[Three story building in left upper hand corner] PERFECTION IN TEXTILES-A SLATER FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1790 [Building in right upperhand corner]
Old Slater Mill
Slater, S.C., December 22, 1945 No. 26
[image of building in top right corner]
Slater Mill
[column 1]
Men Overseas To Be Well Fed This Christmas
Another Christmas overseas
for thousands of our sons far
from home on occupation duty,
in spite of heartbreaking sepa-
ratiions, will be as happy and
merry as War Department fa-
cilities and resources can make
In the words of Lieut. Gen.
George E. Stratmeyer, Com-
manding General of the Army
Air Forces in China, who re-
cently announced that the bulk
of Army Air Forces personnel
still in the China Theater
would be home by Christmas,
-"The War Department and
the Commanding Generals of
all overseas theaters realize
how anxious you are to have
your loved ones home again.
They realize, too, how much
your men want to be home. As
many men as it is humanly
possible to bring back will ar-
rive in this country before Christmas.
"It is not an easy-task to ac-
complish for much remains to
be done if the hard victory we
have won is to bear fruit.
Even in your yearning for hus-
bands, fathers, sons and
brothers you would not want
us to fail now in the complete
fulfillment of our determina-
tion to achieve a just and reasonable peace."
The traditional Christmas
turkey dinner will be served to
all army personnel overseas
and those enroute home on
ships, planes and shipboard.
Within the continental limits
of the United States, G. I. Joe
may invite his whole family
and his girl friend, too, to en-
joy turkey and trimmings
Army style with him on Christ-
mas at a small cost. The only
limitation placed on the
Army's hospitality is such as
may be imposed by command-
ing officers of posts, camps and
stations based on the availabili-
ty of mess facilities. The
Christmas menu in this country
and overseas will be as follows:
Dry Cereal
Fresh Milk
Plain Omelet
Toast and Butter
Fruit Cup
Roast Turkey Dressing
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Green Peas-Mashed Squash
Lettuce Salad
French Dressing
Hot Mince Pie and Cheese
Candy-Assorted Fruits
(Con't on page 3, col.3)
A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year To All!
December 29, 1945
[title and text spans columns 2-3]
The year of 1945 which is fast drawing to a close will
perhaps be acclaimed as the most eventful year in history. While
the ending of the great war has brought peace and joy to many
nations we cannot forget the great number of our American boys
who have paid the supreme sacrifice that we, as individuals,
might have American freedom. Many of our boys are now
getting back home and we want to welcome each and everyone
of them back and let them know we appreciate the many sacri-
fieces which they have made for us.
It was necessary for our fighting men to have supplies
and equipment to carry on the war which had to be furnished
by those who couldn't be on the fighting front. We feel that
out Slator Plant not only furnished good soldiers but also furnish-
ed many millions of yards of badly needed material to help our
boys win the war. Hard work and determination did the jon
and did it well.
We must now face the furture with the same spirit of co-
operation and determination to make a better mill and a better
place to live. We are proud of the progress that has been made
in the past and with a high goal set for the future we want to
go forward and continue to build on the good foundation that
was started by Samuel Slater in 1790.
We want to thank all of our people for their fine spirit
of loyalty during the year if 1945 and wish for each of you a
Merry Christman and a bright and happy New Year for 1946.
The Management
[Column 2]
Annual Program On Saturday Morn
The annual Christmas program,
sponsored by the Slater
Manufacturing Company, Inc.,
for employees and their fami-
lies will be held at Slator Hall
on Saturday morning, Decem-
ber 222nd at 8:30 o'clock. One
feature of the program will be
musical reditions appropriate
for the Yuletide seasons. A bril-
liantly lighted Christmas tree
on the stage will lend color and
cheer to the occasion.
All employees are invited
and urged to attend this pro-
gram, since it is the one time
of the year when all affiliated
with the plant get together. At
this time, gifts composed of
bags of fruit and nuts will be
given by the Company to em-
ployees' children under 13
years of age.
Those who work on the third
shift are asked to go directly
to Slater Hall as soon as they
get off from work on Saturday
Early on the morning of the
program, Christmas Carols will
be played from Slater Hall
over the loud speaker so that
(Con't on page 3. col. 2)
Effective January 1,
1946 all refunds on War
Bond deductions will be
in War Stamps and not in
cash. This applies to em-
ployees leaving who may
have a balance as well as
employees who continue
Slater Manufacturing Co.,
[end of column 2]
[middle of column 3]
The Rev. Thomas L. Bryson,
new pastor of the Slator Meth-
odist Chruch, has recently ar-
rived and has begun upon his
There are four churches in
the Slater charge and besides
the local church, the others
are: Travelers Rest, Jackson
Grove and Renfrew. The Par-
sonage for this charge is at
Travelers Rest and the new
minister and his wife have al-
ready moved there.
Before coming on this charge
Mr. Bryson was in charge of
the Greenwood circuit with
headquarters in Greenwood, S.
C. He was ther for five years.
The new minister is a native
of Tennessee having been born
at Spring City in the state.
He attended Emory and Henry
College in Va.
For the past 23 years he has
been a member of the upper
conference of the South Caro-
linaa Methodist Church and has
held a number of pastorates
throughout the conference.
Mr. Bryson stated that serv-
ices at the local Methodist
Church will continue on the
same schedule as last year with
services on the first and fourth
Sunday nights at 7:00 o'clock
P. M., and the second Sun-
day, services will be held at
11:00 A. M. There will be no
services on third Sundays of
the month. Prayer meetings
will be held on Wednesday
nights at 7:00 o'clock. Due to
inclement weather and sick-
ness, prayer meetings have
been suspended for the time be-
ing but will be resumed as soon
as possible.
(Con't on page 2, col. 4)
[End of column 3]
[top of Column 4]
Tolley Is Winner
Of Absentee Race
David Tolley, second shift
employee of the Preparation
Department, was recently de-
clared the winner of the ab-
senteeism contest put on by
the second shift of the Prepa-
ration Department.
This contest began January
1, 1945 with all employees on
that shift participating. One
by one the contesants were eli-
mated until only Mr. Tolley
and Mrs. Ivadell Hill remained.
Thes two faithful employees
coninued day after day to be
present until it looked as if
there would never be a winner.
However, after many weeks,
Mrs. Hill had to be absent on
account of illness so on Novem-
ber 3, Mr. Tolley was declared
the winner.
In a short but impressive
ceremony, Mr. O. R. Drury,
overseer, in a short speech
thanked all of the employees
of his shift for the fine spirt
of cooperation shown in the con-
test. He then awarded a $25.00
war bond to Mr. Tolley as win-
ner of the contest and a $10.00
bill to Mrs. Hill as runner up.
Employees and officials of
the entire mill wish to congrat-
ulate all who participated in
the contest and especially to
commend the winner and run-
ner up as such a spirit works
to the good of all concerned.
A new contest will be started
in this department on January
1, 1946.
[picture of Santa Claus]
For the Christmas Hol-
days the plant will close
at 8:00 A. M.,
Wednesday, December
Slater Manufacturing Co.,
[End of Column 4]
[top of Column 5]
Tiny Tots Have
Big Party At
Slater Hall
The two Story Hour groups
combined for a Christmas party
at Slater Hall on Tuesday af-
ternoon, December 18.
The party room was decorat-
ed in the Christmas color scheme
of red, green, and white, with
tall green candles accentuating
the holiday season. The main
attraction was the beautiful
Christmas tree, resplendent
with multi-colred bulbs, spark-
ling tinsel, colorful balls. and
toppted with a star. On the
wall above the tree, hung a
Christmassy picture of Santa
Claus in his sleigh, as his rein-
deer sped him through the
clouds to the homes of little
boys and girls on Christmas
During the afternoon, the
children played Chirstmas
games, after which Mrs. Reid,
the Libarian, red the poem,
"The Night Before Chirstmas,"
and told the children a Christ-
mas story entitled "Christmas
Day." The children then sang
"Jingle Bells," and "Santa
Claus Is Coming To Town," af-
ter which each child was given
a container of Christmas can-
dies. Although the children
enjoyed the candy, the were
also delighted with the con-
tainers which they kept as
souvenirs. Each Container was
in the form of a chimney and
fireplace, with colorful stock-
ings hung for Santa Claus to
fill. Just above the mantel
jolly St. Nick himself was
coming down the chimney. The
"open fireplace" was made of
cellophane which exposed the
coloful candies as the children
looked in the "fireplace."
There are 54 children enroll-
ed in the Story Hour group.
Those children who belong to
the Thursday afternoon group
are: Patricia Addington, Rosa
Addington, Jimmy Burnette,
Kenneth Godfrey, Henry Hay-
den, Betty Scarce, Peggy
Scarce, Sandra Burgess,
"Butch" Burgess, Eyvonne
Chastain, Wynelle Chastain,
Gib Toby, Patsy Ivester, and
Tony Waldrop. Also: Dale
McWhite, Patsy Hand, Mar
jorie Pittman, James Harold
Wilson, Billy Ivester, Cath-
erine Pittman, David Eanes
Jimmy Wilson, Margaret Hay-
den and Shirley Mae Huffman.
Those enrolled in the Friday
afternoon group are: Douglas
Bradberry, Abie Cox, Billie Suttle,
Molly White, Sandra Waldrop,
JImmy Waldrip, Jimmy Jones,
Harold Canham, Patsy Tilley,
Frances Burnettte, Nancy Bur-
nette, Carol Thornton, Marie
Thornton, Lynn White, and
Alton Canham. Also: Bobby
Hawkins, Barbara Sue Cole,
Ann Henderson, Kay Thrift,
(Con't on page 3, col.5)
[End of column 5]
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