I saw a ghostly legion march, Across a wind swept plain; Into the gloom they disappeared Ne'er to return again. And as the star shells burst above, In brilliant, ghastly light, I saw their forms, as still they lay, Surrounded by the night.

And suddenly my vision waned, I lived in yesterday, I stood upon a platform built Beside a teeming way; And there I watched the soldiers' march Along the crowded street, And 'midst the frenzied cheers I heard The tread of marching feet.

But I saw not the well groomed men, I saw the gaps between, And once again my mind recalled That dreadful battle scene. I saw again the rain swept field Where heroes' deeds were done And from the sky I heard a voice, "God bless them, ev'ryone."

By Russell Doyle


Carman With Infantry Now Serving In Austria

In a recent letter from Pvt. Roy Jack Carman, he reports that he is now serving with the Infantry in Austria.

Pvt. Carman sends his regards to all his Slater friends, and expects to be home sometime in the next month. Jack was employed in our Weaving Department until the entered the Army in October, 1944.



The following poem was composed by James E. Grice, S. K. 3/C, who formerly worked in our plant as a weaver and is now serving with the U. S. Navy in the Pacific:

I've been sitting here a-thinking Of my home in Caroline. I'd like to paint this picture That keeps traveling through my mind.

I can see my little cottage, Where I hope that I'll soon be— The only place this side of Heaven That is home sweet home to me.

I can see the little trail-way That leads up to the door. I hope how soon I'll travel there To part again no more.

I've seen a million places; But somehow I can't find Anything that I'll compare with My home in Caroline.

When my mission has finally ended; Then joy once more I'll find With those bright familiar faces In my home in Caroline.

[Column 4]


We welcome the following girls to the office staff: Betty Ramsey, Betty Foster, June Tolley and Jeanne Ernest.

We all wish for Mr. C. C. Compton, Assistant to the Plant Manager, a very speedy recovery from his recent operation.

Frances Ridgeway has been in the hospital for several days, but has now returned to her home. We hope that she will soon be well and back at work again.

Mr. R. P. Alexander, our Office Manager, and Mrs. Alexander recently returned from an enjoyable two weeks' vacation at Myrtle Beach.

All members of the office force were very sorry to see Kathryn Richardson leave. Kat had been working in the Shipping Department for almost three years.

Connie Henderson and Martha Taylor spent the weekend in Atlanta, Ga.

Thelma Bledsoe is off from work for a few weeks due to illness. We hope that Thelma will soon be able to be back with us.

On Wednesday, July 4th, Margaret Browning became the bride of Cpl. John Clayton Blackston, of Piedmont and Miami Beach, Fla. We regret that Margaret is leaving us, but hope that she and J. C. are going to be very happy.

Mr. J. A. White, Plant Manager, and his family have just returned from a very pleasant vacation at "Ocean Drive."

We are glad to see Kate Watson and Eleanor Coleman back at work, after being out sick for several days.

Frances Cole had as her weekend guest, Miss Josephine Burdette, of Marietta.

Mr. J. G. Chandler, Supply Room Manager, and his wife recently returned from a vacation in Atlanta, Ga.

Gene Cason spent a pleasant weekend in Abbeville.

Elizabeth Ammons' sister, Mrs. Darrell Toby of Slater, has been very happy to have her husband, Darrell D. Toby, S-1/C of Jacksonville, Fla., at home on a two weeks' furlough.


Popular Pastor Moves To First Street Here

The Rev. J. M. Dean, Pastor of the Slater Church of God, and his family have recently moved on the village and are residing at 13 First Street.

Mr. Dean has been Pastor of the Slater Church of God for a number of months, but had been unable to move on the village due to the housing shortage.

Everyone is glad to have this popular Pastor and his family become residents of the village and extend to them a cordial and hearty welcome; likewise Mr. and Mrs. Dean will be glad to have their friends visit them at their new home.


Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and the angels know of us.—Thomas Paine

[Column 5]


The Office team is leading in the Slater Softball League by three games at the end of six weeks of play. The High School team has dropped from first to second place with six wins and six losses.

More rivalry is being shown between the teams as the season draws to a close, as each team is trying to improve its standing in the league. More spectators are coming to the games and pulling for their favorite teams to win.

The last scheduled game is to be played on July 17. After this, an all-star team is to be selected, and games will be scheduled with leading softball teams in Greenville. We believe that Slater will be able to put a good team on the field and can offer plenty of competition to the Greenville teams.

The present league standing and game scores for the past two weeks are as follows:

League Standing

Office High School Weave Rooms Preparation

Won 9 6 5 4

Lost 3 6 7 8

Pere. Won .750 .500 .417 .333


Preparation 12—High School 8 Preparation 7—High School 2 Preparation 5—Weave 8 Office 23—High School 11 Weave 5—Office 12 Preparation 16—High School 17 Preparation 4—Office 9 High School 12—Weave 4 Office 19—High School 10

Your Mail Boosts

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

would feel if you were sent to a foreign land and didn't maintain contacts with your friends at home. You'd be a pretty lonely person, because the news of what was taking place in your home town wouldn't be available to you. It's a pretty lonesome thought, isn't it!

I shouldn't be hard to write a letter to your loved ones in the service. Not if you know what to write about. Tell them that the elm trees are in leaf on Main Street, that you are doing over his room in anticipation of his return, that you're having wonderful luck with your victory garden, that the girl next door is growing up, and all the other little homey items that take place in the course of any average day. Keep your letters cheerful and newsy, and you'll have him bragging to his buddies about the swell letters he gets.

And write often! V-Mail is the best medium for overseas letters, and the forms are so designed that you can write often and still have news to spare for future letters. You'll be doing a greater deed than you can possibly imagine if you write cheery letters frequently. For you'll be bolstering the morale of men who'll achieve victory much more quickly if they have the inspiration of your letters to back them up. Won't you write that letter now?

Last edit 4 months ago by willirl
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