Vol. 3 Slater, S.C, September 6, 1945 No. 18 [Sketch of Mill]Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943
[Column 1] Salesmanship Is Necessary Factor
If your boss walked up to you and congratulated you on being a good salesman you'd probably be surprised. Especially if you were a machine operator, an assembler, a secretary or an accountant and had never done any selling in your entire life. It's ten to one that you'd think your boss was having a mild case of hallucinations — but that's where you'd be wrong. Because you are a salesman, and a good one, too, whether you know it or not!
Every employee of any industry is a salesman. Everybody from the sweeper up to the president is doing a job of selling during every minute of his working hours. How come? It's really a simple explanation. You see, everything a worker does is sales conscious. Every piece of work an employee turns out is designated for a potential customer. If his work is conscientious and exacting, he's selling the customer a product which is flawless and suited to the exacting requirements of his particular need. Figure it out for yourself — if you and your co-workers turned out inaccurate work, no one would purchase that completed product, and the plant would soon go out of business. The same applies to the workers in the offices for every piece of correspondence that goes out is intended for a potential buyer of the company's products. When you come right down to brass tacks, every single operation of the plant is designed to satisfy a customer, and we real(Con't. on page 2, col. 5) _______________________________
The special summer program which was sponsored by the Slater Community Association for ten weeks, was climaxed on Thursday night, August 16, by a special musical program.
Featured on this program were the "Gay Quartet" and the "Hall Sisters' Trio," artists of Radio Station WFBC; also, Ed Jamison's String Band of Greenville, and T/Sgt. Bill Eissing, of the Greenville Army Air Base, who rendered several vocal solos.
This climaxing program was well attended, and the audience enthusiastically received the musicians who furnished the evening's entertainment. The program was varied, giving enough different types of music that everyone present had an opportunity to hear some of their favorite numbers.
Many of those who attended have expressed their appreciation for and enjoyment of this program, and have inquired regarding the possibility of other programs of this kind for future dates.
Thanks and appreciation "to the millions of people on the home front who supported us with their labors" was expressed by Fleet Admiral Ernest J. Kind, on the official announcement of the Japanese surrender.
Fleet Admiral King's statement follows in part: "The day of final victory has at last arrived. Japan has surrendered. Her fleet, which once boasted that it would drive us from the seas, has been destroyed. The U. S. Naval Services played a major role in this mighty triumph; therefore, we observe this hour with a special pride and satisfaction in our achievement. Especially do we remember the debt we owe the thousands of our comrades of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard who are absent today because they gave their lives to re-establish a world in which free peoples might live. Our sypmathies go out to their relatives and friends. At the same time we extend thanks and appreciation to our companion services of the Army, and to the gallant Allies who fought beside us and to the millions of people on the home front who supported us with their labors and their prayers. It is as a team and we have worked and fought to the victorious conclusion of the war." ________________________________
[Heading spread across Columns 2-4] Army Divisions And Their Nicknames Are Presented for Identifcation[sic] Use
The "Yanks" are Coming— Home — and every American should know what their colorful shoulder patches stand for. Following are the nicknames of combat divisions of the Army that may be of assistance in identifying these units as they arrive in this country. The list is not complete because some divisions have never adopted popular names and are known by their official designations. In other cases, one-time nicknames have lot their original meanings and are no longer used by the men of the outfits themselves. Many of the nicknames are the product of World War I. Others are derived from the hearldry of their colorful shoulder patches, and some, largely National Guard divisions, honor the states or aresa of their origin. Unique among the Ground Forces divisions is the Americal, the only one which bears no official number. The name often is mistaken for a typographical error and is thought to mean "American." But the final letter is "l," the name being a contraction of "American Forces in New Caledonia." The division won fame in the early days of the Southwest Pacific campaign.
[Column 3] Local Officials Visit School At Detroit Company
Messrs. Frank A. Cook, Industrial Relations Manager, J. H. Barnett, Superintendent of the Slater-Marietta Schools and C. C. Compton, Assistant to the Plant Manager, have recently returned to Slater after visiting the Vocational School of the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan. While there, these gentlemen spent a few days in visiting the Vocational School operated by Mr. Ford, and also went thoroughly into the setup of the school.
According to Mr. Cook, this school has been in operation since 1915, and thousands and thousands of young men in the industrial area of Detroit have availed themselves of the opportunity of attending. It requires four years to complete the course, and many of the graduates secure employment with the Ford Motor Company. However, it is not compulsory for graduates to join the Ford Motor Company as they are free to go anywhere upon graduation to seek employment.
While in Detroit, these gentlemen visited Winsor, Canda, which is just across the United States - Canadian border. They report that it is (Con't. on page 2, col. 3) _____________________________
Infantry Division Nicknames:
1st—"The Red One" 2nd—"Indian Head" 3rd—"Marne" or "Rock of the Marne" 4th—"Ivy" 5th—"Red Diamond" 6th—"Sight Seein' Sixth" 7th—"Hourglass" 8th—"Pathfinder" 24th—"Victory" 25th—"Tropic Lightning" 26th—"Yankee" 27th—"New York" 28th—"Keystone" 29th—"Blue and Gray" 30th—"Old Hickory" 31st—"Dixie" 32nd—"Red Arrow" 33rd—"Illinois" or "Golden Cross" 35th—"Sante Fe" 36th—"Texas" 37th—"Buckeye" 38th—"Cyclone" 40th—"Sunshine" 41st—"Jungleers" 42nd—"Rainbow" 43rd—"Winged Victory" 45th—"Thunderbird" 63rd—"Blood and Fire" 66th—"Panther" 70th—"Trailblazer" 76th—"Liberty Bell" 77th—"Statue of Liberty" 78th—"Lightning" 79th—"Cross of Lorraine" 80th—"Blue Ridge"
Because of the distance and kind of terrain involved in liberating islands and fighting over and through mountainous sections and jungles, the general lack of established wire communications, and roads, the war in the Pacific was predominately a radio war.
Another communications weapon for U. S. Army ground troops, formerly sent in quantity to the Pacific was the Signal Corps Radio Set, SCR-619, designed for use of Field Artillery and in tank destroyer units. It is a voice communication set, frequency modulated and has a normal range of operations of about five miles over average terrain. Weighing about 50 pounds, the set may be carried by one man on foot or by pack animal, and with added accessories may be mounted in a vehicle. It operates in the very high frequency band on any one of the 120 crystal-controlled channels, with a choice of two preset channels instantly available. It is smaller and 5 to 40 pounds lighter in weight than the SCR-609 and 610 sets; it will replace and has simpler arrangement for changing the channels of operation. The set is powered by 6-volt or 12-volt batteries depending on whether it is operated by man, pack, or in a vehicle. _______________________________
81st—"Wildcat" 83rd—"Ohio" 84th—"Railsplitter" 85th—"Custer" 86th—"Blackhawk" 87th—"Golden Acron" 88th—"Blue Devil" 89th—"Middlewest" 90th—"Texas-Oklahoma" or "Tough 'Ombres" 91st—"Powder River" 92nd—"Buffalo" 96th—"Deadeye" 98th—"Iroquois" 99th—"Checkerboard" 100th—"Century" 102nd—"Ozark" 103rd—"Cactus" 104th—"Timberwolf" 106th—"Golden Lion" Airborne Division Nicknames: 82nd Airborne Division — "All American" 101st Airborne Division — "Screaming Eagle" Armored Division Nicknames: 2nd Armored Div.—"Hell on Wheels" 3rd Armored Div.—"Spearhead" 4th Armoted Div.—"Breakthrough" 5th Armored Div.—"Victory" 8th Armored Div.—"Snow Horse" 10th Armored Div. "Tiger" 11th Armored Div. "Thunderbolt" 12th Armored Div.—"Hellcat"
[Column 5] Good Attitude Is Essential On Job
Your job is what you make it. It can be a constant drudgery, a distasteful task to be gotten out of the way in the shortest possible time, or a source of job and pride in personal achievement. It has been demonstrated that a round peg won't fit in a square hote which tends to prove that if a man's heart isn't in his work he's getting nowhere fast. The worker who has a deep interest in his job is, on the other hand, bound to be happy and of a healthy, stable disposition.
Your attitude toward your job is reflected in your home and community life. If you are inclined to petty jealousies and are envious of your fellow workers, you're bound to be dissatisfied with your occupation. You'll probably feel that other fellows get all the breaks while poor, unfortunate you are overlooked every time. As a result, you'll be hard to get along with and you'll probably take it out on the folks at home. If you fall into this particular catgegory, don't be dismayed. You have plenty of company, for a good many men suffer from an unhealthy mental attitude toward their jobs and are distinctly unhappy as a direct result. Such people are not blessed with congenial homes, and if they took investory of themselves they'd find that their unhappiness could be cured by a cessation of brooding and discontent.
Take pride in your work, and you'll find that the days will (Con't on page 3, col. 1) _____________________________
Equipping and maintaining a soldier in continental U. S. for his first year in the Army, now costs Q. M. C. $533.88, or nearly 15 per cent over the cost of $465.06 in 1944. These costs are averages and represent the costs for a composite soldier equipped for all climates in all the various arms and services of the Army, and computed for the entire Army strength. This year the soldier's food will cost $226.30, his clothing, $128.19, at the outset, but $83.82 is added to that for a year's maintenance. His individual equipment has an initial cost of $47.72 plus $16.21 for maintenance, and his barrack equipment comes to $28.15 with $3.50 added to maintain it for the year. In theaters of war the maintenance cost of clothing rises to $145.10, and on individual equipment $16.22 to $33.88. Increased costs of equipping and maintaining the composite soldier in 1945 is partly due to higher costs of materials and manpower, but largely because of improved equipment.
Page Two The Slater News September 6, 1946
[column 1]
The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By S. Slater & Sons, Inc. Established 1790 In the Interest of Its Employees
[seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE]
STAFF Robert H. Atkinson... Editor Cecil Speights... Asst. Editor
REPORTERS Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise Bagwell, and Margaret Johnson.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.
Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith.
Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.
EDITORIALS Peace Problems
After almost four years of the most terrible war in history, we find ourselves again at peace. The coming of peace naturally brought joy and gladness to the hearts of all Americans because it meant the end of the destruction of our men in the armed services, and probably before very long, the return of most of them to their homes. As joyous however as is the news of peace, we must also consider the fact that peace willl bring many problems which will require the serious consideration of all concerned.
First of all, employment will be effected in a great many industries, and countless people will find themselves unemployed for at least a temporary period until the manufacturing of war materials is again reconverted into peacetime manufacturing. As soon as this complete reconversion takes place, many of the unemployed will find themselvs again in the ranks of those employed. This factor alone must be given serious consideration by workers, employers and Government Officials in order for the best solution of the problem to be reached.
Perhaps the best way that most of us can help in this problem is by making ourselves into the best workmen possible for if we can help our employer to make the best type of goods that can be made, he can go a long way towards assuring us of permanent employment. This is a self-evident truth because the best of everything always finds a market; and if the product we work on is marketable, then our employer can furnish us work. However, if we produce goods of an inferior quality, he can not do this as the goods will not sell, and it would be useless to continue work when goods can not be sold.
[article continues on col. 2, middle section]
Not only must we be good workmen as to the quality and efficiency of our work, but we must likewise be careful and safe workmen and do all within our power to hold accidents and other causes of lost time to a minimum for the costs of such likewise effects the cost of the article we produce — and if the cost is too high, we can not market our products at a profit for some other manufacturer who does produce without accidents and such like things will be able to under sell us and again we lose our job security.
Last, but not least, we must shoulder the responsibility of good citizens in our respective communities for man must not only play his part on the job, but he must play it to the best of his ability off the job in his private life.
There are many other problems to be considered, but both employers and employees should pay strict attention to these factors as they will do much to shift conditions from war to peace to the satisfaction of the majority.
[column 2]
Now that the war is over and Americans can settle down to a peaceful way of living we will have more time to pay attention to affairs at home. Perhaps the first thing in our community that should claim our attention is a Parent-Teachers' Association.
We need a P. T. A. to bring about a better understanding between children, teachers, and parents, so that difficulties that arise during the course of a school term may be more easily ironed out.
A P. T. A. also helps parents and teachers to become better acquainted and eliminates a lot of embarrassing situations when it becomes necessary for them to confer about matters pertaining to the school or the pupils.
But perhaps the most important thing a P. T. A. does is to increase the child's faith in an adult world by letting him know that the home and school are working in cooperation to improve his opportunities to prepare himself to meet life.
And organizing and operating a P. T. A. does not require very much effort or work on the part of any one individual, but it does require a lot of working together among the school patrons, the school teachers, the school pupils, and the school committee.
At least a dozen persons in Slater have expressed a willingness to take part in a Parent - Teachers' Association, and there must be many, many more of the school patrons who are interested in the promotion of school activities to the extent that they would be anxious to help operate such an organization.
Other schools have them; why can't we? It is up to the parents. ___________________________ [col. 2, bottom section]
A woman never forgets her sex. She would rather talk with a man than an angel, any day. —O. W. Holmes
[column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter
The children of Mrs. Dora Garland gave her a surprise bithday dinner Sunday at her home in Travelers Rest. She received many useful gifts, and everyone enjoyed the occasion immensely.
Mrs. Jessie Smith enjoyed a week's visit in the home of Mrs. Annie Johnson, while her sister, Miss Janie McCluney, was visiting relatives in Turnersville, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal and children and Mrs. Harold Veal and baby spent the weekend in Shelby with Mrs. Tom Willis, Mrs. T. C. Veal's mother. Mrs. Willis was given a delightful dinner Sunday by her children to celebrate her birthday. Each one presented a lovely gift which was gratefully received by the mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Galloway attended a Memorial Service Sunday at the First Baptist Church in Brevard, N. C. The service was in memory of Mr. Galloway's nephew, Pfc. Clarence Garren, who was killed in China July 14, 1945.
Mrs. Thurman Pace's brother, Jonnie Reaves, B. M. 2/C, from the Pacific area, is spending a 30 day furlough with relatives near Marietta. He has served 36 months overseas. A family reunion was held in his honor Sunday. Among the outof-town guests present were his father, Mr. Clyde Reaves, of Brunswick, Ga., and two cousins from Asheville, N. C.
Mrs. Agnes Bagwell recently visited her husband, who is in a Columbia hospital. She is happy to report that his condition is much improved.
Mrs. Opal Smith was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Reaves, of First Street.
The members of the Cloth Room Club, with a few invited guests, enjoyed a supper at Dave Stansell's Saturday night. The food was delicious, and Mr. White gave an inspirational talk which everyone appreciated.
Mrs. Braman Burns suffered a very unfortunate accident last Friday. She was painfully injured while drawing water from the well. Relatives and friends wish for her a speedy recovery. ___________________________ Local Officials (Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
evident that food and clothing are more plentiful in Canada at the present time than in the United States.
According to one of the gentlemen, they were questioned by the guards at the boundary before being allowed to enter Canada, and one of the questions was the place of birth, and it was said that Mr. Cook was asked by the guard where he was born. He replied, "Five miles from Fountain Inn." He informed the guard that Fountain Inn was in S. C. which greatly enlightened the guard as it is doubtful if he had ever heard of Fountain Inn, but he did know that S. C. was one of the states of the United States so the gentlemen were permitted to enter and visit Canada.
They reported that the trip was very interesting and instructive as all enjoyed themselves while away.
[column 4]
[headline, spans cols. 4 & 5] GOINGS-ON - - - - - - IN WEAVE ROOMS -
Mr. C. G. Marsh and son, Ray, recently visited relatives in Augusta and Milan, Ga. They had a very good time fishing, boating, and fighting mosquitoes.
Third shift employees welcome William A. Jones, as a weaver, and Charles Duncan, as a cloth doffer, and hope they wll enjoy there work here.
Mr. J.E. Farmer and family, Mrs. Izen Marsh, and Mrs. Ernestine McCall motored to the mountains Sunday afternoon on a picnic, which everyone enjoyed very much. Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. McCall have wonderful sun-tans.
George Vaughn, S.C. 3/C, a friend of Miss Frances Foster, is expecting to come home very soon. He has been in the Philippines since March 1945.
Miss Lillie Davis visited her cousin, Mrs. Bishop, in Charleston on V-J Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elrod spent a recent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hughes and family at Crow Creek.
Two more new employees on the third shift are Fay Smeleer, battery hand, and W.C. Henson, loom fixer.
Mr. W.H. Surratt was glad to hear that his son, David W. Surratt, was honorably discharged from the armed services after spending quite a while overseas.
Miss Dorothy Hollingsworth spent last weekend in Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Millie Allison had as her recent visitors her granddaughter, Miss Caroline Whitmire and her friend, Miss Joe Ann Bridges, of Greenville.
We are glad to see Mrs. Jimmie Rice back on her job. She has been out for some time as her husband, Cpl. Alvin Rice, recently returned from overseas.
Pvt. Norwood Robinson spent a three day pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Robinson, recently. He is stationed at Fort Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell spent last weekend in the country with Mrs. Lell's uncle and aunt.
Mrs. McJunkin, of Pickens, S.C. spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Perry M. Rampey, of Slater.
Mrs. Carrie Lou Lell had as her guests last Thursday, Mrs. Bell if Greenville, and Mrs. Rosa Nix of Easley.
We are happy to see Mrs. Ethel Bryant back at work after being out sick for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell had a pleasant trip to Rome, Ga. where they visited Mrs. Lell's brother who is in service.
Mr. A.W. Moon is all smiles since he has a new baby boy at his house
Cpl. ralph Goldsmith, who has recently returned to the States from Italy, visited his sister, Mrs. T.L. Camden, recently.
Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and Mrs. Nellie Barnett and son spent their vacation in Charleston, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Bruce.
A delightful party was given August 4 at the home of Miss Betty McAllister honoring Pvt. [article continues on column 4]
[column 4]
Billie Looper, who was home on furlough. Delicious refreshments were served and everyone had a very enjoyable times. Those present were: Juanita and Jr. Crowe, Ducky Styles, Margaret Ervin, Luey TeVogt, Betty McAllister, Doris Pridmore, Jimmy Pierce, Margie Friddle, Bell Roach, and Gladys Roach.
Pfc. Lawrence Smith, cousin of Mrs. Opal Lane, has been discharged from the Army after serving three years overseas.
W. E. Richerson, of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. F. T.Richerson and daughter, of Spartanburg, and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bright, of Shelby, N.C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bright last week.
Second shift employees in No. 1 enjoyed having Mr. "Red" Hayden work with them recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barrett spent two days recently with Mr. Barrett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Barrett, of Kings Mountain, N.C.
Mrs. Estelle Veal and daughter spent the weekend with Mrs. Veal's mother, Mrs. W. L. Newton, of North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox and sons, of Travelers Rest, were recent visitiors of the Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Dean.
___________________________ Salesmanship Is (Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
ly work together to see that our customers get the best product available in a competitive field.
It's true that men who hold positions as salesmen go out on the road and introduce our product to potential buyers. But a thousand salesmen couldn't make a sigle sale if Johnny Jones didn't take pride in the work he gets out on his machine, or if our engineers didn't design products and parts which are outstanding for their perfection and quality.
So if your boss comes up to you and congratulates you at your excellent sales record, you can be assured that he knows what he's doing; for a finished product is no better than the care and skill a worker puts into it. And the best salesmen in the world are the men who get out the best production they know how. To say nothing of the fact that a satisfied customer not only buys a product, but the personal skill you have incorporated into its completion. You're a salesman, brother, and a good one, too!
Getting' busy Doesn't mean Gettin' hurt
Keep busy safely!!! [cartoon dog digging]
September 6, 1945 The Slater News Page Three
Preparation Department N-E-W-S [title spans columns 1 and 2]
[column 1]
Jessie Stanley, Lake Hendricks and Lena Crisco, all of Greensboro, N. C., were the Week-end guests of Mildred and Margaret Mull. Ghey all enjoyed an outing at Table Rock State Park
J. C. Jones, S-2/C, is expected home on a week-end pass from Camp Peary, Va. J. C. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones of Marietta.
Mary Elizabeth Williams and family were dinner guests of Ola Chapman of Anderson, S.C.
Geraldine Raxter of Brevard, N. C. was the dinner guest of Alma Capps on Sunday.
Warrie A. Chastain, S-1/C, was home on a six day leave while his ship, the Lake Champlain, was in dock. His brother, Artis, is now leaving for foreign duty.
Davis Batson and Baccus Poole recently enjoyed a trip to Nashville, Tenn. While there,
[article continues to column 2]
they attended the "Grand Old Opra."
Little Dale McWhite, of Slater, spent several days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. H. W. Childs, of Greenville.
Mrs. J. C. Campbell, of Shelby, is spending several weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Bessie Robinson and Miss Ruth Campbell, of Slater.
Mrs. Mary Phillips and Dwight, and Mr. and Mrs. George Parden and son, Jimmie, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bridges, of Greer, were recent visitors in the home of Mrs. Bessie Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bridges were formerly employed in the Preperation Department of our plant.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Griffin, of Greenville, are the parents of a son born Monday, August 13. Both Mr. and Mrs. Griffin were formerly employed in our plant. Mrs. Griffin is a sister of Mrs. Fred Childs.
[return to column 1]
Good Attitude Is (con't. from page 1, col. 5)
grow shorter, that your occupation will grow increasingly more interesting, and that your new mental outlook on life will bring you much happiness both at home and at work.
These years of high pressure war production have made all of us irritable and moody at times. Long hours of overtime and a lessening of our leisure hours have made us susceptible to periodic petty jealousies and imaginings of wrongs inflicted upon us. But there's a cure for every ill, and the best thing to do, if you're suffering from jangled nerves, is to go about your work with the idea of improving its quality and with a firm resolution to do the job to the very best of your ability.
Probably the best possible illustration of the correct mental attitude a man should have toward his job is embodied in the following story: Three men were toiling side by side, laying brick. A curious bystander inquired as to what they were doing. The first man replied, "I am laying brick." The second man answered, "I am earning five dollars a day." But the third man proudly exclaimed, "I am building a cathedral."
So, whatever your occupation, take a deep personal interest in it and do it well. Bear in mind that you are not just finishing a machine part, but actually building a definite product. No matter what your work, it is creative and worthy of your best efforts. Make your motto" "Work to live" and not "Live to work!"
Anyboday, providing he knows how to be amusing, has the right to talk about himself. - Baudelaire
Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least. - Chesterfield
A college education never hurt anyone who was willing to learn something afterwards.
[middle of column 2]
Old Cemeteries Reveal Many Strange Epitaphs
Here lies the body of our Anna Done to death by a banana. It wasn't the fruit that laid her low But the skin of the thing that made her go. Enosburg, Vt.
Beneath this stone, a lump of clay, Lies Arabella Young, Who on the 21st of May Began to hold her Tongue Hatfield, Mass., 1771
Here lies, cut down like unripe fruit, The wife of Deacon Amos Shute,
[continues to middle of column 3]
She died of drinking too much coffee Anno Domini, eighteen forty. Canaan, N.H.
Beneath this stone, a lump of clay, Lies Uncle Peter Daniels, Who too early in the month of May Took off his winter flannels. Burlington, Vt.
[column 3]
Theatre Guide
Sept. 7, 1945 "G-I HONEYMOON" Starring: Gale Storm Peter Cookson Frank Jenks
Sept. 8, 1945 "DELLINGER" Staring: Lawrence Tierney Edmond Lowe Anne Jeffereys
Sept. 10, 1945 "IT'S A PLEASURE" Starring: Sonja Henie Michael O'Shea Bill Johnson
Sept. 14, 1945 "SUNDAY DINNER FOR A SOLDIER" Starring: Anne Baxter John Hodiak Charles Winninger
Sept. 15, 1945 "HITCH-HIKE TO HAPPINESS" Starring: Al Pearce Dale Evans
Sept. 17, 1945 "ROUGHLY SPEAKING" Starring: Rosalind Russell Jack Carson Robert Hutton
[column 4]
"Dreams, books, are eacha world; and books, we know Are a substantial world, both pure and good. Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood, Our pastime and our happiness will grow." Ibid, Sonnet 3
"This Too Shall Pass" - The very short article by this title is written by Charles B. Roth, and appears in your "Life" magazine for August, 1945. Those who are inclined to worry when misfortune, failure and disappointment strike would do well to read the encouraging and comforting philosophy set forth by Mr. Roth.
Tea, Made With Saccharin - So many people are saying that they do not care for tea which has been sweetened with saccharin. We agree that the right proportions of each ingredient must be used if the tea is to taste just right. For good tea, try the following recipe: Brew hot tea, using 3 tea bags (or 3 teasp. tea) to 1/2 gal. boiling water. Let stand until as strong as desired; tea must not be allowed to boil. When the tea is of the proper strength, remove tea bags, adding 5 or 6 whole grain saccharin tablets. People who like tea extra sweet will need 6 tablets, rather than 5. Add saccharin while tea is still hot so that tablets will dissolve quickly. If added after the tea has cooled, dissolve saccharin in hot water. To avoid the bitter taste so often found in tea sweetened with saccharin, place tea in the refridgerator and allow to stand uncovered for several hours before using.
"A true friend is one who
[article continues in middle of column 5]
likes us in spite of our achievements." - Anon - "Woman's Home Companion," August, 1945.
Have you thought much about the prefabricated houses which can be purchased com= [lete in package form and delivered to you by truck after the war? It's an interesting idea; read about such houses in an article called "Your Solar Home Is All Wrapped Up," featured in "Popular Mechanics," August, 1945.
Et Cetera - "The dropping of 'etc.' from the language would necessitate a lot of thinking that is not being done at present." Wellman L. France, "Saturday Evening Post," August 11, 1945.
[top of column 5]
Local News
Mrs. Ola Johnson went to Memphis, Tenn. recently to visit her brother, Private H. Lanford Lindsey, who was a patient in U. S. General Hospital recovering from wounds recieved overseas. Private Lindsey has since recieved a medical discharge and is expected to visit in Slater soon.
Psier B. Vickers, Gunners Mate 3/C, has been given a medical discharge from the U. S. Navy and is now home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Vickers.
Private Calvin Huffman is home on a thirty day furlough with his parents and family. Calvin has been overseas in the European theatre of war for one year.
"Sambo" Knoght has completed his basic naval training at Bainbridge, Maryland, and is now home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Knight, before being assigned to active duties.
[large advertisement covers bottom half of columns 2, 3, 4 &5] SPECIALS Let Us Help You Save On Your Drug Needs
"Rex" Compacts $1.50 to $5.00 plus tax | Johnson's 50c Baby Oil .... 45c 50c Talc Powder . 45c plus tax | Sal Hepatica 30c size ....... 25c 60c size ....... 50c |
Billfolds Ladies & Gents $1.00 to $5.00 plus tax | Fletcher's Castoria 40c size ....... 35c --------------- Triena 30c size ....... 25c | Alka Seltzer 30c size ....... 25c 60c size ....... 50c |
Sutton's Power Mitt 69c to $1.00 plus tax | Philips Milk Mag. 25c size ....... 21c 50c size ....... 39c | Alcohol - 70% Rubbing Compound Special Pt. ..... 24c |
Jergen's Lotion $1.00 size ...... 79c | Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. Comp. $1.50 size .... $1.19 | Vim Herb $1.00 size ...... 98c |
[Spans across entire page] Page Four[far left] THE SLATER NEWS[centered] September 6, 1945[far right]
Our Servicemen Here And There [Spans across Columns 1 and 2]
[Column 1] Capps Writes Of Pacific Campaigns
The following letter was written by Joseph B. Capps, S-1/C of the U. S. Navy, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Capps, of Route No. 2, Marietta, S. C. He formerly worked in the Preparation Department of our plant and is now serving aboard the Astoria in the Pacific.
Dear Mom and Dad, [Photo of man with U.S. Navy across cap] Just a few lines to answer some questions you have been wanting answered for a long time. We had a pleasant surprise — censorship restrictions were somewhat relaxed, and we can now tell you some of the story of what we've been doing out here.
On our way to join the fleet, we stopped in Hawaii and managed to see Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, and, of course, Waipipi Beach. They tell me a recent issue of a well-known magazine has glamorized the place into one of those beautiful tropical islands. We haven't seen that issue yet, but if that's the case then they had a topnotch photographer, or else he got to places that were out of bounds for us. Somehow it's just not like the movie, and any Hula girls that may have been there apparently got word that we were coming and scrammed. We did have a chance to swim and get cocoanuts though.
We later joined one of the fast carrier task forces that runs around this end of the ocean. Our job was to accompany the carrier and protect it from various types of attacks. It managed to keep us busy and to provide us with our share of excitement. In case you've forgotten, we arrived out here when the campaign for the Philippines was the major operation. Our part in that was to accompany the carrier, which provided aircoverage for the landings and operations on Mindoro and Luzon. You remember Luzon was where M. J. Francis was killed.
Remember reading of the Typhoon off Luzon? We were there, with thousands of miles of ocean all around us. We were right up in the middle of it and spent two days just hanging on to anything we could find in order to stay on our feet and stay in our bunks at night. Waves fifty and sixty feet high tossed the Astoria around like a cork, and crashed over the deck with such force that she shuddered from stem to stern, and the wind whipped up such a spray that we couldn't see for more than a hundred yards. The Astoria came through like a veteran though, and we all had an experience we will never forget.
Then we got word that a Jap force was somewhere in the South China Sea, which seemed quite possible since the place was still considered to be more like a Japanese lake. No
[Column 2] [Photo of Ivester in Navy uniform] Invester Victim Traffic Accident
Tonald R. Ivestser, young Anderson man who was recently discharged from the United States Navy after 31 months of service, was accidentally killed in an automobile accident in Coolidge, Arizona, on August 10. The body was returned to Anderson for burial, and military funeral services were held on August 15.
Young Ivester lived at Slater for three years, prior to moving to Anderson with his famly in 1938. He was a brother of W. G. Ivester of Slater, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ivester, of Anderson. Since his discharge from service he had been employed at San Francisco, California, but was planning to return to Anderson soon.
Friends here of the Ivester family regret very much to hear of the passing of this young man, and extend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. ___________________________
American force had entered it since early in 1942. We sailed in, but in spite of a wonderful search we failed to locate any of the Jap fleet. There was a lot of Jap shipping though, and our carrier planes sent a record tonnage to the bottom, and had a wonderful time blowing up naval installations all up and down the Indo-China and South China coast. I imagine the Japs in China were quite happy when we finally left.
Next comes Iwo Jima, Tokyo and Kyushu; we had a finger in those pies also. It was pretty thrilling to think that we were so close to the heart of Tokyo. Our planes were right there probably sending the Emperor scurrying for his air-raid shelter. I suppose he's getting used to it by now, but I think we must have surprised him that time.
Iwo Jima, I've already told about, except for the fact that our two-day bombardment earned us a Bronze Star for our Asiatic Pacific ribbon. That makes three ribbons now with our American Theater and the Philippine Liberation Ribbons we were awarded for our part in the Luzon and Mindoro operations. Incidentally, we have a Bronze Star on that one also. We'll look like a walking rainbow when the
Oh, where is the old time barber shop Where men, on ev'nings met, To have their whiskers trimmed, and read The pink Police Gazette? It used to be an ideal place For real he-men to share; And women were a strict taboo To any barber chair!
Oh, how clearly I remember Those pleasant hours I spent In that atmosphere of manhood That knew nothing but content. But that was many years ago, Before swing tunes were born, When a woman in a barber shop Was looked upon with scorn!
Alas, how things have changed today! The women hold the rein; And the man who wants a hair cut Is regarded with disdain! All barbers bow to females now And it isn't in their plan To cater to the simple wants Of any bearded man! By Russell Doyle _____________________________
Astoria brings us home. I hope that won't be long, and I don't believe it will.
Well, getting back to the war, the Japs apparently resented our intrusion at Kyushu, as you must have gathered from reading about the U. S. S. Franklin. We practically lived at our jobs for one threeday period, and had to eat K rations at our stations since there was no time to get regular meals. We were close enough to the Franklin and Bunker Hill, when they were hit, to see the terrific explosion and the clouds of black smoke. It wasn't a pleasant sight, but it was a big moment for all of us when we learned they could save the ships.
We're pretty proud of our record for those several days. The Astoria's job was to shoot down enemy planes as they came at our force. There are some pretty tense moments as you watch them coming in, and a lot of yelling and cheering when you see them get hit and crash in flames. _______________________________
[Spans across Columns 3, 4 and 5] THE COMMUNITY THEATRE Slater, South Carolina Offers Good Entertainment For The Entire Family At REASONABLE PRICES Picture Programs Carefully Selected Show Dates Mondays — Fridays — Saturdays First Show 7:00 P. M. Second Show: Following First ADMISSION PRICES Adults 25c Children (Under 12) 12c
[Column 4] OFFICE NEWS[spans across Columns 4 and 5]
We are glad to see Lucille Cunningham and Kate Watson back at work after their vacations. Both said they stayed at home and "just rested."
Connie Henderson and Doris Anderson spent a recent weekend in Charlotte, N. C. as the guests of Mrs. Katherine Nunnis.
Ruth and "Boots" Taylor spent last week-end in Rutherfordton, N. C. with their cousin, Mrs. Margaret Tyner, and aunt, Mrs. Tessie Swink.
Frances Coleman's brother, Cpl. James Coleman, spent last week-end at home. After recently returning to the States from Germany, he has been stationed at Fort Bragg awaiting reassignment.
Amber Stroud spent last week-end in Easley with an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Childress.
Betty Foster spent a very enjoyable day boat riding in Brevard the past Sunday.
Vera Hembree was delighted to have her boy friend, Jimmie Balloch, Jr., of Renfrew, home last week-end.
Doris Anderson is very happy to have her husband, John, home from Germany. We are all happy for you, Doris.
"Boots" Taylor's boy friend, Harold Brown, of Uniontown, Pa., who has recently returned to the States from Germany, visited in the Taylor home recently.
We are all very sorry to see Sally Geogoules leave the Office. Sally's home is in N. Y., and she has returned there since her husband, Gus, has been transferred from the Greenville Army Air Base. _________________________________
nawa operation, we ran up our score to quite a respectable number. So you see, we are proud of ourselves and our ship.
We've just been back to port again, and it seemed good after quite a while at sea. Some of the operations are long and take us almost to the Emperor's back yard. So we welcome the chance to get ashore and stretch our legs. This time we've had a chance to see some natives, all of whom apparently intend to make their first million selling souvenirs. I don't think they have ever heard of coins; everything is
[Column 5] We welcome the following girls to the office staff: Gladys Hawk — Payroll Department, Betty McMullan — Typist and Dot Toby — Temporary Production Clerk.
Elizabeth Ammons had as guests last week-end, her sisterin-law, Mrs. Gilbert Rogers and son, of Duncan and her cousin, Miss Ruby Keasler of Enoree.
Mrs. Frank A. Cook, and children, Abie and Gloria, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cook at Fountain Inn while Mr. Cook was on a business trip to Detroit, Michigan.
Mrs. H. T. Tucker of Greenville spent the week-end with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Atkinson, at their home on First St., Slater.
Miss Alma Ledford recently enjoyed a motor trip to River Falls.
Miss Maxine Brown was a recent visitor in Newberry.
Miss Lily Alexander visited her mother, Mrs. Ella Alexander at her home in Central this past week-end. Miss Alexander reports her mother has been ill, but is improved now.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle Reid visited Mrs. Reid's mother, Mrs. J. T. Phillips of Campobello, during the week-end. They also visited Mr. Reid's father, the Rev. T. E. Reid of Gowansville.
Miss Inez Graham has returned to Slater after spending her vacation at Myrtle Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitmire visited relatives at Kannapolis, N. C., over the week-end. ________________________________
"one dolla" or "fife dolla" unless you have an orange, cigarette, or a bar of soap. They would almost give their house and all of their belongings for any one of these three!
Well, that's about all I can tell now, so I had better close. Answer soon, and don't worry.
Love, Your son, Joseph _________________________________
The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. — Oscar Wilde