Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R.I. EST. 1790
Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1973
Methodist Hosts At Union Service
The second in a series of community-wide cooperative church services was held at the Slater Methodist Church Sunday night, July 29.
The sermon of the occasion was delivered by the Rev. J. M. Dean, pastor of the Slater Church of God. Rev. Dean, using as his subject, "A Finished Work," brought a very timely and inspiring message in which he urged each one present to do well the work which was his, so that he could say with the Apostle Paul, "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith."
The service was presided over by the Rev. P. G. Curry, pastor of the Slater Mtehodist Church. Special music was rendered by a duet from the Church or God, and by quartets from the Methodist and Baptist churches. The congregational hymns were well sung, and proved to be an inspiration and blessing to all present.
The next in this regular fifth Sunday night series will be held at the Slater Baptist Church on the fifth Sunday night in September. The public is cordially invited to attend these union services, and the local ministers are hoping that a great many of our Slater people will be present for the September meeting.
The service held at the Methodist church on July 29, and the one held at the Church of God on the fifth Sunday night in April have both proved to be great spiritual blessings to those who attended. The fellowship, cooperation, and good will which prevail in these services are striking, and it is hoped that the fine spirit which is manifested in these cooperative worship services will permeate our village. As a result, let us also hope that the people of Slater will feel more deeply the bond of unity and "oneness" which makes us " a community" and "a people."
Slater Girl Scouts Win Coveted Medal For Work
Miss Patrica Summey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Summey of Slater and Miss Elaine Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Foster of Slater, have been awarded the Girl Scout Service Pin which is awarded to Girl Scouts, who perform outstanding work in the betterment of the Girl Scout Organization and the community in which they live.
These young ladies received this Service Pen award for more than 150 hours contributed in assisting with the playground activities here at Slater during the summer of 1944.
Both of these young ladies have lived at Slater for a num(Con't. on page 3, col. 5)
Submarine Warfare Is Hazardous For Men Who Fight Beneath Waves
After eight war patrols in the Pacific, on three different submarines and on missions ranging all the way from the Aleutions to the shores of Japan, 23year-old Electrician's Mate Joseph C. Menderson believes he knows whereof he speaks when he says that reliable equipment is more important to the success and safety of the submarine sailor than to any other kind of fighting man, whether on land, at sea or in the air.
"We pigboat sailors live, work and fight in a tight little steel world crowded and crammed with complicated apparatus and machinery," says the youthful sub veteran, who switched from a peacetime job of training race horses to tracking down Jap shipping all over the wide stretches of the Pacific. "Not only the boat itself but every individual piece of equipment must be 100 percent in quality. In a pinch it may make the difference between a successful patrol and an official announcement that your boat is 'overdue and must be presumed lost.'
"Life on a submarine isn't all excitement and adventure, as some people think. There may be days and weeks without action, just prowling and waiting for something to turn up - the toughest kind of monotony in cramped quarters, with no recreation and few conveniences. We're submerged many hours a day and the air gets awfully bad. Danger? There's a little bit of that too. But the worst thing, we have to go without mail for weeks at a time. Not that we kick about these things, you understand. We submariners wouldn't trade places with anybody on any other kind of ship in the Fleet. We're on subs because we think they're tops.
"It's true, though, that when we do get action it comes in large doses. Take my third patrol, for instance. We made our first 'kill' on that run even before we reached our patrol area. It was pretty small fry, as ships go, but a Jap is a Jap. It was a 300-ton fishing craft, the kind they use a lot for patrol work. We chased him and we got within shooting range. We sounded our battle station surface alarm and manned our 3-inch gun and 20-millimeters. The Jap didn't spot us until we began firing. Several of our 3-inch shells ripped into him, wrecked his controls and set him afire. He was heading down to Davey Jones' Locker when we left him.
"We proceeded on our way, and no sooner did we arrive on station than we ran into two enemy cargo ships. The Skipper called for full speed and we went after them. One of the Jap ships was too fast and got away. But we nailed the other, a 7,000-tonner. We put four 'tin fish' into him and left him ablaze and sinking.
"One morning a few days later we sighted a big Jap transport. She was crammed with Nip soldiers. She was traveling without escort, moving fast and zigzagging. We went to our battle stations, let go torpedoes and got two hits. Two or three minutes later (Con't on page 3, col. 1)
Japanese war logistics presents a problem beyond solution by any nation other than the United States. Our resources assure us triumph. But the process will be long and arduous because:
We must, first, build overseas bases that can accommodate the men and supplies we shall ship out;
We must, second, ferry across 7,000 miles of ocean millions of men and millions of tons of supplies;
We must, third, disperse those men and supplies over a combat area far larger than the entire continent of Europe.
Logistics is a battle against geography - a fight against its time and distance and shipping consequences. It has been defined by General Brehon Somervell, Commanding General, Army Service Forces, as the art of getting the right equipment at the right timeand that, incidentally, is a pretty good recipe also for victory.
The Japanese main force is divided into three huge chunks each of them comparable to the Nazi Reich. There are the Japanese home islands, 147,000 square miles of mountains - 123 peaks over 8,000 feet high - a land naturally fortified far stronger than the muchpropagandized National Redoubt of the Nazis.
There is Manchuko, whose 503,000 square mile plus Ko(Con't. on page 4, col. 1)
Softballers Play Good Games Here
Since the close of our Slater Softball League, a picked team, under the direction of Ansel McMakin, has been playing leading teams from the Greater Greenville Softball League.
Our first scheduled game was with the Dr. Pepper team, which is composed of players from the Greenville Army Air Base. A double-header was played with them with scores of 10 to 2 and 13 to 0, in favor of the Dr. Pepper team.
On July 25, Squadron J, of the Greenville Army Air Base, played Slater, winning by the score of 4 to 0. Beddingfield pitched a one-hit for Squadron J, Summey getting the only hit for Slater, which was a single in the sixth inning.
The next game was with the Coca-Cola team of Greenville, in which they won by a score of 6 to 2. Outstanding fielding plays were made in this game by Thornton and Cook, outfielders on the Slater team.
On last Friday, the Medics, of the Greenville Army Air Base, played here in which was the closet and best game so far. Takacy pitched his best game of the season, allowing only 5 hits, one of which was a home run, and walked only 2 men. Slater secured 3 hits, and 5 men were walked by pitchers Huffman and Burmeister.
All three teams which have played here from the Air Base have asked to come back to Slater for another game. Squad(Con't. on page 4, col. 4)
To many of us, Japan is just a spot on the map which we are determined to eradicate. Outside of the knowledge that we are at war with Japan, few of us are familiar with Japanese history and vital statistics concerning Japan.
The Japanese know their homeland as Dai Nippon, which means "Great Land of the Rising Sun!" Japan proper is composed of five main islands, the largest of which is Honshu. The other four islands are Hokkaido, Kyusyu, Shikoku and Taiwan (or Formosa). There are 600 smaller islands.
Japan is one of the most mountainous countries in the world and is dotted with volcanoes, many of which are active. One of the largest dormant volcanoes is known as Fjuiyama or "Fire-Goddess Mountain" and is revered by the Japanese as a deity. Tidal waves and earthquakes occure frequently in the Japanese islands.
Under the Japanese constitution of 1893, absolute religious freedom was guaranteed. The chief forms of religion are (1) Shintoism, with 13 sects; (2) Buddhism, with 12 sects and 26 denominations and (3) Christianity, which embraces 1595 churches of the Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic and Protestant churches. Shrines, independent of a n y religious sect, are dedicated to illustrious ancestors of the imperial house and to Japanese who (Con't on page 2, col. 4)
Boys' Club Enjoys Day At Old Mill
The all-day trip, which the Boys' Library Club recently took to the old Wilkins' Mill site, was a gala occasion for a group of Slater youngsters. Ten o'clock was the "starting hour," but needless to say, the boys began arriving at the Library shortly after nine. Each boy carried his bathing suit and a well-packed lunch box.
Since transportation is so hard to obtain, the boys hiked to the scene of the day's outing.
Even though swimming was the chief diversion, several of the boys took time out to fish, box, pitch horseshoes, and play softball.
Lunch hour was thoroughly enjoyed by all the boys, and appetites, spurred on by the hike and swim, were at their height. Drinks for the lunch were provided by the Slater Community Association. Before the boys ate their lunches, Rev. Marvin Hembree returned thanks.
The following members of the club participated in the outing: Billy Joe Huffman, Bobby Johnson, James Johnson, Mickey Ramsey, Kenneth Hester, James Hester, Robert Henderson, Alton White, Donald Barrett, Donald Burnette, Richard Burnette, Lewis Vaughn, Ansel McMakin, Jr., George Hopson, Billy Vaughn, Jimmy Taylor, Thomas Cox, and Richard Rowland.
Also: Clarence Canham, Bobby Compton, Billy Compton, Jimmy Hembree, Gene Addington, Sammy Johnson, Jack Dean, Herbert Farthing, Bobby Sprouse, Fred Revis, Jimmy Revis, Ted Smith, Jimmy Lell, Kenneth Waldrop, Buddy Brown, and William Waddell.
The club sponsor, W. Earle Reid, was assisted by the Rev. Marvin Hembree, father of one of the boys, and also by Ray Johnson and Charles Jones, local high school boys.
Hot Money Produced By Cash Register At Cafe
We have heard of the statement "hot money" all of our lives, but had never knowingly seen any until we discovered the cash register at the Community Cafe smoking very vigorously on a Sunday afternoon a week or so ago.
It happened in this manner: A couple in passing happened to glance in the show window at the Community Cafe and noticed smoke oozing out of the cash register. Becoming alarmed, they called a passerby and sent for a key to open the establishment. Allen Suttle soon appeared on the scene with a key, and after entering, it was discovered that no actual harm had been done despite the (Con't. on page 4, col. 2)
Page Two THE SLATER NEWS August 9, 1945
The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By S. Slater & Sons, Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees
Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Georgia Bennett, and Louise Bagwell.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.
Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith.
Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.
Good Work!
The Slater News notices that Patrica Summey and Elaine Foster have received the Girl Scout Service Pin as a result of their work at the playground last summer in the interest of the betterment of this communiity.
We wish to heartily commend and thank these two young ladies for the fine contribution of their time towards community betterment, and wish to commend their example to all of the residents of this village as it is a step in the right direction. Most of the things which have contributed materially to the betterment of society as a whole have come from people who have given the things they had to the betterment of the rest without thought of self or agrandisement. This is a real Christian spirited attitude, and one that could be emulated by others.
We sincerely hope that others will be embued with this spirit and will do something to leave their mark for the bet terment of all as shown our community by these two young ladies not yet in their teens. We wish to again thank them for their work and for their example to others and truly say "you have done good work."
Keep On The Job
The end of the war in Germany has caused a good deal of unrest among employees of industries throughout the country. Weary of long hours and attracted by stories of fabulous salaries in other occupations, many American workers have changed positions only to discover that their original employment was more advantageous in every respect than the position they changed over to.
It's the old, old story of "Farther Fields are Greener" and it leads to regret on the
Twilight from our corner on a recent Sunday afternoon:
The skies are overcast with dripping clouds, and the kiddies of our corner have foregone their habitual evening game of hiding to gather around the checkerboard on our front porch.
Cicadas saw away on their fiddles and tree frogs chirp companionably.
A sailor boy, with trousers turned up away from the wet streets, swaggers by in step with a civilian.
The measured chop-chop of an axe as a neighbor splits wood for cooking tomorrow's breakfast.
And the patient plop of a fly swat as another neighbor kills flies in her kitchen.
The deep-throated bark of a dog half a block away is answered by the yap-yap-yip of a tiny fellow across the street.
A couple of small children, out for a short walk, turn at the corner and go back home.
Part of the kiddies of our corner go to their homes, and the others go inside to read stories.
A lightning bug flies slowly across the yard and blinks his tiny light against the dusky twilight.
Three small boys, apparently in a recent fight, walk down the street, one apologizing to another with, "Well, what do you think you did to me? I told you I was sorry."
The western sky flames out in a glory of red sunset against gray clouds.
Street lights come on to hold back the blanket of darkness that hovers nigh, ready to tuck our village to rest in its little valley.
And soft music from the church on the hill provides a lullaby for quiet meditation.
part of the worker who leaves old friends and familiar employment for an occupation which never materializes into the dream job he thought it would be.
We are still engaged in the serious business of fighting a dangerous enemy. Our present occupations are vital to the smooth operation of the war effort, and it is our patriotic duty to stay on our present jobs. What would you think of an army that decided to return to civilian life when an important battle was about to be fought? You'd be horrified at such cowardice, wouldn't you? You'd feel that the army was deliberately laying down on the job, wouldn't you? Well, it's practically the same situation in civilian life. What if the employees of a war industry decided to quit their jobs and become salesmen? Our armed forces would be deprived of the weapons of war as a direct result, and the enemy would walk all over us. That's why it's important that we stay on our present jobs. To win this war we've all got to put our shoulders to the wheel, and that means that we've go to stay on our jobs and back up our fighting men.
Our boys in Army, Navy and Marine forces aren't thinking
Cloth Room Chatter
Sgt. Ansel Looper and his Texas ride were recent visitors in the Cloth Room. Sgt. Looper is a brother of Lake Looper, and a former employee of S. Slater & Sons, Inc. Mrs. Looper is the former Miss LuJean Holstene, of San Marcos, Texas. The newly weds are making their temporary home near his camp in Texas.
Pvt. Wilton Poole has been home on a ten day furlough, but has now returned to his post in Calif. Wilton is the proud father of a baby son.
John "Red" Southerlin, S2/C, of Camp Peary, Va., has been visiting relatives and friends, but returned to Virginia on July 27. He tells us that he likes the Navy very much, but will be glad when it is all over so he can be back with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff Stroud had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Olin Brazile and Mrs. Bertha Owensby, all of Greenville.
Mrs. Lillie Mae Green has been walking on air since she was notified that her husband, Pfc. Laten Green, had arrived in New York from Europe and will soon be home.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Sallie Guest had an unfortunate accident Monday. She fell and injured her leg badly. We hope she will soon be able to be back on the job.
We are glad to have Miss Mabel Kemp back after several weeks absence due to illness.
Pfc. Clyde Coleman, husband of Mrs. Mildred Coleman, has recovered from his siege of pneumonia and is back with his company in Germany.
Mrs. Perry Rampey, Mrs. Jessie M. Smith and Miss Janie McCluney visited Mrs. Rampey's mother, Mrs. Beulah McJunkin in Pickens last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson entertained the family and Miss Lucille Cunningham, Miss Frances Coleman and Mr. Charles Waldrop at supper at their cottage at River Falls. The event was in honor of Mrs. Johnson's brother, "R e d Southerlin."
New members recently added to the Cloth Room force are as follows: Mr. Charlie Lingerfelt, sweeper; and Mr. Baxter C. Hammett, shearer. We wish to welcome these two men and hope they will enjoy working with us.
"On the eighth day of every month the Japanese commemorate Pearl Harbor and the outbreak of the Pacific war - it was on the eighth according to Japanese time. The main features are straw-filled effigies of President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, stabbed to shreds by eager groups who use pen knives, kitchen knives and sometimes honored-family swords." - Yin Tso, a Chinese student who escaped from Japan to Free China.
of changing their jobs. Neither should we. Let's keep our production forces intact by keeping employment turnover at a minimum. It will pay dividends in victory and security in the long run.
Miss Ophelia Riley recently spent two weks in Hillsboro, N. C. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Riley.
Mrs. Louise Bagwell has been out sick for the past few days, but we hope she will soon be back with us.
Mrs. Florence Hayden and children, Jackie and Henry, spent the weekend in Laurens with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hayden, and the children remained for a two weeks' stay with their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest McCury, of Tennessee, were the guests of Mrs. Rhoda Tolley on Sunday.
Hollis Peterson met his brother, Ibra, somewhere in Germany recently and they spent four days together. Both boys formerly worked at Slater.
Mrs. Ella Mae Bagwell of Spartanburg, and Pvt. C. J. Everitt, of Camp Croft, were visitors in the home of Mrs. Priscilla Bruce recently.
Mrs. June Austin and family recently spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penland.
Mrs. J. H. Fuller and daughter, Jackie, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Richardson, of Marietta.
We welcome the following newcomers to the second shift in Weave Room No. 1: Miss Lucy TeVogt, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Wyatt.
Mrs. Opal Lane and Mrs. Inez Hannon have recently returned home after a delightful vacation.
Miss Adith Richardson was a recent visitor of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Harton, of Belmont, N. C.
Mrs. H. B. Johnson, of Shelby, N. C., spent several days at Slater with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson. She was accompanied home by her little neice, Kay Thrift.
Mrs. Lonnie Mae Morgan has been out several days sick, and we wish for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Mrs. H. B. Johnson, Misses Kay and Brenda Thrift spent Wednesday in Greer with Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. F. E. Lindare.
Mrs. Frances Duncan has been out from work several days due to illness of her mother-in-law.
Miss Beatrice Looper was out from work last week with her brother, Hoyt Looper, who left Friday for the Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Starkey had as their weekend guests, Mrs. G. A. Waldrop, Mrs. James Starkey, of Greenville, and Mrs. L. K. Starkey, of Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Davis and family spent a few days in Shelby with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Davis, whose son, Marcus Davis, recently died in a Naval Hospital in Albany, Calif.
We welcome Miss Frances Foster as a battery hand on the third shift in No. 1, and Sam Looper as a cloth doffer. We wish both of them luck in their work here.
George A. Barnett, S-2/C, had a nice visit with friends in Slater recently. He is now serving with the U. S. Navy at Davisville, R. I.
Last Monday Mr. Ray Clark and Mr. C. G. Marsh enjoyed a fishing trip at Pioneer Park. Mr. Clark has had fish on the table many times lately, being an expert fly fisherman. He always has very good luck with the fly rod.
Facts And Figures
(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)
have rendered patriotic service to their country.
Shintoism, or "the way of the Gods," is a purely native cult which has no creed, no moral code and no priests, although it has 14,000 gods before whom offerings are made at periodic intervals. Shinoism appears to be mostly a kind of ancestor and hero worship.
Buddhism entered Japan in 552, along with the arts, letters and science of China. Buddhism is the most powerful of the Japanese sects, and the majority of the people are buddhists.
It is interesting to note that Japan has never been defeated in warfare (although she will experience defeat in this war) and that she has remained barbaric even under the powerful influence of Chinese arts and sciences with which the entire race is impregnated. As a point of information, Japan now controls over 400,000,000 slave peoples and has a powerful standing army which it will be no cinch to knock out of action.
That is a thumbnail sketch of your enemy. He is strong and powerful. He would rather die for his country than cause an enemy soldier to die for his. He subsists on a meager ration of rice and fish and runs highly efficient war plants on a 24 hour day basis.
Japan will eventually be compellled to surrender unconditionally. Our Army, Navy and Marine Corps are rapidly proving that the Japs are beginning to crack under the superior skill of our armed forces. But the final defeat of Japan depends not only on our armed forces, but on our efforts on the home front. The bonds we buy and the goods we produce all add up to a crushing defeat for the Jap. Let's stay behind the men behind the guns and get the nasty job of whippring the Jap over with as soon as possible.
I am an old man and have known many troubles, but most of them never happened - Mark Twain
August 9, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three
McDonald McCall was the recent supper guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCall, of Slater. McDonald has just returned to the States from Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Summey and Patricia and Mrs. Ruby Hendricks enjoyed a delightful week's vacation at Cascade Lake. Mr. Summey carried his alarm clock along and set it to alarm every morning at 6:30, so he could turn it off and go back to sleep. The clock had been hitting him for fifty-one weeks and he wanted to hit it for one week.
James, Freddie and Delree Terrell spent the week at Camp Long in Aiken, S. C. The camp was sponsored by the 4-H Club.
First shift employees welcome Gladys Childs to the department, as a creeler.
Pfc. Jesse Hughes is home for a thirty day furlough. He has been confined in the Army Hospital in Thomasville, Ga. Pfc. and Mrs. Hughes motored to Belton to visit Mr. Hughes' brother, Pfc. Charles Hughes, who is back from the Pacific, after being there two years.
We are glad to learn that the mother of Mrs. Bessie Robinson and Ruth Campbell is improving. Ruth is at home with her parents in Shelby due to her mother's illness. We all wish for her a speedy recovery and hope Ruth will soon be back with us.
Dot Dalton and Dale McWhite and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McWhite enjoyed a nice week's vacation at Cascade Lake. Dot said, "Boy, it sure was nice and cool up there, and when you go you had better carry plenty to eat, for that good ole mountain air sure will make you hungry." We understand "Mac" was beginning to get worried about his grocery bill.
Mrs. R. B. Dugger and Mary Jane have returned from a visit in Athens, Ga.
Bobby Pace spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Talley.
We are happy to have Lillie Gilreath back in the quilling department, after being away several days due to flu.
Mrs. Henderson Springfield of Pickens, was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Farr last week.
Harvey Ramey has returned to his home in Dayton, Ohio, after spending sometime in Slater with his sister, Mrs. V. R. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trotter are happy to have their sons, Cpl. Allen Trotter and Pfc. J. L. Trotter, home for a thirty day furlough after serving overseas for two years.
Billy and Betty Vassey are on a ten day's visit with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Vassey, in Columbia.
Emma Batson was a spendthe-night guest of Lucille Trotter recently.
Mrs. Norma Bowles and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, of Cedar Mountain, N. C.
The Young People's Union of Saluda Hill B. T. U. gave Lorraine Bowles a farewell party before she left for college at Banner Elk, N. C.
Miss Sara Cox visited her uncle, Rev. Carl Cox, of Brevard, over the weekend.
Clovie Henson is looking forward to the arrival of her boy friend, Pfc. Harry L. Grant. He has been serving with the U. S. Army in the Philippines, and is expected to arrive in the States soon.
T/Sgt. C. A. Brown, of Camp Gordon, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Drury while on furlough. Sgt. Brown is Mrs. Drury's brother.
Doris and Dora Duggins spent last week with Lila Wood, of Travelers Rest.
Cpl. Alvin Robinson has returned to Fort Shelby, Miss., after spending a furlough at home. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Dacusville.
Mrs. Norma Bowles and daughter, Lorraine, spent the night last week in Asheville, N. C. Mrs. Bowles accompanied her daughter that far on her way to Lee McRoe College. Lorraine was a member of the graduating class of SlaterMarietta High School this year.
Miss Blanche Raxter honored Pvt. Walter G. Banks with a picnic while he was home on furlough from Camp Blanding, Fla. Pvt. Banks is to report to Fort Ord, Calif. for overseas duty. Before entering service Walter was employed here as a warp hauler in Weave Room No. 2.
Submarine War
(Con't from page 1, col. 4)
that big ship had totally disappeared. The Japs managed to get one lifeboat over the side, but the soldiers piling in with their heavy equipment capsized it immediately. I don't think a single Nip got away.
"We all felt pretty chipper about this 'bag,' because to a submariner the biggest prize of all is a troopship. Not only do you send a lot of tonnage to the bottom, but you send a lot of troops to their ancestors. The Skipper thought we'd done O. K., too, because he got on the battle-announcing system and congratulated all hands.
"Later we were right in the Japs' inner defense waters, and they were hot on our trail. The next few days their planes and surface vessels were searching all over the area, trying to hunt us down. Early one morning one of our lookout spotted a dark bulge on the horizon and called the Skipper to the bridge. We didn't have to wait till they began dumping ash cans on us to know it was a Jap warship.
"From then on we really went through hell. Depth charges kept blasting away all around us. Surface sailors, when they come in contact with another, can at least fight back - no matter how much they are over-matched. But down in a submarine, you just have to take it. All you can do is stay at your station or do the job assigned to you, while the charges rock your boat like a celluloid duck in a bath tub. Hour by hour the stale air becomes worse, because your air conditioning is off so that the enemy can't hear your motors.
It gets so bad you can't smoke
Theatre Guide
August 10, 1945 "EARL CARROL VANITIES" Starring: Dennis O'Keefe Constance Moore Eve Arden
Augst 11, 1945 "HOLLYWOOD & VINE" Starring: James Ellison Wanda McKay Franklyn Pangborn
August 13, 1945 "THERE GOES KELLY" Starring: Jackie Moran Wanda McKay Sidney Miller
August 17, 1945 "YOUTH ON TRIAL" Starring: Cora Sue Collins David Reed Eric Sinclair
August 18, 1945 "KID SISTER" Starring: Roger Pryor
August 20, 1945 "A SONG TO REMEMBER" Starring: Paul Muni Merle Oberon Cornel Wilde
a cigarette, because there's not enough oxygen to keep your butt lit. You just try to keep a grip on your nerve, sweat it out - and pray. Yes, you do a lot of praying at a time like that. There are no atheists on a sub undergoing a depthcharge attack.
"I guess there wasn't a man aboard who in his heart didn't feel sure that our number was up. But there was no confusion on the boat, no sign of panic. I think the coolest man I've ever seen was the Skipper, during that long attack. The calm way he took it all was something to remember. Just looking at him kept up your morale. When things seemed blackest, he turned to us and said with a grin: 'Boys, when we get out of this, I guarantee you'll all get a nice long rest in the States.'
"Well, we finally did get out of it. Luckily, the sea was rough and we surfaced unobserved. We put on flank speed and headed for our base.
"We submariners are grateful for the fine boats and equipment the folks on the home front have been giving us. Admiral Lockwood, Commander of the Pacific Submarine Force, recently gave his own opinion on that when he said, 'We Americans have the best damn submarines in the world.' We're counting on you to continue your support, because there's still a lot of war to be fought in the Pacific. The Japs are far from licked. We've sunk a lot of ships - but we can't afford to quit before Japan is sunk."
Confidence, like the soul, never returns whence it has once departed. - Publilius Syrus
The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach. -Lin Yutang.
"Life" magazine for July 30, 1945 features a section called "American Songs." These pages are both interesting and informative, since they depict the American scenes associated with many of the songs and folk tunes which have become a part of our great American heritage. These scenes are accompanied by short sketches which tell something of the background of such folk songs as "Old Folks at Home," "Home, Sweet Home, " "Home on the Range," "Oh! Susanna," and "Casey Jones." The hymns, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "The Little Brown Church in the Vale," are also sketched. Then, too, there are "America The Beautiful" and "The Sidewalks of New York." These are simple songs which practically every American knows. In fact, they are so familiar that we often fail to recognize them as truly great music. But they are outstanding, and they are a part of America. See the pictures associated with these songs, and read the accompanying comments in "Life" magazine for July 30, 1945.
An old Negro woman, asked by her mistress why she was always so cheerful, laughed and said, "Lawd, chile, I jes weahs de worl' lak a loose gyarment." G. T. W. Patrick "Ladies Home Journal," Aug., 1945
The books which our library borrows from the Greenville Public Library are constantly changed in order to keep something new and different for our readers. Too, some new books are being purchased, but shelf space does not permit us to add a great many as permanent stock. By keeping a list of special request books which our readers particularly want, our librarian endeavors to meet the reading needs of our community as adequately as possible. Visit the library at every opportunity and let the librarian know what you would like to read. If you don't find what you want in the library, she will make every effort to fill your request from the Greenville Public Library.
Picked up from "The Homemaker," July, 1945:
Cole Slaw is delicious made with French dressing and the addition of celery seeds.
Corn-On-The-Cob and other corn dishes get new flavor by the use of paprika as well as salt and pepper.
Fish (broiled, fried or baked, garnished generously with paprika.
Pot Roast - Dissolve six ginger snaps in the gravy for thickening and for flavor, or rub just a little ground ginger on the meat at the time that you dredge it with flour.
Scalloped Egg Plant with a suggestion of sage is very good. To scallop, mix 2 cups stewed egg plant pulp, 1/2 cup tomato pulp, 1 tablespoon minced onion, salt, pepper, sage. Spread with buttered bread crumbs and bake until heated through.
Men, do you have a hard time
Vacation Bible School Ends At Baptist Church
Vacation Bible School was held at Slater Baptist Church the week of July 30-August 4. Sixty pupils enrolled on Friday before the school opened on Monday, and a good attendance was maintained throughout the entire week.
The pupils were given instruction in group singing, Bible study, and handicraft.
The following person served as faculty members of the Bible School: Miss Janie McCluney, Mrs. T. R. Chandler, Mrs. D. D. Toby. Miss Lila Kate Arms, Rev. Quinton Carroll, Mrs. F. K. Epps, Mrs. Joe Ward, and Mr. B. B. Brown, Mrs. Jettie Ledford, and Mrs. Delia Miller served refreshments. Rev. C. M. Johnson is church pastor.
Girl Scouts Win
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ber of years and both attend the Slater-Marietta School, and have been members of the Girl Scout Organization here at Slater ever since they were old enough to participate. Patrica's father is employed here as an Overseer in our Preparation Department while Elaine's father was formerly employed here as a Slasher Tender, but is now serving in the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Foster is employed here in our Drawing-in Department.
In an interview Patrica stated she was very glad to receive the award, and was very proud to wear the pin. Elaine is away on vacation and could not be contacted for a statement.
Everyone connected with Slater wishes to heartily commend these young ladies in their efforts for community betterment, and hope they continue to do so all their lives.
WHEN A SERIOUS SHORTAGE OF CANVAS developed during 1944, the Army tried fiberglass fabrics as a substitute. Under the sponsorship of the Corps of Engineers, fiberglass fabric was improved and used in making 3000-gallon portable water tanks and airplan hangar curtain doors. Unaffected by mildew, a major consideration in the tropics, this material is finding much use in the Pacific.
SAILORS ABOARD OUR BIG AIRCRAFT CARRIERS walk so much they wear out more than 100 pairs of shoes each week. Helping to keep these men on their feet are the ships' sweating cobblers,who have nothing but kind words for the stitching and finishing machines which make the sailors' shoes look like new and yet feel as comfortable as an old pair.
getting your favorite magazines such as "Popular Mechanics," "Saturday Evening Post," "Reader's Digest," etc.? If so, come to the library; we'll be glad to lend you copies of these magazines.
"What a pity human beings can't exchange problems. Everyone knows exactly how to solve the other fellow's." Olin Miller, "Ladies' Home Journal," Aug., 1945.
Page Four THE SLATER NEWS August 9, 1945
Our Servicemen Here And There
Slater Man Now On Special Job
Mrs. Norma Bowles has received word from her brother, Pfc. Aaron E. Ferguson who is a member of an A. A. A. Bn. in the European theater, that he is now on detached service and is a member of the "G. I. Joe Canteens" that the Army has set up to serve sandwiches, coffee, fruit, and fruit juices to all allied soldiers on furloughs, awaiting shipment, etc.
Pfc. Ferguson likes the work very much, as it is similar to his line of work during civilian life. Friends will remember that he worked at Wild Cat's Station for two years.
Before entering service in December, 1942, he was employed in Weave Room No. 1 at S. Slater & Sons, Inc.
Jap War Presents
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rea's 85,000 gives a total three times greater than Germany in area, comparable to it in both natural and industrial resources. And, there is China, vast, almost roadless land where in the past the Japanese have been dangerously over extended, but are now withdrawing to more compact positions where they will have the maximum production of country. Each of these three areas is garrisoned not by regiments or divisions or corps but by full armies, involving millions of the best men the Japs have. Each of them has a tremendous reservoir of supply, maybe not of heavy guns, or ammunition, maybe not of tanks or planes but certainly enough small arms and mortars and grenades to do a lot of killing.
In a recent speech, Under Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson brought out the fact that, "The Japanese are fighting a progressively smarter war. On Okinawa they did not attempt a defense of the beaches where they would be under point-blank naval gunfire. They went back to prepared positions; in other words, picked their battlefield." The Japs can be expected to repeat this performance as we near Tokyo.
In the Pacific, for two reasons, we are only beginning now to feel the pressure of urgent and huge construction needs. First, our four ports of embarkation on the West Coast, Seattle, Portland, San Franscisco and Los Angeles, were not operating at maximum capacity
Pvt. W. K. Knox returned to Camp Maxey, Texas, on August 6, after spending a 12 day furlough with his mother, Mrs. M. A. Knox.
Pvt. Knox had previously received seven months of military training at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, and before entering service was employed in the Weaving Department of our plant.
Hoke Harrill And Family Visit Friends At Slater
Hoke Harrill, A. M. 3/C , and his wife and son have returned to Pensacola, Florida after a visit with relatives and friends in Slater and in North Carolina and Georgia.
Hoke was formerly employed in our Weaving Department as a tying machine operator, having left here in May, 1943 to enter the Navy.
while our major effort was directed toward Europe, and second, the shipments were scattered to Hawaii, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in Austrailia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Calcutta, India and New Guinea where we found unloading warehousing, and distributing facilities already waiting for us. Now we're shipping to islands with no port facilities.
Every man and every pound of supply, every soldier and every carton, crate, tank or gun shipped out of this country must be unloaded, housed and distributed on the other side of the Pacific. The facilities here must the duplicated there on an equally tremendous scale.
Railroad capacity, port loading capacity and port unloading capacity at the destination are the three big bottlenecks. We can do it, and we shall do it. But it is the biggest job we have ever faced as a people and it requires the full support of every man and woman in this country.
Hot Money
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fact that the cash register, which is an electric model, had developed a short circuit and was becoming terribly overheated. As soon as the wire was disconnected, the cash register cooled off and since has been sent to a repair place for a
Make A Hundred On This Test?
Nearly everyone reads a daily paper. The following questions were derived from the front page of a well-known newspaper. If you can answer eight of the following questions, you are an observant newspaper reader. If you can answer six, you read your paper only casually. A score of less than five means you probably buy the newspaper to read the funies.
1. Formosa is a possession of: (a) China, (b) Japan, (c) Great Britain.
2. The Russian diamond and ruby victory medal is valued at: (a) $5,000, (b) $100,000, (c) $12,000.
3. Eleanor Roosevelt writes a column entitled: (a) My Day, (b) My Life, (c) Odds and Ends.
4. Lord Haw Haw was a propagandist for (a) Germany, (b) England, (c) Japan.
5. Discharged veterans of World War II may be identified by a: (a) Medal, (b) Uniform, (c) Discharge Button.
6. The second wife of Belgian King Leopold was: (a) A Duchess, (b) A Commoner, (c) A Princess.
7. Herman Goering collected: (a) Works of Art, (b) Stamps, (c) Match Covers.
8. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a dog named: (a) Rover, (b) Prince, (c) Falla.
9. When cornered Japs are inclined to: (a) Fight, (b) Commit Suicide, (c) Surrender.
10. The Purple Heart is awarded for: (a) Wounds received in battle, (b) Gallantry in action, (C) Death in Action.
Answers: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9b, 10a.
complete overhauling.
Most of the contents of the register had been emptied. and only a small amount of money - mostly change - was in the drawer at the time, but as the heat generating from the short circuit was considerable, this money was actually far from cool and literally was hot money.
Since no harm was done and everything was taken care of in a satisfactory manner, the small crowd that had gathered soon dispersed and the incident was forgotten.
Translation of above: "DON'T SHARE YOUR CAR!"
Softballers Play
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ron J. is returning this week and the Medics the following week, and a tentative game has been scheduled with Dr. Pepper. Games scheduled so far, to be played at the Slater Ball Park at 6:30 P. M., are as follows:
Friday, August 10: Squadron J, GAAB.
Monday, August 13: Dunean.
Friday, August 17: Medics, GAAB.
The box scores for the games played are given below:
First Game 7-23-45
SLATER AB R H E Drury, sf 3 0 1 0 Summey, 2b 3 1 1 1 Takacy, p 2 0 0 0 McMakin, ss 3 1 0 1 Hembree, 1b 3 0 1 0 Thornton, 1f 3 0 0 0 Cashion, 3b 3 0 1 3 Penland, rf 3 0 1 0 Addington, c 3 0 0 1 Smith, cf 2 0 0 0 TOTAL 26 2 5 6
DR. PEPPER AB R H E Boldin, 3b 4 2 1 0 Davenport, 1f 4 2 3 0 Baird, sf 4 1 0 0 Bsharah, 1b 4 1 2 1 Neiss, 2b 4 0 0 1 Lauresdon, cf 4 1 0 0 Abbott, p 4 1 3 0 Harsh, ss 4 0 0 0 Sikes, rf 4 0 0 0 Hambrick, c 3 2 2 0 TOTAL 39 10 11 2 Dr. Pepper 321 200 2-10 Slater 000 200 0-2
Second Game 7-23-45
SLATER AB R H E Buchanan, cf 3 0 1 0 Summey, 2b 0 0 0 1 Shirley, 2b 2 0 0 0 Takacy, p 1 0 0 2 Cox, p 1 0 0 2 McMakin, ss 3 0 1 0 Hembree, 1b 3 0 0 0 Cashion, 3b 3 0 0 1 Smith, sf 2 0 0 0 Lybrand, c 3 0 0 0 Thornton, 1f 0 0 0 0 Penland, rf 2 0 0 0 Addington, rf 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 23 0 2 6
DR. PEPPER AB R H E Boldin, 3b 3 3 2 0 Davenport, p-1f 4 1 1 0 Baired, c 4 2 1 0 Bsharah, 1b 4 0 1 0 Neiss, 2b 4 0 1 0 Lauresdon, cf-p 4 0 0 0 Abbott, 1f-cf 4 1 1 0 Harsh, ss 2 1 0 1 Sikes, rf 2 2 1 0 Hambrick, sf 3 3 1 0 TOTAL 34 13 9 1
Dr. Pepper 004 045 0-13 Slater 000 000 0-0
SLATER AB R H E Drury, 3b 2 0 0 0 Summey, 2b 3 0 1 0 Takacy, p 3 0 0 0 McMakin, ss 2 0 0 2 Hembree, 1b 3 0 0 0 Thornton, 1f 2 0 0 0 *Penland 1 0 0 0 Cashion, cf 1 0 0 0 Buchanan, rf 2 0 0 0 Addington, c 2 0 0 1 Smith, sf 1 0 0 0 Cox, sf 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 22 0 1 3 *Batted for Thornton in 7th.
SQUADRON J AB R H E Shook, ss 4 0 2 0 Koenig, 3b 4 1 1 0 Vanatta, sf 3 0 0 0 Boynton, c 2 0 0 0 Munce, 1f 3 1 1 0 Oakleaf, 1b 3 0 0 0 Hergert, cf 3 1 1 0 Bane, 2b 3 1 1 1 Lucas, rf 2 0 0 0 Beddingfield, p 3 0 1 0 TOTAL 30 4 7 1 Squadron J. 000 200 2-4 Slater 000 000 0-0
SLATER AB R H E Drury, 3b 3 1 1 2 Summey, 2b 3 0 1 0 Takacy, p 3 1 2 1 McMakin, ss 3 0 1 0 Hembree, 1b 3 0 0 0 Cook, rf 3 0 1 0 Smith,sf 3 0 0 0 Thornton, 1f 3 0 1 0 Cashion, cf 3 0 1 0 Addington, c 2 0 0 2 TOTAL 29 2 8 5
COCA-COLA AB R H E Fair, c 4 1 1 0 Hodge, 2b 4 0 1 0 Reid, 1f 4 1 1 0 Ragsdale, 1b 4 2 3 0 McCarson, 3b 4 1 2 0 McCall, cf 2 0 0 0 Carson, sf 2 0 0 0 Glazener, rf 3 0 1 0 Landreth, ss 3 0 0 0 Perry, p 2 1 1 0 Patterson, p 1 0 0 0 TOTAL 33 6 10 0 Coca-Cola 000 330 0-6 Slater 200 000 0-2
MEDICS AB R H E Colanzi, 1f 3 0 1 0 French, ss 3 1 1 0 Klawien, 1b 3 2 0 0 Labach, c 2 1 0 0 Pollina, rf 3 1 1 0 Huffman, p 2 1 1 1 Burmeistr, p 1 0 0 0 Tauber, 2b 3 0 0 2 Wolf, sf 1 1 0 0 Swedenburg, sf 1 0 0 0 Bogen, 3b 2 0 0 0 Jamrozy, cf 3 0 1 0 TOTAL 27 7 5 3
SLATER AB R H E Drury, 3b 2 0 1 0 Summey, 2b 3 0 0 1 Takacy, p 1 1 0 1 McMakin, ss 3 0 1 0 Hembree, 1b 3 0 0 0 Taylor, sf-c 2 0 0 0 Thornton, 1f 2 1 0 0 Cashion, cf 3 1 1 0 Buchanan, rf 3 1 0 0 Addington, c 1 0 0 1 Smith, sf 2 0 0 1 TOTAL 25 4 3 4 Medics 410 002 0-7 Slater 000 120 1-4