V. 4 No. 11 - The Slater News



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[Sketch of Old Slater Mill] Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R. I. EST. 1790

[Sketch of Slater Mill] Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943

President Urges Home Gardens Again This Year

The President urges the Nation's home gardeners to continue this year their efforts which added so much to the National food supply during the war. Following a conference with Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson, it was decided, in view of the worldwide food shortage, to ask gardeners of this country to produce and conserve food which will help to replace food especially needed for shipment abroad.

Secretary Anderson has arranged to call a conference of national garden leaders at an early date. He has appointed Paul C. Stark, of Louisiana, Mo., as Director of the National Garden Program and head of a committee to plan Department of Agriculture activities in this field. This committee will also work out plans for a broader long-time program which will include improvement of home surroundings in both rural and urban areas.

Mr. Stark was in charge of the Department of Agriculture's Victory Garden program last year. Last August he was appointed by Secretary Anderson as Director of the Food Distribution Programs Branch of the Department's Production and Marketing Administration. In addition to his duties in this position, Mr. Stark will coordinate and direct the national gardening program, and also maintain liason with other agencies involved, both government and private. The program will be carried forward in the various localities by working through the State Extension Services and other established agencies.

Commenting on the plans for this year, the President said: "During the war period, gardening further demonstrated its value to our people in many ways. The splendid response to the appeal for more homeproduced food was an important factor in making it possible during the war for the people of this country to be better fed than before the war while supplying the best-fed fighting forces in the world and providing essential food supplies to our allies. The threat of starvation in many parts of the world and the urgent need for food from this country emphasize the importance of continued effort to add to our total food supply this year.

"A continuing program of gardening will be of great benefit to our people. In addition to the contribution gardens make to better nutrition, their value in providing outdoor phy-

(Con't. on page 3, col. 3)

[photo of employees of Weave Room, No. 1, spans columns 2-4, top section] Shown above is the group from Weave Room No. 1, Job 3, second shift, under Overseer W. W. Stephenson, who participated 100 per cent in the recent Safety Slogan Contest. They are as follows: First row: Thomas Hughes, Robbie Leatherwood, Janie Cody, Grace Dodson, W. W. Stephenson. Second row: Claudell Henson, Jr., Hollis Peterson, William Coggins, Haskell Jones, Tom Hawkins. Third row: Harold Dodson, Ernest Jones, Chester Davis, Richard Williams. Fourth row: Fred Dunn, Aaron Ferguson, Sherman Moore, William Hall.

[column 2]


The "Good Will Club" of the Preparation Department's third shift held their second get-together on Saturday, May 18, at Paris Mountain State

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3) ________________________ Ex Army Nurse Returns To Work

Miss Margaret Yongue, Registered Nurse, recently returned to Slater after serving eighteen months as a nurse in the U. S. Army. She received her discharge on March 4, 1946.

Miss Yongue is a native of Bowman, S. C., and received her training at the Nurses' Training School of the South Carolina Baptist Hospital in Columbia, where she was graduated in December, 1943.

Upon her return to Slater, Miss Yongue became assistant to W. Earle Reid, supervisor of the Industrial Vision Program for the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. In addition to helping with the Ortho-Rater Program, she will assist with first aid and with emergency cases in the plant.

Before entering service, Miss Yongue was employed as a nurse at the Wood Memorial Clinic. A host of friends welcome her return to Slater and wish for her a great deal of success as she works with the expanded health program for the employees of the plant.

Slater Men Hear Dr. Carl Shephard

Four representatives of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc., heard Dr. Carl F. Shephard, of Chicago, as he spoke at the 44th Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Optometric Association in Greenville on Monday, May 27.

Dr. Shephard is assistant dean of Northern Illinois College of Optometry, and spoke on the subject "Vision Training and New Developments in Optometry." Dr. Shephard is especially interested in the In-

(Con't. on page 2, col. 4) ________________________

L. P. Hollis To Speak To Slaterites Tonight

Superintendent L. P. Hollis, of the Parker School District, will speak tonight at Slater Hall at 8:00 o'clock to the members of the Slater-Marietta Civic Club, and all other interested parties, concerning the formation of a Parent-Teacher Association here at Slater.

Mr. Hollis is well-known in the field of educational activities and has had much experience in community affairs throughout his career, including Parent-Teacher Association work. Leaders of the Civic Club feel that they are fortunate indeed in securing the services of so able a speaker.

The public is cordially invited to hear Mr. Hollis, and it is hoped that a large audience will be on hand to hear him.

[headline spans columns 4-5] Slater-Marietta School Graduates Seventeen At Annual Commencement


Mrs. Bennie Bradberry has given three very interesting books to the Slater Library. The titles are "Hard Facts" by Howard Spring, "Great Son" by Edna Ferber, and "Captain From Castile" by Samuel Shellabarger. These books have rated high among "best sellers," and all three are reviewed in "Book Review Digest," a publication of the H. W. Wilson Company.

In reviewing "Hard Facts" by Spring, the "Book Review Digest" states: "This first volume of a projected trilogy tells the story of the founding and early years of the weekly paper, Hard Facts. Its owner and promoter, a small-time job printer, Daniel Dunkerley, is one but only one of the leading characters; others are Alec Dillworth, editor, his sister, Elsie, and the young clergyman, Theo Crystal, who falls in love with Elsie. As a background to the story of these interwoven lives is a picture of Manchester, England in the 1880's."

In discussing "Great Son" by Edna Ferber, the "Book Review Digest" for 1945 says it is "A chronicle of four genera-

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3) ________________________ Natural Rubber Shipments Upped

Shipments of natural rubber to the U. S. from three Middle American countries are increasing, according to recent reports from the U. S. Department of Commerce. Panama exported 514,000 pounds of rubber to the U. S. during the first eight months of 1945. In one month —October, 1945—the tiny republic of El Salvador shipped almost 5,000 pounds of the vitally needed product. The government of Costa Rica announces that its new rubber acreages will reach maturity within one or two years, which will multiply present production totals.

News of increasing shipments is being welcomed in American business, government and agriculture circles. When Japanese conquests cut off Far Eastern sources of the product, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with American enterprises such as the United Fruit Company, reintroduced rubber to this hemisphere, and conducted experimental plantings of the crop.

(Con't. on page 3, col. 2)

[column 5]

The 1945-46 session of SlaterMarietta High School came to a close on Thursday night, May 23, when seventeen boys and girls were presented State High School Diplomas by J. H. Barnett, Superintendent of the school.

Preceding the final exercises, the annual sermon was delivered Sunday morning, May 19, by the Reverend M. C. Patterson, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church of Greenville. The graduating address was delivered by Dr. B. Rhett Turnipseed, Superintendent of the Greenville District of the South Carolina Methodist Conference.

During the graduating exercises Thursday night, a number of awards were presented by Mr. J. F. Whatley, County Superintendent of Education, and Mr. F. J. Brannon, Jr. of Slater. Medals were presented to the following pupils:

Best all-round senior boy— Dillard Veal.

Best all-round senior girl— Kathleen Nelson.

(Donated by Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.) __________ Best all-round Home Economics pupil—Mildred Shelton.

Best Mathematics pupil — Betty Talley.

Best Science pupil — Betty Vassey.

Best 7th grade Civics pupil— Madge Burgess.

Best Typing pupil—Kathleen Nelson.

Best Shorthand pupil—Fannie Mae Burton.

Public school music—Caroline Dixon.

Grammar school citizenship —Herbert Farthing.

(Donated by Slater Community Association.) __________ High School declamation— Dillard Veal.

High School expression—Mildred Connor.

High School English—Betty Talley.

Grammar School declamation —Jesse White.

Grammar School expression —Vivian Hughes.

(Donated by Slater-Marietta School.) __________ Senior History—Hines Richardson, Jr.

(Donated by Hale's Jewelry Company.) __________ High School scholarship — Billy Vassey.

(Donated by Mr. F. G. Hamblen.) __________ The Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc., scholarships were awarded by Mr. J. A. White,

(Con't. on page 4, col. 3)

Last edit about 1 month ago by kat3005
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Page Two THE SLATER NEWS June 6, 1946

[column 1] The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks Slater & Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In the Interest of Its Employees

[seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE]

STAFF ROBERT H. ATKINSON_______ Editor CECIL S. ROSS______________ Asst. Editor CLAUDE GUEST ____________ Photographer


Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise Bagwell, Margaret Johnson, and Mrs. Perry Rampey.

Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.


Safety First

The safety record of Slater at the present time is good, and to keep it so it is necessary that all concerned strive constantly, not necessarily to keep it where it is, but to better it.

As the warm days come and summer is upon us, we have the season when infections stand out the most. Therefore, we would urge everyone who has an accident to the extent that the skin is broken to have it dressed at the first aid station in the plant, and that they do this regardless of whether the accident occurs in the plant or at home.

To the supervisors, we would ask that they remain vigilant in seeing that such cases are sent to the first aid station so that infections will not arise.

We would also like to remind supervisors and workers that the best way to prevent accidents is to remove the hazard, which may cause the accident, before the accident ever happens. This can include suitable changes in the physical equipment of the plant, which responsibility, naturally, is the responsibility of management. Workers or employees can do the same by not creating hazardous conditions. The careless leaving of a board with a nail in it in an aisle where another person can step upon it and be injured is an example of this sort, for if the employee is careful in removing such obstacles, the accident would not have occurred.

Accidents cause everyone to lose, for the supervisor loses the services of his good worker, and thus his production and efficiency is impaired to that extent. The company loses becauses[because] it also loses the services of its worker and suffers through the consequence of low


Looking Ahead:

Quite a bit of interest is being shown in the Daily Vacation Bible School that begins at Slater Baptist Church June 10. Bible Schools are a great tonic for pupils and teachers and they are good pepper-uppers for parents too.

* * *

The program of summer recreation, under the direction of "Slick" Oglesby, is soon to get underway too, and we hear this program is to include entertainment and recreation for everyone, little folks, young people and adults. ($64.00 question—who will be the first adult to take a tumble on skates?)

Young people's programs of activities and community party nights are to be really good.

* * *

Have you mailed in your questionnaire about a Parent-Teacher Association yet? If not, how about doing it right now?

Mr. L. P. Hollis from Parker School is to be with us on June 6 to give a teacher's viewpoint of P.T.A. and its workings. His coming is being sponsored by the local Civic Club, but we understand he is to speak at Slater Hall and the public is invited. Of course, every school patron and every person interested in child welfare will want to hear Mr. Hollis.

* * *

Now that the war is over and a lot of restrictions have been lifted, who is going to work toward the prize in the yard beautification contest this summer, or is it a yard improvement contest? Or both? Even if we don't win a prize, the work we do will give its reward in more attractive surroundings and pride in our own homes.

* * *

Could our community have a local flower show this summer or fall and display publicly the choicest flowers grown? The windows at the cafe and drug store would look real pretty with lots of flowers, and everyone who passed could vote on the best, or maybe they could be displayed elsewhere?


efficiency by having a less capable person on the job. Perhaps the greatest sufferer of all is the worker who must bear the pains and pangs of the injury. It is he who must literally lie on a bed of suffering. His family likewise suffers because of his decreased earnings, and this may also prey upon the injured person because he knows that his family will suffer.

Let us literally apply safety as a vital factor in our lives, and let us avoid the pitfalls of injury, so that all concerned may be benefited. In this way, we can make safety first a thing to be enjoyed by the company, its supervisors, and the workers themselves.

Won't you do your part as a supervisor or worker to see that safety first is an active factor instead of a dead topic?


"If a man could have half his wishes, he would usually double his troubles."—Fraternal Monitor.

[Column 3]

Cloth Room Chatter

Miss Clara Talley spent the night recently with her aunt, Mrs. Estelle Kelly.

Mr. and Mrs. John Reaves had as their recent dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Duncan and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duncan, all of Greenville.

Hazel Edwards is being greatly missed while she is out sick. We wish for Hazel a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be back with us.

Annie Johnson was also missed while she was out sick a few days. We are happy to have her back with us.

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Batson and family spent the day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Coleman.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith enjoyed having Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith and family as their recent supper guests.


Slater Resident

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

tions of a Seattle family, the Melendys, beginning with the arrival of the first of the family on the West Coast in 1851, and ending with the great grandson of old Madam Exact Melendy, who joined the American Air Corps on the day of Pearl Harbor."

Of "Captain From Castile" by Shellabarger, the "Book Review Digest" says: "A long romantic adventure tale of Spain and Mexico in the sixteenth century. A lively action-packed historical romance, which reanimates the interlocking old and new worlds, the scourge of the Inquisition and its injustices, the history making campaigns of Cortes, the downfall of the Indian Empire, the wiles and treacheries of conqueror and conquered, the fabulous—and unpleasant—aspects of the new country, and the interplay of international politics. Plenty of color, drama, swordplay, and escape while you may."

In donating these books to the library, Mrs. Bradberry has made a good addition to the library collection. Many of our readers will be interested in reading these books which Mrs. Bradberry, through her kindness, has made accessible.


Third Shift

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

Park. Another tempting supper and a good time was enjoyed by a large attendance.

Supper was served at 6:00 p.m. as scheduled, due to the faithful efforts of Tom Boggs, Loag Landreth, D. P. Garrick, O. H. Burgess, and Loyd Bryant. Mr. Bryant does not work on the third shift but the third shifters enjoy having him along and are grateful for the use of his truck to carry the food, etc. Just a few more lessons and we believe Loag and D. P. will make some women very good husbands.

Plans are now underway for the next outing. Members of the "Good Will Club" are already inquiring "When do we go again?"

[Column 4]

PREPARATION DEPARTMENT N–E–W–S [title spans across columns 4 and 5]

Mr. Willard Patton of Greenville was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Phillips.

Mrs. Allie Mae Stockton spent a few days in Charleston, S. C., recently.

Friends and relatives of Mr. Laten Greene surprised him with a bountiful dinner at his home on his birthday, May 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Billie Phillips and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith, of Pickens, last Sunday.

First shift workers wish Mr. William Victor Robinson much success in his new work as policeman. He recently resigned his work with us here to accept the new job.

Mr. Boyce Parnell has been promoted to warper tender on the second shift. Good luck, Boyce; we know you will do a great job!

Mr. Jimmy Hightower, who formerly worked in the Slasher Room, is now with the Air Corps in Texas. Loads of luck, Jimmy! !

Sarah Cox, Faye Singleton, and Sarah Lee Foster enjoyed a delightful trip to the Smokies last weekend.


Library Donated Book By Dickson

Truman Dickson recently donated to the library a book which will be of great interest to all juvenile readers, especially to members of the Boys' Library Club.

The title of the book is "Toby Tyler, Or Ten Weeks With A Circus." Written by James Otis, this story fascinates the boy of grammar school age, and Toby Tyler will be as real and vivid as Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

We thank Truman for giving us this book which will be heartily received by our young readers. Truman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dickson, and is a member of the Boys' Library Club.


Slater Men

(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

dustrial Vision Program which the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company has worked out in collaboration with Purdue University, and has given freely of his time in assisting with the intensive research carried on in connection with this Vision Program.

Since our plant has recently set up an Ortho-Rater Program to offer visual service to employees, the company representatives who heard Dr. Shephard were interested in hearing him talk concerning "Vision Training." Those attending the meeting were Messrs. R. P. Alexander, Frank A. Cook, Robert H. Atkinson, and W. Earle Reid.

[Column 5]

Gertrude Dunn had a birthday on May 25. You should have heard the birthday bank rattle!

Mr. Tom McCombs also had a birthday recently, and again the bank rattled. Happy birthday, Tom.

Girard Harrison has asked that we let him pay on the installment plan when his birthday comes around.

We are glad to see Sgt. William A. Jewel home on a 30-day furlough from Oliver General Hospital, Augusta, Ga.

We were all sorry that Mary Wallace had to stay out from work with a sprained ankle, but we are happy that she is better now.

Mrs. Maggie Gilreath had her son, Paul Gilbreath, from Penrose, N. C., visit her for the past week. He also visited Pansy Bowers and family.

Sadie Brady and family visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones, of Greenville.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batson were seen joy riding in the mountains Sunday.

Grace M. Tate was the dinner guest of Mrs. Joe Lipscomb, of Laurens Road, on Thursday.




INFECTION TRAVELS FAST GET FIRST AID! [Man showing arm with infected arm. Doctor with saw in hand.]

THAT'S FUNNY– HE WAS HERE A SECOND AGO [Two men on a high-rise beam looking downward]

HOW'S YOUR HOUSEKEEPING? [Picture of a monkey with broom in hands and tail tied around a shovel]

From National Safety News Published by The National Safety Council

Last edit over 1 year ago by Greenville County Library System
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June 6, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[headline, spans columns 1-2] GOINGS-ON - - - - - IN WEAVE ROOMS -

[column 1]

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stroud are the proud parents of a daughter. The little girl has been named Virginia Gale and was born May 16 at Coleman's Hospital.

Two of our veterans have received promotions recently. They are Avery McCall from Filling Boy to Weaver and Darrell D. Toby from Loom Fixer to Overseer. We wish them both success in their new work.

We welcome Howard Stephens as a Loom Fixer. We are also glad to have Ruford McClain back at work.

Miss Louise Booth of Augusta, Georgia, was a recent weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gunter. Miss Booth is Mrs. Gunter's sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Mays Stroud attended the wedding of Mrs. Stroud's niece, Miss Grace Foster, to Mr. Fred Batson on May 18 in Greenville.

Nellie Barnette and friends were recent visitors in Brevard, N. C.

We welcome Charles Lowe and Boyce Pack back to work with us. Both men are veterans.

We welcome Tom Childress, who has been recently discharged from the Navy, back to work again.

Miss Janie Cody and Tom Shelton recently motored to North Carolina.

Mrs. Frank Williams, from Canton, N. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Capps recently.

A. W. Moon spent the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daniel and family.

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Burrell were delighted to have an overnight guest, Mrs. Willis Warren, who is a returned missionary from North Africa. She is a former Greenville girl known to countless friends as Della West before marriage.

[article continues on column 2, top section]

Miss Pearl Price spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Strickland and family.

We hated to see L. W. Ivey go back to California. He is a very good loom fixer, but it seems as if we weren't lucky enough to keep him.

Jack Harvey has been on the sick list for a few days. Glad you are back at work, Jack.

Mrs. Bernice Foster was all smiles last week for her son, Cpl. Joe E. Foster, came home to stay a few days.

We are glad to have L. E. Smith, loom fixer, back at work with us on the second shift in Weave Room 2. We believe he likes Slater too well to stay away long.

Mr. K. W. Yeomans is out from work to rest awhile. We hope he will be back at work with us soon, as everyone misses him.

Second shift employees in Weave Room 2 wish to congratulate James Allison, who recently received a two dollar bonus for having less seconds. He seems very proud too. James, keep that good work up!

Miss Sollie Cox seems to enjoy motoring to the mountains on Sunday afternoon.

Lonnie and Vester Crowe and Jim Hendrix had very good luck on May 4 when they went on a fishing trip. When the fish started to bite, believe it or not, they caught blue catfish 18 inches long. As they were cooking their fish, other fishermen passed by with their mouths watering. They enjoyed the trip so much they are planning another soon and will carry their families.

We all regret that Mrs. Gladys Garrett is out sick, but hope she will soon be back at work.

[column 2, bottom section]

Slater Observes Mother's Day

Mothers' Day really began for Slater mothers this year on Saturday evening when little children couldn't keep their Mothers' Day gifts any longer.

And it ended Sunday evening when the mothers closed their eyes on a day when their hearts had been filled with a queer mixture of pride and love.

The hours in between consisted of happy surprises and loving gifts.

Of the wearing of red or white flowers as Slaterites went to their individual churches.

Of Sunday School lessons discussed around the theme of mothers own duties and privileges.

Of church programs arranged in special tribute to mothers.

Of Sunday dinners prepared and served by mothers' hands.

Of young mothers looking into the future and dreaming of their children's success and fame.

Of old mothers looking into the past and recalling the days and nights of anxiety and wor-

[article continues on col. 2, bottom section]

ry, and the moments of prideful joy as they watched their children grow and develop.

But perhaps the true meaning of the day was best expressed by the pastor of one of our local churches when he said— "Mothers are the greatest moulders of character in the world, and character is man's greatest asset." ____________________________ Natural Rubber (Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

The United Fruit Company's Department of New Crops carried forward long-range research on high-yielding strains of rubber trees. Its findings were made available to this Government, as well as to the Governments and citizen-farmers of the ten countries of Middle America.

Reports from Middle American plantations indicate that the rubber plant has been thriving well in its native soil. American warborn enterprise is now paying off dividends both for Middle America's economy and U. S. peace-time needs for natural rubber.

[column 3]

Theatre Guide

June 7, 1946 "SPIRAL STAIRCASE" Starring Dorothy McGuire George Brent Ethel Barrymore __________ June 8, 1946 "BANDIT OF SHERWOOD FOREST" Starring Cornel Wilde Anita Louise __________ June 10, 1946 "SHOCK" Starring Lynn Bari Vincent Price __________ June 14, 1946 "MY REPUTATION" Starring Barbara Stanwyck George Brent __________ June 15, 1946 "APOLOGY FOR MURDER" Starring Ann Savage Hugh Beaumont __________ June 17, 1946 "DOLL FACE" Starring Vivian Blaine Dennis O'Keefe Perry Como ____________________________ President Urges (Con't. from page 1, col. 1)

sical exercise, recreation and relaxation from the strain of modern life is widely recognized. The Department of Agriculture through a long-time garden program can do much to encourage more attractive home surroundings and improved community development, and can provide a large body of citizens with much needed assistance in home gardening." ___________________________ [photo of employees working with skylight grading, spans bottom of col. 3-5] Skylight grading is comparatively new here at Slater. In this picture can be seen a number of cloth graders operating skylight grading frames. In this operation the cloth is graded as it passes before lights in front of the operator instead of over the top of the grading frame as in the other method used here.

[Column 4]


Several weeks ago, members of the Girls' Library Club began keeping records of the books they read. These records were kept in individual booklets bearing the title, "Books I Have Read." This special activity was not carried on in the form of a contest, and no prizes will be given to those reading the largest number of books. However, the girls found that such records not only encouraged reading, but that they also helped the club members to better evaluate books selected for reading. The records of the following girls deserve honorable mention: Martha Robinson, Margaret Robinson, Fern Barrett, Sarah Faye Johnson, Frances Hester, Carolyn Dixon, and Elaine Foster. Also Marcelle Buchanan, Sigrid Gosnell, Barbara Lou Hester, Barbara Godfrey, Nancy Stephenson, and Frances Ellis.

* * *

Bobby Sprouse, member of the Boys' Library Club, has donated to the library a book entitled "Bob Burton." This book is written primarily for boys, and will be especially enjoyed by members of the Boys' Library Club and the Boy Scouts. Thanks, Bobby! It was thoughtful of you to remember the library by donating this interesting book.

* * *

Mrs. Milton Southerland is one of our new library members. Her husband was made Plant Superintendent for Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc., early this year, and at the present time Mr. and Mrs. Southerland are residing at the guest house. We welcome them to our community and are happy to have Mrs. Southerland as a member of the library.

Eva Jean Ramey is also a

[column 5]

Local Man Talks On Radio Program

Robert H. Atkinson, Industrial Relations Manager of this company, was heard on the Coca-Cola Sports Parade Saturday night, May 11, at 6:00 p.m. over Radio Station WFBC in Greenville.

In an interview, Mr. Atkinson discussed the various activities at Slater which contribute to the recreation and welfare of the employees of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.

This program is sponsored daily by the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Greenville, and features discussions by different institutions in this territory, such as was in the case of the interview with Mr. Atkinson.


new library member. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ramey and attended the local grammar school during the past session. We are glad to have Eva Jean and hope that she will come to the library often.

* * *

Tommy Ballenger is a new member of the Boys' Library Club. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ballenger of Slater. Tommy's brother, Jerry Mack, has been a member of Boys' Club for some time. In fact, he is almost a "graduate" of the club, and it was he who brought Tommy to the library. We are happy to have Tommy, both as a club member and a new library member.


"Keep your wagon hitched to a star, but always have your bag packed ready to shift stars at a moment's notice," Horace Fletcher once said to William Dana Orcutt.


"Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit!"— R. E. Shay.

Last edit about 1 month ago by kat3005
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Page Four THE SLATER NEWS June 6, 1946

[column 1]


The Slater News again welcomes back former servicemen to our plant. The list for this issue is as follows:

Herbert Landreth

Landreth began working here as a supply clerk in 1940, and was employed on that same job when called to service in January, 1941. He served in the European theater 38 months, and took an active part in two major campaigns, one in the Rhineland and one in Northern France. At the time of his discharge in October, 1945, Herbert was a Staff Sergeant. He returned to work with us the following month but left our employ in December to accept a job in Florida.

Luther Lee Holden

When called into service in March, 1944, Holden was working here as a weaver. He was inducted at Fort Jackson, S. C., and after receiving four months of training in the States, he was sent overseas to serve 17 months in the Pacific theater. While overseas, he participated in two major campaigns, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Luther was discharged from the Army in October, 1945 and returned to work at this plant as a weaver the following month. However, he left our employ shortly after to accept work elsewhere.

Walter H. Cothran

Walter worked in the Weaving Department of this plant before entering service with the Army in December, 1942. He served with the 817th Chemical Company and spent 21 months in the European area, where he saw active duty in Northern France, Rhineland and Central Europe. Soon after receiving his honorable discharge in November, 1945, he returned to work at this plant on his old job. Due to illness in his family, he quit working here December 11, 1945.

James J. Stewart

This man was employed as a weaver prior to his induction into service with the Army in April, 1944. He was inducted at Fort Bragg, N. C., and after receiving five months of training in the States, he was shipped overseas to serve 11 months in the European theater of operations. Here he saw action in two major battles. Stewart received his honorable discharge in November, 1945 and returned to work here as a weaver in December.

Butler Lee Sprouse

Butler was employed as a cloth doffer before entering service with the Army in June, 1944. He remained in the States for four months before going overseas. He served eight months overseas and was in six major campaigns in the E. T. O. but escaped being injured. He was discharged November 1, 1945 and returned to his old job at Slater in that same month.

Boyce C. Darnell

Boyce began working for us as a cloth doffer in March, 1942, but had been promoted to weaver when he was called to service in December, 1942. He served with the infantry three years, one of which was

[article continues column 2, bottom section]

spent overseas. While on active duty in Germany, he was seriously wounded by machine gun bullets in the left leg. He spent eight months in an English hospital recuperating from his wounds. Darnell was a Staff Sergeant when discharged in November, 1945. He returned here to work as a weaver in that same month, but since has left our employ.

John W. Morgan

This veteran worked as a filling hauler at our plant prior to his induction into the Navy in January, 1945. He was inducted at Fort Jackson, S. C. and was then sent to Bainbridge, Md., for his basic training. He was given an honorable discharge May 21, 1945 because of ill health. John came back to work with us in August, 1945, but has now left our employ.

Howard F. Wyatt

Ex-Sgt. Wyatt began working with Slater in 1939, and was employed as a loom fixer when he entered service with the Army in July, 1943. While in service, he served with a tank outfit. He received his honorable discharge in July, 1945 and came back to work with us the latter part of that month. Howard left Slater in August, 1945 to take a job as Weaver Room Overseer in Danville, Va.

Eugene Harris

Eugene began working with us in 1942, and was working as a cloth doffer when called to service in 1945. He was inducted at Fort Bragg, N. C. and served with a tank division during his stay in the Army.

[article continues on column 3, bottom section]

He was given a discharge on October 8, 1945 and returned to his old job here on October 26, 1945. ________________________ ' " The other fellow's sins, like the other fellow's car lights, aways appear more glaring than our own." — Wisconsin Dells Events. __________________________ "Peace is different from butter and lamb chops. The more people want it, the more there is to go around."—Gracie Allen.

[column 2]

[photo of Mr. Popenoe with agriculture students in Honduras, spans top of cols. 2-3] DR. WILSON POPENOE instructing students at the School of Pan American Agriculture in Honduras in cultivating new crops that are being popularized through widely distributed circulars.

[column 2, top section]

WHEN the postman makes his appointed rounds in rural Middle America, he is more likely to deliver a leaflet written in simple Spanish than a mail-order catalogue or a letter from Aunt Rosa. The leaflet will teach the farmer a new skill, or it will tell him about some new wrinkle in agriculture. By following the expert instructions, Mr. Middle American Farmer can increase the yield of his land and advance to a higher income bracket.

The spadework for these unusual circulars is being done cooperatively by the United States Department of Agriculture and officials of the Guatemalan, El Salvadorean, and Nicaraguan governments, together with progressive interests such as the United Fruit Company. Their experimental plantations are carrying on research aimed at making the small farmer's lot a happier one by improving his diet, preventing crop diseases, encouraging better

[article continues on column 3, top section]

planting practices, and avoiding disastrous erosion. The major objective, however, is to develop new tropical crops. These are not competitive with northern products.

Dr. Wilson Popenoe, director of the School of Pan American Agriculture in Honduras, has won wide acclaim for his School's part in this crop diversification program. Endowed and maintained by the United Fruit Company, the School has undertaken extensive experiments in natural rubber, oil grasses and palm oils, fibers, insecticides such as rotenone, and various tropical woods. Students return home to the ten Middle American republics trained to grow an astonishing variety of crops. Thanks to these graduates, and to the circulars, R.F.D. Middle America is rapidly becoming a storehouse of new tropical products of increasing importance in the U.S.A. ________________________________ [column 3, middle section]

School Graduates (Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, to four graduates. Clelle Buchanan and Billy Vassey were awarded scholarships to Clemson College, and Ray Johnson and Kathleen Nelson received scholarships to Furman University.

Those receiving diplomas were: Elizabeth Ballenger, Marion Brown, Clelle Buchanan, Fred Cashion, Bryson Cole, Angelan Hunt, Ray Johnson, Billy Knight, Frances Miller, Kathleen Nelson, Elsie Pittman, J. D. Pridmore, H. S. Richardson, Jr., Ophelia Riley, Charles Robinson, Dillard Veal, and Billy Vassey.

The class salutatorian was Frances Miller, and the valedictorian was Billy Vassey.

Special music for both programs was under the direction of Miss Kathleen Farnsworth, music teacher in the school.

[column 4]


In a well-played ball game at the Slater Ball Park on Monday, May 27, the Slater Baseball Team defeated the team of Judson Mill in Greenville by the score of 9 to 3.

Perry Rampey, recently returned veteran of the Slater outfit, pitched good ball allowing only 6 hits to the visitors, Cashion gathered 14 hits off the delivery of Landreth, the Judson hurler.

Leading hitters for the Slater Nine were Dudley, the 3rd baseman, with 3 hits out of 4 times at bat, and William Cashion, the Slater catcher, who also made 3 hits out of 4 times at bat.

The box score for this game is as follows:

Judson AB R H E
Sparks, lf 4 1 1 0
Duffie, 2b 2 0 0 0
Campbell, c 4 0 0 0
Fowler, 3b 4 0 2 0
McGill, 1b 4 1 0 1
Landreth, p 4 0 1 0
Miller, cf 3 0 0 0
J. Taylor, rf 3 1 1 1
Knight, ss 3 0 1 2
Totals 31 3 6 4
Slater AB R H E
P. Ledford, ss 5 2 0 1
Dudley, 3b 4 2 3 2
Ellenburg, rf 3 1 1 0
L. McCall, rf 1 0 1 0
H. Taylor, 1b 5 1 2 0
Cashion, c 4 1 3 0
B. McCall, cf 4 0 0 0
A. Ledford, 2b 4 1 1 0
Toby, lf 3 0 1 0
Hall, lf 1 0 0 0
Rampey, p 3 1 2 0
Totals 37 9 14 3
Judson ......... 101 000 100—3 Slater ........... 221 300 01—9

In a fast exhibition baseball game played at Slater on May 29 between Slater and Lyman, of the Western Carolina League, Slater emerged the victor by a lopsided score of 10 to 3.

The three Slater pitchers, Rampey, Bliss McCall and Taylor, gave up 12 hits but kept them well scattered, and time and again Lymanites were left stranded on the bases as the Slater pitchers bored down in the clutches.

Aubrey Ledford, Slater's second baseman, had a perfect day at bat with 4 hits out of 4 times at bat, one of them being a double. Perry Rampey, Slater pitcher, also had a perfect day at bat, with 2 hits out of 2 times up, with one of his also being a double. The best hitter presented by the visitors was Yeargin, the Lyman shortstop, with 3 hits out of 5 times at bat.

The box score for this game is as follows:

Slater AB R H E
P. Ledford, ss 5 2 2 0
Dudley, 3b 5 1 2 0
Ellenburg, rf 5 1 1 1
Taylor, 1b, p 4 0 0 0
W. Cashion, c 4 1 1 0
E. Cashion, c 1 0 0 0
Puckett, ss 4 0 1 3
A. Ledford, 2b 4 2 4 0
Toby, cf 1 2 0 0
L. McCall, cf 0 0 0 0
Rampey, p 2 1 2 0
B. McCall, p 0 0 0 0
Hall, 1b 0 0 0 0
Totals 35 10 13 4
[article continues column 5, 2nd article down]

[column 5]

Lyman AB R H E
Hendrix, 3b 5 2 1 0
Beasley, 1b 4 0 2 0
Yeargin, ss 5 0 3 2
Giles, rf 5 0 1 0
Swann, cf 4 0 1 0
Farrow, 2b 5 0 1 0
Casey, c 3 0 1 1
Calvert, c 1 1 0 0
Pinson, lf 3 0 0 0
Culbreth, p 2 0 0 0
Smith, p 3 0 1 0
Totals 38 3 12 3
Lyman ......... 001 010 001—3 Slater ........... 031 302 10 —10

In a practice game between the American League Juniors and Slater, Slater emerged the victor by a score of 6 to 5. The game was a practice game for the youngsters, who will compose the American Legion Baseball Team for Greenville County this coming summer.

To make the contest more even, Slater did not use its regular pitchers, in order to give the youngsters a break and plenty of practice.

The game was interesting, however, and was enjoyed by a number of Slater fans who were present to cheer their team on to victory. The score by innings is as follows:

American Legion R H E
Jrs. ___000 301 100 5 9 1
Slater _101 020 20 6 10 1
In the regular Piedmont Textile Baseball League game scheduled June 1 between Slater and Renfrew, there was no contest as Jupiter Pluvious won the decision after one inning had been played, with Slater leading by a score of 5 to 0.

The two teams agreed to meet on Monday, June 3, to play off the game, but this game ended in a 10 to 10 tie with Umpire Evatt calling the game in the 10th inning, the score being 13 to 10 in favor of Slater, because of rain. Since the game was called before Renfrew could have their inning to bat, the score reverted to the count at the end of the 9th inning, which was 10 to 10, and thus ended in a tie.

The game was slow and marred by bickering on the part of players of both teams.

The game was played under protest by Manager Cashion of the Slater team, and at this writing it is not known when the two teams will again meet to play off the tie.

Third baseman Marion Dudley, of the Slater team, suffered a broken collar bone in a collision with a Renfrew runner at third base late in this game. At last reports, Dudley was resting comfortably at the Greenville General Hospital.

The score of this contest by innings is given below:

Slater ___000 601 210 10 16 5
Renfrew _040 003 300 10 11 4
[top of column 5] Masonic Lodge To Confer Third Degree

Ebenezer Lodge 101, A.F.M. will confer the third, or Master Mason, degree upon a class of candidates on June 8, 1946 at 8:00 p.m. in the Lodge Hall.

All members of Ebenezer Lodge are requested to be present, and all visiting Master Masons will be welcome.

M. L. Jarrard is the Worshipful Master and Robert H. Atkinson is Secretary of the local Lodge.

Last edit 25 days ago by kat3005
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