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10 revisions | CarrieBo at Nov 25, 2023 05:21 PM gcls_SN_018bPage Two The Slater News September 6, 1946
[column 1]
The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
By S. Slater & Sons, Inc.
Established 1790
In the Interest of Its Employees
[seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE]
Robert H. Atkinson... Editor
Cecil Speights... Asst. Editor
Weave Room: Ernestine McCall,
Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid,
Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C.
Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise
Bagwell, and Margaret Johnson.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey,
Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown,
Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace,
Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie
Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins,
Irene Cox.
Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith.
Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson,
W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid,
Doris F. Atkinson.
Peace Problems
After almost four years of
the most terrible war in his-
tory, we find ourselves again
at peace. The coming of peace
naturally brought joy and
gladness to the hearts of all
Americans because it meant
the end of the destruction of
our men in the armed services,
and probably before very long,
the return of most of them to
their homes. As joyous however
as is the news of peace, we
must also consider the fact that
peace willl bring many prob-
lems which will require the
serious consideration of all
First of all, employment will
be effected in a great many in-
dustries, and countless people
will find themselves unemploy-
ed for at least a temporary
period until the manufacturing
of war materials is again recon-
verted into peacetime manu-
facturing. As soon as this com-
plete reconversion takes place,
many of the unemployed will
find themselvs again in the
ranks of those employed. This
factor alone must be given
serious consideration by work-
ers, employers and Government
Officials in order for the best
solution of the problem to be
Perhaps the best way that
most of us can help in this
problem is by making ourselves
into the best workmen possible
for if we can help our em-
ployer to make the best type
of goods that can be made, he
can go a long way towards as-
suring us of permanent em-
ployment. This is a self-evident
truth because the best of every-
thing always finds a market;
and if the product we work on
is marketable, then our em-
ployer can furnish us work.
However, if we produce goods
of an inferior quality, he can
not do this as the goods will
not sell, and it would be use-
less to continue work when
goods can not be sold.
[article continues on col. 2, middle section]
Not only must we be
good workmen as to the quality and
efficiency of our work, but we
must likewise be careful and
safe workmen and do all with-
in our power to hold accidents
and other causes of lost time to
a minimum for the costs of
such likewise effects the cost of
the article we produce — and
if the cost is too high, we can
not market our products at a
profit for some other manu-
facturer who does produce
without accidents and such
like things will be able to un-
der sell us and again we lose
our job security.
Last, but not least, we must
shoulder the responsibility of
good citizens in our respective
communities for man must not
only play his part on the job,
but he must play it to the best
of his ability off the job in his
private life.
There are many other prob-
lems to be considered, but both
employers and employees
should pay strict attention to
these factors as they will do
much to shift conditions from
war to peace to the satisfaction
of the majority.
[column 2]
Now that the war is over
and Americans can settle down
to a peaceful way of living we
will have more time to pay at-
tention to affairs at home. Per-
haps the first thing in our com-
munity that should claim our
attention is a Parent-Teachers'
We need a P. T. A. to bring
about a better understanding
between children, teachers, and
parents, so that difficulties
that arise during the course of
a school term may be more
easily ironed out.
A P. T. A. also helps parents
and teachers to become better
acquainted and eliminates a lot
of embarrassing situations
when it becomes necessary for
them to confer about matters
pertaining to the school or the
But perhaps the most import-
ant thing a P. T. A. does is to
increase the child's faith in an
adult world by letting him
know that the home and school
are working in cooperation to
improve his opportunities to
prepare himself to meet life.
And organizing and operat-
ing a P. T. A. does not require
very much effort or work on
the part of any one individual,
but it does require a lot of
working together among the
school patrons, the school
teachers, the school pupils, and
the school committee.
At least a dozen persons in
Slater have expressed a will-
ingness to take part in a Pa-
rent - Teachers' Association,
and there must be many, many
more of the school patrons who
are interested in the promotion
of school activities to the ex-
tent that they would be anxi-
ous to help operate such an or-
Other schools have them;
why can't we? It is up to the
[col. 2, bottom section]
A woman never forgets her
sex. She would rather talk with
a man than an angel, any day.
—O. W. Holmes
[column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter
The children of Mrs. Dora
Garland gave her a surprise
bithday dinner Sunday at her
home in Travelers Rest. She
received many useful gifts, and
everyone enjoyed the occasion
Mrs. Jessie Smith enjoyed a
week's visit in the home of
Mrs. Annie Johnson, while her
sister, Miss Janie McCluney,
was visiting relatives in Turn-
ersville, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal and
children and Mrs. Harold Veal
and baby spent the weekend
in Shelby with Mrs. Tom Wil-
lis, Mrs. T. C. Veal's mother.
Mrs. Willis was given a de-
lightful dinner Sunday by her
children to celebrate her birth-
day. Each one presented a love-
ly gift which was gratefully re-
ceived by the mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Galloway
attended a Memorial Service
Sunday at the First Baptist
Church in Brevard, N. C. The
service was in memory of Mr.
Galloway's nephew, Pfc. Clar-
ence Garren, who was killed in
China July 14, 1945.
Mrs. Thurman Pace's broth-
er, Jonnie Reaves, B. M. 2/C,
from the Pacific area, is spend-
ing a 30 day furlough with
relatives near Marietta. He has
served 36 months overseas. A
family reunion was held in his
honor Sunday. Among the out-
of-town guests present were his
father, Mr. Clyde Reaves, of
Brunswick, Ga., and two
cousins from Asheville, N. C.
Mrs. Agnes Bagwell recently
visited her husband, who is in
a Columbia hospital. She is
happy to report that his con-
dition is much improved.
Mrs. Opal Smith was the
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Reaves, of First Street.
The members of the Cloth
Room Club, with a few invited
guests, enjoyed a supper at
Dave Stansell's Saturday night.
The food was delicious, and
Mr. White gave an inspiration-
al talk which everyone appreci-
Mrs. Braman Burns suffered
a very unfortunate accident
last Friday. She was painfully
injured while drawing water
from the well. Relatives and
friends wish for her a speedy
Local Officials
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
evident that food and clothing
are more plentiful in Canada
at the present time than in the
United States.
According to one of the gen-
tlemen, they were questioned
by the guards at the boundary
before being allowed to enter
Canada, and one of the ques-
tions was the place of birth,
and it was said that Mr. Cook
was asked by the guard where
he was born. He replied, "Five
miles from Fountain Inn." He
informed the guard that Foun-
tain Inn was in S. C. which
greatly enlightened the guard
as it is doubtful if he had ever
heard of Fountain Inn, but he
did know that S. C. was one
of the states of the United
States so the gentlemen were
permitted to enter and visit
They reported that the trip
was very interesting and in-
structive as all enjoyed them-
selves while away.
[column 4]
[headline, spans cols. 4 & 5]
GOINGS-ON - - - - -
Mr. C. G. Marsh and son,
Ray, recently visited relatives
in Augusta and Milan, Ga.
They had a very good time
fishing, boating, and fighting
Third shift employees wel-
come William A. Jones, as a
weaver, and Charles Duncan,
as a cloth doffer, and hope they
wll enjoy there work here.
Mr. J.E. Farmer and family,
Mrs. Izen Marsh, and Mrs.
Ernestine McCall motored to
the mountains Sunday after-
noon on a picnic, which every-
one enjoyed very much. Mrs.
Marsh and Mrs. McCall have
wonderful sun-tans.
George Vaughn, S.C. 3/C,
a friend of Miss Frances Fos-
ter, is expecting to come home
very soon. He has been in the
Philippines since March 1945.
Miss Lillie Davis visited her
cousin, Mrs. Bishop, in Charleston
on V-J Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elrod
spent a recent weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hughes
and family at Crow Creek.
Two more new employees on
the third shift are Fay Smeleer,
battery hand, and W.C. Henson,
loom fixer.
Mr. W.H. Surratt was glad
to hear that his son, David W.
Surratt, was honorably discharged
from the armed services
after spending quite a
while overseas.
Miss Dorothy Hollingsworth
spent last weekend in Savannah,
Mrs. Millie Allison had as
her recent visitors her granddaughter,
Miss Caroline Whitmire
and her friend, Miss Joe
Ann Bridges, of Greenville.
We are glad to see Mrs. Jimmie
Rice back on her job. She
has been out for some time as
her husband, Cpl. Alvin Rice,
recently returned from overseas.
Pvt. Norwood Robinson spent
a three day pass with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Robinson,
recently. He is stationed
at Fort Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell spent
last weekend in the country
with Mrs. Lell's uncle and aunt.
Mrs. McJunkin, of Pickens,
S.C. spent last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Perry M. Rampey,
of Slater.
Mrs. Carrie Lou Lell had as
her guests last Thursday, Mrs.
Bell if Greenville, and Mrs.
Rosa Nix of Easley.
We are happy to see Mrs.
Ethel Bryant back at work
after being out sick for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell had a
pleasant trip to Rome, Ga.
where they visited Mrs. Lell's
brother who is in service.
Mr. A.W. Moon is all smiles
since he has a new baby boy at
his house
Cpl. ralph Goldsmith, who
has recently returned to the
States from Italy, visited his
sister, Mrs. T.L. Camden, recently.
Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and
Mrs. Nellie Barnett and son
spent their vacation in Charleston,
as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E.W. Bruce.
A delightful party was given
August 4 at the home of Miss
Betty McAllister honoring Pvt.
[article continues on column 4]
[column 4]
Billie Looper, who was home
on furlough. Delicious refresh-
ments were served and every-
one had a very enjoyable times.
Those present were: Juanita
and Jr. Crowe, Ducky Styles,
Margaret Ervin, Luey TeVogt,
Betty McAllister, Doris Prid-
more, Jimmy Pierce, Margie
Friddle, Bell Roach, and
Gladys Roach.
Pfc. Lawrence Smith, cousin
of Mrs. Opal Lane, has been
discharged from the Army af-
ter serving three years over-
W. E. Richerson, of Green-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. F. T.Rich-
erson and daughter, of Spar-
tanburg, and Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Bright, of Shelby, N.C.
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Bright last week.
Second shift employees in
No. 1 enjoyed having Mr.
"Red" Hayden work with them
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bar-
rett spent two days recently
with Mr. Barrett's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Barrett, of
Kings Mountain, N.C.
Mrs. Estelle Veal and
daughter spent the weekend
with Mrs. Veal's mother, Mrs.
W. L. Newton, of North Car-
Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox and
sons, of Travelers Rest, were
recent visitiors of the Rev. and
Mrs. J. M. Dean.
Salesmanship Is
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
ly work together to see that our
customers get the best product
available in a competitive field.
It's true that men who hold
positions as salesmen go out on
the road and introduce our
product to potential buyers.
But a thousand salesmen
couldn't make a sigle sale if
Johnny Jones didn't take pride
in the work he gets out on his
machine, or if our engineers
didn't design products and
parts which are outstanding for
their perfection and quality.
So if your boss comes up to
you and congratulates you at
your excellent sales record, you
can be assured that he knows
what he's doing; for a finished
product is no better than the
care and skill a worker puts in-
to it. And the best salesmen in
the world are the men who get
out the best production they
know how. To say nothing of
the fact that a satisfied custom-
er not only buys a product, but
the personal skill you have in-
corporated into its completion.
You're a salesman, brother, and
a good one, too!
Getting' busy
Doesn't mean
Gettin' hurt
Keep busy
[cartoon dog digging] Page Two The Slater News September 6, 1946 [column 1] The Slater News [seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE] STAFF REPORTERS Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith. Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, EDITORIALS After almost four years of First of all, employment will Perhaps the best way that [article continues on col. 2, middle section] Not only must we be Last, but not least, we must There are many other prob- [column 2] SLATER Now that the war is over We need a P. T. A. to bring A P. T. A. also helps parents But perhaps the most import- And organizing and operat- At least a dozen persons in Other schools have them; A woman never forgets her [column 3] Cloth Room Chatter The children of Mrs. Dora Mrs. Jessie Smith enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Galloway Mrs. Thurman Pace's broth- Mrs. Agnes Bagwell recently Mrs. Opal Smith was the The members of the Cloth Mrs. Braman Burns suffered evident that food and clothing According to one of the gen- They reported that the trip [column 4] [headline, spans cols. 4 & 5] Mr. C. G. Marsh and son, Third shift employees wel- Mr. J.E. Farmer and family, George Vaughn, S.C. 3/C, Miss Lillie Davis visited her Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elrod Two more new employees on Mr. W.H. Surratt was glad Miss Dorothy Hollingsworth Mrs. Millie Allison had as We are glad to see Mrs. Jimmie Pvt. Norwood Robinson spent Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell spent Mrs. McJunkin, of Pickens, Mrs. Carrie Lou Lell had as We are happy to see Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell had a Mr. A.W. Moon is all smiles Cpl. ralph Goldsmith, who Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and A delightful party was given [column 4] Billie Looper, who was home Pfc. Lawrence Smith, cousin W. E. Richerson, of Green- Second shift employees in Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bar- Mrs. Estelle Veal and Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox and ___________________________ ly work together to see that our It's true that men who hold So if your boss comes up to ___________________________ Getting' busy Keep busy gcls_SN_018bPage Two The Slater News September 6, 1946
[column 1]
The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
By S. Slater & Sons, Inc.
Established 1790
In the Intereest of Its Employees
[seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE]
Robert H. Atkinson... Editor
Cecil Speights... Asst. Editor
Weave Room: Ernestine McCall,
Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid,
Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C.
Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise
Bagwell, and Margaret Johnson.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey,
Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown,
Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace,
Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie
Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins,
Irene Cox.
Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith.
Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson,
W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid,
Doris F. Atkinson.
Peace Problems
After almost four years of
the most terrible war in his-
tory, we find ourselves again
at peace. The coming of peace
naturally brought joy and
gladness to the hearts of all
Americans because it meant
the end of the destruction of
our men in the armed services,
and probably before very long,
the return of most of them to
their homes. As joyous however
as is the news of peace, we
must also consider the fact that
peace willl bring many prob-
lems which will require the
serious consideration of all
First of all, employment will
be effected in a great many in-
dustries, and countless people
will find themselves unemploy-
ed for at least a temporary
period until the manufacturing
of war materials is again recon-
verted into peacetime manu-
facturing. As soon as this com-
plete reconversion takes place,
many of the unemployed will
find themselvs again in the
ranks of those employed. This
factor alone must be given
serious consideration by work-
ers, employers and Government
Officials in order for the best
solution of the problem to be
Perhaps the best way that
most of us can help in this
problem is by making ourselves
into the best workmen possible
for if we can help our em-
ployer to make the best type
of goods that can be made, he
can go a long way towards as-
suring us of permanent em-
ployment. This is a self-evident
truth because the best of every-
thing always finds a market;
and if the product we work on
is marketable, then our em-
ployer can furnish us work.
However, if we produce goods
of an inferior quality, he can
not do this as the goods will
not sell, and it would be use-
less to continue work when
goods can not be sold.
[article continues on col. 2, middle section]
Not only must we be
good workmen as to the quality and
efficiency of our work, but we
must likewise be careful and
safe workmen and do all with-
in our power to hold accidents
and other causes of lost time to
a minimum for the costs of
such likewise effects the cost of
the article we produce — and
if the cost is too high, we can
not market our products at a
profit for some other manu-
facturer who does produce
without accidents and such
like things will be able to un-
der sell us and again we lose
our job security.
Last, but not least, we must
shoulder the responsibility of
good citizens in our respective
communities for man must not
only play his part on the job,
but he must play it to the best
of his ability off the job in his
private life.
There are many other prob-
lems to be considered, but both
employers and employees
should pay strict attention to
these factors as they will do
much to shift conditions from
war to peace to the satisfaction
of the majority.
[column 2]
Now that the war is over
and Americans can settle down
to a peaceful way of living we
will have more time to pay at-
tention to affairs at home. Per-
haps the first thing in our com-
munity that should claim our
attention is a Parent-Teachers'
We need a P. T. A. to bring
about a better understanding
between children, teachers, and
parents, so that difficulties
that arise during the course of
a school term may be more
easily ironed out.
A P. T. A. also helps parents
and teachers to become better
acquainted and eliminates a lot
of embarrassing situations
when it becomes necessary for
them to confer about matters
pertaining to the school or the
But perhaps the most import-
ant thing a P. T. A. does is to
increase the child's faith in an
adult world by letting him
know that the home and school
are working in cooperation to
improve his opportunities to
prepare himself to meet life.
And organizing and operat-
ing a P. T. A. does not require
very much effort or work on
the part of any one individual,
but it does require a lot of
working together among the
school patrons, the school
teachers, the school pupils, and
the school committee.
At least a dozen persons in
Slater have expressed a will-
ingness to take part in a Pa-
rent - Teachers' Association,
and there must be many, many
more of the school patrons who
are interested in the promotion
of school activities to the ex-
tent that they would be anxi-
ous to help operate such an or-
Other schools have them;
why can't we? It is up to the
[col. 2, bottom section]
A woman never forgets her
sex. She would rather talk with
a man than an angel, any day.
—O. W. Holmes
[column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter
The children of Mrs. Dora
Garland gave her a surprise
bithday dinner Sunday at her
home in Travelers Rest. She
received many useful gifts, and
everyone enjoyed the occasion
Mrs. Jessie Smith enjoyed a
week's visit in the home of
Mrs. Annie Johnson, while her
sister, Miss Janie McCluney,
was visiting relatives in Turn-
ersville, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal and
children and Mrs. Harold Veal
and baby spent the weekend
in Shelby with Mrs. Tom Wil-
lis, Mrs. T. C. Veal's mother.
Mrs. Willis was given a de-
lightful dinner Sunday by her
children to celebrate her birth-
day. Each one presented a love-
ly gift which was gratefully re-
ceived by the mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Galloway
attended a Memorial Service
Sunday at the First Baptist
Church in Brevard, N. C. The
service was in memory of Mr.
Galloway's nephew, Pfc. Clar-
ence Garren, who was killed in
China July 14, 1945.
Mrs. Thurman Pace's broth-
er, Jonnie Reaves, B. M. 2/C,
from the Pacific area, is spend-
ing a 30 day furlough with
relatives near Marietta. He has
served 36 months overseas. A
family reunion was held in his
honor Sunday. Among the out-
of-town guests present were his
father, Mr. Clyde Reaves, of
Brunswick, Ga., and two
cousins from Asheville, N. C.
Mrs. Agnes Bagwell recently
visited her husband, who is in
a Columbia hospital. She is
happy to report that his con-
dition is much improved.
Mrs. Opal Smith was the
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Reaves, of First Street.
The members of the Cloth
Room Club, with a few invited
guests, enjoyed a supper at
Dave Stansell's Saturday night.
The food was delicious, and
Mr. White gave an inspiration-
al talk which everyone appreci-
Mrs. Braman Burns suffered
a very unfortunate accident
last Friday. She was painfully
injured while drawing water
from the well. Relatives and
friends wish for her a speedy
Local Officials
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
evident that food and clothing
are more plentiful in Canada
at the present time than in the
United States.
According to one of the gen-
tlemen, they were questioned
by the guards at the boundary
before being allowed to enter
Canada, and one of the ques-
tions was the place of birth,
and it was said that Mr. Cook
was asked by the guard where
he was born. He replied, "Five
miles from Fountain Inn." He
informed the guard that Foun-
tain Inn was in S. C. which
greatly enlightened the guard
as it is doubtful if he had ever
heard of Fountain Inn, but he
did know that S. C. was one
of the states of the United
States so the gentlemen were
permitted to enter and visit
They reported that the trip
was very interesting and in-
structive as all enjoyed them-
selves while away.
[column 4]
[headline, spans cols. 4 & 5]
GOINGS-ON - - - - -
Mr. C. G. Marsh and son,
Ray, recently visited relatives
in Augusta and Milan, Ga.
They had a very good time
fishing, boating, and fighting
Third shift employees wel-
come William A. Jones, as a
weaver, and Charles Duncan,
as a cloth doffer, and hope they
wll enjoy there work here.
Mr. J.E. Farmer and family,
Mrs. Izen Marsh, and Mrs.
Ernestine McCall motored to
the mountains Sunday after-
noon on a picnic, which every-
one enjoyed very much. Mrs.
Marsh and Mrs. McCall have
wonderful sun-tans.
George Vaughn, S.C. 3/C,
a friend of Miss Frances Fos-
ter, is expecting to come home
very soon. He has been in the
Philippines since March 1945.
Miss Lillie Davis visited her
cousin, Mrs. Bishop, in Charleston
on V-J Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elrod
spent a recent weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Furman Hughes
and family at Crow Creek.
Two more new employees on
the third shift are Fay Smeleer,
battery hand, and W.C. Henson,
loom fixer.
Mr. W.H. Surratt was glad
to hear that his son, David W.
Surratt, was honorably discharged
from the armed services
after spending quite a
while overseas.
Miss Dorothy Hollingsworth
spent last weekend in Savannah,
Mrs. Millie Allison had as
her recent visitors her granddaughter,
Miss Caroline Whitmire
and her friend, Miss Joe
Ann Bridges, of Greenville.
We are glad to see Mrs. Jimmie
Rice back on her job. She
has been out for some time as
her husband, Cpl. Alvin Rice,
recently returned from overseas.
Pvt. Norwood Robinson spent
a three day pass with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Robinson,
recently. He is stationed
at Fort Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell spent
last weekend in the country
with Mrs. Lell's uncle and aunt.
Mrs. McJunkin, of Pickens,
S.C. spent last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Perry M. Rampey,
of Slater.
Mrs. Carrie Lou Lell had as
her guests last Thursday, Mrs.
Bell if Greenville, and Mrs.
Rosa Nix of Easley.
We are happy to see Mrs.
Ethel Bryant back at work
after being out sick for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell had a
pleasant trip to Rome, Ga.
where they visited Mrs. Lell's
brother who is in service.
Mr. A.W. Moon is all smiles
since he has a new baby boy at
his house
Cpl. ralph Goldsmith, who
has recently returned to the
States from Italy, visited his
sister, Mrs. T.L. Camden, recently.
Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and
Mrs. Nellie Barnett and son
spent their vacation in Charleston,
as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E.W. Bruce.
A delightful party was given
August 4 at the home of Miss
Betty McAllister honoring Pvt.
[article continues on column 4]
[column 4]
Billie Looper, who was home
on furlough. Delicious refresh-
ments were served and every-
one had a very enjoyable times.
Those present were: Juanita
and Jr. Crowe, Ducky Styles,
Margaret Ervin, Luey TeVogt,
Betty McAllister, Doris Prid-
more, Jimmy Pierce, Margie
Friddle, Bell Roach, and
Gladys Roach.
Pfc. Lawrence Smith, cousin
of Mrs. Opal Lane, has been
discharged from the Army af-
ter serving three years over-
W. E. Richerson, of Green-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. F. T.Rich-
erson and daughter, of Spar-
tanburg, and Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Bright, of Shelby, N.C.
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Bright last week.
Second shift employees in
No. 1 enjoyed having Mr.
"Red" Hayden work with them
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bar-
rett spent two days recently
with Mr. Barrett's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Barrett, of
Kings Mountain, N.C.
Mrs. Estelle Veal and
daughter spent the weekend
with Mrs. Veal's mother, Mrs.
W. L. Newton, of North Car-
Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox and
sons, of Travelers Rest, were
recent visitiors of the Rev. and
Mrs. J. M. Dean.
Salesmanship Is
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
ly work together to see that our
customers get the best product
available in a competitive field.
It's true that men who hold
positions as salesmen go out on
the road and introduce our
product to potential buyers.
But a thousand salesmen
couldn't make a sigle sale if
Johnny Jones didn't take pride
in the work he gets out on his
machine, or if our engineers
didn't design products and
parts which are outstanding for
their perfection and quality.
So if your boss comes up to
you and congratulates you at
your excellent sales record, you
can be assured that he knows
what he's doing; for a finished
product is no better than the
care and skill a worker puts in-
to it. And the best salesmen in
the world are the men who get
out the best production they
know how. To say nothing of
the fact that a satisfied custom-
er not only buys a product, but
the personal skill you have in-
corporated into its completion.
You're a salesman, brother, and
a good one, too!
Getting' busy
Doesn't mean
Gettin' hurt
Keep busy
[cartoon dog digging] Page Two The Slater News September 6, 1946 [column 1] The Slater News [seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE] STAFF REPORTERS Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith. Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, EDITORIALS After almost four years of First of all, employment will Perhaps the best way that [article continues on col. 2, middle section] Not only must we be Last, but not least, we must There are many other prob- [column 2] SLATER Now that the war is over We need a P. T. A. to bring A P. T. A. also helps parents But perhaps the most import- And organizing and operat- At least a dozen persons in Other schools have them; A woman never forgets her [column 3] Cloth Room Chatter The children of Mrs. Dora Mrs. Jessie Smith enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Galloway Mrs. Thurman Pace's broth- Mrs. Agnes Bagwell recently Mrs. Opal Smith was the The members of the Cloth Mrs. Braman Burns suffered evident that food and clothing According to one of the gen- They reported that the trip [column 4] [headline, spans cols. 4 & 5] Mr. C. G. Marsh and son, Third shift employees wel- Mr. J.E. Farmer and family, George Vaughn, S.C. 3/C, Miss Lillie Davis visited her Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elrod Two more new employees on Mr. W.H. Surratt was glad Miss Dorothy Hollingsworth Mrs. Millie Allison had as We are glad to see Mrs. Jimmie Pvt. Norwood Robinson spent Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell spent Mrs. McJunkin, of Pickens, Mrs. Carrie Lou Lell had as We are happy to see Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lell had a Mr. A.W. Moon is all smiles Cpl. ralph Goldsmith, who Mrs. Priscilla Bruce and A delightful party was given [column 4] Billie Looper, who was home Pfc. Lawrence Smith, cousin W. E. Richerson, of Green- Second shift employees in Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bar- Mrs. Estelle Veal and Mr. and Mrs. Plase Cox and ___________________________ ly work together to see that our It's true that men who hold So if your boss comes up to ___________________________ Getting' busy Keep busy |