



Status: Complete

Page Two THE SLATER NEWS January 17, 1946

[Column 1]
The Slater News

Published Every Two Weeks


Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Established 1790

In The Interest of Its Employees

[Images of two rounded triangular logos. One bears the initials NCIE over a book with two crossed feather quills. The other is made of a larger tirangle with the words EDITORIAL, PRODUCTION, and APPEARANCE around the edges, while a smaller interior triangle reads SAIE.]


ROBERT H. ATKINSON....... Editor
CECIL SPEIGHTS....... Asst. Editor


Weave Room: Ernestine McCall,
Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid,
Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C.
Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise
Bagwell, and Margaret Johnson.

Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey,
Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown,
Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace,
Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie
Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins,
Irene Cox.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson,
W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid,
Doris F. Atkinson.


Happy New Year!

For the first time in years
the greeting of "Happy New
Year!" has the true ring of sin-
cerity. 1946 will be a year of
peace and world progress. It
will be the year of transition
to normal living for war weary
veterans and for the soldiers
of production who worked
long, weary hours to keep sup-
plies rolling to our victorious
armies. Yes, this grand new
year of 1946 holds special sig-
nificance for all of us, and it is
our duty to lead our personal
effort toward making it the
marvelous new year we want it
to be.

If you haven't completed
your new year resolutions as
yet, here are a few that will
help you do your part to make
this world a better place to
live in:

1. Be tolerant of all races
and creeds.

2. Have faith in your fellow

3. Take a strong personal in-
terest in your job.

4. Make courtesy a part of
your everyday life.

5. Be considerate of the feel-
ings of others.

6. Give your best effort to
every undertaking.

Six simple resolutions, but
they can change your whole
outlook on life and make this
world of ours a grand place in
which to dwell!

Let's show that we appre-
ciate a new year free from the
shackles of war by doing all in
our power to make it a glorious
year for men of all races and

Welcome Home!

It's good to see you former
G. I. Joes and G. I. Janes back
on the job. We've missed you
but we knew that your place
in the Armed Services was of
prime importance, during the

[continued bottom of Column 2]
long war years, and we resign-
ed ourselves to keeping the
home fires buring for you and
buying war bonds to get you
home sooner.

It has been a long war and
we had no idea when we'd see
you again when you left. But
we've followed your career
through the newspaper ac-
counts of the war and we've
felt a group sense of relief
when your name didn't appear
on the casualty lists. Now the
war years seem like a night-
mare because here you are
back on the job and mingling
again with your old friends
and acquaintances. And, gosh,
it sure is is swell to have you
back with us again!

It's needless to say that we
all feel indebted to you, and
rightfully so! You've experi-
enced the living hell of war.
You've made history. You've
defeated a relentless foe. And,
most of all, you've shown the
world that America isn't to be
trifled with and that her sons
and daughters are quick to go
to her defense in time of need!

So — welcome home. We're
sure glad to have you back
with us and we want you to
know it.

[Top of Column 2]


Monday, Christmas Eve, 1945
was a raw, bitter day unfit for
man or beast to be abroad.

All day long rain and snow
had made slush on the streets
and sidewalks, and by nightfall
the rain had turned to sleet
that stuck to and weighted
down wires and trees. Ice stuck
to windshields and motorists
slid in ditches.

Telephone and electric poles
and wires snapped and the
lights of our village flickered
and went out.

Adventuresome folk who had
braved the cold and sleet to
attend the regular Monday
night picture show groped their
way out of the darkened build-
ing after having seen only part
of the picture.

And that night Santa Claus
made his visits in the dark.

Until the following Friday,
at lamp lighting time, all or
part of our village was without

Lovers went a-wooing
through slippery streets with
only the beam of a flashlight
to guide them.

Housewives who usually
cooked on electric stoves pre-
pared company Christmas din-
ner on tiny laundry heaters.

Our postmistress dispensed
stamps by the light of a kero-
sene lamp, and she kept warm
by a little oil heater.

Our doctor delivered a baby
by the light from lanterns and

Radios were silent and chil-
dren played with their Christ-
mas toys and games by fire-
light, just as their grandpar-
ents used to do.

And one youngster, waxing
poetic, exclaimed: "King Win-
ter hath laid his icy hand all
over our fair land. Methinks
the furnace hath gone out!"

[Column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester and
family had dinner Monday with
Mrs. Hester's mother, Mrs. A.
S. Hammett, of Travelers Rest.
The family was happy to have
Mrs. Hester's brother, Charles,
home from the Navy for the
Christmas holidays.

Miss Ruth Goldsmith was the
guest of Miss Elizabeth Ed-
wards and relatives during the

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Holt, of
Clover, Va., recently visited
Mrs. Holt's parents and family,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Talley.

Mrs. Beulah Stroud was hap-
py to have all her children
spend Christmas day with her.
A delicious dinner of turkey
with all the trimmings was en-
joyed by all.

Cpl. Ralph Goldsmith has re-
turned to Camp Carson, Colo.,
after spending a 10 day fur-
lough with his wife, Mrs. Jean-
ette Guest Goldsmith, and other

Mr. Carl Hill, of Stanton,
Va., spent the holidays with his
sister, Mrs. Lucille Sharp.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith, Jr.,
of Danville, Va., spent Christ-
mas day with Mr. John Farth-
ing and family.

James Lewis Batson, brother
of Mildred Coleman, has receiv-
ed his discharge from the arm-
ed forces after serving 49
months. He served 23 months
in the European theater.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Shirley
and family had Sunday dinner
with Mr. Shirley's mother, Mrs.
Nannie Shirley, of Greenville,
and Christmas day they enjoy-
ed a nice dinner with Mrs. Shir-
ley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Stroud, of Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poole and
little Dan, of Marietta, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards,
of Travelers Rest, last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pace had as
their guest last week, Mrs.
Pace's brother, Tyson Shew-
bert, from Ware Shoals, who
has recently been discharged
from the Navy.

Mrs. Agnes Bagwell visited
her husband in Columbia Sun-

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Veal and
family spent the holidays with
Mrs. Veal's mother, Mrs. Tom
Willis, of Shelby, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Campbell, of Greer, for the
Christmas holidays.

The Cloth Room is glad to
have Mrs. Lois Ward, who has
come to work as a grader in
the department. We hope she
will enjoy her work here.

It's good to see Ray Smith
back in the Cloth Room after
three years in the Army. He
was overseas two years and
served with the Third Army in
England, France, Belgium,
Luxemburg, and Germany. We
welcome him home, and wish
him much success.

Annie Johnson wishes to
thank the Cloth Room for the
lovely birthstone ring she re-
ceived for a Christmas gift,
and also for the cooperation
shown in the past year, and
hopes she can be of more ser-
vice to you.

Mr. Scarce takes this oppor-
tunity to thank the Cloth Room
for the nice overcoat he receiv-
ed for a Christmas gift. It was
greatly apprectiated. He also
wishes to thank the Cloth
Room employees for the fine

[continued at the bottom of Column 4]
spirit of cooperation shown
during the past year. Mr.
Scarce wishes for everyone a
happy and successful New

Since Mr. Scarce is thanking
the Cloth Room for the gift he
received, we (the Cloth Room
employees) would also like to
express our thanks and grati-
tude for all the nice things he
has done for us. He is not only
an employer, but a friend to all
as well. For the coming year
we pledge our cooperation in
everything, that we might help
Mr. Scarce to make the Cloth
Room a still better place in
which to work.


[An image header spans columns 4 and 5]

[Column 4]
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phillips,
Sgt. Gartrell McDuffie of Camp
Livingston, La., and Mr. Tang
Watt of Ware Shoals were the
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Terrel Christmas night.

The first shift welcomes Mrs.
Nettie McCall back to work.
Mrs. McCall has been out due
to illness. We are glad to have
you back, Nettie.

Mrs. Allie Mae Stockton vis-
ited in Columbia, S. C., recent-

We are glad to report that
Mr. James Barnett, who has
been ill, is now able to be back
at work.

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hughes
motored to Belton Christmas
day to see his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Hughes.

Mrs. Bessie Robinson and
children, Max, Madge, Mar-
garet, and Martha, and Miss
Ruth Campbell spent the
Christmas holidays in Shelby,
N. C., with Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Campbell and other relatives.

Miss Grace Brown, a teacher
in the Kingstree High School,
Mrs. W. D. Simpson, of Toccoa,
Ga., and Edgar Brown, C.W.T.,
stationed at New London,
Conn., visited their sister, Mrs.

[continued top of Column 5]
Billie Phillips, during the holi-

Harold Harper, an employee
in the slasher room, tells us
that he is soon to report to the
draft board in Greenville for
examination to become a mem-
ber of Uncle Sam's armed
forces. Best of luck to you,
"Pee Wee."

Mr. Roy Burnette reports
that he is leaving the first shift
to start work on the second
shift. Everyone hates to see
him go, but wish him much suc-

The first shift welcomes Paul
Foster back to work in the
Slasher room. Paul has recent-
ly received his discharge from
the U. S. Navy.

Miss Frances Campbell, of
Shelby, N. C., is visiting her
sisters, Mrs. Bessie Robinson
and Miss Ruth Campbell.

Cpl. J. D. Grigg, recently re-
turned veteran from the E. T.
O., spent the weekend here as
guest of Mrs. Bessie Robinson
and Miss Ruth Campbell.

The first shift regrets to re-
port that Dot McWhite has
quit. We're going to miss you,
Dot, and hope you can soon be
back with us.

[column 4]
Union Services

(Cont. from page 1, col. 5)

tions that might be needed
during the ensuing year.

Mr. White, in a short talk, de-
livered the bonds to the pas-
tors while Messrs. Atkinson
and Reid spoke briefly about
the gifts.

The three pastors of the
churches, in short talks, ac-
cepted the gifts on behalf of
the members of their respective

During the past year, four of
these union services have been
held and plans have been made
to continue these services dur-
ing the year 1946, and as soon
as the fifth Sunday arrives, an-
other union service will be held
at either the Slater Baptist or
Methodist Churches. Plans for
this service will be announced

Actors Are

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

Dean and Mrs. W. Earle Reid.

This supper was sponsored
by the Slater Community Asso-

We always love those who
admire us, and we do not al-
ways love those whom we ad-
mire.—La Rochefoucauld.
[Column 5]
Yuletide Rites

(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

Following the singing of the
Christmas carols, Messrs. W.
Earle Reid and Robert H. At-
kinson made brief announce-
ments concerning the disposi-
tion of the Christmas checks
to employees and the bags of
fruit to their children.

The bags of fruit were filled
with oranges, apples tan-
gerines, raisins, nuts and candy
and represented a gift from
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.,
to the children of the em-

As soon as the checks and
bags were delivered, the people
present retired to their homes
to enjoy the Christmas holi-
days. For the holidays, the
mill was closed December 22,
23, 24, and 25.

Civic Club

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

Ruby Reid, Blanche Acree,
Frank Cook, Hines Richardson,
and Inez Graham.

Charity begins at home and
generally dies from lack of out-
of-door exercise; sympathy
travels abroad extensively.—

Nothing is so firmly believed
as that which we least know.

[An illustration of 3 dogs: a bulldog, tied to a post with its leash fully extended, a scared dog, and a dog talking in the scared dog's ear]

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