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Zbooton at Apr 16, 2023 11:50 AM


May 23, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[Column 1]

GOINGS - ON - - - -

Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Ward and
daugther, Beverly Ann, visited
relatives of Jonesboro and
Elizabethton, Tenn., recently.

The third shift employees
miss Laura Bayne very much,
but all wish her a happy and
successful married life.

Dorothy Ables, Estelle Bolt,
Douglas Barnett, and Leland
Barnett enjoyed a trip to
Chimney Rock Sunday.

The third shift welcomes
Frances Duncan as a new bat-
tery hand, and Carl King as a
new weaver. We hope they
both enjoy their work here.

Mrs. Rhoda Tolley visited her
daughters, June and Beatrice
Tolley, in Columbia last week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Duncan
had Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, of
Slater, as their Sunday dinner

Friends of Mrs. Opal Lane
are sorry to learn that she is

Mr. and Mrs. James Nix,
Dorothy Ables, Estelle Bolt,
Pvt. J. E. Poole, and Elizabeth
Poole went on a weiner roast
Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Garrett
attended the birthday dinner
of Mr. Garrett's grandmother
at Laurens last Sunday. She
was 83 years old.

Mr. Barney Dewease is back
at work after spending a week
at Charleston, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Voyles
and family visited Mrs. Voyles'
parents at Royston, Ga. last

We welcome Mr. L. N. Con-
nor and his two sons back to

Mrs. B. E. Dewease's brother
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Hathaway, Jr., spent a week
in Slater recently.

Mr. Curtis Rice visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Rice, of Toccoa, Ga. over the

Mrs. Nellie Barnette and Mrs.
Priscilla Bruce and children en-
joyed a delightful picnic at
Table Rock Park Sunday.

Employees of Job No. 2, sec-
ond shift, wish to welcome the
following new employees:
Brown W. Case, Georgia Smith,
and K. B. Keisler.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ford
spent the weekend in Greer
with John's mother, Mrs. Kate

Mr. M. T. Henderson motor-
ed to Spartanburg Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ramsey to
see their daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Clark
spent the weekend in Benhams,
Va. with Mr. Clark's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark.

Miss Louise Mauney, of Shel-
by, N. C., is a visitor in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. B.

Mr. and Mrs. Ibra Peterson,
along with Mr. Melvin Chand-
ler, Miss Lucy Peterson, Mr.
Marion Hambright, and Miss
Polly Peterson spent the day at
Table Rock State Park Easter
Sunday. Boating and picnic-
ing was enjoyed by the group.

Miss Faye Singleton and her
boy friend visited in the
Smokey Mountains Sunday.

We are glad to hear that Mr.
Roy Southerland is at home and
on the road to recovery after
spending several weeks in a

[Column 2]

hospital in Greenville.

Mrs E. L. Cox was honored
with a dinner at her home on
Mother's Day.

Mrs. Doris Hart was a visitor
in North Carolina recently.

Don Edward Cox, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Plase Cox, celebrated
his 10th birthday on April 18.

We are glad to have Mr. J.
W. Henson back at work after
several weeks of illness.

We welcome the following
new employees on Mr. J. T.
Johnson's job in Weave Room
No. 1: Mr. Joe Allison and Mr.
Arthur Smith, loom fixers, and
Mr. Clarence Southerland,
weaver. The second shift also
welcomes Juanita McClain who
has been transferred from the
third shift for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fos-
ter and Mrs. Jack Montgomery
visited in the home of Mrs. Ber-
nice Foster recently.

Joe, John, and Jack Yeo-
mans, the triplet sons of Mr.
and Mrs. K. W. Yeomans, had
a real nice barbecue dinner for
their eleventh birthday. About
ninety guests were present for
dinner, and the boys received
many useful gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hayden
and boys, Jerry and Joe, spent
Sunday with Mr. Hayden's
mother, Mrs. E. H. Hayden, in
Laurens, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hayden
visited relatives in Gilbert, S.
C. recently.

L. W. Ivey visited in Ware
Shoals Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. C. E. Ivey.

We welcome Joe B. Mason to
the second shift in Weave
Room 2. Hope he will enjoy
working with us.

Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Garrett
visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Stutts, of Newberry, S. C., the
past weekend.

Mrs. Earl Waldrop and chil-
dren visited the former's moth-
er, Mrs. Clara Mathis, of
Laurens recently.

Miss Lillian Waldrop has re-
turned to work in Spartanburg
as a nurse.

We welcome the following
new employees on the first shift
in No. 2: Clyde Coleman, John
Peterson, Bates Cox, Charles
Holder, Bailey Case, George
Pridmore, and Bill Cody.

We are all glad to have Mrs.
Kirby Starkey back at work
after several months' absence.

Mrs. Kathryn Woodall, of
Wilmington, Del., was a recent
visitor of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Staton.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin
recently visited Mr. and Mrs.
Loyd Bryant. Before her recent
marriage, Mrs. Martin was Miss
Connis Snipes of Slater.

Mr. Elvert Case, of Newton,
N. C., recently visited his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Case.

Miss Neta Burrell and Eddie
Saylors went to the mountains
Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. Burrell's mother, Mrs. G.
G. Burrell.

Mrs. Gladys Garrett wishes
to thank everyone for the nice
gifts presented her at the
household shower given in her
honor recently.

Miss Pearl Price's aunt, Mrs.
Archie Baughman, of Green-

[Column 3]

Theatre Guide

May 24, 1946
Robert Montgomery
John Wayne
Donna Reed

May 25, 1946
Dick Powell
Walter Slezak
Nina Vale

May 27, 1946
Susan Hayward
Bill Williams
Paul Lukas

May 31, 1946
Errol Flynn
Alexis Smith

June 1, 1946
Faye Emerson
Zachary Scott
Rosemary DeCamp

June 3, 1946
Sydney Greenstreet
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Peter Lorre

ville, spent the past weekend
with Pearl.

We are glad to have James
Calloway back with us on the
second shift in Weave Room
No. 2.

Miss Hellon Yeomans seems
very happy lately. Could it be
that her boy friend from Chi-
cago, who is now discharged
from the Navy, is coming to
S. C.?

Mr. George Burrell, who has
recently returned from the
armed forces, has been out sick
for a few days. Hope you are
soon better, George.

The second shift in Weave
Room No. 2 certainly has im-
proved lots in the past few
weeks. Employees are doing
all they can to make Weave
Room 2 a better place in which
to work, so all will enjoy doing
their jobs. Thanks to the sec-
ond hand, Mr. Winstead, for
all he has done.

Roy Daniel has six pretty
pups at his house, and he is
very proud of them too.

Second shift workers in No.
3 are glad to have Billy Raines
back with them after six weeks
of absence.

Mr. Hoke Harrill isn't
smiling today. I wonder if it
could be because he lost his
game of golf to M. T. Hender-
son? Snap out of it, Hoke;
better luck next time.

Mr. Ed Ballenger is always
wondering why there is no
news from the second shift in
No. 3. Come on, second shift-
ers. Turn in your news to Miss
Rosalee Cox, our cute little
news reporter.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gallant,
of Chattanooga, Tenn., were re-
cent weekend visitors of Fran-
ces Hall.

Mrs. Sarah Cooper is smiling
these days - she has power
down on her farm now. She
also reports a nice Victory Gar-
den in progress.

Mrs. Stockton and daughters,
Christine and Ruth, visited Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Cash in Georgia
last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Queen, of
Hendersonville, N. C., visited

[Column 4]


Birthday greetings are again
in order, and let's begin bu
congratulating the youngest
honoree. Catherine Pitmon,
better known as ''Cathie,'' was
three years old on May 8. She
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Pitman, and has already
joined the Thursday afternoon
Story Hour group. We wish
for ''Cathie'' many more happy

Bobby Hawkins was eight
years old on May 16. He was
formerly a member of Story
Hour, but was promoted to
Boys' Club early this year.
Bobby is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Hawkins.

Edwin Voyles almost let his
birthday slip by without telling
us about it. He was seven
years old on April 5. Edwin is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper
Voyles, and is a member of
Story Hour.

Sigrid Gosness, member of
the Girls' Library Club, ob-
served her tenth birthday on
April 18. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gosnell.

Marie Phillips, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phillips,
of Marietta, recently visited the
library. She is a cousin of Del-
ree Terrell, on of our library
members. We always welcome
visitors and urge our patrons
to bring their friends and rela-
tives to visit the library as
often as possible.

Again we say ''hats off'' to
the Boys' Library Club. Last
Wednesday they had 36 boys
present for their regular club
meeting. These boys have a
genuine interest in what they
are doing, and we congratulate
them on the fine attendance
record which their club main-

Three of our Story Hour chil-
dren have recently had their
tonsils removed. These chil-
dren are Gloria Cook, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook;
Nancy Ann Turner, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner;
and Billy Suttle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Suttle. We are hap-
py to report that all of these
children are doing nicely and
will soon be able to return to
the Story Hour meetings.

The American Red Cross was
organized on May 21, 1881.

May 30 will be Memorial

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Griffith last

James Stockton and family
have just returned from Ore-
gon and are now visiting his

Mrs. M. T. Henderson's
mother, Mrs. W. F. Fowler of
Sans Souci, visited her over the

Mrs. W. O. Bouchillon and
Mrs. Lois Thompson and little
daughter, Linda, of Fountain
Inn, were dinner guests of Mrs.
M. T. Henderson Sunday.

Mrs. Annie Poole and boys,
Maxie and Dale, Mrs. Louise
Moor and son, Billy, Miss Bes-
sie Henderson, and Mrs. J. T.
Henderson were dinner guests
of Mrs. M. T. Henderson on

Mrs. Jack Henderson from
Kansas recently visited Mrs.
Mary Ramsey. She said she
had a swell time with the

[Column 5]


Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stroud
announce the birth of a nine-
pound baby girl on May 9 at
Coleman Hospital in Travelers
Rest. The little girl has been
named Virginia Gail.

Before her marriage, Mrs.
Stroud was Miss Velma Fri-


Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Taylor,
Sr., of Greenville, announce the
marriage of their daughter,
Martha Ann, to C. C. Compton,
of Slater, on April 21.

The marriage took place at
the Trinity Lutheran Church
in Greenville on Easter Sunday
morning immediately following
the sunrise service.

After a wedding breakfast,
the young couple left on a trip
to Atlanta, Ga.

Mrs. Compton is a graduate
of Greenville High School, and
for the past two and one-half
years has held a clerical posi-
tion with Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc.

Mr. Compton has been with
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
for the past four years and at
present holds the position of
Assistant to the Plant Manager.

The couple is now residing at
their home on the Talley Bridge
Road in Slater.

Girl's Club Have
Game and Picnic

A combined ball game and
picnic may be a little unusual,
but that's just what the Girl's
Library Club had last week -
and it was fun.

The girls met in the library
on Monday afternoon, and af-
ter selecting their books, went
to the Slater Ball Park where
they played softball. When
everyone was tired and hungry
enough to really enjoy a good
sandwich, the girls unpacked
their lunches which were tasty
enough to tempt even the most
trivial appetite - but no appe-
tite is ever trivial on such out-
door occasions. Each girl furn-
ished her own lunch, and
drinks were supplied by the
Slater Community Association.

Although several of the club
members could not be present
because of special scout activi-
ties, fourteen girls attended.
And we almost forgot to men-
tion the ''visitors'' - Ann
Thompson's two dolls, Phoebe
Ann and Patricia Ann.

Those attending the picnic
were: Sandra Burgess, Freida
Thornton, Violet Ross, Ann
Thompson, Mary Ann Tilley,
Patsy Tilley, and Marcelle Bu-

Also: Sarah Faye Johnson,
Nancy Stephenson, Elaine Fos-
ter, Frances Ellis, Barbara Lou
Hester, and Imogene Parker.

The librarian invites all girls
between the ages of 8 and 12,
who are not already members
of the Girls' Library Club, to
join. These girls need the club,
and the club needs them.

Advice to loose talkers:
Build a better mouth trap.


May 23, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[Column 1]

GOINGS - ON - - - -

Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Ward and
daugther, Beverly Ann, visited
relatives of Jonesboro and
Elizabethton, Tenn., recently.

The third shift employees
miss Laura Bayne very much,
but all wish her a happy and
successful married life.

Dorothy Ables, Estelle Bolt,
Douglas Barnett, and Leland
Barnett enjoyed a trip to
Chimney Rock Sunday.

The third shift welcomes
Frances Duncan as a new bat-
tery hand, and Carl King as a
new weaver. We hope they
both enjoy their work here.

Mrs. Rhoda Tolley visited her
daughters, June and Beatrice
Tolley, in Columbia last week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Duncan
had Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, of
Slater, as their Sunday dinner

Friends of Mrs. Opal Lane
are sorry to learn that she is

Mr. and Mrs. James Nix,
Dorothy Ables, Estelle Bolt,
Pvt. J. E. Poole, and Elizabeth
Poole went on a weiner roast
Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Garrett
attended the birthday dinner
of Mr. Garrett's grandmother
at Laurens last Sunday. She
was 83 years old.

Mr. Barney Dewease is back
at work after spending a week
at Charleston, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Voyles
and family visited Mrs. Voyles'
parents at Royston, Ga. last

We welcome Mr. L. N. Con-
nor and his two sons back to

Mrs. B. E. Dewease's brother
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Hathaway, Jr., spent a week
in Slater recently.

Mr. Curtis Rice visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Rice, of Toccoa, Ga. over the

Mrs. Nellie Barnette and Mrs.
Priscilla Bruce and children en-
joyed a delightful picnic at
Table Rock Park Sunday.

Employees of Job No. 2, sec-
ond shift, wish to welcome the
following new employees:
Brown W. Case, Georgia Smith,
and K. B. Keisler.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ford
spent the weekend in Greer
with John's mother, Mrs. Kate

Mr. M. T. Henderson motor-
ed to Spartanburg Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ramsey to
see their daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Clark
spent the weekend in Benhams,
Va. with Mr. Clark's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark.

Miss Louise Mauney, of Shel-
by, N. C., is a visitor in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. B.

Mr. and Mrs. Ibra Peterson,
along with Mr. Melvin Chand-
ler, Miss Lucy Peterson, Mr.
Marion Hambright, and Miss
Polly Peterson spent the day at
Table Rock State Park Easter
Sunday. Boating and picnic-
ing was enjoyed by the group.

Miss Faye Singleton and her
boy friend visited in the
Smokey Mountains Sunday.

We are glad to hear that Mr.
Roy Southerland is at home and
on the road to recovery after
spending several weeks in a

[Column 2]

hospital in Greenville.

Mrs E. L. Cox was honored
with a dinner at her home on
Mother's Day.

Mrs. Doris Hart was a visitor
in North Carolina recently.

Don Edward Cox, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Plase Cox, celebrated
his 10th birthday on April 18.

We are glad to have Mr. J.
W. Henson back at work after
several weeks of illness.

We welcome the following
new employees on Mr. J. T.
Johnson's job in Weave Room
No. 1: Mr. Joe Allison and Mr.
Arthur Smith, loom fixers, and
Mr. Clarence Southerland,
weaver. The second shift also
welcomes Juanita McClain who
has been transferred from the
third shift for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fos-
ter and Mrs. Jack Montgomery
visited in the home of Mrs. Ber-
nice Foster recently.

Joe, John, and Jack Yeo-
mans, the triplet sons of Mr.
and Mrs. K. W. Yeomans, had
a real nice barbecue dinner for
their eleventh birthday. About
ninety guests were present for
dinner, and the boys received
many useful gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hayden
and boys, Jerry and Joe, spent
Sunday with Mr. Hayden's
mother, Mrs. E. H. Hayden, in
Laurens, S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hayden
visited relatives in Gilbert, S.
C. recently.

L. W. Ivey visited in Ware
Shoals Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. C. E. Ivey.

We welcome Joe B. Mason to
the second shift in Weave
Room 2. Hope he will enjoy
working with us.

Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Garrett
visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Stutts, of Newberry, S. C., the
past weekend.

Mrs. Earl Waldrop and chil-
dren visited the former's moth-
er, Mrs. Clara Mathis, of
Laurens recently.

Miss Lillian Waldrop has re-
turned to work in Spartanburg
as a nurse.

We welcome the following
new employees on the first shift
in No. 2: Clyde Coleman, John
Peterson, Bates Cox, Charles
Holder, Bailey Case, George
Pridmore, and Bill Cody.

We are all glad to have Mrs.
Kirby Starkey back at work
after several months' absence.

Mrs. Kathryn Woodall, of
Wilmington, Del., was a recent
visitor of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Staton.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin
recently visited Mr. and Mrs.
Loyd Bryant. Before her recent
marriage, Mrs. Martin was Miss
Connis Snipes of Slater.

Mr. Elvert Case, of Newton,
N. C., recently visited his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Case.

Miss Neta Burrell and Eddie
Saylors went to the mountains
Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. Burrell's mother, Mrs. G.
G. Burrell.

Mrs. Gladys Garrett wishes
to thank everyone for the nice
gifts presented her at the
household shower given in her
honor recently.

Miss Pearl Price's aunt, Mrs.
Archie Baughman, of Green-

[Column 3]

Theatre Guide

May 24, 1946
Robert Montgomery
John Wayne
Donna Reed

May 25, 1946
Dick Powell
Walter Slezak
Nina Vale

May 27, 1946
Susan Hayward
Bill Williams
Paul Lukas

May 31, 1946
Errol Flynn
Alexis Smith

June 1, 1946
Faye Emerson
Zachary Scott
Rosemary DeCamp

June 3, 1946
Sydney Greenstreet
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Peter Lorre

ville, spent the past weekend
with Pearl.

We are glad to have James
Calloway back with us on the
second shift in Weave Room
No. 2.

Miss Hellon Yeomans seems
very happy lately. Could it be
that her boy friend from Chi-
cago, who is now discharged
from the Navy, is coming to
S. C.?

Mr. George Burrell, who has
recently returned from the
armed forces, has been out sick
for a few days. Hope you are
soon better, George.

The second shift in Weave
Room No. 2 certainly has im-
proved lots in the past few
weeks. Employees are doing
all they can to make Weave
Room 2 a better place in which
to work, so all will enjoy doing
their jobs. Thanks to the sec-
ond hand, Mr. Winstead, for
all he has done.

Roy Daniel has six pretty
pups at his house, and he is
very proud of them too.

Second shift workers in No.
3 are glad to have Billy Raines
back with them after six weeks
of absence.

Mr. Hoke Harrill isn't
smiling today. I wonder if it
could be because he lost his
game of golf to M. T. Hender-
son? Snap out of it, Hoke;
better luck next time.

Mr. Ed Ballenger is always
wondering why there is no
news from the second shift in
No. 3. Come on, second shift-
ers. Turn in your news to Miss
Rosalee Cox, our cute little
news reporter.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gallant,
of Chattanooga, Tenn., were re-
cent weekend visitors of Fran-
ces Hall.

Mrs. Sarah Cooper is smiling
these days - she has power
down on her farm now. She
also reports a nice Victory Gar-
den in progress.

Mrs. Stockton and daughters,
Christine and Ruth, visited Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Cash in Georgia
last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Queen, of
Hendersonville, N. C., visited

[Column 4]


Birthday greetings are again
in order, and let's begin bu
congratulating the youngest
honoree. Catherine Pitmon,
better known as ''Cathie,'' was
three years old on May 8. She
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Pitman, and has already
joined the Thursday afternoon
Story Hour group. We wish
for ''Cathie'' many more happy

Bobby Hawkins was eight
years old on May 16. He was
formerly a member of Story
Hour, but was promoted to
Boys' Club early this year.
Bobby is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Hawkins.

Edwin Voyles almost let his
birthday slip by without telling
us about it. He was seven
years old on April 5. Edwin is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper
Voyles, and is a member of
Story Hour.

Sigrid Gosness, member of
the Girls' Library Club, ob-
served her tenth birthday on
April 18. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gosnell.

Marie Phillips, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phillips,
of Marietta, recently visited the
library. She is a cousin of Del-
ree Terrell, on of our library
members. We always welcome
visitors and urge our patrons
to bring their friends and rela-
tives to visit the library as
often as possible.

Again we say ''hats off'' to
the Boys' Library Club. Last
Wednesday they had 36 boys
present for their regular club
meeting. These boys have a
genuine interest in what they
are doing, and we congratulate
them on the fine attendance
record which their club main-

Three of our Story Hour chil-
dren have recently had their
tonsils removed. These chil-
dren are Gloria Cook, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook;
Nancy Ann Turner, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner;
and Billy Suttle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Suttle. We are hap-
py to report that all of these
children are doing nicely and
will soon be able to return to
the Story Hour meetings.

The American Red Cross was
organized on May 21, 1881.

May 30 will be Memorial

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Griffith last

James Stockton and family
have just returned from Ore-
gon and are now visiting his

Mrs. M. T. Henderson's
mother, Mrs. W. F. Fowler of
Sans Souci, visited her over the

Mrs. W. O. Bouchillon and
Mrs. Lois Thompson and little
daughter, Linda, of Fountain
Inn, were dinner guests of Mrs.
M. T. Henderson Sunday.

Mrs. Annie Poole and boys,
Maxie and Dale, Mrs. Louise
Moor and son, Billy, Miss Bes-
sie Henderson, and Mrs. J. T.
Henderson were dinner guests
of Mrs. M. T. Henderson on

Mrs. Jack Henderson from
Kansas recently visited Mrs.
Mary Ramsey. She said she
had a swell time with the

[Column 5]