



Status: Needs Review


Miss Edna Chandler visited
Mrs. Haskell Hill, of Knoxville,
Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Smelcer and family, of Dandridge,
Tenn., over the weekend.

Susan Suratt, Dorothy Ramsey,
Taylor Green, and Caroll
Cox spent the day recently at
Table Rock State Park.

The friends of Rev. L. B.
Vaughn regret to learn of the
death of his brother. The family
has our deepest sympathy.

Hazel Buchanan was the
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Hunt.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Baldwin
and children, of Greenville, visited
Mrs. Nora Buchanan and
family recently.

Mrs. Doris Graham was a recent
visitor at the Cherokee Indian
Reservation and Smokey
Mountain National Park.

Miss Daisy Batson and
friends spent the past weekend
in Charleston, S. C.

Mrs. T. Jones, of Atlanta,
Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Earle Smith recently.

The employees of Mr. Sanford
enjoyed a fine supper at
Dave Stansell's on Saturday
night. They also enjoyed a
talk made by Mr. R. L. Sartain.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duckett
and family enjoyed a recent
Sunday trip to the mountains.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowe
and daughter were recent Sunday
visitors in Franklin, N. C.
There they were the guests of
Mr. Lowe's brother, Abe Lowe.
This was the first meeting of
the brothers in eighteen years.

Mrs. Francis Gunter and
children are visiting her mother,
Mrs. Wilson Booth, in Wagner,
S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson,
of Travelers Rest, were recent
weekend guests of their daughter,
Mrs. G. H. Brown, and
family. Their two grandchildren,
Jack and Vera Brown,
came home with them to spend
their summer vacation.

Priscilla Bruce and Nellie
Barnette were recent guests of
Mrs. Myrtle Grayson in Greenville.

Mrs. Milton Bates, the sister
of Mrs. Mays Stroud, is at
home doing nicely following a
serious operation.

The third shift welcomes
Willene Miller Garrett back to
work after being away a few

Beatrice Tolley, of Columbia,
S. C., was the weekend guest of
Mr. and Mrs. David Tolley.

Helen Batson, Daisy Batson,
George Jewell, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ike Epps and son had a
fine trip to Charleston over the

Paul Bell and Betty McMullan
had a nice visit to Black
Mountain Sunday.

Jesse Reynolds says he had
a delightful day swimming last

Third shift employees don't
get lonesome anymore since
Jasper Tripp reports the arrival
of a new colt up at his house.
All he can talk about is the
crop he is going to raise with
that colt next summer.

Mr. and Mrs. John Harlton
visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Duncan Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Duncan
had a nice dinner Mother's Day
for the following people: Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Watson and
family, James Duncan and
wife. Earnest Duncan and
wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Duncan and family. Mrs. Dun-
can received many fine gifts
from her children.

Dorothy Ables and Estelle
Bolt spent a few days in Westminster
last week. We are all
very sorry to learn of the death
of Dorothy's niece.

Pvt. Bert Jones, of Erwin,
Tenn. and Greenville Army Air
Base, was a visitor in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. David Tolley
last week.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Case and
friends spent last Sunday in
Cashion, N. C.

Miss Pearl Price spent the
weekend in Canton, N. C. with
friends. Pearl says she really
enjoyed a visit with friends.

Mr. W. T. Daniel of Ander-
son, father of Roy Daniel, visited
his son and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bram-
lette and family had a delightful
trip to Lake Lure the past

We are sorry to hear Dessie
Burrell is out sick. Dessie, we
hope you will soon be back at

Have you noticed how Magdalene
Hayden has been smiling
lately? No wonder, she
has won the two dollar bonus
for two weeks now. Congratulations,

Lomas Hall visited in Dacusville
last weekend.

Mrs. G. G. Burrell certainly
was happy to have all her children
home this past weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hayden
and family spent Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. Hayden's
mother, Mrs. James Keisler.

Mrs. Ansel Garrett has been
out sick for several days, but
we hope she will soon be back
with us.

We are glad to have Mrs.
Ida pace back at work after
having been out sick for several

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stancell
and family, of Greenville, and
Mrs. Dora Stancell, or Piedmont,
were recent visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Poole
have moved into their new
home on Third Street.

First shift employees in No.
2 were sorry to lose their overseer,
Mr. R. A. Wilson, who
resigned to operate a filling
station in Greenville, but they
welcome Mr. George Pridmore
as their new overseer.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lane have
moved recently to a home on
the Shiloh Road.

Miss Ruth Norton attended
a fish fry at Paris Mountain
State Park Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin
have returned from Florida
and are spending a few days
here before moving to North
Carolina to make their home.

Mr. George Pridmore and
Mr. J. C. Cooper were visitors
in Atlanta, Ga., last week.

Mr. Osier Vickers and Miss
Jorene Vickers visited relatives
in Chesnee last weekend.

Theatre Guide

June 21, 1946
Judy Garland
John Hodiack

June 22, 1946
Ken Curtis
Jeff Donnell
Andy Clyde

June 24, 1946
Penny Singleton
Arthur Lake

June 28, 1946
Pat O'Brien

June 29, 1946
Rita Hayworth
Glenn Ford

July 1, 1946
Charles Coburn
William Eythe
Allyn Joslyn

July 5, 1946
Claudette Colbert
George Brent

July 6, 1946
John Payne
Maureen O'Hara

July 8, 1946
Johnny Weismuller
Brenda Joyce

Contest Winners

(Con't from page 3, col. 5)

partment, under overseer M. C.
Tilley, with 61 percent of this
department present. After the
program was over, pictures
were taken of the various
groups who were winners in the
contests. Some of these pictures
appear elsewhere in this paper.
Persons appearing in these pictures
will be given a copy of
the picture for their own use.
The second highest percentage
of employees present went to
the first shift Slashing and
Warping Department, under
overseer Roy W. Summey, with
57 percent present.

Mr. E. L. Permenter served
as chairman of the committee
who decided the winners in the
Slogan Contest. The other
members of the committee were
the Rev. Charles T. Thompson,
pastor of the Slater Baptist
Church, and Eugene Bryant, of
Greenville. Mr. Permenter has
been with the Liberty Mutual
Insurance Company for quite
some time as Safety Engineer
and in this capacity is a frequent
visitor of Slater.

All present enjoyed themselves
and agreed that this was
one of the best Safety programs


Miss Margie Friddle enjoyed
a Ranch party Friday night
given by the Sans Souci Young
People's Training Union.

Mrs. Louise Moore and son,
Billy, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Ramsey.

[Column 4]

ever held at Slater Hall. It is
hoped that the results of this
program will bear fruit in that
Slater will have the best safety
record this year of any in its


"If a child annoys you, quiet
him by brushing his hair . . .
If this doesn't work, use the
other side of the brush on the
other side of the child." —
Shawano (Wis.) County Jour-


"Revenge is like biting a dog
because the dog bit you."—
Austin O'Malley.

"It is easier to visit friends
than to live with them."—
Ladies' Home Journal


"If we had known the oc-
cupation was going to be so
fair, we would have surrender-
ed much sooner."—Prince Tak-
ahito Mikasa, brother of Em-
peror Hirohito.


"Paratrooper: The only man
who gets up in the world by
falling down on the job.—
San Francisco Examiner.


[Photograph - spans across Columns 4 and 5] [Man, dressed in a suit, standing with hands by his side, smiling for the camera]
Mr. A. C. Phelps, Personnel and Safety Director of the
Brandon Corporation of Greenville, S. C., was the speaker at
the safety program recently held at Slater Hall. Mr. Phelps
is also Chairman of the Textile section of the National Safety

[Column 5]


While speaking to the Slater-
Marietta Civic Club at Slater
Hall on Thursday night, June
6, Superintendent L. P. Hollis
of the Parker School District
emphasized the importance of
parents and teachers working
together for school improve-
ment. In this connection, Mr.
Hollis discussed the merits of a
Parent-Teacher Association,
showing how such an organiza-
tion enables parents and teach-
ers to know each other better,
which means that the work of
the school can be improved
through such a relationship.

Civic Club members and
others interested in school wel-
fare enjoyed hearing Mr. Hollis
as he talked in the friendly and
fascinating manner which has
won for him a big place in the
hearts of Slater people. Lead-
ers of the Civil Club feel that
they were indeed fortunate in
being able to secure Mr. Hollis
as guest speaker for this occa-

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