December 22, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Griner
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wald-
rop and children of Easley,
were recent dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sprouse.
Mrs. Cecil Stroud has been
all smiles for the past few
days. She is expecting her hus-
band, Pvt. Walter T. Stroud,
home from overseas soon.
Cpl. George E. Jewell of the
U. S. Marines, brother of Mrs.
"Ike" Epps is spending his fur-
lough at home.
Mrs. C. A. Huffman enter-
tained a group of friends and
relatives at her home on First
Street a few days ago. Some of
the guests were Mrs. Ida Dry,
Billie Joe and Shirley Mae
Huffman. Refreshments were
served and everyone had a de-
lightful time.
We are glad to see Joe
Mason back at work, after be-
ing out sick for several days.
[continued on column 2 top of page]
We are glad to have Mr.
Raymond C. Brewer back at
work as a weaver. He has spent
some time in the U. S. Navy.
Rev. B. B. Brown is present-
ing a Christmas play called
"Pirit of Peace" at Friendship
Church on Friday afternoon,
December 21st at 2:00 P. M.
The public is invited.
Misses Betty Cox and Mar-
garet Johnson plan to spend
Christmas with their cousin,
Miss Nancy Bates, of Asheville,
N. C.
We are glad to have Mr.
John Ford H. Ford back at work on
the third shift as a weaver. He
has recently been discharged
from the U. S. Army.
Miss Dot Ables was glad to
see her boy friend, Lee Tub-
bett, S-3/C, home on a short
leave. He is now serving with
the U. S. Navy in Washington.
We welcome Mr. D. D. Phil-
lips on the third shift as a
Loom Fixer.
Attractive Home
Good At Yuletime
When the Christmas season
is in full session you'll want to
make your home just as attrac-
tive as possible and chock full
of the Christmas spirit. The
children will love it and so will
the friends you'll surely enter-
tain over the holiday.
A little imagination applied
to your Christmas decorating
plans will result in some un-
usual and exceedingly attrac-
tive table and window displays
which will bring you many well
deserved compliments. Let's
see, what can we do to make
our house more attractive this
For the dinner table let's dig
up a birch log about eighteen
inches long. Now we'll hollow
it out to a depth of about two
inches and fill the excavation
with tree greens and berries.
The greens may be acquired
from a misshapen Christmas
tree (which you can purchase
for a song) and the berries
should be mixed bittersweet
and bayberry; both varieties of
which can be purchased at any
florist's shop. It looks dandy
already but we can add to our
yule log's attractiveness by in-
serting a Christmas candle in
each end. Now then we're
gathered around the festive
board on Christmas day we'll
have a minature yule log, glow-
ing with warmth and good
cheer, to lend the proper touch
to the festivities.
Another attractive center-
piece fro the Christmas table
may be constructed from a
piece of looking glass about
one foot square. Bank the
edges of the glass with ever-
greens and pine cones and
place the center of the table.
Sprinkle the surface of the
glass with artificial snow and
place a tall candle in the cen-
ter. It will make a most at-
tractive table centerpiece.
As far as window decora-
tions go, let's be a little dif-
ferent this year. Instead of the
usual candles in our windows
let's get some of those mina-
[continued at the bottom of column 2]
ture candles shaped like Santa
Claus's choir boys, and angels.
They are unusually attractive
and quite inexpensive and you
can pick them up at almost any
five and ten or drugstore.
If you are fortunate enough
to have a fireplace decorate it
with sprays of evergreen, pine
cones and bittersweet. Pay
particular attention to the
mantle piece which should be
soildly banked with decorative
greens and berries; and you
can add a finishing touch to
the decorated fireplace by
hanging three or four stockings
from the mantlepiece to really
complete a typical Christmas
Let's be orginal this Christ-
mas. Put your thinking cap on
and let's see what you can do,
in the way of decorating; to
spread some real, old fashioned
Christmas cheer.
[End of column 2]
[Column 3]
Theatre Guide
December 21, 1945
December 22, 1945
December 24, 1945
December 28, 1945
December 29, 1945
December 31, 1945
January 4, 1946
January 5, 1946
January 7, 1946
Men Overseas
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
Assorted Cold Cuts
Sliced Cheese
Potato Cakes
Left-over Vegetables
Bread and Butter
Peanut Butter
The Army Postal Service in
the role of the Serviceman's
Santa Claus has been busy
transporting Christmas mail
to overseas troops. One of the
greatest difficulties this year
will be in keeping up with
troops on the move, either be-
ing transferred to other divi-
sions or homewward bound. All
packages and mail will follow
the men to their homes.
Christmas in Japan, the is-
lands of the Pacific, in Ger-
many or other foreign gather-
ing around the home firesides
for the men this year, but
Special Services officers around
the world will bend every ef-
fort to make the holiday as en-
joyable as possible for them.
The program of Army's
Special Services Division is
geared to the types of activi-
ties that can be particularly
useful on just such occasions.
The function of this Division
is to help combat idleness and
boredom by providing recrea-
tional facilities, such as service
clubs and recreational areas,
and programs of music, ath-
letics, soldier shows, USO
Camp shows, books and maga-
zines, entertainment movies,
handicrafts, plus the services
of Post Exchanges the world
Now that the fighting has
ended, the Christmas season
for G.I.'s abroad will be a time
for enjoyment of pleasureable
activities on a vastly wider
scale than ever was possible in
the days when winning battles
was the major activity.
Following V-E Day, General
Eisenhower ordered an expan-
sion of the Army hostess pro-
gram for the redeployment and
the occupation forces. Approxi-
mately 100 American girls, sent
to Europe by the Special Serv-
ices Division, are now serving
as hostesses operating a total
of 65 service clubs and assist-
(Con't. on page 4, col. 2)
[End of column 3]
[Column 4]
"Twas the night before Christ-
mas when all through the
house not a creature was stir-
ring, not even a mouse . . .
As Christmans approaches, we
invariably think of Clement
Moore's poem, "The Night Be-
fore Christmas." Children and
grown-ups alike know and love
this poem, and no matter how
often it is read, the magic lines
are still enchanting.
"The Reader's Digest" for
December, 1945, carries a very
interesting article called "How
Santa Claus Came To "Ameri-
ca," condensed from Collier's
Magazine. This article gives
the history of the poem, "The
Night Before Christmas," and
because of the popularity of
the poem, we would like to pass
on to you the main points of
this history, as it is gleaned
from the article in "The Read-
er's Digest."
The poem under discussion
was written by Dr. Clement
Clarke Moore on December
24th, 1822. On that snowy day,
Dr. Moore was shopping for a
turkey his family was preparing
as a gift for a poor family. On
his way, Dr. Moore met an old
friend, Jan Duyckinck, a
Dutchman who was chubby,
jolly, with rosy dimpled cheeks,
white beard and a stump of a
pipe in his mouth. For several
years, this old Dutchman had
told Moore fascinating stories
of Saint Nicholas, whom the
Dutch children called Santa
Acording to the Dutch, leg-
ends were told about Santa
Claus who loved the children
and rewarded their good deeds
with gifts at Christmas.
As Dr. Moore parted from his
old Dutch friend at dark, he
kept thinking of the charming
legends of Saint Nicholas. In
his mind, he pictured Santa
Claus as looking like his good
friend, the jolly, chubby, rosy
cheeked and white-bearded old
When Moore reached his
home, he dashed into his study
where he sketched the poem
which we now call "The Night
Before Christmas."
As Dr. Moore read the poem
to his family that night, the
children were delighted. He
then pigeonholed it in his desk
where it remained until some-
time the following summer. At
this time, some of the children
pulled the poem out of its hid-
ing place and read it to a rela-
tive who was visiting the fam-
ily. The guest thought the
poem both clever and charm-
ing, and took a copy of it to
the "Troy Sentinel" in New
York. On December 23rd, 1823,
the poem appeared unsigned in
the "Sentinel"; the editor gave
it the title, "A Visit From Saint
Twenty-two years elapsed
before Moore consented to have
his name signed to this verse
which he considered only "a
bit of unscholarly fun." Little
did he dream that this poem
which he hurriedly dashed off
that Christmas night would
thrill the hearts of both chil-
dren and adults at Christmas
time for generations. But even
now, 123 years after Dr. Moore
[end of column 4]
[Column 5]
Ivester Donates
Book To Library
A copy of the very popular
book "God Is My Co-Pilor,"
written by Col. Robert Lee
Scott was recently donated to
the libary by Mr. W. G. Ives-
This book is the personal
narrative of an American army
pilot, telling especially of his
experience and flying record
against the Japs over Burma.
One reviewer has called this
book a "splendid tale of hero-
ism for older boys, with the
shinning thread expressed in
the title that an unseen co-pilot
flies along." May we add that
adults, who are really "older
boys and girls" will enjoy this
book just as much as those of
the adolescent age. Many of
you will recall seeing the 35
MM. film "God Is My Co-Pilot"
when it was shown at Slater
Hall on September 3rd of this
year. This picture was taken
from the book of the same title,
and proved to be one of the
best of its type to come out of
the war.
We would like to thank Mr.
Ivester for donating this book
to the Slater Library, and we
assure him that our library
patrons will think of him as
they read this book of adven-
ture, resourcefulness, courage,
and belief in God as the unseen
Teachers Leave Slater
To Again Keep House
Two teachers from our
school have resigned so that
they may be with their hus-
bands who have returned from
service. They are: Mrs. Hazel
Vaughan and Mrs. Charles T.
Thompson. These teachers have
been replaced by Mrs. Grace
Griffin, who taught here last
year, and Mrs. C. G. Hyer of
Slater. Mrs. Hyer is a former
teacher but hasn't taught for
some time.
Tiny Tots
(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
Billy Lybrand, Raymod Gos-
nell, Paige Acree, Philip Hen-
derson, Linda Burnette, "Pris-
sy" Wright, and Linda Ann
The party for the Story Hour
groups was sponsored by the
Slater Community Association,
and was planned and supervis-
ed by Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle
After-dinner speaking is the
art of saying nothing briefly.
[Continued from the bottom of column 4]
wrote "The Night Before
Christmas," our hearts still
thrill as we read the poem. We
can visualize Santa Claus
ascending the chimney and re-
suming his trip to other houses
as Moore concludes his poem
with these lines:
"He sprang to his sleigh, to his
team gave a whistle
And away they all flew like the
down of a thistle;
But I heard him exclaim, ere
he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all a good
[end of column 5]
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