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Page Four


November 29, 1945

[Header spans columns 1-2]
Our Servicemen Here And There

Soldier Is Due
Home Very Soon

S/Sgt. William K. Barmlette,
husband of Mrs. Gwendolyn E.
Bramlette and son of Mrs. Al-
lie Bramlette of Route No. 1,
Taylors, S. C., has been relieved
of duty with the Signal Service
in Leyte. Sgt. Bramlette is in
the "70 point" class and is ex-
pected home shortly.

Sgt. Bramlette has been
overseas since January, 1944,
and is, at present, Mess Ser-
geant. He previously worked in
the Signal Center and Tele-
graphic Repair Units. His unit
took an active part in the
North Solomons, New Guinea,
and Philippines engagements.

He foremerly worked at S.
Slater & Sons, Inc. As a lease-
out man in the Warping De-
partment, but left in December,
1942 to enter service.

A young son, Charles K.
Bramlette, three years old,
eagerly awaits his father's re-
turn home.

The Reverend T. Q. Whit-
mire, a chaplain in the U. S.
Army, was guest speaker at the
regular morning worship serv-
ice at Slater Baptist Church on
Sunday, November 18.

The scripture he read was
the twenty-third Psalm, and his
talk was based on his experi-
ences as a chaplain while in
the States and while in the
European theater of war.

Chaplain Whitmire is a very
interesting speaker, and his
message was delivered from
the standpoint of human inter-
est and experiences.

Chaplain Whitmire is a
brother of Roy Whitmire, who
is manager of the local Dixie
store here at Slater, and he is
home on leave from military

Organization Of
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
is ASF's reward for the brains,
sweat, courage and persever-
ance devoted to the task by its
millions of soldiers and civil-
ians, men from professions,
industries, captial and labor."

Thereupon Gen. Somervell
quotes what he calls the "brash
and boastful slogan" of the
ASF: "The Impossible We Do
at Once; the Miraculous Takes
a Little Longer." The first year
after the organization of ASF,
he reports, was devoted to do-
ing the impossible; the second
two years saw the achievement
of the miraculous.

Gen. Somervell's dramatic re-
cital of the story of the ASF of-
ficers were professional sol-
[end of column 1]

[column 2]
[Photograph of man standing in front of a window with someone's feet sticking out of it]


The above picture of Pfc.
Roy Jack Carman was made by
his barracks in Munich, Ger-
many. The two big feet in the
window belong to his buddy.

Jack came to Slater in Jan.,
1944 and worked as a cloth dof-
fer and filling hauler until he
entered the Army in October,
1944. He was stationed at Camp
Croft, S. C. for several months
and was sent overseas in
March, 1945.

Pfc. Carman is now serving
with the 47th Infantry in the
Third Army in Germany. He
writes that he is fine, and hopes
to be back with us real soon.
[continued from the bottom of column 1]

diers; the others had come
from civil life, had put on the
uniform and gone to work."

Referring to the beginning of
the third year of ASF activi-
ties, Gen. Somervell writes:

"On the morning it started,
the invasion of Normandy was
twenty-four days old. We had
stormed ashore in 4,000 ships,
packed with men and with
everything men need to fight
on foreign soil. It was the
mightiest fleet the world had
ever seen. We had fought our
way up the beaches, had estab-
lished ourselves, and were
pouring guns and ammunition,
tanks and trucks, food and bar-
bed wire and telephones and
radio sets and hospitals on the
continent, millions of tons.

"The German generals back
in Berlin and Munich were try-
ing to explain to Hitler that
they had not been out-general-
ed, that their soldiers were still
supermen — it was the out-
standing weight of American
weapons and supplies which
pushed them back. We were
glad to provide the excuse."

In recounting the "miracles"
performed by ASF, Gen. Som-
ervell starts with the story of

"The Signal Corps," he says,
"working on British begin-
nings, had made radar a weap-
on of war from a scientific
curiosity. Our planes were
equipped with this device in
rapidly increasing numbers and
its application both on land
and sea for offense and defense
gave deadlinness to our attack
and certainly to our defenses."

"The army communications
network," says the report,
"with telelphone and teletype,
telegraph and radio, tied to-
gether the cities of the world,"

[End of column 2]

[Column 3]
Juniors Present
Play Tonight

The Junior Class of the Sla-
ter-Marietta High School is
presenting the play, "Two Days
to Marry," on November 29 at
7:30 p. m. The play will be
given at Slater Hall and the ad-
mission prices are 17c for child-
red and 27c for adults.

Miss Hattie Belle Forrest is
director of the play, and the
list of characters is as follows:
Simon P. Chase, as black as his
race—Jimmie Pierce

James J. Dare, a wifeless heir
—Russell Hampton

Ruford S. Sawyer, a timid law-
yer—N. E. Hughes

Emily Jane, blacker than ink—
Kathleen Reynolds

Sadie L. Boise, a widow by
choice—Lucille Young

Imogene McShane, a sweet
young thing — Selma Jean

Walter M. Blair, a millionare
—Paul Shirley

The setting of the play is
somewhere in a New York apartment house.
[continued from the bottom of column 2]

linking all the continents and
all our secret outposts in Green-
land and on the Gold Coast
and in the Chinese hinterland.
Wherever American soldiers
worked or fought all around
the world, they were only a
telephone call or a radio wave
away from headquarters in

And here is Gen. Somervell's
account of the production of
the atomic bomb; which he
calls "the most spectacular en-
gineering project of the war"
and "the greatest calculated
risk of history." He says:

"Early in the war the ASF
had set up its most secret of
projects. It was dubbed, dis-
armingly, 'the Manhattan En-
gineer District.' With two bil-
lion dollars, 125,000 workers,
with all the resources of Amer-
ican science, British aid, our
university and industrial labor-
atories, the Army Engineers
began production of atomic

"The war ended in a flash of
atomic energy one month and
fourteen days after the end of
the discal year."

The report lists the opera-
tions of seven technical serv-
ices in ASF: Quartermaster,
Ordnance, Engineers, Medical
Signal Corps, Chemical War-
[Ad spans the bottom of columns 3-5]


We also carry a complete line of
Pittsburgh Paints & Brushes

The Commissary R. P. Canham, Mgr. Slater, S. C.
[end of ad]

[Column 4]

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Camp-
bell, of Greer, S. C., announce
the marriage of their daughter,
Hazel Janie, to Mr. Ralph Ed-
wards, of Marietta, on Novem-
ber 8, 1945. The ceremony was
performed at the home of the
Rev. Clyde Johnson, of Slater.

The bride wore a lovely suit
of powder blue with brown ac-
cessories and a corsage of pink

Following the ceremony, the
newly weds left for a short
honeymoon at the River Falls.
They are now making their
home with the parents of the
bride. Their many friends wish
the young couple much happi-
ness in their married life.
[continued from column 3]
fare and Transportation. There
are seven administrative serv-
ices; the Offices of the Adju-
tant, the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral and the Provost Marshal
General, the Divisions of Fi-
nance Special Services and In-
formation and Education and
Education, and Chaplains.

"The Division of Plans and
Operations," says the report,
"made the overall logistics
plans for the war. It had to
anticipate requirements, make
long-range estimates of how
many men and how much of
what equipment would be need-
ed where, three months, a year
and even two years in ad-

Some idea of the figures in-
cluded in the report can be
gained from the statement that
in the fiscal year of 1945, the
ASF paid out $54,000,000,000
and that its operations requir-
ed about 8,000,000 men and
women in the Army or engaged
in Army work. The Training
Division taught 3,500,000 men
in 360 occupational specialties
and 20,000 soldiers in 32 for-
eign languages. Special schools
of this division qualified 86 per-
cent of the illiterates inducted
into the Army and fitted them
for military assignments.

"The war is won," writes
Gen. Somervell in his conclus-
ion. "It remains for ASF to re-
turn our forces from overseas,
to move the occupational forces
into position, to cut and slash
its activities to fit reduced re-
quirements, to terminate its
manufacturing activities, to
dispose of its inventory now
made surplus by victory, to car-
ry out the administrative work
incident to the discharge of
[Column 5]
Thompson Visits
Slater Friends

Chaplain Charles T. Thomp-
son is back in the U. S. from
duties in Eurpose. He left New
York on Thanksgiving Day
and is now stationed at Camp
Butner near Durham, N. C.,
where he will be hospitalized
while he is receiving treatment
for a recurring illness.

Captain Thompson was a
visitor in Slater on Saturday,
November 24, for a few hours,
and when he returned to Dur-
ham Mrs. Thompson and Ann
went with him.


At a recent meeting of the
Girls' Library Club, the girls
staged an impromptu program
consisting of readings, songs
and story dramatization.

The program was rendered
by a group of girls who came
to the meeting early and was
supervised by Madge Robinson,
one of the Club members.

Mrs. Reid, the librarian,
states that the program came
as a surprise to her. She prais-
ed the girls for their good per-
formance and added that this
activity is a demonstration of
the leadership and initiative
that our girls are acquiring
through their club activities.

Those participating in the
program were: Freida Thorn-
ton, Carolyeen Smith, Betty
Garrett, Margaret Robinson
and Martha Robinson, also,
Sigrid Gosnell, Madge Robin-
son, Nancy Abernathy, Carolyn
Dixon, and Fern Barrett.
[Continued from column 4]

millions, and to make all the
other adjustments necessary in
the reduction of the army's

"The postwar military estab-
lishment is a decision for the
One of the best rules in con-
versation is, never to say a
thing which any of the com-
pany can reasonably wish had
been left unsaid. —Swift

One of the embarrassments
of being a gentleman is that
you are not permitted to be
violent in asserting your rights.
—Nicholas Murray Butler

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