July 26, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three
[Article spans Column One and Two]
Mildred and Margret Mull
had as their weekend guests
Margaret Osburn and Edna
Whitt, of Pleasant Gordon, N.
Pvt. Coleman Findley writes
home folks that he expects to
be home before very long now.
Coleman has been overseas for
about three years.
Pvt. Kenneth Gilstrap visited the Preparation Department recently while home on furlough from Fort Bragg, N.C.
Mary Brooks spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brooks, of Danielsville, Ga. While there she visited Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Brooks, of Royston, whose son has returned home after three years overseas.
Lake Hendricks, of Greensboro, N.C., spent the past week with Margaret and Mildred Mull, of Dacusville.
We are glad to see Clovie Henson back on the job, after being out due to an appendectomy.
Mrs. David Tolley visited her son, Pfc. Chester Tolley, recently. He is stationed in Charleston, and is now an M.P.
Mary Brooks had as her guests on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Embry and son, Pvt. and Mrs. Grady Brooks and small daughter, all of Danielsville, Ga. Pvt. Brooks left recently for Fort Ord, California.
Mrs. Joneal Ravis and children spent the weekend in Greenwood with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Arflin.
Miss Edell Lindsey, Mrs. Malley Vaughn and sons, Sgt. Hubert and Donald Vaughn, of Whitmire, S. C., were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hall and family. Mr. Jones Vaughn, also of Whitmire, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
Mrs. Martin and daughter, Janie, were the Sunday guests of her daughter, Mrs. Grace Tate.
Rev. and Mrs. Gene Curry and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Howell and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Burdine, Sgt. and Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Miss Christine Woodall, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wallace and family were the Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Mary Wallace and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batson visited relatives in Brevard last Sunday.
Among those attending the Newby-Riddle wedding at Ebenezer Church Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Taylor, Miss Ruth Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jere Bates, Mrs. J. W. Cunningham, and Mrs. Everette Chapman.
Mrs. Carl Dill has returned to her home after visiting relatives in Baltimore and Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Childs spent their vacation at Monks Corner and at the Isle of Palms.
Mrs. Claude O. Jones, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent several days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Brown, of Slater.
Mrs. Aaron Howell, of Co-
lumbia, is now visiting her
daugher, Mrs. F. J. Brannon.
Mrs. E. W. Glascoe, of Green-
ville, is spending several weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. E. A.
McGill, of Fourth Street.
Charles H. Vickers, son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Vickers, is
taking his boot training at
Bainbridge, Md. His brother,
Osier B. Vickers, G. M. 3/C, is
still a patient in a San Diego
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Motte, of
San Francisco, Calif., recently
visited Mrs. Donnie Bates, of
our Drawing-In Department.
Mrs. E. T. Chapman and son,
Jimmie, and Billie and Vickie
Bates have just returned from
a delightful stay at Ocean
Drive Beach. While away they
visited with Mr. Mrs. G.
E. Cunningham, of Darlington.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brannon,
Mrs.Aaron Howell, Mr. and
Mrs. Jere Bates, Mrs. Everette
Chapman, Mrs. J.W. Cunning-
ham, Mr. E. A. McGill, Billie
and Vickie Bates and Jim-
mie Chapman enjoyed and out-
ing in the mountains on Thurs-
day afternoon.
We are glad to know that Lt.
Mary Jane Morrison, Army
Flight Nurse for the past year
in the South Pacific, has reach-
ed home safely. She is the sis-
ter of Mrs. Bertha Batson and
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Q. A. Morrison, of Travelers
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Adams,
Mr. Hugh Murrell, Sgt. and
Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mr. P. A.
Jamison, Mrs. Mary Wallace,
and little Stanley, Louie, and
Teddie Wallace enjoyed a day
of swimming and picnicing in
the mountains recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Huff
have returned to Marietta,
after spending two weeks in
Mr. and Mrs. John Barnett
are back at home. They report-
ed a delightful week at Myrtle
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Drury
and son, Reid, are back from
a trip to Myrtle Beach and
Charlotte, N. C.
Mrs. Henry Burns and
daughter, Gladys, spent last
week in Tennessee.
The Vacation Bible School
of Marietta Baptist Church
ended July 20. The customary
progrram of Bible study, music,
and handiwork was carried out
under the direction of Rev. B.
Lester Huff. Volunteer workers
were as follows: Mrs. George
Bowers, Mrs. W. D. Bush, Mrs.
Oscar Drury, Mrs. R. L. Sar-
tain, Mrs. P. P. Truesdale, mrs.
D. P. Bates, Mrs. Clyde Childs,
Mrs. Julius Hightower, Mrs. J.
H. Barnett, Mrs. Dollie Buch-
anan, and Mrs. B. Lester Huff.
Also, Misses Ruth Batson, Mild-
red Shelton, Clarissa Camden,
Evelyn Childs and Lelya Reid.
Fire Claims
(Con't. from page 1, col.2)
7. Don't try to clean clothes
with gasoline.
8. Keep attics and cellers
clear of papers and rubbish.
And, above all, don't play with fire !
I love little children, and it
is not a slight thing when they,
who are fresh from God, love
The measure of a man's real
character is what he would do
if he knew he would never be
found out.--- MaCaulay
Theatre Guide
July 27, 1945
Humphrey Bogart
Walter Brennan
Lauren Bacall
July 28, 1945
Three Stooges
Mary Beth Hughes
Hoosier Hot Shots
July 30, 1945
June Haver
Dick Haynes
Monty Wooley
August 3, 1945
Roy Rogers
George "Gabby" Hayes
Dale Evans
August 6, 1945
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